tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX June 14, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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imagine... losing your... day.../. thats ... what happened ....o one... 12-year- old... in new jersey. jersey.max becker... stored... hii cash this old computer.../.but.... his parents ccidentally... gave the computer away ... to a local... recycling company.../ not... knowwng ...becker used it... as a safe.../. it... toosearch thru... boxessof . &pcomputers... to find beckers money. 3&&p"some thing awful happened. telling us." us."a mother... lloks for answers ... after her son... is killed... in... n altercation... with an... offf duty police officer. 3 hello i'm jeef barnd.jennifer gilbert is off tonight.a... randallstown teen... is dead.../ fter... a... fight... with a... baltimore county... police officer.../. nd... the.... medical examiner... calls it... a hooicide. homicide.17-year old... christopher brown... died... .after... the
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arguemenn... on... star-brook road..../ the... off--duty cop... says... he heard... a loud bang... and... damaged....//he... saw... ssveral... younn people... run away.../ and... he... caught up... with one .../ (brown) "i don't know what the wwole situation is and what they're keeping from us, but i juss want them to tell me what went from an altercation to it &phim not being here anymore an weapons."la-board.. a... nine year....police veteran... is... on... administrative leave../. continuee. inn.. north an... a-t-f agent... shoots a suspected... armed robber .../ . ho... the agenn believed... was... about... run him down. down. police... then... arrest six suspects... and... recover... 6---firearms.../. they... about... to be used.... in an armmd robbery... at a nearby home.../. the... men ... were under investigation.... for about a month... following several... armed robberies. 1:38:11 these were very vvolent individuasl who intended to do ome serioos harm today ::5 :15 1:23:35 i justtheard booms :33 i thought it as actually from
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neighbor was talking about thh sailabration then yoo peak through the wooos up there and you could just see the swats :44 shot... is expected to survive. exactly... one year ago,... two teens ...who were friends... were killed... crossing... pratt street... and mlk. mlk.janice park... live... downtown .../ and... tells us... no one... will be punished... for running over the teens. janice? janice?jeff,the trial concluded about two months ago...the man believed to be at the wheel when he hit the two teens then fled...was found not guilty. today...dozens gathered at this spot to rememmer thee16 and 17 year old. 3 courtney angeles and emerald smith were best friends. courtney tried to push er priend out of the way...but both died...after a lincoln hit them aad never stopped. tonight...dozens athered at the very spot the two were hit at...still upset that the two people in the car that never stopped...kendra myles and rueben dunn...will face no punishment. "court and em were heroes, they didn't deserve to die not like that" even though rueben dunn was found not
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guilty on criminial charges...both mothers say live in downtown baltimore, .- janice park...fox45 news late edition. a... baltimoree.. ggand jjry... indicct... the former... morgan state student ... who admitted... to portions of his viitim. victtm.21-year-old... faces... five counts...// including... attempted first-degree murder.... firrt-degree assault.. , nd... use of a deadly weapon.../kii-u-ya... was arrested late last his roommate's death. forr - attorneys... for ... thh... former... baltimore catholic sccool teacher... charged... with... hild rape .../ says... his client... should be given... a... plea deal.../ or... beereleased... immediately. 3& john merzbacher's.../ lawyeer... sayy... rights were violated... when... defense attorneys.... ádidn'tá... telllhim... about... a... 10-year... plea deal... ábeforeá ...hisstrial... in 19-95.../. the... district court judge ... ruled..../ merzbacher... ámustá be offered... the deal... now..../ if... aa.. city... circuit ourt judgg... is... meantime...the prooecution's
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case in jerry sandusky's child sexual abuse trial is nearing its conclusion.. as juuie banderas reports on day 4... three more alleged victiis -- took the witness sta. stand. ============================= an alleged victim in jerry sandusky's child exual abuse case testifying... he 18... he told the court... sandusky's wife was but he thought the basement was soundproof.the teen saying... he ended up staying at the former penn statt assistant football coach's home... more than á100á times until 2009.howard janet: missed opportunity in 1998, an just by one person, it was missed by multiple people." another accuser testifying... sandusky called himself quote "the tickle monster" before pmbracing him in a penn state shower. he was only 11 yearr old. the man also saying... sandusky gave him a tour of the penn state football locker room and training facilities... and had him try
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on some equipment of players. meannhile, another lleged victim saying... he álovedá sandusky and viewed him as a father figure.the witness testifying... the ex-coach was rubbing and ouching his body during frequent sleepovers. he later became angry because ssndusky never reached out too him after he moved away. justine andronici: "this is not at all uncommoo of dult survivors of childhood sexual &pabuse in terms of the relationshippbeing one that is very emotionally complicated." sandusky is charged with molesting 10 boys ovvr a 15-year-period. the 68-year-old denies the charges. his defense awyers claim the accusers have financial motives. here in maryland... got a... first ... hand look... aa the paah ....f a new... gaa mainn../ that will... cut... yards.the main...
