tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX June 4, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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olimpicksá ...// its ... star is... known as ...áthe shin the.. goal.. is elf-explanitory... / kick... the opponents' shins... until oneecompetitor is brought down.../the... harder the kick.. thh better.../.organizers.. say... all you neee... is shins... feet... as... mucc straw you can put down your socks.../. these... of kicking the ááhiná... out of each other p3 3 hello i'm jeff barnd andi'm jennifer gilbertwe're following breaking news out off southeast baltimore.... baltimore.... police are oo the scene of aa triple shoooing on east highland avenueehomicide - dettccives were called after oneeman was foond shot in the chest... a seeond man was shot in the leg.a third victim was found nearby on entre leg. no worr on a suspect or &pmotive at his time. we'll it becomes available. 3 also tonight speed
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cameras are raising concerns .... after a major error.more than -thousand tickets must now be thrown out. out. keith daniees,... live in northwest baltimore.. with a story ou are seeing first oo fox... keith. keith. jeff... we're livv on wabash avenue at ridgewood... take a look over there.... it's a speed camera.... one of several on this stretch oo rrad. and tonight.. we've learned ............a worker caught a mistake.. told his supervisors.. and now the city must pay....... pay....... city officiaas call it a back to december. a situatiin phat lasted througg april. ........durrng that time.. thousands of people got tickets forra suspected rogers avenue..........but in fact, they were caught bb a camera along another block of wabash ear ridgewood road. .........a discrepancy that makks the 40-dollar citation nnll and void.. a potential loos to the city of more han 125-thousand dollars in traffic fines.
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((an) "i think they got that.. i don't know what's wrong, how they got it all fouled up like that. but, it's not right and itts nootworking right." (woman) "nooody's perfect, baltimore county's... about - - bbltimore 3 meantiie...meaatime... baltimore county's... about to dd... five more ameras../they'll... bb... in use... monday through friday... bbtween 6--amm.. aad... 8-pm.../. bringing.. the potal number ..of ástationaryá speed cameras... to 22... in baltimore county..../ speeders .. wiil áffrstá... get... a for... 30-days... áafterá cameras.. are aativated../ ,speeding drivers... willl et ááarningsá.../ tickets.../.for.. a... complete list... of speed camera locations,... go to..., fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks.
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in another tory you saw first on fox... case of pistaken idennity leads a 17 year old honor student to miss her high chool graduation. instead of celebrating... p7 year old ttarra broww spent the weekend at central booking facing attempted murder charres. police arrested brown at school on thursday during graduation rehearsal. brown's mother is utraged over what's happened. she says the recent scholarship recipient has never been in trouble. 11:22:07 ww was frantic we were down there we were trying to get some information we weee talking we were crying like pkease don't let anything happen to my daughter cuz weree not used to this. this. police say they''e not to blame becausee who issued the warrant. prosecutors say as soon as they realized the errorr charges were dropped.aad laaee this afternoon... tiarra brown was released..her family was waiting outside he prison gate to meet her. finding who killed a well ght, - pnown businnss owner in
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northeast baltimore. baltimore.inveetigators arrived at sully's seafood about 11 o'clock this morning. after a cussomer fouud the owner shht inside the store. michael sullivan's family says the 55 year old had been in business for almost two decades.sullivannwas known ffr hhlping out theeneedy, andd even provided housing for addicts. 3"i can't express the sadness in ttis whole community and happen in broad daylight" daylight"police have no suspects at this ttme. an... death... bbyher brother..../. it... happened friday... while... ccssie culpepper... was riding in... a pick up truck... ith her.. 12-year-old brother.../. police say... the boy was playing with a gun... he áthoughtá... was unloaded.../ he... pointed it... at his sister... and pulled the trigger.../ but.. p the gun.. wnt off.../. died... at the scene...//. police... say... the brother was distraught.../ tonite.../ hey're... trying to identify... the gun--ownnr. family and friends are
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mourning the loss of a teen shot to death ii east baltimore. dozens turned out tonight for a vigil near the home of deasean bownman... bowman pumpiig gas saturday morning &pat an exxon station on east fayetee and north charles streets. bowman did not have a criminal record and his friends believe his sexuality could have been a factor. "i glad that everyoneecame out for our loved one cause we are - gonna miss him he had a searching for bowman's killer. 3 they believe the ssspect is in his mid 20's and has slim build. he's known to be in the douglas homes area. anyone with nformation should contact police. 3 the.. national wwather service... confirms.... up to ten tornadoes ...hit maryland ... friday.../. some... of... the áworstá damage... was... in harford county... / where... clean up ...could take months. the... strength ..of the storm.. can ripped off te one... buildings...//
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some... ssructures.. completely lifted... off their foundations../. today... clean up crews... cut down trees... task... of... removing debris... ((je manruffi- fixing roof)"ripped off all the ventss. off the top and shingles.. this is the ad side of the bbilding right here.. (points) knockee down tte sign" sign" (mike hartman) "and it took ttat garage.. and it wrapped arounn that tree.. " " p thee.. same storm... caused... 15 tornadoes.../ from... north carolina... to pennsylvania. and in prince george's county... crews were busy resccing three teensscaught up in a life-threateningg situution.thh bbys were caught in fast-risiig aters as thee tried to ross the northwest branch stream... which as you can see... became a raging &priver.the waters arried the teens downstream to a bridge wheee they werr able to hhld on to the support structure. to lower a firefighter down to the kids..ll three were are otherwise fine tonight. -
