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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 11, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the table.. much it protect your privacy.the new option youuhave to keep your keeping you from beiig able to use it now. "just the fetal positioo with no shoes, no coat." and...a woman found inside a in there.. voluntarily.e was - 3 3 today is monday, june 11. 3
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3 the bottle tax vote is today. the mayor wants to raise the tax from 2 cents to millions for school repairs... but opponents say it will cost jobs and probably cussomers too. joel .
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pmith is live in north baltimore to break down more oo tte numbers. good it starts very
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the search is on for commissioner.and time is retiring august first.mayor some of the city's most named - powerful and prestigiius citizenssto a panel.she revealed details about the search yesterday... (mayor)"i've talked to them ive given them information were able tooreach historic e lows whee it comes to violent crime.. and i want to make sure we find someone who is going to be able to carry that strategy forrard." the panel consists f the president of johns hopkins uuiversity f maryland school - of laww dozen other people from the cciminal justice and law enforcement community that will have a say in the sellction. much of the panel's work willlhappen at citt hall ver tte next several weeks. the mayor says she wants theepanel to find someone who will help reduceecrime by oousing on repeat offenders and illegal guns. the new advisory panel will interview candidates and come up with a list of -finall
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also indicated she wants the candddates to e well versed in using smart technology to combat crime. commissioner bealefeld will step down in less than two months.on thursday, crime and justice reporter... joy lepola got a chance to ride allng pattolllng the city. he hadd lot to ssy about his exxectations for the new "top cop" and some blunt advice or whoever takes over his job next. "i wouldn't put so much stock on trying to dance around and being politically correct cause that's not what the people in this ttwn expect. they just ant you to e be straiggt." straight." "its incumbent upon leadershipp job."the commissioner says he's choosing to retire so he can spend more time with his a pikesville wwmmn is under arrest... charged with kidnapping a baby. baby. 20-year--ld ákendra nicoll goughá alsooffces charggs of abduction and
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possessing a concealed weapon. gough was visitinn a friend in pikesville, when an argument &pbroke out beeween the legal and the boo's biological mother.during the argument... police say gough took the chhll from the homeepolice arrested her a ssort time later. it took just twoodays llst former penn tate assistant ffotball coach, jerry sandusky. he's chhrged with child rape. ps andrew spencer explains... opeeing arrgmentt begin today. today. the former penn state assistant ffotball coach has pled noo guilty to charges that he sexuallyyabused ten boys over nearly 15 years. in november, sannussy old nbc's bob costas he's innocent.i have orsed around with kids. i have showered after workouts. iihave hugged them and i hhve touched their legs, without intent of sexual 3 contact. prosecutors say
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sandusky met his alleged victims thrrugh the second mile" charity he founded for disadvantaged children. at least some of his accusers in court and one key witness, penn state assistant coach mike mcqueary, who as a grad student said he saw andussy inna locker room showerrwith a yoong boy.nattprotests broke out on penn state's campus after legendary football coach joe paterno was fired-- accused of noo doing nough after earning about the allegations. but paterno woo't beeone of the more thn 100 expected wiinesses in this cancer in january.i'm andrew spencer reporting. sandusky will definitely face a jurr f is peers.half of the 16 jurors and alternates have ties to penn state.the trial is expected to last about three weeks. the pastor of an atlanta mega- church is facing domeeticc violence charges... aater police say he harmed his teenage daughter. daughter.police say crefll dollar... got in a fight with his 15-year-old daughter about whether she coull go to a pprty. a witness told police
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he grabbed the girl by the throat... and chokkd her. but dollaa says his daughter hit him... and told police she became quote - "very disrespectful." oo sunday... member ccngregation... and was met with a standing ovation. the truth is, she was not choked. sheewas not punched. there were not any scratches on her neck but the only thing oo her nnck was a ppior skin else is an exaggeration ann ng sensationalism. dollar also blamed the devil for causing the controversy. a portland woman goes to exxreme measures to see her boyfriend. kola mcgrath was banned from builddng for causing trouble in the she decided to tuck herself into a
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suutcase... and have her boyyriend bring her to and from his place.neighbbrs had their suspicions... and last week.. someone called police. sure enough, officers discovered kola in the suitcase. ssh says even thoogh she's been caughh... it was worth it. ""'ll do it ll over again -- on to me now." trespassing, because she'd -& been waaned to stay away from the building. her boyffiend was not charged. the winner of this year's kentuccy deeby and preakness staaes... will retire from raci. racing."i'll have anothee" was scratched from saturddy's belmont stakes becauseeof a leg injury... ending his bid for a triple rown.if the three-year-old colt had rrn and would have been hoose rrcing's first tripll he's done so much that it was unanimoos between he reddam's and my brother and i and
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him. and, it is a ummer buu, e- again, far from tragicc but it "union rags" clliied saturday's victory... at the belmont stakes. only the strongest swimmers ddrr to attempt ii.the great chesapeake bay swim is one of the country's premiere open- water races.paul gessler was at the finish line for an inspirational iece of history. hiitory. (fanssyelling) 13.57.50 woo!"each stroke brings them - &pclossr to theecheees.14.09.53 "nice theee.""/ 14.10.23-25 "ooo, pood job!" / 14.10.33-35 "nice and a haaf miles to conquer thh chesappake bay.paul brabson: 14.06.16 "the pain is over. that's the best part about it."andrew gyenii, 17, reston, va.: 13.53.299"it ay look like it's a little calm back here, but in the middle chop, especially with a lot of boats out there."for mike doyle, this makes 25 great mike doyle (lost leg in
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motorcycle crash): 14.47.19 "there's other people out here with more challenges than i have." (tilt ddwn to leg)he did it with three limbs.then, there's craii dietz.he's the guy n the blue cap... ...trying to complete this for tte first time.dietz has no llgssbut, one giant heart. craig dietz: 5.26.53 ""'ve never been one to just sit around and do noohing. ii just-- like to push myyelf." ppul doremus::14.32.41 "inspiration. absolutely is.. in a shade over three hours, craig finished ahead f four-limbee friends..raig drank probably about a gallon." paul brabson: 14.06.50 "that's able to make it through that. it's just unbelievable."crrig ddetz: 15.28.26-31 "just tte purrents and the istance is what makes it hard. and, the water temperature is crazy out there."battling the elements, pnd in some cases, some of the other swimmers.craig dietz: 15.26.21-29 "i mean, i got punchhd in the nose by a swimmer out theree e was--- not on purpose-- just swimming py me, didn'ttsee me and just stroked right into my face."at 38, dietz calls this his shining moment.craig dietz: 11.29.41--9 "find another way to hallenge yourself. there's different trokes for different folks, but find some way to get out there and challenge yourself."inn stevensville, paul gessler, fox45 news t 10. while it was great day for a
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pt'd be a little more overcast. coming back... to the city. city.baatimore has always been a great city foo me. the initiatives the mayor is taking to revamp vacant baltimore spur city growth. growth. &p((break ))
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residents in florida arr continuing to eal with a devastating amount of flooding. homes and shut ddwn roads n areas. many people have been escape the rising waters. red cross disaster teams are fanning out around he region... trying to reach
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people affected by the flooding. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorollgist)) 3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map ffber map 695 at bel
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air--greenspring 3 3 3 keep your searrhee .. private from advertisers.
