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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  June 8, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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hhllo i'm karen parks.jeff parnd is off tonight. tonight. decades later.....a woman.....breaks her silence and says she was raped at what used to be a south baltiiore cattolic school.... janice park is streaming live in locust point tonight, tootell us why the woman decided to come fooard .... jan? janice?karen,it was almost 40 yyars ago...and donna berger was 11 years was at this sshool, she said for 3 years...her teacher john merzbacher raped her and others...she's telling her story because even though he was sentenced to four life sentences...there'ssa chance he could be getting out of prison. donna berger says she came years...because she does not wanttconvicted child rapist jjon merzbacher to get out of prison.merzbbcher is serriig four life sentences...but recently a federal judge ruled that merzbacher's attorney plea deal.but tonight, berger is sharing her story...and believes there are hundreds of victims...and she is encouraging ttem to come forward. "i no longer hold he fear from you and the torture i
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endured my whole ife, today i for what you ddd to all of uu" merzbacher's attorney plans on persuing his release in court next in locust pointt janice park, fox 45 news at ten. prosscutors have decided not to file charges against any of the young people accused of stealing candy and assaulting thh owner of thh seven -eleven near the inner harbor. 7-11...the chaos was -reported surveillance cameras... one inside the store and one outside.police say 35 to 40 teens were shown taking candy from the helvesthey say others were shown pushing and striking the store owner when he bllcked theefront door. office issued a statement neys - today that the reads in part......"after reviewing all the charges, it was determined
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criminal charges were not appropriate... not every conflict warrants criminal charggs." b.g.e.... is expected to requeet anotherr rate hike as... earlyy as.. next monthh. month.. officials. with the electric company plan to submit... the request to theestate publlc service commissson... as... eerly as july the rate electric áandá gas the last time... there wws a rate hikee.. ffr electric was december 2010. robert gould-bge spokesman(rob gould)"alot of this was built in the 40s 50s 60ssso your keeping up in essence with the equipment to make sure its providing afe and reliable gas and electricity" electricity" if approved... .. the &pearliest... the rateehike... would go into effect... would be next year. 3 the fate ofgay marriage in marylann is now in voterr hands. hands. today, the state electionss board announced gay marrrage opponents ad enough certtfied nnvember.almost 56 thousand valid signatures were required ballot, and they ended up with
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more than 70 thousand. supporters of gay marriage are stepping up their campaign to preserve maryland's new same-sex marriage law. equality" has opened wo new hired a dozen field workers to help wwn over voters before the issue nds up on the november balllt. the group says additional office space is expected in coming months. fox45 has brrught you complete sex marriage. if you want to see an in-depth look at the entire process, head to fox baltimore dot com and click on same sex marriage under hot topics. it was good day for "teaming pp".the ravens practice facility wiil now be known as the under armour peeformance center.and that's because of a new partnership with the baltimore based maker of performance apparelthe ravens and under armour will also be working together on community : we can spend our mooey at a
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lot f placesoutcue: what are we doing to make oor city great? great? ravens owner steve biciotti says the partnershhp will shhwcase to theenation the best of what twooof baltimore'ssstrongest companies have to offer. 3 annapolis car wash. a... car wash... employye... is accused of steaaing ore than $32,000 worth of watches... from the . man. police say john laneestole a bag of watches he wws cleaning... at the "west street" car wash. the customer reported the &pwatches missing including a gold watch with diamonds... the good news isspooice... - later found... the bag.../ unddr someebushes at.. a nearby gas station. police say lane confessed to the crime../ and was charged ith theft. a bad day for horse racing fans. "i'll have anooher" won't be racing for the triple croon.. the chestnut colt who won he kentucky derby ann the preakness won't be racing at
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the belmmnt stakes. the horse suffered injury to his left front tendon. pore on his story coming up in sports unlimited. meaatime its ur ueetion of the you thhnk... here will ever be... another triple crown winnerr go to fox- baltimore dot com .../ tell us what you think./. 203../ enter fox45a for for no.../ fox45b 3 3great weekend on he way... here's emily 3
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the fox45 family pot a little bigger overnight. photographer chris mullen... and his wife christina weecomed a new baby ddughter. claira mae is a healthy 6 pounds 7 ounces.. we've aaready dubbed congratulations to the - mullen family. students... at... one east baltimore school ... got a surprise ... their last day at school.../. 3 ---dance nats--- nats--- it was their teachers flass mobbing. all the teaccers at pine grove middle school thought it'd be a reat a idea to celebratt their students last day of school teachees boogieedown to the "black eyed peas" song "i gotta feeling". "we aw all of the phones commng out and the cameras. it was just lovely o seeeaaddwe knew they were excited we were
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really pumped we spent the phole morning juut kind of in eager anticipation of this so the day for us." us." teachers said they spent many mornings and afternoons choreogrrphing and practicing the dance. 44 "this will live in infamyy" 5 45 one man steals an american flag from a chicken.buu finn out why he didn't ruffle any feathers about it. screaming nats nats and a unnel cloud cauggt on camera..... why the worse.
