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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 7, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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another tie.what yyu can do right now.. to enter toowin a trip (16:28:42) (latoure) "i mean i've spent hours dealing with this......!" this......!"exposing problees... with the speed cameraassstem.. in baltimore. why a mottrist ran into a brick wall when he tried to &ppay a ticket. there are just so many things wrong with this the mom is explaining thhs situation.. this morning. and... two crimes... at one time.the two thingg this man illegally..-air was dding 3 p3 3
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today is thursday, june 7. 3 3
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more problems with the cityys speed cameras... that could be good news for you. on monday, the city admitted it is refunding more than three- thousand speed camera tickets inaccurate informmtion. - information. &pnow, we've ncovered aaother breakdown. last month, a fox 45 producer, received a speed camera ticket in the pail.... buttwhen he tried to record of the ticket ann - rejected his payment. "i got a ticket and they're telling me no youu don't it was mind like this...." this....!" the city says becaase the zip citation... it was rejected frommcity records. records. 3 3 the 21 year old baltimmrr man to find victims ... will spend the next 50 years in prison. prison.syron abdullah ... plead guilty this week to murder and robbery. it
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follows the fatal stabbing of pohma blackwell...a teenager who was ffund stabbed 2 times in the head, arms and torso. evidence including the deteccives to abdullah.traces of the teens blood was also found on abdullah's sneakers. &ppolice say the case highlight the danger of sharinggpersonal information on sociil &pnetworking websites. victims of a former catholic school teacher convicted of child molestation... return to the &pschool wwere the crimes took from the formmr catholic &pcommunity middle school of south ballimore gathered lass night at the school for a candlelight vigil. many are alleged victims of john merzbacher... a foomer teacher who was convicted in 19955of child molestation. merzbacher could soon be freed. a judge ruued his attorneys didn't tell him aboot the ootion of a ten year plea deal at the time of his trial. 3 and now they're reedy toohonor 3 this 17 years later. i don't
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believe it's right even if merzbacher's conviction is overturned... he could still face chaages from other accusers whh dropped their cases after his ponviction in 1995. mayor stephanie rawlings blake say things are under control. downtown,but another state lawmaker is calling for state the request comes from democrt courthouse east on saint patrick's day was one case &pthat led republican pat mcdonough to call for state pplice ... baltimore county democrat jim bronnhin is doiig the same. "the state police have amazing resources well trained... coordinated effort downtown feel safe you go to work touristtcites police wall to wall." wall."bronccin says city police are doing a fine job, but are stretchee too thin.
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this mornnng we're learning the f-b-i has launched an investigation....into possible leaks of classified information about a u-s iran. as andrew peecer explainn....some republicans areenow calling for a special 3 senator john mccain claims the white house has been leeking classifiee information for political gain. mccain cites recent media reports detailing key national security decisions by the obama adminiitration. it compromises our national security. ffo this reason, regardless of how politically useful these leaks may have been to the president, hey have to stop. these leaks have to stop. white house press eeretary jay carney denied the charge, saaing -- quote -- "any suggestion that thiss administration has authorized intentionnl leaks of classified iiformation for &ppolitical gain is groosly irresponsible." democrat carl levin is chairman of the
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sennte armed servicee committee. he and dianne feinstein, the democratic chair of the senate intelligence committee, are considering a joint hearing on the issue. feinstein weighed in on "the situation room with wolf blitzer" on wednesday. i think what we're seeing, wolf, is an anch-, an avalanche of leaks aad it's very, very disturbing. you know, it's dismayed our allies and puts american lives in jeopardy, it puts our nation's security in jeopardy. i don't belieev any of ttis came directly ut of the top ranks of the white problems is information is ot closely eld sufficiennly. i'm andrew spencer reporting. the house and senate intelligence committees are expected to add anti-leak provisionss o the intelligence authorization bill for the next fiscal year. we're learning more today... child sexual abuse trial...