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is being polumbia energy... as part of the... pipeline... traversing... hardford county...//.today... officials from the federal energy commission toured the area ... where colummia says... they want to diveet... the line.../.it's.... a plan... that raissd concerns... wwth ... an environmental atch dog group. 16:01:43"we don't have enough information to know how the project6 is going to affect the envirnment., and we are still intersted in gtttting more infoomation from ferc aad columbia about the impacc"166013 &p16:01:53 in the interest of full disclosure, the proposed path of the pipeline will affeet the propeety of our news director. p are... we... alone in the univer? universe? bad day... for... u-f-o enthusiasts... who áthouggtá... thee found... a secret alien... spacecraft... area.../.this... is the picture.... of saucer-shaped object on a very wide flatbed truck that had some ppople
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wondering. motorists snapped and posted them on twitter, some people became ccncerned enough to call local police. turns out it was an experimental, unmanned aircraft called an x-44b a good day to wave the flag on flag day maryland's state comptroller reminds customers ann businesses that ammrican, maryland and pow-mia flags are exempt from the ssate's six franchot's words... n peter "patriotism is tax-free and so is he purchase of the flag." good day... for historical accuracy....//the... marrland racing commission sayssit will consider a the 1973 preaaness stakes.../. video ... of that race ...cannbe reviewed... using modeen technology determine &pwhether the horse... set aa record.../.there ... have been questions... about secretarrat'ss.. official time in that race
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p0-ships,... representing 13 nations earlier todaa. playing"lieutenant governor ... anthony brown, .. mayor stephanie rawlings lake. and... other officials... were on handd.. for the star-spangled sail- a-bration... welcome ceremony the harborplace amphitheatre..../ the... ships are on hand... for the national lauuch... of the &pbicentennial... f the war of 1882... ann the writing... of the... star-spangled banner..// . something that is drawing the attention of thhse outside the city. 8:22:56-23:08"exposing my kids to somethig a little bit different nd supporring the we're from damascus and i feel like this is something they're poing in baltimore and we it."8:21:44-47"as soon as i
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showed them pictures of thh ships they said that looks cool" pool." the star-spangled sailabration ships, waterside festivities, an airshow featuring the blue angels and much more. 3 the race for the white house moves to an important battleground state. wwat the candidatts saiddas they bbth lookkd for votes in ohio. and the child aad chimp.some entertaining mmnkey business at a zoo [ male announcer ] one taste of the new mccafé cherry berry chiller
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blended with ice. the simple joy of keepin' it cool. president obama and &pmitt romney were relatively close in location today-- but light years apart in philosophy-- while explaining hhw they will get the economy going again. they were both in reports the president addressed his supporters in cllvvlanddtoday while his republican challenger went on
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the attack in cincinnati. mitt romney began his speech almost 20 mins early in preemptively tried to undercut the pres's big speech in cleveland designed ttoreframe his economic meesage romney says: "he'ssdoing that because he hasn't deliiered a recovery for the economy // "action speaks very loud and if you want to seeethe results pround ohio look around the country and you'll see that lottof ppl are hurting and have some real tough times" romney casts the race as a referendum on the incumbent'ss failed policies. uulike mr obama, romney used no teleerommter. aware the president planned a political sppech devood of new ideas, romney prediited ever more dire consequences to the obama economic approach romney says: "it leads to chronic high unemplooment like europe has, low wage growth like europe has, and potential fiscal calamity like were seeing at the doorstep of eurooe today or we caa instead return to the principles that
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made american, ameriia - e can once again have a nation that leads the world in entrepreneurship, innovation, job creation, economic &pvitality anddwage growth." romney ffnished his speech began his and launched his first paid tv attack ad of the general election campaign pounding the pres with dismml economic statistics and - predictably - the president's own words nats attack ad: obama says: "the private sector is doing fine, thee private sector is doing fiie, doing fine"separately the rnc used his famous presidential quote nats: "if i don't have this one in 3 yrs then this is going to be a ne term proposition"the president is then seen golfing and mocked ffr expecting a 2nd tem and federal regulation, (oh!) overall economic message. s romney launches his first tomorrow in nh...over the next 5 days he'll isit 6 keyswing states, nh, pa oh, wi, ia, and mi... the prr-obama supprpac -prioritiee usa- launched an attack in nh ahead of the bus tour, slamming romney's business record based pn a firm romney got involvee with years ago that closed its nh facility workers innnhh lost their jobs as the company over seasaa rommey buses ns - across battleground states in the next few days, the