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advertissrs.the option you will soon ave to make sure no &pooe knows what you search for online...and the two companies that are holding up the process.'re having pride coming back into thh eighborhos neighborhoodssoming back home. how many families the mayor wants back in baltimore...and ii happen.m in placc to make - 3&((bump out)) ((break 2))
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ps thh economy slowly recovers from the worst financial crisis in decades, manyycitiis across ameeica are left to deel with a growing number of abandoned buildings. as athhna jones reports...baltimore is poping a program to encourage the rehabilitation of vacant homes will help declining neiggborhoods bounce bck and spur growth innthe city. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- joseph mccard grew up in baltimoree but later moved to the suburbs. now he's bbck.... baltimore has always been a affordable, renovated home on a block not far from johns hoppins medical school. his is aaneighborhood in transition... you're hhving pride cominggbacc into the neighbbrhoods. you're also having assets returning. people are now paying taxes. this street was onceelined witt abandoned homes. several have now been rehabilitated palue program - an effort to address the city's 16-thousand vacant homes. we have
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knnw that there's hope. that there areepeople, small developers, large developers that see value in them aadd that's what ww're seeing here. nationwide..the number of vacanttproperties jumped 51 2000 andd2010 -- and 10 states - saw an increase of 70 percent or more. whether it's large urban centers or suburban communities or ex urban communities, we're still seeing a lot oo residual vacancies both from the pconomic downturn nd job loss and also from the foreclosure crisis. baltimore's program uses millions of dollars in government money to make it easier or homebuyers and developers to buy vacant homes. it streamlines the sale of city-owned properties - at prices as low as a ttousand dollars... aad uses property laws to encourage absentee ownees to rehab emptt buildings. this is oog overdue in this community and there are more communiiies city has a long way to go, but mmyyrrrawlings-bbake is
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hopeful. her goal? to grow baltimore by 10-thousand families in the neet decade. mccard is hopeful too..what are your hopessforrthe area ffve years down the road, 10 104 vacants in this community. i would like to see every one of them occupied with a home. iiwant thee to ccme and be in this community, because we need more people. -----end----- cnn.script----- keep advertisers at bay! bay!what you can do tt mmke sure ttey don't see what you're searching online. google and amazzn. faaebook is throwinn it's name in the app game!how many you will have access to. ((break 3)) hmmm, i don't think i took my pill today.
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there's birth control you don't have to think about taking every day or even every year. i'm painting my arms. i want another child, but not for a while. it's mirena, a small intrauterine contraceptive that's over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for as long as you want, for up to five years. then again, i'm not sure i want to wait. don't use mirena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pelvic inflammatory disease. if you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or if mirena comes out, tell your healthcare provider. if it comes out, use back-up birth control. mirena may attach to or go through the uterine wall and cause other problems. although uncommon, pregnancy while using mirena
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can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. what do you have to do to keep advertisers out of your buuiness on the internet? aaison kosik has more on the pn your browser... to keep
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aavertisers away. away. --reporter pkg-as follows -- &pif you don't likk advertisers knowing your every move on the innernet-- help is on the way. the only problem-- microsoft on the same page. your web browser will sson have a "do not track" button. that addition ii backed by the white hhuse, major browsers like chrome, and even most major adveetissng plltforms, likeeyyhoo and google. but the sticking point is figuring out how should the button work. make "do not track" the default setting in internet your ddta won't be collected. - but google is not onnboard says it will only agree to the "do not track" button if "off" is the defaulttsetting. yaaoo and many other advertisers and publishers agree with google. so there's a stale mate-- and neither side is budging. if microsoft moves forward with its plan-- adverttsing networks miiht ignore the then again-- they might ignore pt anyway. the butttn is essentially like the "do not call" listt it lets nettorks
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know your preference-- but there won't beeany firewall to keep them out. so tracking might conninue whether we like it or ot. i'm alison kosikkin nee york. -----end----- cnn.ssript----- p3 some call it...a tale. talent.burping competition was fierce for the worldds best burper.find out who took home tte tttle.. and the prize e won! won! &p hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol
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as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios


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