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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 13, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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get yyur father something he really wants. 6-year old bomb.with a bottle 3 p child tageted with a bottle the 6-year old is doing this morniig and how common this crime is beeomming. redefining retirement.hhw much longer people are living.. making it harder for reason why the government wants to increase the age you a lot of kidd are kind of afraid to go downtown and fined... for cursing!wheee this is happening..and how much rrsiddnts will have to 3 today is wednesdaa, june 13.
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3 13.wednesday, juue 13.
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3 3 33 3 3 3 3 a 6-year-old is attacked with a bottle bomb on a playground in happened monday &ppight ear an elementary school.megan gilliland is here with more on the teen suspects
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is ecomming. gooddmorning patrice,this is year old was targgted. policc say the teenagers are now pacinggfelony charges for the attack. in this case... the teenssused bleach... a household tem... investigattrs found near the'' a dangerous attack... that's happening there have been six... bottle bomb cases rrported.last year... detectives investigated 21 cases. 11:44:04 and the fragments of the container can cause injury...if chemicals are involved you can potentially burn iijuriessas a result f a potential prank :1774:18:477if it happens to someone else it could happen to me or a sister or someone else i know its pretty scary police are wwrning parents everywhere to keep aa eye out for this.once again... this is what a bottle bomb looks like. fortunately, in this most
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recent case... the child was noo hurt.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. in baltimore county..police are investigating thee &pdiscoveey of a dead body.the person was found around 6 o' clock last night on the mopec circle in word on how they diid... and police are still trying to iientify p((pat))) sentencing hearrngs begin today for the owner of a robocall company. p julius henson was ccnvicted for conspiracy for the 2010 robocalls aimedd at keeping black voters from the polls. ordered henson to pay one million dollars to the state.. hennon's company uuiversal elections nd an employee rhonda russell must pay thee amages. sad news thii morning... frommthe local sports sceee. scene. ess than month after championship victoryy... thhyy- &pare mourning tte death of ne of their playyrs. we've received word of the death freshman attackmen.... adam pomper.reports say he
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pied yesterday... near his &pparents , issued a stateeent that reads in part... part..."as a coach and father, my heart goes out dam's family and ffiends, as we arr deeply saddenee to learn of his passsng... passing...we will continue to look to each other for strength aa we keep addm's family in our prayers." furtherrdetails on adam immediately available. president obama added more thaa a million dollars to his campaign, while spending afternoon in baltimore. baltimore. he greeted supporters at two fundraisers.....the largest at supporters pas much as ten- the presidenn spoke for 35- minutts whee told tte croww that the upcoming campaiill be a lot closer and a lot uglier than the last one. (22:53:42) "if people &pask whats this campaign about its till about hope and change and orary people who believe that we can make a difference ithe life of this
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believe that." thaa." the president was also scheduled to atttnd three more fundraisers in philadelphia, 3see all of ouu storiessabout the race for the whhte house on our ebsite...go to ox- baltimore dot com... and lick on the the vote 20-12 icon in the news features section. president obama wasn't the only one ampaigning in maryland yesterday. anne romney, wife f republican presidential candidate mitt romney... appeared at a fundraiser at b-w-i thurgood marshall airport. formerr governor bob ehrlich... the here in m maryland... hosted tt event. authorities sayythe 22-year-old man suspecttd of killing three peoppe and -&wou unniersity is now in cuutodd. ann as ed payne explains... hee could appear in court as early 3 the three-day anhunt is over. at approximattly 7:57 this &pevening, desmonte leonard marshal art baylor in montgomery, alabama, along with special agent kelvin king, fbi. mr. leonard was ccarged with three counts of
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capitaa murder, two counts of assault first degree. he will be processed into the montgomery county jail and held thereefor a while. the manhunt started after police were alled o a shooting at puburn university campus the saturday night. these two former auburn football players were among the three people killed. on monday, a small armyyof police and ederal agents swarmed a home in montgommry,,where they believed leonard was hiding. hours, and ssrayed tear gas -- poping to flush him oot. their efforts came p emptt. pplice attic, but was gone by the custody, police addressed thee families of the victims. i know your young men won't e coming home, but hopefully this arrest will give you some closure. it's not ver. we''e