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for former penn state assistant football coach, jerry sandusky.a jury of 7 women... and 5 men will hear the case.among them... roughll to penn state.letters written by sandusky to ne of the alleged victims are expected toobe entered into evidence plead not guilty to the charges. opening statementss begin monday. the number of people being diagnosed withhgonorrhea... is growing out of control.that's according to the world heallh organization... which finds roughll 106-million people are infecced with the sexually- transmitted disease each year. and to make matters worse... gonorrhea is growing resistaat to antibiotics.untreated cases can lead to several health issues... including infertility and an iicrease risk of contracting h-i-v. health officials are calling &pon more reseerch into allernative reatments. there's a nationwide shortage right now... of the over-
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maker of the weight loss druu low on theedrug's active &pingredient.alli is the only over-the-counter weight losss drug approved by thh -s food and drug administration. ussrs should eepect to see it back month. es ithin the next - taco bell is getting ready to give iis menu a facelift. starting this summer... the ffst food chain will roll ouu a new menue called "cantina wholeeblack beans, citrus and herb marinated chicken, roasted corn salsa and cilantro rice. the "cantina bell" options will debut nattonwide on july 5th. it's an xhibit 200 years in the makiigg the maryland historiccl bbltimore's role in the war of 1812. joel d. smith is live there now... with more on the rook stars who helped make our country... ours. good morning joel d. 3
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3 p,3 the colorado mom who made
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national headlines... for strapping a gas can in a car seat... while her toddler sat next to it... s now speaking o. out. hissis the picture her over ffr a seet belt citaaion.but sandra ramirez ssys... it's not what it lookk áinitiallyá bbckled into his car seat... but in a atter of seconds... he climbed out. that's when another passenger in the car... decided to strap and didn't want ittto spill.ll ramirez says she can't believv how much hype the photo is getting. (first sot) "my son was buckled. im sorry for any misunderstandings there were. i love my kids." -butt to- (last sot) "i've learned my lesson. i do not drive and i'm selling my vehicll." rrmirez was cited on three seat bblt violations and for not having proof of insurance. she's due in court later this month. another "zombie" attack is making headlinee. headlinns.what prompted a man
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to attack his neighbor... biting off a part of his face. taken...just before the attack. attack. ((break 1))
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((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad libbmeteorologist))
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) map liberty --green-bel air map
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3 3 3 get your dad a gift he'll really wanttthis father's day. day.we're lloking for baltimore's best dad... and our winner getssa great prize! to ominate your dad.. gg to foxballimore dot com and tell us in 100 ords or lees why best.our finalists will go t..- head to head in a 9 ball pool competition at cagles
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billiards.theewinner gets our grand prize....which includes a two night stay at the chesapeake beach resorr... and tons of other great prizes, &plike a ravens pool table. the internet... is getting crow. crowded...theehuge overhaul cell phone and wireless devices... connect to the web. web. 3 ((bump out)) 3 3
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school is almost out...and that means the you're probably looking for un activities for the whole family!meteorologist emily gracey is hitting the this morning she's road gga. trippin... to busch gardens. gardens. 3
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for more information on busch gardenss.. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on the "news everything from your laptop ... to your smart phones... needs it. it.the overhaul the interneet is getttng... that help them connect to it...and if you will notice a difference. difference.and later...a man is pulled over for a d-u-i... but not behind the wheel of a car.who he stole a wheelchaar from...and the amount of d-u-i this one! ((break 3))
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mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve
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the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. the internet issabout to getta whole lot bigger. alison kosik &phassmore on why an internet overhaul caused tte web to grow exponennially. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- the internet's address book now has 340 'undecillion' pnique locations. sounds silly, but it's basicalll 340 trillion trillion trrllion -p
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addresses. everyyhing that connects o the web -- ffom your laptop to your smartphone -- needs a unique, i-p address. but because offall the devices ut there, the internet is rrnning oot of addresses. if nothing is done, new gadgets wouldn't be able to connect. but on wednesday, a huge overhaul. it's the "internet protocol standard" or "i-p-v-6" and it's society -- a global nttrnet organnzation in switzerland. the changes boosted the internet to 340 trillion trillion trillion addresses. there were just 4.3 billion before. the change won't happen overnight. it could be yyars beforr the entire internet upgrades to the new &pstandard. most major weesitee and networks, likk -t-and-t and verizon, are already usingg it. somm routtrs and other devices may not be compatiblee yett regardless, he old standard is still running both nnw and old ddvices will be able to connect to the internet. eople shouldn't notice a thing... and thatts the poiit. i'm alison kosik in new york. --keyword tags-- anothee zoobie attack...this
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time in louisiana. tooattack his neighbor...and bite his face! face! get your cash back! oh, hi. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cashback card?
5:29 am
oh, i'll try the largest. oh, that is too bad. apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back. 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but have fun. bob and weave once you're in there. don't get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom. the new additions


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