tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 6, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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hank: i'm doing it! i'm a mooner! fitness plans for pets.weight loss ideas from a celebrity vet... tomorrow on fox45 morning news. who isn't looking to save money any these da 3& a child injured... on his wa &pto school.the kind of transportation he wassusinggto get there... and what happened that has his parents.. blaming the schhol systemm we never said that this child was there //:59 //:59theewoman whose stabbing lead to the false rress of a baltimore teen.. speaks out. whh she's laming for the mmstake. and... mmking your kids eat heelthier.. juss ot a little easiir.theechannels that will no longer show ads for junk food. 3 33 today is wednesday, june 6.
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3 3 first on fox... a 7-year-old is recovering this morning... after being injured on the way to school. happened monday morning after a yellow cab hired by baatiiore ccty schools... picked up douglas ddrsey at his homm on bel air road.on the way to breems elementary schooo in northeast balttmore... the second grader hit his head against the glass partition in theecab. doctors at johns hopkins chhldrens enter say he suffered a concussion.his
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father has now learned dduglas wasn't wearing his seatbelt... (doug/father) "he's 7- years-olddyoo have to be reminded ffom time to timeeto put your seat belt on.. he's not goong tooalways remember. so, ttat's what puzzleddme the whole time, is that the cab driver did not takeethe time to say do you have your seat beet on?? on?"we've learned ellow cab is responsible for transporting ovvr 700 children a day to school. the cab company tells us, like in school buses... cab we've contaated school officials, but they have not returned our calls for comment. also first on fox.... the woman hose stabbing lead to a case of mistaken identityyand the wrongful arrest of an honor roll student... is speaking out this morning. morning. this is ttarra brown being released from central pookiig after police and prosecutors rralized they had her high school graduation because of the mistake. now... ..... the victim in the case
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says it's not her faalt brown not show her face becausethe persoo who attacked her is still out on the streets. 2:43 when i was shown pictures of thiislittle girl locked up over the weekend we made no positive id i waated this llttle girl out so bad // she missed her graduatioo we felt ddn't know where they pulled her out from because he wasn't even there :58 we never said that this child was there 9 po blame because it was a not - court commissioner who issued the arrest warrann. 17 year old brown spent four days at onn man is behind bars thiss morning after a big drug bust in northwest baltimore. rodger dyer coold be faccng multiile felony charges for this.policc laid out whaa they found at aahome on liberty road near weet norrhern parkway. hey seized 75- thousand dollars in heroin... 25-hundred dollars in craak cooaine.... and a lot of caah.
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they also found six handgunss & taser. "this is somebody thats nott just selling n the corner, this is somebody thats engaged in a little bii higher evel is it a drug dealer, buu we ly - street."police say the raid e s" was the result of a drug investiggtion... targeting the community. 3 more now on hat wisconsin recall race... in an election election implications... l republican governor scott walker of wisconsin survived a bitter recall rick vincent explains... it's made him a republican hero. hero. nats walker! walker! it waa a night for celebration headquarters.tonighttwe tell wisconsin, we teel our country
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and weetell people all across the lobe that voters reelly do want leaders who stand up and make the tough deeisions. (cheers)in is concession speech, democratic challenger pom barrett, who is milwaukee's mayor, urged his followers to keep battling for their ideals. please, please, please remain engaged, remain involved, because ww will continue to fight or justice and fairness in this city and this state.walker outspent his opponent bb ratio of nearly eighh to one.that has one barrett supporter crying foul. all had a lot invested in this. this was it, if we didn'ttwin tonight the end of the usa as we know it just happened. that's it. we just got outspend 34 million to 4 million dollars and we don't have any other resource left but the people you see here behind me. ann if the peeple you see here behind me can't gettit done tonight, it's done, democracy is dead.
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presiient obama easill won the sttte in 2008.but walker'' victory may give republicans a &pmajor boost in efforts to mak wisconsin aabattleground state in the novemmer presidential election.i'm rick vincent pepprting. obama never came to wisconsin to campaign for barrett.and whileerepublicans argue it's going to losee.. barrett told c-n-nnhis campaign nnver asked him to appear on his behalf. thh obama campaign released a statement praising those who worked on the recall..s for mitt romney... he called walker to congratulate him. take a look at this surveillancc video from indiana... captuued inside a sccool can see the driver goiig along... until he's uddenly thrown from his seat after hitting a bump.he clings to the steering wheel as the bus veers.but when it slams into a homeegarage... he gets thrown into the stairwell.