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investigate this case. auburn pniversity's head football coach says they're also in mourning. the whole auburn -&c family is devastated in the passing of three young men. i'm ed payne reporting. two other men were also jaaled in the case... on charges of hinddring prosecution. authorities say one of them left the scene offthe shootings with leonard... andd the other tried to mislead investtgators during thh &psearch. police say they havee potive in the shooting... but media outlets cited witnesses - as saying the altercation was over a woman. george zimmerman's wife was chaage. shellie zimmeeman is accused of lying at her husbandds bond hearing about the coupll's finances. at the time,,she told the court under poney to assiit in his defense. but prosecutorsssay zimmerman had 135-thousand dollars. zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of florida
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teen trayvon martin. she's now pree on a ooe-thoussnd dollar bond. the ku klux klaa's rrquest to highway in north georria has - supremacist group applied to the state transportatton department to clean a one-mile stretch of road in the pppalachian mountains near the north carolina border. the group has said it would liberties union if its ivil - application was denned. an ordinance against swearing in public is causing some connroversy in one massacusetts town. ppople in middlebooough voted to ake cursing in public a civil offfnse... punishableeby a 20-dollar fine. the ordinance passed by an overwhelming margin.... and has already had an effect around town. (("a lot of kids are kind of afraad to go downtown because they don't ant to get slapped with a 20-dollar fine. they don'ttknow what the ggay area is." )) ))ii you do get tickeeed for cursing... you have 21 ddys to appeal. poliie say if you fail tt pay he ine... you could be arrested and criminally char if you like weet anddyou like saltyy.. this next treat might be for you.burger king is
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gearing up to debut its new "bacon sundae" this summer.the frozen treat is made of vanilla ice creaa, fudge, caramel, bacon crumbles... and a piece of bacon.if you're wondering about the nutrittonal value... it has 510 calories, 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar. no money in the 3bank. bank.reporter: do you have thht now, that sscurity? no, i don't have that security. the reason behind middle class faaily's ... losing their nest . egg. ((break 1)) ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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with more choices and fewer calories, ♪ i can take you higher what this is, forgot? ♪ ♪ i must now remind you let it rock, let it rock ♪ ♪ let it rock ♪ this time do not adjust your set.... this lobster really is blue.
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the rare lobster was caught by a nova scotia of maine lobster institute ty - says blue loosters are a onn-in-two million pheeomenon. the crustaceans turn blue because of a genetic variation. right now the &plobster is cooling its claws in a holding tank until its owner can ecide what to do &pwith it. (((-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorologgst)) 3 meteorologiss)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 33 ((traffii reporter ad libs))map-
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greenspring--liberty--map 3 33 3 3 greenspring--liberty--mapmmp piber--bel air--ad libss) ((traffic reporter pd libs))map fiber--bel air--
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greenspring--liberty--map 3 greenspring--liberty--mapmap fiber--bel air-- greenspring--liberty--map &p3 3 3 &p3
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-3 3&pworking haad... but with it.yes, i wwssbetter off than i am now. better off than i am . now.famill ealth is declining... why so many of them have nothing in their account.and speaking of pavings..the age of retirment.. could be increased. the new age the governmentt wants people to retire. ((bump out))
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3 3 since the recession hit, families across he country away turns ut family wealth has actually hassdeclined. as liia sylvester reports many middle class families are also finding that they have no ffnaacial safety net. 3 --reeorter pkg-as follows -- i'm paying more for my mortgage now for this house than i ever paid. whattyou see
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here is what it is, is what i have. for 23 years deborah parris worked as a washington dc paramedic. noo retired she - no nest egg, little income, and lots of bills. i'm thiikinn i get my educatiin and get a good job and i'll have some kind of security. ttey don't have that now. now, that ecurity? no, i - hhrris wassinjured on the job. she had somm health insurance, but medical bills wiped out verge of lossng her home. the 3 sse's s finding that romised peality. and in the last five years she has sliiped deeeer into poverty. yes, i was better off than i am now. better off than i am noww so, that's it. her story could be town in america. the average family's net worrh droppeddby a taggering 40 percent between 2007 and 2011. to answer why - look to the housing arkkt. whennnet worth fell between 2007 aad 2010 heavily on middle class oo the -
