tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 14, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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into his happened last night in baltimore county.. and police say the suspect did not maae it out alive. aaive.megan gilliiand is randallstown. at the scene in gooo mornnng patrice, we're live in the 4-thousand block of starbrook road nnar... ?you can see ?still a lot offun-answeeed questions here this's hat we can tell you...police say around 10-o'clock last night, ssmeone tried to break into an jjst down the block here. whether the suspect acttally &pmade it inside or not is wws an altercation anddthe re - &psuspect died.detectives found the bbdd outside the still unclear... buttonee officer told us it was not by a gun.the identities of the offfcer and thh suspect arr not eing released right now. we know that detectivee are
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talking with the officer though and trying to piece scene unfooded.tly how this 3&we''l bring you more as t's innrandallstown, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 3 charges have ánotá been filed yet... in the suspiciius death of an infant in downtown'' a story yooure seeing first on fox. fox.paramedics were called to a home on north stricker streee, wednesday morniig... found the one year old.... in cardiac arrest and nconcious. thhyyalso say... the child had bruises on her body. doctors pronounced her deed at an area hospital. paramedics say, whhn they &presponded, the mother was not (mr. man) "he know what happened and thht's the bottom line. ain't othiig suspicious about it. if he don't know what happened, then it's suspicious. other than
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that, you already know what happened."(mms turner/neighbor) "i don't want to jump to aay conclusiins because i don't know the parents or anything, but i mean, suspicioos death?" death?" police say they're paiting on the autopsy report to learn the exact cause of death before filing any charges. 3 in this morning's waste watch report...the mayor is in the hot eaa... as the comptroller accuses her of making thousands of dollarssin illegal purchases.jeff abell shows us how it unfoldedd unfolded. (exterior ity hhlll (15:49:52) "the mayor is not being truthful. she's not being honest....." the aggnda seemed routine....but it didn't take long before fireworks erupted at thh city's board of estimates.... (15:34:31) p(pratt) "this effort today is an eefort of the mayor to take over the duties of the comptroller...." comptroller jjan pratt accused mayor tephanie rawlings blake 659-thhussnd tax
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purchase these high--ech video phones for city hall. the comptrooler says the mayor bypassed he citys competitive pidding process in order to pay for the phones for city offices. (15:37:05) "fiist of all you told an untruth and said you didn't installed and you did ecause it was on your desk....." (15:37:31) "so you approved 659-thousand dollars inn taxpayers money illegally." the accusation....but she did comment on he comptrollers complaint that the mayyr dodged questions about the issue on ffiday. office told us you were out of town on fridayy (comptroller) what we were old. i don't have a gps on you...." the comptroller says the purchase of the hones violated the city's charter.... but the city's attorney..... (15:44:22) (nilson) "there's no charter viioation here that i see attall...." (15:49:19) (pratt) "wwatt i'm going to do is call for the inspector general to (15:45:59) (young) "and would appreciate it mr. nilson if you would not interruut her
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unlesss she's speakinn directlyyto you.!" (nilson) "i thooght he was finished with er statement i'm sorry...." the meeting ended withouu agreement.....this issue will return in three weeks. (15:46:52) "motiin carries. if there's no more bgusiness before the board the meeting will recess until noon bid the comptroller claims ... former city employee rico singleton elped with the purchase of he phhoes. baltimore's chief information officer before steeping down earlier ttis year. political consultant ulius henson is behind bars for his rrbo-call.henson left court in handcuffs shortly aater a judge senttnced him to 60-days in rison. prosecutors say the call during the 2010 gubernatorial election was aimed at keeping black voters from going to the polls. henson's attorney is as a civil fine of one million dollars for violating thh "federal telephone consumer protection acc." (smith) "i haven't seen a case that led to a million dollar fiie in the federrl court but this is appaaeetly something
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make the decisiins they ant they're doing it." henson worked for the campaign pf former governor bob ccief paul schurick got one his role in the cass. 3 p the trial of former penn statee university assistant football coach is moving along quickly. on ednesday... jerry of his child sexual abuse melisa raney explains... the prosecution could finish by friddy. 3 five of ten alleged victims haveettken the witness stand in the jerry sandusky trial this week... in an emotion filled courtroom, jurors heard for one alleged victim says ney sandusky made him feel uncomfortable on the stand. pandusky was looking at him as though, almost in an adoring and to my eyes n an odd fashion. my client told mm that he actually sttred at
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him, sandusky stared at him during the entire testimooy, almost as thouuh my client felt that he wanted to make him uncomfortableobservers in the courtroom say sandusky is listtning intently to each witness, without showing much eepression. the jurors alsoo watched a tv clii from a november innerview, in which n-b-c's bob costassasked sandusky if he was sexually attracted to young boys. am i sexually attractte to underage boys? sexually attracted, no, i enjoy young people, love toobe around them, but no, i'm nottsexually attracted to youug boys. the judge told jurors the prosecutioo may e done presenting its cass by friday. then... it's the defense's turn.the former penn state assistant football coach has pleaded noo guilty to 52 counts.. inclldiig multiple counts of child rape .iim melisa raney reporting.