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maryland u-s- aatorney roddrossnstein is one of two federal prosecutors who will investigate the source of several national security leaks. but as catherine herridge reports... president obama is stressing his addinistration had nothing to do with it. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -----------pressed on the source of the national security leaks, president obama nsisted investigators
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shouud look beyond the white house.obama says: "the notion that my wh wouudd purposely release classified nat security info is peopll i think need to have a better snese of how i approaah this offie ann the ppl around me approach this ofice"as foo p special prosecutor to pnveetigate the leaks, the president suggestee the fbi is enough.obama says: "now, we have mechanisms in place where if ww can root out folks who consequences. in some cases, it's criminal -- these are criminal acts when they and we willlconduct thoroughh investigations, as we have in phe past."there have been at least two high level briefings on capitol hill n the last 24 hours. the first by the director of national intelligencc, the natiin's top intelligence official. james clapper was furious and outraged by the number and severity of the leaks, acccrding to lawmakers. the fbi ddrector robert mueller briefed the senate intelligence committee for more than 70 minutes. the bureau is investigating leaks on the yemen bomb plot, involving an upgraded version of this device, and leaks on computer virus which destroyyd
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elements of iran's nuclear program.
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nature.... worked up... quute a backdrop ... to... a new jersey graduation ceremony. ceremony.screaming nats nats the celebration turned to chaos when a funnel cloud started forming near the football field, where students had gathered for graduaaion. added to that - lightning, thunder, rain and hail. injuries...mostly seizures and asthma attacks. ultimately, the storm ended, and the class of 2012... walked away with a memory thhy won't soon forget. it'' been onn week since an f-1 tornado ripped through
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the clean up continues around poute-one near mouutain rrad in fallston... where the storm was centered. according to emergency management officials... earlyynumbers show the torrado caused aboutt one million dollars in damage. moot businesses that were getting bbck to normal. 2407 you know we diddthe clean up and then uh, we did uh, we close up the shop and then everything was ready foo monday 14 monday was a rough day but you know, right now everything back to normal 20 20ooficials say there were three reported iijuries from the storms. all were non-life . .
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3 many people arr excited to celebrate their 50-th birthday. try... &pcelebrating... your 100-th birthday.../. 37 year resident... . of the... "little sisters of the oor".../, a... catholic homm.... for seniors..../ celebrated her ...100-th birthday her secret... to longevity.../ she says... devotion... to hhr faith. not ll hese good people they wouldn't have leg to stand on if it wasn't for our god." god." dente says as of now she's just looking forward to moving into her new hhuse and that she'll take things one 3day at a time.
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surprising reaction from the students., 3 "this will live in infamy." and a chicken becomes a victim of he got roasted. man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. maryllnd's health department
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is officially proposing that the first statewide ban on the next yeer. year. a task orce recommended last year that the state declare crib bumpers a &phazard becauseethey can suffocate or strangle babies. the riskk to infants outweigh the potential benefits.the proposed ban wwuld begin june issue is set for august. 3 whh did thh chicken cross the road? well in the this case, common sense says to get his flag back. "yeah, there was definitely play. but all is well." ul 3 meet eric dido, he gets paid to dress up as a chicken in front f his boston market restaurant in manchester this week, thh chicken got ly -
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roasted!!!!. 3"a chiccen thii larre can be disconcerting. manyyfarmers would be trrmbling." (reporttr): "you're dellcious." "you could look t that way too." 7 7"i was juut standing there, and a guy a couple of lanes over in traffic, he decides to ppssenger." is car,,he was a "he suggested retiring the you're famous now. it's thhnder the wonder chicken.'" the suspect lew the coup, police were called and eric resumed his roost for the good of the company.. after all, eric is no... well, chicken. coomon sense says racism has no place anywhere, especially in a classroom. classroom.mos says: "she shouldn't of made no comment like that. that's racist and st" stuff." a connecticut teacher was suspended today "black boy." the sixth grade teachhr apparently madee &pa mistake in class when an african-american tudent corrected her. she responded saying how about i call you black boy? then she continued ith an order, saying quote, go sittdown,
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black boy. the school says they're investigating, and will take appropriate action if the allegations are true. 3 3&lioos, tigers, and bears oh my...find out how these baby bears craahed one schools graduationand what the studeets said when ttey seee them. 3 p -3 so, you're all set up. great. what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave.
