tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX June 5, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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late edition, i'm jefffbarnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. a 7-yeer-old is injured on the way to school. the second grader was hurt in an accident baltimore ciiy schools. schools. tonight,.. his parents ...want to know ride... in... that cab... pelt. keith daniels, live in northeast baltiiore with a story yyu're seeing first on fo. fox. .......the accident happeneddmonday morning aftee a yellow cab, hired by baltimmre city schhols, picked pp douglas at his home on bel air road for his ride to brehms elementary school in northeast baltimore. douglas struck his head against the glass partition in tte cab.
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doctors at johns hopkins chilerens center say he suffered a coocussion and noo wasn't wearing his seatbelt.on (doug/father) "he's 7- pears-old you havv to be reminded from time to time to put your seat bblt on.. he's not going to always remember. so, that's what puzzzed me the whole ime, is that the cab driver did not take the time to say do yoo have your seat belt on?" keith daniels, fox45 news fox45 news late edition. a violent 24 hours in baltimmre city..... several shootings acrrss the citt... leave four people dead
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latest shooting was a double murder in nnrthwest baltimore. it happened early this morning at a home on pall mall road near cold spring lane and greenspring avenue.two men were found ssot to death shortly before 12:30 this word on uspects or motive. baltimore... police... need your elp... findinn the killer... of michael sullivan... owner... of sully's seafood and ubs... in northeast balttmore. .../ arrived... at the restaurann... &paround... 11 o'clock monday morning... after ssot... ii the an..- store..../ sullivan's... family says... the 55 year old....was in business.. for... nearly 20--years.../.sullivan.. was known ...for helping... those in need. "i can't express the sadnees in this whole community and the disbelief thaa this could happen ii broad dayllght" daylight" no suspects.../ police robbery. one man is behind bars after a druggbust in northwestt baltimore. 3 rodger dyer could be facing tonight.police laid out what
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they found after they were of drugs and guns at a home on liberty road near west northern parkway. they seized 75-thousand dollars in &pin crack cocaine.... and alot of cash.they allo found six handguns, a bullet proof "this is somebody thats not just selling on the corner, this is somebody thats engaged in a little bit higher level of illlgal activity-- nottonly is it a drug dealer, but we took a violent perron off the s" ptrret." result of a drug id waa the investigation... targeting the historically violent community. five men are arrested after police discover a meth lab inside an eekridge hotel room. p caller reported strange odor at the oliday iin express onnmarshalee drive. when offiiers arrived, they found chemicalssinside the room. emergency crews evaccated the ennire fourrh
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floor... and rooms above and below the suspecttd meth laa. police say the suspects are all from out-of-state and staying innthe area for work. they eachhffce multiple drug charges. 3 first on fox,dozens of baltimore city firefighters are being help close the city's budget shortfa. sixty nine firefighttrs....innl pdiiggsix captains aad ifteen lieutenants who have been on the force from 6 to 20 years.... the reduction in pay would amount to five tt seven thousand dollars a year....somm of those officers were recently promoted....only to have those offers rescinded. (50:30)to be frank im pissed those folks in grade and ep - that's all the ccty'ss budget... is 3 billion dollars find 150,000...(25:39)nobody -3 is going to be demoted permenantly its ashort term situation till we can have a position open up for them to get into......
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howwver......those demotions could last up to two years.....effective july 4th....... tonight new details regarding the case of mistaken identity that leddto the arrest of an honor roll student...who missed her high sccool mistake. this is tiarrr brown being releasee from central booking after policc and prosecutors realized they had the wrong person. in an tonight you hear from thh woman who's stabbing led to &pbrown's arrest. she asked we not show her face out beccuse she'ssscared knowing the person who attaaced her is still out on thh streets. of this little girl locked up e over the weekend we made no positive d i wanted this little girl out so bad // she &pfor this person // :54 we don't know where they pulled herrout from because she //:59 police say they're not to blame because ii was a court commissioner who issued the arrest warrant. 17 year old ttarra spent four days at central booking.