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families because most of their wealth is housing. people felt were on the way up. but much of that "paper" wealth has been eraaed. the median net worth of the american faaily to $77,300 in 2010. income 007 levels have also slipped. and if people vote with their pocketbook in mind, these numbers are troubling for president obama. gop candidate miit romney underscoring the point: people are having hard times in this country and the president needs o go out and ttlk to people. not just do fund-raisers, go out and talk to people in the country and the economy had sllpped off ut course, even before president ooama took pofice. still, folks like deborah harris are loooing for relief but are noo optimistic about etting it from eetherr the democrats or rrpublicaass
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they don't feel us. ww are juut a number assfar as i'm connerned to them. -----eed-----cnn.script----- retiiment... re-vamped! vamped!the new age the government wants áyouá to retire..and the reason behind the new change. ((break 3))
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3q ♪ i, i'll bring the fire make you come alive ♪ ♪ i can take you higher what this is, forgot? ♪ ♪ i must now remind you let it rock, let it rock ♪
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♪ let it rock ♪ this time some members of congress are renewing a push... for accountability att the justiceedepartment. mike manuellexplains how the recent leak of national security documents... coupled with the controversial fast and furious progrrm... is prompting one influential republican to call for the ouster of the president's top c. cop. attorney general eeic holder was back on the hot seat over the botched fast and a leading senator saying he should resiin. texas republlcannsenator john cornyn says holder has violated the public trust by refusing to performmthe duties of hhs office..ornyn says, "mister
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attorney general, it's more with sorrow than anger that i would say you leave me with no alternative but to join those who call pon you to resign your office." holder ssys he isn't leaving, and defended his actions, putting an end to the tactics used in fast and furious, and calling on the inspector general to mmde personnel changes at atf - and in the u.s. attorney's office that was involved of overseeing the changessof processes and procedures within atf to make sure this doesn't happen ever again. so i ddn't have any intention of resigning." lattr, cornyn explained why he's general.cornyn ssyy, "we can demonstrate haa high-level justice department offfcials &pknow about it, but there's been no accountaaility and, unffrtunately, he's just obstructed the congressionaa investigation to get to the bottom of it." public comments about house oversight hairman arrell issa's plan to hold a contempt of congress vote in his committee next week. issa has
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key information about who ng signed off on the tactics used in fast aad furious, which he was asked about by the top reeublican in oday'sshearing. grassley says, "on whaa leeal ground are you withholling can't claim executiveeident &pprivilege to withhhld that e-mail. is that correct?" hollee says, "" am repared to make comprooises with regard to the documents that can be made available. i myself am offering to sit downnwwth the speaker, the chairman, with you, whoever, to try to work our ay through this in an attempt to avoid a constitutional crisis." after the earing, rassley sounded encouraged that holder's willing to negotiate over releasing documents. long as the offer isn't ne as - hollow, nd suggested a show of good faith would be too &pproduce the documents in question. on capitol hilll mike emanuel, fox news. if you'd like to contact your representative and ell him or her what you think about the attorney general... head to our website, fox baltimore dot com and lick on the your voice tab on the eft of thee screen. peoppe are living longer
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...which means your retirement ttink. alison kosik has more on why 67 could be the new 65. when social security was --- created -- the average americaa lived to about 60 years old. today, life pxpectancy is much longer, putting more strain on government retirement programs. the orgaaization for economic cooperation and development says by 2050, the average man will live 20 years past retirement age, up from 17 years in 2010. and the average wooaa will live 24 years beyond reeiremenn, up from 20. to keep up with llngerrlife expectancies, he o-e-c-d suggests governments raise the retiremeet age. if that doesn'' happen -- the cost may become unbearabll because the social security administratton is alreadyycash- strapped. it's paying out more in benefits than it takes in... and it expected to run a $165 billion dollar deficit this year. to combat that, the retirement ge has been slowly rising. it's currently at 66 -- after sitting at 66 for pecades. it's scheduled to reach 67 in 2022. the
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connressionallbudget office says raising the retirement age to 0 ould reduce the social security administration's costs. and experts say extendinn the &pretirement age could even boostttte economy, because people woold stay in the work force longer. buu not eveeyone especiallyythooe in physically- kooii in new york. 'm alison p----endd----cnn.script----- from homeless... to 50-thousand dollars richer! richer!!hhre one man found his small fortune...and why he's allooed to keep it! bottle the 6-year old is doing this morning and how commonnthis crime is becommingg çia÷a÷
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