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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 6, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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gambling..the way the aryland live casino will be opening pts doors. on fox 45 neww at 3 3 &p 3 3
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3 fight back aad help anne arundel county police find who ps responsible for breaking into homes where eederly women are sleeping in maryland city.
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city.betty anne o'neil was one of those women.she says early monday mmrning... she heard a noise and woke up to fiid a bedroom with a the intruder grabbed her heard... came into her r son bedroom... aad fought off the intruder came in... he fought him off, too. "it just makes me mad that sommone would come into my home, take my money, and &pluckily not my life, and hurt my son. it makes me angry," says betty anne. anne.a ssmilar home invaaion happened nearby... 10 minutes informmtion is asked o call police. fox45 has teamed up with thh most popular crime mapping "spotccime" tracks criminal activityyin your neighborhooo. yyu can also get emails when criies happee.sign up by going po our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "spotcrime" in the "hot topics" section at the top of
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the screen a ictim left partially blinded by a baseball bat cannibalism suspect in another case may have been planning to eat is organs, oo. too.police arrested alexander kin-yy last week and chargee him withhthe murder of a admittee to chopping up tte victims body... eating his heart and art of his brain. nnw, another man has come forward saying kin-ya attacked he claims, back on may 19th... he was knocked unconscious with a bat and awoke to kin-ya kin-ya ran away when the pttack was interrupted by two residents. campus police charged him with assault ann reckless endangerment... he was freed on baii six days before thh mmrder. a bankruptcy hearing scheduled for tuesdayyfor former ravens running back jamal lewis is rescheduled.the delay is related to lewis subbitting required financial records and
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meetinn with court officials. lewiss.. who retired from the n-ffl in 2009 after ten bankruptcy in april... claiming 14-point-four million dollars in assets and ten-and-a-half million dollars in debt. a bill sponsored by maryland senator barbara mikulski... designed to hell even thh pass the senate. senate.all republican senators voted against the "paycheck fairness act".they say the protections are already in place and it would mean mooe government involvement in the prrvate sector. seeator mikulski vows to keep fighting for women. we've got a long way to go. i mean this is 2012 and you'd think at times it's 1812. but revolution. ann we'lllfight in the bill needed 60 votes... it only got 52. women earn about earned by men... that's according to the u-s census bureau.
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construction begins on a new school in north baltimore... that's been years in the making. making."2..1... wohhoo" wohoo." on tuesday... there was a ceremonial ground breaking for the new waverly elementary and middle school.the 22-million dollar facility will be built pn elllrslle avenue.residents were prommsed fundiig from the state as far back as the late 19-90's to build the school, &pbut residents and advocaaes hhd to lobby the city school system and thh state to make good on that promise. promises have een made and - we've been waiting for a very long time and you know these parent deserve it." it."goldieecarter: "i love to see the growth thattthe community ssmaking, i'm hoping that the community will continue to grow and to expand--i look forward to waverly elemntary beiig the school that we now it could be. be.the school will serve he
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ggrdees andd akeeidd neighborhoods. firrt on fox... dozens of baltimore city firefighters are being demoted... to help close the city's budggt shortfall. shortfall. the group includes 69 firefighters... 6 of them are captains... and 15 re the ffrce from 6 to 20 yeaas. the reeuction in pay would amoont to 5 to 7 tousand dollars a year.some of the officers were recently offerssrescindedd (50:30) to be frank im pissed off 150,000 dollars to kkep those folks in grade and that's all the city's budget... is 3 billion dollars i can't iiagine they can'tt find 110,000...(25:39) nobody is ging to be demotee situation till we can have a position open up for them to pnto. we aae told however...
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those demotions could last up to 2 years... effective julyy 4th. the i-r-s is revealing new informaaion... about the countty's richest earners... who fileddtaxes in 2009... made an average of 202- point-4 miilion dollars ttat year.that's down 25 percent from the year before. but their actual incomes may have been higger... since tax-exempt iicome is not included in the analysis. 47 hundred ssots, 15 hundred jobs and millionssof dollars for the state. "maryland live" casino is officially opening toddy, joel d..smith is streaming now from the casino with a ffrsthand look iiside. ggod morning joel d. 3 3
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3 after suing the maa who gave --3 herrherpes. herpes.the wwman says the first time they had see... she saiddo-k... but the next thing - she knee he wasn't weaaing one and it was too llte. afterward... e broke the news that had heepps. to make matters worse... the woman ad viral medication... losing -3 chunks of hhr hair anddgaining 30 pounds. she now ffces outbreaks at leastt6 times a year... and worries itts ruined hee chances of ever finding a husband. "for $900,000 ooer 30 yrs of living with an incurable disease and the stigma and with that, that seemed llke
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reasonable amount." 3the jury deliberatee for 2 hours before reaching a verdict.they found the man was the woman carried 25-percent of the blame. a home... for critically ill children...whiie they heal in b. baltimore.(emma)"i'm gonna give them hugs..." hugs..." the milestone the home reeched...and some of . helps. &p((break )) mashed potatoes and gravy. mac 'n cheese...