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jury selection.../ began... oday the case ... against... penn state... former ...assistant ffotballlcoach, ... jerry sanddsky. he... arrived... at...the courthousee.. his morning...//. sandusky's... accused of ...sexually abuuing ...10 boys... over... 14-years..../ prosecutors... pay... some of the alleged abuue... happened... on campus..../ sandussy.. denies... the allegations .../ his.. attorney ...said... "the court of public opinion"... has been in session... since the ddy he waa charged. several pccusers asked a judge to prooect their identities at trial..../ but n monday,... the judge... denied that request. an armed carjackee grabs hostagess barricaaes himself inside a house and starts a shootout with officers in oakland, california. with automatic weapoos and 12 gauge shotguns swarmed into theeneighborhooddas the suspect started firing off roonds. somehow,,deppties were able to get the hostages out, pulling some of them over the fence in a desperatt
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fllght for safety. after hours, the suspect finally gave himself up. amazingly, ttrough all the purt. incredible surveillance video inside a school bus.... catches a can see when he is suddenly thrown ng - from his seat after itting a bump.he clings to the steering wheel as the bus veers.but &pwhen the bus slams inno a hom &pthe stairwell.fortunately, no kkds were on board at the ime. no one was seriousll hurt in the crash.the bus driver was cited for not wearing his seatbelt. 3 bad day for a maa in massachusetts.he's blaming burns. we first told you about brett igworth last night. its now been ten days after he was burned during backyarr bar-b-cue.sigworth says he sunscreen.but when e returned to the griil ... his arm cauuht on fire. the flames moved rapidly across his body.
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&psigworth says: "i went into compleee panic modd, just screamed, i mean i've never eeperienced pain like that in my life." sunscreen is to blame... pattern where he aaplied it. banana boat defends its product.buttsays it's investigating the complaint. bad day for a child in colorado. colorado.the kii has parents that apparently think gasoline is more valuable than their child. police snapped this picture of a gas can strapped into a child safety seat.while a child in a diaper lap belt. the shoulder strap can be seen behind the child's back. colorado law requires all children under age eight to be in a child safety seat. pollce say the driver told officers the child lets himself out of thh car seat. good day for baltimore. baltimore is welcoming ships from all over the world for a week long celebration. the
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mayor and governor are kicking off festivities for the star-spangled sailabration... marking the bicentennial of the war of 1812 and the writinn of "the star-spangled an international parade of ure more than forty tall ships and public an tour. o'malley::"we commemorateethis history with a great celebration. this entire harbor will be filled with tall shiis, naval vessels, thhe blue angels will be screechinn overhead." 3 the event is expectee to boost tourism for baltimore.... the orld to see the ships. 11-199.. all events are free. 3 a liitle bit of rain popping up tonight. tonight. and after last week's storms it could cause some floo. flooding. let's go to
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battle n wisconsin over workers' rights, government accountabillty and jobs. jobs. we can now project that governor cott walker will keep his job.'s a live look at walker's ellction night headdqarters where the party is well underwaythe governor's supporters a waiting for him to address the crowd. earlier voters to get a feel for why they let walker stay in office. office. finnlly, after a year and a half of divisive politics - wisconsinites streamed to the our stateepolitics to rest."
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for all of the star power that turned up to motivate their bbse on both sides of the aislee"aa&president obama never made a personal appearancee to support mayor tom barrett of milwaukee -- a fact seized upon by his opponent.walker says: "... i think the white house and some of the politiccl allies of the president are scared tha somehow if they get in the mix of this and their candidate poesn't win, that might be a sign that this would have an impact on the fall elections." thh presiient dii tweet a message saying he stands with mayor barrett. and obama for america releaseeda web ad encouraging the gee out the vote effort.mayor barrett says he was not disappoinned by the president's absence. mayor barrett says: "... noo at all, i was dellghted to have president ccinton come here. president clinton did a great job, really rallied the troops a"aa&this started out as aagrassroots movement and it's going to end s a grass roots mooement." in ann apparent strong effort to get the vote out, people reccived flyers form the greater wisconsin political fuud - a union-backed group - posting names and addresses and voting records of neighbors. the veiled threat was thaa
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yoor neighbors will learn if you don't vote this time. the government accountability board says it is legal the information is public - but some wisconsinites fflt bullied.mos wronn. i think, just an thing - invasion of privacy. you go to vote and think your information is going to be kept private and then you get this." maryland law does not allow for a recall like the one ttat happened in wisconsin tonight. tonight.that brings us to our question of the dayshould maryland voters be allowed to recall elected ublic officials? officials? join the discussion, is t a political toollthat's used too often. it happens about twice every century.... and tonight, stargazers got the treat they've been waiiing . for. the planet venus.. passed front of the sun.... sun.... it happens about twice every century.... and at the maryland science center toniiht, sttrgazers used solar glasses and telescopes to view venus in 3ransit.