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lawmakers in anne arundel county... are pushing for a way to maaeeswimmmng pools saaee... just in time for summe. summer. 3a bill that would require defibrillators tt be placed at all public swimming pools in the county..... was introduced tonight. life guards would also be required o undergo traaning for the devices. "connor's law" is named after a little boy who drowned six in crofton. his parenns have defibrillators eevr since. they say the equipment could have saved connnr's life. politicians expect the bill will pass. < "there's no greatee prrority than saving lives... this is a good way to do it."> it."> statistics show drowning is the leading cause of accidental ddath among 3 maayland .../ whh.. away ...with the crown... - &p for... "miss usa". usa". miss usa 2012 issrhode means your first unner up is md
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maryllnd 3 piss rhode island did take home the title.... maryland... nana d... miss meriweather... was... first held in las vegas.../. iis rhode island will now represent the united states at the 61st... miss univeese pageant in decemeber...//if dutiues as miss usa.../ miss maryland will taker over...// good day... for... tyler sullivan.../ a... fiftt ggader... friday,... he - played hooky rom school.../. bbt... had ...a very good reason...//. and... as... written eecuses go... / it... doesn't get much better.../. tyler... went to watch president obama... speak at the honeywell factooy... where his dad works.../// ttler... et... the commander in chief -/ and.../ got... a hand-writtee absence note,.../ complete... with the presiddntial seal...///. 3 (("i was llke really! he's
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3 3 "they are in a sense blackmailing the state" a recall election in wisconsin.... what it could mean for the race for the wwite houue. weerr talking about a very, individual aa international manhunt comes to an end.... where police found a pprn sttr accuseddof dismembering a body .... and the disturbing videe from his past. a runaway stroller with a baby on board.... how it got away from the motter... and tte quick thinking ttat saved this child's life.
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tomorrow... for... a... special recall... ubernatorial race... is... a... 'bellwether''.. for the future.. of.... organized labor... and... the presidential race..../ incumbent... repuulican governor ...scott walker.. has... a double digit lead over .. challenger. tom barrett... in one poll./ other... polls show... a very close race. race... eeected in 2010, governor scott walker's first challenge was to balance a udget deficit. public employees were alled on to pay more beeefits. the fuse wasslit when walker moveddto remove collective barganining rights. a tool used to negotiate ppy, benefits and working conditions. communication's professor richard vvtz saas the majority of people are unions.["vatz recall]sot yee 15:50:13 "they re in a sense blackmaiiing theessate: either you give us more money money or we are going to vote you out of office. this is disadvannaaeous to the people in the state and it appears thereeare now a number of people who are against this, reeublicans." trt=:16the
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electton is a redo of 2010 barrett, a deeocrattfaced off againss walker. jeff pittmann ps with afscme -- a uniin that boasts one-point-six million members nationwide.[jeff pittman]sot in 10:59:03"this not about balancing budgets. mmst other governors were able to do thhs. reppblicans and democraas werr able to do this without going after the rights of nurses and teachers and pther public employees."trt==13 wwsconsin and rganized eyynd labor. political aaalysts say president obama muss win tte "badger state" to get a seccnd term -- ann theeirony, vatz says if governor walker loses -- it will make it more difficull forrobama to do that.[vatz]sot in 15:49:29 "this could in fact, energizee conservative forces." trt=:03 moss states ...allow governoor... to bee ass.. far we can teel... voter-recall electiins... aree the international manhunt for .3 killing and ismembering a man
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in canada issovee. 3 luka rocco magnotta was arrested monday in berlin, germany.he's accused of and sending his seveeed foot to the canadian ppime minister. we're now learning, this is not the first time the actoo caught the attention of european authorities. in 2210, a video was posted on his web site thaatshowed a kitten being tortured and killed. he allegedly sent an email about it to a british newspaper, threatening to kill mooe than animals next time. "we're talking about a very, vvry, strange, unhinged individual....and oovvously we did give those details to the policc in thii country to investigate." 3 &pin he search for magnotta. canadiaa authorities plannto bring him back to montreal to pace first-degree murder charges. a garbage man springs into action... wwee he spots a runaway stroller in seattle. 3 the drama was all ccptured on
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the trucc's dashboard camera. the stroller got way from a woman while she was jogging and went straight doww a hill. phe garbbge truck driver quickly stops his truck at the intersectiin... and runs for the stroller.the driver and another woman were aale to stop tte stroller just after it it a ccrr. the little boy inssde... was just fine. 3 &p3 3 a beautiful tart to the week.. a bit cooler out there. 3 &plets check in with chief meteorologist vytas reid to temperatures will stick around. 3
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheeringospeed. so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico.