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luckily... no kids were on board at the time... and no one was serroosly hurt n the crash.the bus driver was cited for not wearing his seat belt. &p3&pparents listen up.there's popular high chair modellthe - consumer product safety commission is addising you to stop using "evenffo's" convertible high's the kind that converts intt a toddder-size table and chair. the c-p-s-c says at least 8 kidd have fallen out... after the trry detached unexpectedly. for inffomation on how to order a replacement tray... you can find a link on our webs. websiie.just got to fox baltimore dot om slash morning. can you spot what's wrong with this picture?colooado police pulled ovvr a om... during a seat bblt enforcement campaign last week... and áthisá is what theyy ounddit's aagas can ptrapppd in a ccr seat... with a toddler next tooit... only wearing a lap banndthe officer
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snapped a picture aad posted the it on the colorado department of transportation's facebook pageethe mom and a 14- year-old also in the car were not wearing seat belts.thh driver was cited on 3 seat belt violations... and for not &phaving proof of inssrance. after years of ppanning, egal battles, and even a referrendum..... maryland's biggest casino is finally is opening its doors today. todaa. jool d. smith is ptreaming noo... live there now to see how this casino plans to be the best.good morning joel d. 3 3
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. looking good never tasted so good. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios if you managed to catch a yesterday... you witnessed a moment in history.what you're looking at is called "transit between the earth and the ng - sun... and it looks llke a upperrcorner of the can't look directly at it &pwithout risking injury to you 6:09 last night....aaddlasted about 7 hours. it won't apppn agaan for
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get your dad a gift he'll really want this father's day. day.we're lloking for baltimore's best dad... and our winner gets a great priie! tt nooinateeyour dad.. go to foxbaltimore dot com and tell us ii 100 wwrds or llss whyy your dad is baltimore's best. best.our finalists will go head to head in a 99ball pool compptition at cagles billiards.the winner gets our grand prize... which includee a two night stay at the tons of ther great prizes, like a ravens pool table.
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disney... joins the fight obesity.wwat you won't see... on their networks anymore. anymore.this ii a very dangerous indiiidual individuuland al-qaeda'ss pemarkable past...and the u-s weapon... that took him out. ((bbmp out)) ((break 2)) mashed potatoes and gravy. it's my turn... it's my turn. mac 'n cheese... mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. mashed potatoes and gravy what are you doing? what are you doing? mac 'n cheese! should we tell em we got two free sides? and miss this? say "mashed potatoes!" never! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and we'll throw in 2 more large sides, free.
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another serious blow to al qaeda. barbaraastar has more on the terror network's &pnumbee two leader killeddin a drone strike. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- the most imporrant al qaeda videos ut not a frrnt line individual who can recruit for al qaedaaby calling its jihad aaholy war and obligation for its followers to join in. and because he has this religioou pnowledge, he's been able to juutify al qaeda's campaign of killed in pakistan by a cia as border region. one of at least sevennstrikes in just theelast of strikes has dropped. 22 strikes so far this year, compared to 32 foo the same time period last year. still
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al libi was someone the us wantee to get. "he's also got this hollywooddstory because in 2005 he escaped from bagram he cut through some wire to &pggt out offthe compound phere." us officials said his killing is a crucial blow to al qaeda. "i think he was very general manager of al qaeda with a raage of experience that is hard o replicate." pthis is a very ddngerous individual. and for him to no longer be walking the eartt would be a ggod thing for everybody. i think the leadership development program of al aeda is, haa some health risks and hazards that we think are good." so far -s officials aren't saying exactly how they'vee drone got him.
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easier...what they're puuling e. from their networkssand websites... to help n the fight against childhood obesity. ooesity.whoo hooo! hooo! and a new school breakssground in north baltimore.find oot why it took so many years... even though the funding was theee. ((break 3)) so, you're all set up. great.
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what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave. have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store. low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. fiber one.
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almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. for junk food they saw begging - advertised on tv? as alison kosik reports... you might be --reporter pkg-as follows -- kkds constantly see cartoon ccreels, re-packaged meals and high-cclorie drinns on t-v. but now disney says it's time to trim the fft. walt disney is scrapping junk food ads on its t-v channels, radio geared toward children.
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networks like disney x-d, pisney. the aim is to limit exposure to foodd high in calories, saturated fat, sodium and sugar. theewhite house says children see one-point-six-billiin dollars' worth of food anddbeverage ads every ear, and many are for high-calorie foods. first lady michelle obaaa calls the move a step ii the righh direction. shh announced the initiative with disney c-e-o bob iger. i'm ttrilled that over the next couple of years, when our kids tuue into oor favorite shows on the disney channels or ttey log onto the disney website, they will no longer pe bommardee with unheallhy messages during those commercial breaks. instead they willl ee ads for foods that we mighttactually want them to eat. while many agree it's a good start, critics say this doesn't mean only fruits and vegetables will be won't see commmrcials for the worst nutritional offenders. disney will also sllsh the amount of sodium in meals at
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its theme parks. i'm alison a woman sues the mann who gave her an s-t-d... and wi! awarded...and how long the jury deliberated ... before bringing bacc the guilty verdic. &pverdict. [ mom ] to me, chex is not just a litst a little bowl of, it's kind of a big deal. to find nutritious and gluten-free cereals my whole family actually loves? well, the word "wow" comes to mind. and then a friend told me chex has five flavors that are gluten-free. even a cinnamon one the kids love. a nutritious cereal that makes everybody happy?
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