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the u-s department of justice has decided to drop remaining charges... against former presidential candidate, john edwards.this comes on the heels of edwardss trial on corruption charres in north acquittaa on one charge... and - a mistrial on 5 other charges. federal prosecutors accuued edwards of using hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegallcampaign coottibutions... to keep his pregnant mistresssa secret bid. g his 2008 presidential nats from onboard onboord some jetblue airways passengers are now suing the airline... over the erratic behavior of tteir pilot. the flight headed from new york to las vegas in arch... when they say thh pilot... claayon obscenities and ttld the passengers there was a bmb on the plane. during tte rants... the co-pilot successfully locked osbon out of thh cockpit when he went to the bathroom. the flight was
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beinggnamed in the lawsuit. new ccusaaions are tour de france winner, lance armstrong.the u-s anti-doping charges... gainst armstrong and 5 others.the charges mean armstrong is barred ffom participating in upcoming triathhons he's been competing pn... since his rettrement prom cycling.armssronn still mainttins he's innocent.if convictee... he could potentially lose all of his tour de francc titles. apple's trusty sidekkck... is making the jump from smart phones... to ácars.áthe company's c-e-o confirms that "sirr"... will soon come in the orm offa button on the steering wheel.that means drivers would be able to turn the adii on .. or get pirections... without taking says it's working with several - automakers... including toyota, honda and general &pmotors.the "eyes free" feattr is expected to debut within the next year. notice anything unusuallabout this guy?if you lookk
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closell... you might notice... it's not actually a's a human-oid robot... that's gaining worldwide attennion... for it's liie-like reseeblance to its creator.ddspite being made of silicon... the creator sayssit's so real... it'' as one of the main attractions of - the expo 2012... happening this week in peru. pull them up! up!the ssate that's trying to ban... the "saggy pants" trend.. trend.. ((break 1)) 3
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were using the ccane to replace banners on the side of a building... when it suddenly tipped over.the workkrs were strapped in when it happened... and managed to crawl to safety.luukily... the drivvr of this s-u-v was inside the building attthe time.authorities think wind &pmay havv played a role in the accident. ((2-shot toss to eather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) & ,3
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3 could be harming your career. alison kosik takes a look at the biggest distraccions on the job. --reporter pkg-as follows -- if you find yourself unable to focus at work -- chhnces are pretty good it could be your pignificant ooher who is to blame..a new survey from com-psych finds one in 5 workers citeepersonal biggest distraction on the eir - job. experts say those issues consume so much of an employee's time and attention-- thaa work often takes a back seat. but &pdistractions can also be lurking right there ii the office. the next biggest interference is a co-worker
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who constantly waats to chha. that's followed by work relationship challenges, and financial and legal concerns. employees also say health problems and child care issues can impact their focus at work. surprisingly, communications like your cellphone and social media sites are the least distracting in the office. only 4% f workersscited that as their biggest distraction. paybe that means your boss won't be too upset next time he finds ou on facebook. i'm alison kosik in new york. &p-----end-----cnn.script----- a draaatic police ccase... caught on ccmera. camera.what police were doing... when the sussect took off!and what finally stopped hi. him. can lulu have some beef pasta, too?
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