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linking kids... to their parents ... may... alss ccntrol... who theirrchhldren... can 'friend'.../ and... the apps they use....// the.. company says... even with the curreet.. age restrictions -/ - millions of kids... log on to facebook lying... about theii age. 3 ww asked: should facebook... lift its 13? ...and here's a r 13? &plook at our facebook page... &psome of say no... / facebook.. should not lift itt ban.../othhrs.. say... the ccildren ...are already using the &psocial networr.../..join... going to... facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore common sense says.... at least clean up your trrsh. trass. a trail of doritos, oreos, and cheetos, lead the way from a little league snack bar.... to a house a few house, police found this man, along with two women and a the little league snack bar in la mesa, california.
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"searching the area, officers found similar snacks behind a vehicle parked just a couple pf blocks from the park, contacted the owner of the &pinvestiggting and talking to several poteetial suspects." 3 police say if it wasn't or the trail of chips and cookkes, the our suspects maa have gotten awayy also found still inside. we knew she lacked common, she's lacking a whole lot more.octo-mom nadya suleman will need to leave her kids behind for her latest gig-- assa stripper! suleman's rep has confirmed that the mother of 14 will be performmnngat a west palm beach strip club.... all to promote her new adult video. suleman filed for bankruptcy in april. 3 3 siggorth says::"i had no idea and it was so scary i wouldn't want it tt appen to anybody el" else..
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cherry berry chiller at mcdonald's, and you won't be able to pull yourself away. made with 100% fruit juice with natural flavors, blended with ice. the simple joy of keepin' it cool. get this.../ a... massachusettt man... tried protectiig....himself.. but... ssys... ...// his...sunscreee... made his skin... more attractive... to the... harcoal grill. grilll this is brett
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sigworth's skin ten days after ssffering severe burnn. he'll still in a lot of pain and says it all started with an afteenoon entertaining friends. sigwooth says he applied banann boat's aerosol sunscreen duringgthe b-b--. when he returned to the fire. the flames moving rapidly across his body. sigworth says: "i went into complete panic mode, just screamedd i mean i've never experienced pain like that in my life.. life."brett says he's sure the sunscreen is o blame... because the burns follow tte pattern where he applied it.... banana boat defends its roduct,,but says its investigating the complaint.
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follow the wings. that'll do it for the late pdition. i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. uu next is bruce cunningham... sports unlimiied starts right now. the upside of the oriolee' 15 years of futility is the access to hhgh picks in the had the 4th overall year, theyy- and last year with dyyaa sz ey - pitcher...y ook a pitcher... 3 3 3 after the first three choices were position
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players, tte orioles had the pick of thee itching litter... 115.2 inningssthis spring, he truck out 128 batters...think about that..he walked only 27..think about that,, d think about this: watch his form...kinda reminds you of jim palmer, doesn't he?gossman is coming off an 11-1 season at lsu, in the very tough sec....just the first round tonight...the draft resumes tomorrow... here's what the o's haae done withhtheir recent first round piiks...all have been top 5 selections since 2007...matt wieters and brian matusz have already made a major impacc on the big league team...manny machado and dylan bundd are considered 2 of the best prospects in all of baseball... matt hobgood has battled injuries early in his career... gausman is the first college player taken by the birds in 4 years... on the's stiil unnnoon what the status of aggrivated his wrist during this slide into first sunday... the sun reports that an mri
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takkn ttday on jjnes' right wrist was negative, and he hopes to be in center field tomorrow night...mri's on both wrists revealed only hand specialist in sarastoa it's undoubtedly a relief for the orioles, who already have 8 players n the disabled list... across own...the ravens begin their hird...and last...ota of the spring tomorrow...a mandatory minicamp is set for nnxt week...and as the pre- season gets underwwy, possible good news about an injured suue. superstar.. terrell ssggs, the reigning nfl defensive pllyer of the yeaa, is out with a partiually torn achiilies...some say for the entire season..not he's already n a boot, and shoold staat walking next week. suggs says he'll return quote, by late november at the true suggs fashion he says his return willlshock a lot of people and wouldn't rrle out a second straight defensive player fothe year award..we'll see... to the nfl, which is goiig to war with it's referees...thh league announced today that a ockout is in place against it's ooficials, who haddplanned a
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strike vote in august...a league spokesman says the lockout gives the nfl time to quote indentify and train other worrs, union could vote to decertify - and then file an anti trust the players did in that'll do it for this edition bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning nees tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnight. 3 , the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate.
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