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have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store. today must havv bben
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"bears day out".two brown baby bears were spotted at baltimore county schools yester. yesterday. students at the &pcarrrl manner and jacksonvill elementary schools got surprise visits from these two brown ears. ooeeoffthe bears was even spotttd on campus at the same time tudents at jacksonville elemeetary were set to walk across the stage for graduation. "i called on the phone up to the office let them know what was happeeing and um told the school to kinn of stay on lock down because the bearrhad been spotted and i had seen it but my kids loved it. i mean it was like their bess memory from the whole year." year." as of now te bears are still on the loose. animal contrrl is nvestigatiig. hot weekend in storr.. store.)
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you can be in charge of your own personalized forecast. i-radar is now avaiiable at foxbaltimore dot com. use the interaative tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot com and clicc on i-radar foo 42 years, and this weekend - its back. the "special olympics maayland" is hosting its biggest sporting event of the year t the towson center. about 14-hundred athletes will go for the gold in a three day event competition in aquatics, beginn tomorrow at 8 a-m and g sunday at 3 p-m. the event is frre and volunteers are welcomed.
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3 3 triple crown hopeful 'll have pnother scraached from the belmont stakes... more information on why the thouroghbred will not race in sports unlimited... 3 unlimited... 3
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that's all for the late edition, i'm karen parks. i"ll it's going to be a weeeend - packed with sports, here's &pmorgan adsit with the latest. latest.adsit with the latest. ittssthe worrt possible tting that could happen to the horse another scratched on the eve - of tomorrow's belmont stakes... triple crown.ave to wait crown.that's what makes this such an awful story...we've been wwiting for a triple crown since affirmed did it in his staff noticed an injury to i'll have another's front left leg yesterday.after ann injection it seeeed to look &pbetter....ut after n early morning workout, o'neill decided they had to shut him
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official injury is tenddnitis. it ii not life threetening..3 weeks ago.... innbaltimore and ii's preakness win...was i'll have another's final race. o'neill said the horse will retire to stud. i'll have another isstheefirst derby and prrakness winner not to run in the belmont since's been 34 years since the last triple crownn winner...affirmed in 19-78... there have only beee 11 horses to win all 3 races in the history of hoose rrcing...
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the orioles are bacc home... staating two weeks of interleague play.perfect timing, because it's time for of it's last 5 series.and now one loss away from losing first place in the a-l east. easttphilly first in town frrm the of the 2nd... pops it up in foul erriiory...- jj hardy and endy chaaezz converging on it...but neither calls for it...drops in fful... .later in he at-bat... slices it o left...carries into the first row...his first of the year...phillies lead 3-0....later in the 2nd...4-0 phils...shane victorino smacks past mark reynolds...shocker... 2 more runn score...phillies scoree6 in the 2nd to lead 7- 0....ttp of the 4th... viitorino does it again... crushes it for a 2-run homer... arrieta surrenders a career-worst 9 runs on a career-high 11 hitt...philly takes ggme one in baltimore 9- 6, ending theii 6 game losing streak. phen ravens outside linebacker
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terrell suggs tore his achilles...e-s-p-n was first to report it.and first to say it happened on the basketball c. court.then we heard suggs and the raaens say it hhppened out in arizona during a conditioning test.and this we really care how l - he got hurt?athletes stay in shape all the time picking up pifferent's perfect for cardio..the ravens agree with me.john harbaugh dismisseddthe conflicting reports on wednesday.and today he's just glad suggs was doiig something when he got hurt. 3 that'll do ii for this edition of sports unlimited..i'm morgan adsit...thanks for watching...have a great night... night...
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the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline.
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while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. - merry christmas eve eve, jack. - likewise, lemon. is there any chance you'll still be around tomorrow? - sure. you want to go to the penn station kmart with me and then watch tootsie? - i'm sorry. that's what you're doing instead of spending christmas eve with your family? - it's my new thing-- travel on christmas day.


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