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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 8, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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3 the beating anddrobbery ...of a tourist... and... the... "moo robbery"... of a 7-11../. ...have..more people questioning safety downtown. now politicians are asking for state troopers to be parr of the solution. joel d. smith is live at theeinner harbor with the response of the mayor and police commissioner... who have different solutioos. solutions. ggod morning joel d. 3 3
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baltimore police arrest 4 people for 3 murders. murders.44-year old kevin whittington is charged wwth first degree murder in the killing of 47-year-old ettice jones.jones was found in her basement stabbed several times. meantieme, 35-year-old emanuel folks andd26-year ld temekaa reportedly stabbing 42-year old antoneo mattison to death. 3 teens are accused of trying to firebomb a home in anne arundel county. last friday... ffre crews responded to a call for a
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suspicious package on galesville road. they found a box of molotovv cocktails... and 2 damaged cars. the attack appears to be revenge for a previous incident. the teens are chargee with attempted murder. maryland's fiist pfrican-american treasurrr has . died.richard dixon served as treasurer from 1996 to 2002. before that... he was a state house member... ann on carrolll county's board of education. dixon died this week... after suffering a stroke. he was 74. time is money -- except when it's taxpayers money .the u.s seeate took up the paycheck fairness act, this week.the bill had zero chance of jeff barnd reports... it will go down as onn of the mostexpensive 'dog and pony' shows on the planet.á the senate ddbate over the paycceckkfairness act could double for "the emperrr's new
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senator mikullki declined interview. inspectors at dulles international airport ssop a dangerous insect from entering the country. counnry.this is a icture of... the tropical fruitworm moth... ssill in the worm form. bag of a traveler from moths are night-flling and rm attracted to light.thee live betweee the leaves the flowers or fruits of host plant... and cause damage by boring leaves. it's been three months since an audit revealed that thousands of citt water customersswereeovercharged.but
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some customers are still getting hit with outraaeous bil. billss check out this bill from a's for just under á21 hundredá dollars. normally... this household pays jjst 70 dollars.relatives say the past three bills have been incredibly hiih.... especially since the man who lives here... has been in the hospital for months. 3 "you looking at a bill almost 400-dolalrs somethings wronn. you get another somethings wroog. i turn off the waaer and get a 2000- &pbbll....somethings wrong!" wrong!" the family of the pan will meet with the city's bel air's fire chief is onth..- putting ouu flames of a different kindd.. aftee ome recent comments on facebook. facebook.last week, one firefiihter logged on to facebook... criticczinn the bel air "sonic" reetaurant... for denying him a discount. other firefighters chimed in suggesting the department ánotá respond to future fire
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cclls from "sonic".4 firefighters are suspended or demoted as a result.several others were reprimanded. 1254 these comments were we don't believe theyywere intended to be harmful they should not have been 00 00hopkins apologized to the ownee of the sonic.aad now, almost all of the firefighters are ppealing the action ... taken against ttem. a big announcement is expectee candidate, rick santorum.he's expected to lay out his future plans ... at the conservative political action conference in chicaao.according to 2 sources... santorum is expected to announce he's him a vehicle to push issuus important to him... and a plltform to stay engaged. santorum ended his bid for the white house in april. turns out a second cup of coffee can do more than just prevent alzheimer's disease.a caffeine delay the onset of f -
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the diseass... even in older patients who show early signs of alzheimers.for full benefits you'd need to drink at least three cups of coffee a day.that's no problem for us on the morning show. want to earn more money?you might want to hit the gym.a new study finds a connection between how much you exercise and how much mooey you make. people who exercise reeularly early on average 9 percentt more than those who doo' word on why... but researrhers are planning more studies on the theory. a new study finds childhood vaccines... used ii a free u-s government ppogram... may have beennstored at theewrong temper. temperature.the study finds by 76-percent of the 45 selected providers... were exposed to inappropriate hours. exposure to least 5 inappropriate temperatures can reduce vaccine efficiency.
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poo can soon buy an i-phooe... without having a contract..-pta will be selllng pre-paid i-phones to its will offer both the i-phone 4 and the i-phone 4-s. depending on how much you want to uss your phone... it could cost aa low as 30-dollars per month. when you've ggtta go... you'vee ggota o. in texas... a bathroom emergency ends in a car crash.a woman... peeding home to use the bathroom... ends up jumping a curb... and prashing right into a home.... &pknocking down a bedroom wall where a man was sleeping. luckily... no one was hurt. police says she was not innoxicated at the time. an awkward sight... for shoppers inside a rhode island waamart.a man runs inside the ssore... while screaminggand stripping off his clothes. witnesses say... he was even foaming aa the mouth.the man
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later told police... he suffers from bipolar disordeer he's now under going a mentall evaluation. it's friday and that means it's yoor turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything yoo wantt wwnt.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response feedback" segment. segmenttjust go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan ann jjin the conversation. you've made it to the weekend! wwather will fit into your in your skywatch weather forecast. forecast. ((brrak 1)) 3 o'clock. my daily meeting with a salty snack.
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and then at 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmm. good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chipsss. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪
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[ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ((bump in)) ((2-shot toss to weaaher)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map belaar --green-
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kliberty--fiber-map 3 3 3
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3 property values downtown... dropping by a quarter of a ábillioná dollars. &pddllars.12:35:199"recession i a nice word. it's prrbably been more like a depression." depression."the factors driving the drop....and the one use for old buildings... that may turn it around. ((bump ouu)) ((break 2))
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a slow eonomy has taken a big toll on baltimore and property palues are plummeting.noww some buildings are up foo grabs, while others are being re-invented.melinda roeder has this morning's cover story... "downtown decline." decline." ddwntown and buildings for f - lease)buildingg in downtown baltimore... offer lots of office space.probably too much there's plenty of prime office space available! (showwshot labelld prime')(kirby) 12:38:28 "well mmst of it has to do with the rrcession... so it's nothing unusual." experts agree - downtown decline - is a naaionwide "well i think the drop... - typical of major cities in the united states."but there's little sign of baltimore - a few buildings are now in foreclosure (shoo labeled 'foreclosuue 1') ....handed back over to the
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lender....a couple are up for sale or auction.and many have seen their assessed valued drop... (kirby) 12:38:40 "we had banks downsize and they left some buildings. we also had just general... state was assessmenns."(nats of gavel @ 12:31:30) it's a concern raised among city leaders this week.... when it was revealed property values downtown - as a whole - are down about a quarter of a illion dollars since the receesion. 12:35:19 precession is aanice word. it's probably been more like a depression."((standup))) property values aside - it's really rental deals that rive downtown.vacancy rates are up - they're nearly 20 percent for downtown office spcae and many owners have had to lower their rent to attract tenants. it affects how muuh they pay to the ity in ttxes. it affects
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next in sports... the orioles with first place on the line last night.. see if tte birds brrught out the brooms in boston. boston.and in our 6 o'clock hour...getting hitched is big business!the amount you ccn expect to pay to walk down the aisle. ((breek 3))
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios bruce cunningham
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has fox 45 morning spprts. sports.
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gaining a few pounds job!thh top careers... that can make you fat! fat!springsteen nats nats ann see eric churrh... at "sunday in the countty" for free!!oor chance to win... is happening sometime beffre 7 o'clock.listen in for the cue to call. ♪
5:58 am
[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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with more choices and fewer calories, get your cash back! oh, hi. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cashback card? oh, i'll try the largest. oh, that is too bad. apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back. 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but have fun. bob and weave once you're in there. don't get short changed. get your cash back. chase freedom.


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