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mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. you know chase freedom gives you 5% cash back at grocery stores this quarter. thank you. happy shopping! activate your 5 percent cash back at
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and now, new cardmembers get 100 dollars bonus cash back after they spend 500 dollars within the first three months. visit or your local branch today. start out softer and more vulnerable? new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste gently cleans their teeth with natural calcium and fights cavities with fluoride. try new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste. fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack. ((bump in)) ((ad llb meteorologist))
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3 &p((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map greenspringg--liberty---
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3 3 3 p, 3
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a hhme... for critically ill chillren... and their amiiies. families.the milestone the home hii...and the children its helping right now. ((buup out)) 3((break 2)) çia÷
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at grocery storesreedom this quarter. cash back thank you. activate your 5 percent cash back. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with the home depot certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that keep our budgets firmly rooted... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. beat the bugs with ortho bug-b-gon max spray or concentrate just $7.97. pt's beee 30 years since a
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ppecial hotel of ssrts opened it's doors, three decades later... it's residents still only pay a few they lso get homecooked meels aad volunteers eager to help &pthem.kathleen cairns has more on the ronald mcdonald house in baltimore. baltimore. in downtown baltimore... (readiig dr suess)"we can have lots of good fun.. that is funnn... five year ood emma is from californna, but has been living at the ronald mcdonald house.. for 10 monthss (low angle)"if i do..." (emmas mom)"she was born with a rare birth defect a bladderextrophee.."the facillty opened in 1982... it now has 35 rooms.. for families with chillren who are
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facing crriical illnesses.. and seeking expert medical attentionnhereein baltimore.. for many families: the alternative: a hotel: is not annoption. (emmas mom)"oh yea just reddculously xpensive (reading dr suess)"have no - mom)"it'' amazing to have a &pplace like this to be able to pome o" (rrading drrsuess)"it hasn't seennher siblings for months... (mom)"her eyes would light up when wed get themmon skype and shes be so much better." emma is eager to get home(emmaa"i'm gonna give them hugs..."(emma's mom)"we just found out yesterday we'll be here anothhrr3 weeks.. e thouuht we'd be going ome today at the latest.. (dropping off donations nats) but fammlies here find the baltimorrecommunity is very giving... hundrees of volunteers... help in a
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&pcrew)"we make everything from taco dinners.. we had a personal pizza party forrone little girllwho is very sick.. (deb)"i have seven baskets aad boxes.." toddy ddb harddn makes a delivery from school kids. she knows all too well about the eeds. ((son died)) "my first ccild christopher.. deeect..." christopper was in several cities... (deb)"i stayed at 3 ronald mcdonald hoosss duringgthe course of his life.. he died when he wass 10 and a halff. so this is our...ission"a mission to make it easier for the other ccillren who pass through these doors... (dr)"what we and the ooher childrens hospittls in theecity f balt offer is cutting edge ccre that is only available in vvrr few centers cross the the right decision.. but having the family come as well is the best decision" during stayed at the ronald mcdonald -
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house.. as they seek treatment... fromm45 statee and 22 countrys (dad with 2 girls) "i stay here 100month now.. "eye-shy and lulu are five year old twiis... from kuwait. lulu as born with extreme ffcial deformities... she sayss: "excuse me family... " the ooly doctors willing to operate are here in baltimore.. (dad)"for the nose phey aae grateful or the generrsity of the ronald mcdonald house.. (dad close on pamill...." and these younn middle eastern twinn (girls) &ptypical americcn traits... -twins singing-(sandy pagnotti-ex dir ronald pe focus on at the ronald mcdonald house is bringgig respite and joy to their - &pjourney even though it is aa
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very difficult journeyy"twins singing-happiness in theemiddt of what can be.. life or death... ordeals. which isswhy this ii often refered to as the house... &pthat lovee uilt. -twins singing-in downtown balt kc fox 45 news at 10 the orioles open up a three game series at fenway looking to revvrre their recent fortune. well the birds performed ... next in spoots. ((break 3)) [ female announcer ] it's 9 pm...
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and the chocolate cravings begin... again. ♪ for nights like these... there's special k chocolatey delight cereal. so you can get your chocolatey fix... without undoing your whole day. ♪ an unguilty pleasure. what will you gain when you lose? -here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy.
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helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. ccming uu in our 6
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o'cllck hour... a high hair recall for parents....the malfunction that's harming several kids... and what you shouldddo... if you have one.
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