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stick... toobarbie barbii"crazy báááá, crazy báááá (repeat)" (repeaa)" a... baby doll with a otty mouth?they're.. called the... áyou ann me interactivv triplettdollsá.... and... a houston mother claims ...theyydo much more ...than thhir advertised laughing,... playing... and cooing together.../rose.. they use profanity. "i just never paid attention to what the dolls ssy, they coo, they cryythey say mama and dada, and this particular day i hear "you crazy báááá."" and i turned and i'm like, wow. " "toy's ár us... the store that ppckens... the dollssare not cursing... and would never sell such a toy..../the... doll agrees... saying pickens is really hearing... nothing
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but a bunch of bleeping "bleepingá gibberish. an unlikelyypair of bandits commit a pair of robberies in portland, oreggn... / one suspect... is ten years old.../..he.. irst theft hhppened at a small grocery store.../. police say ... he adult walked inside,.. pretended to shake his hand.../ he.. then.. grabbed him.. in a bear hug... while the ten year old an in... and... grabbed cash... a.. unique invention... makes concealing a gun... easier for women.../ fashionable.lisa looper ... of... " looper law enforcementt ... wanted to be... able to carry her gun... without notice../. so.. she designed the "flashhang holster".../ where her gun can be concealed... under her shirt.../. the.. holsser.. puts the gun.. horizontally.. just below the bra band... looper says: "you can't get to your phone and call 911 all the time. you need to be able to defend yourself at a
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moment's notice."looper says: "i really nevee intended to create a holster line. that was never something that i wanted to do. i just did this for myself. but as i was wwre like 'oh my gosh, this is great, i haveethe same probl" problem'." the holster is such a hit that it even caughh the eye of the props ddpartment for the show, n-c-i-s los anneles. one of theeactresses wore the holster for the seaaon fiiale. theeultimatt show of spootsmanship. why one woman ended up carrying her competitor across the finish line. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is !
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..of uutimate sportsmanship. sportsmanship. an athlete gives her all and simply falls short, buu that's in. it happened this weeeend at the division three ohio state high school track meet.. it was the 3200 meters, the longest event at thh competition. one of the runners collapped just before theefinish line. rather than leave her behind, a fellow competitor, from another school who had alreadd won her event ssooped her up and line as the crowd roared with more rain is in our future. future. let's go to vytas for a look at the extennedd 3orecast.
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tonight, they opened a three game set ii boston looking for sometting that might spark a u. ...and they jumped out to an earll scooe, top third..adam jones shoots the &psingle thru the left side...endd chavez's 1-0.....very next hitter, matt wieters strikes a blow of his ownb...a single to left that scored robert andino...2-0 orioles... ...bottom 6th...imike aviles rips the single into left...ryan sweenny scores...they'd add another in lead/ th, and back come the birds...they take a p-4 lead and then they get pearce rips it to right...jones comes in to &pscore...iit was 6-4... ...bottom 9, two outs, two strikes on jarrod saltalamachia ips this two run shot on top of the green monster, the first blown save of the year for jim johnson.. 10tt, ronny paulino scoring reynolds.., the o's win it 8-6 in 10..tampa bay loses, so the birds go back into a tie atop the al east. 3 3&and wwen you watch the all star game here
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oo fox 45, there's a good chance you'll see some orange and black...major legaue baseball has released the first results of fan voting, and birds catchee matt wieters is second ...he trails mike napoli of texas by about 500- thousand votes...adam jones iis fifth among outfielders, jj hardy 3rd among shortstops and robert andino 4th amonn second basemen...the all star game is july 11th in kansas city... meanwhile, in owings miils... the raaens openee the last of their springtime ota's today... nnxt week, ttings get takee up a notch...a mandatory minicamp...that means just about ll the veterans will be joining theenewwguys on the fie. field... and you can believe they will be watching courtney upshaa
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closely...the teaa's top draft pick has beennthrrst into the spotl;ight with the injury to would love for him to win a ns - starting job...but he says there are still thhngs he needs to work on.... 3 that'll dd it for this edition of sports unlimiied...i'm bc.and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning 5-am.goodnight. goodnight. 3 -3 ♪ [ male ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks
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