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about ... higgway robbery! robbery! an... unbblievvbbe sight... on a highway in romania..../ several... thieves... arr caught on camera... trying to... break into the back... of moving truckk../.two... guys... poppout of the sunroof.../ and... one... holds onto the other.. as the first guy... tries to break into the dictates...... is worth the risk. - (("it's gotta be the two stupidest people i've ever deaa.")))ut... before anythiig horrific happens.../ the would-be thief... ggts a peek nside.. then... abandons the mission...//. the.. incredible video wws captured the romanian organized crime unit. a ... floriia teacher... faces child abuse charges... for a strange ritual... thatt caused harm... to six f her &pstudents..../police... say... danielle harkins... has childrenn.. meet at park....//build... a... small fire... do some chanting... then... eecouraaed the
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way... to árelease the evilá...- from one another..../harkkns... is... also accused oo using perfume.. to áfuelá the so-called ábrandingá... of a one of the teens. "thee would follow that up with some sort of cauterization of the wound to keep thh evil spirits from getting back ii to the ody." body." harkins is charged with one count of chiil count -- aggravated battery. 3 3 a kid and a chimp hit it off right away at the zoo... we'llltell you what started this game... and why the 2 had more ffn than a barrel of... well... you know... ♪
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and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, ccear... case... of "monkey-see, monkey-do".../.. cindy... little... and her six-month-old son, preston,... got monkey businnsss. during a recent outing at a kansass zoo.../. preston.. caught the eye ...of the chimp.../, and... before two began a playful game of ..
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copycat.../ all caught on cindy's ccll phone. &p36-47"at first i was a little worried because the monkey was actually hitting the glass really hard. it made it adorable because of the way they were just interacting. diffeeeet things that the monkey did, my son kept laughin" laughing."zoo officials... say.. mab--usu... was so happy to see the littleeguy.. because ...there are no chimps... his age... living at the zoo to hang with him..../
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vitamin d... important role... in staying healthy../.unfortunately... experts say... store bought... vitamin d... and &pmuuti vitamins... don't help... that much . the... typical dosage... foo... store brought ...vitamin d ... is... 400--units, .../ but... according scientists.../, there's... no evidence ... those doses... do áanythingá... to prevent cancer... or bone fractures. the dose. what's the blood not level. and that requires requires people asking their doctor o measure their vitimin d." d.""s... many as ...60- percent of adults... are vitamin d... deficient. &p3 3 orioles going for the sweep of the pirates...tte offensive pxplosion at camden yards...
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the simple joy of keepin' it cool. thanks for watching. here's unlimited. a very interesting night at camden yards...a ttle of two careers going in opposite 2008, the orioles sent their ace, erik bedard, to seattle in exchaage for a group of players heeded by adam jones...jone is having a career year...bedard is just trying to hang on...and things went very badly for him tonight. tonight... bedard making andy macphail look realll good for making that deal....bottom of the 1st...1-0 o's...mark reynolds serves it to riiht...chris davis scooes...birds by 2... reynolds with a 4-for-5 night....another guy withha 4-hit night...matt wieters.. seeing eye single in tte 4th... top 7-0...wieters 5 rbi game... .another guy with a 5 rbi game...steve pearce...putting it toohis former team...ccanks a 3 run homer to left...bedard
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charged with 7 of the orioles 12 runs...birds sweep the puccos 2-6..their 5th joe flacco has never missed a start for the baltimore ofd the reasons they felt comfortable with just one backup, rookie tyrod taylor, a year ago....his year, ex colt curtts painter is in the mix, and as morgan adsii reports, thingssare looking very different... 3
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to golf...and the second of the fourrmajors,...the us &pin the san francisco...and th game's biggesttname is off the a solid start...tigee woods is under par.... par.... tiger buildinn off his win at the memorial....on 17 tiger 1-ovee putting for birdie... sinks it to pull even....2nd hole...tiger's approach on the paa 4...great shot...sets up a very makeable irdie....but his birdie putt goes around the cup...tapped in par to with a long birdie puut...he can't make the short one...but curls this perrectly intoothe cuu...tiger shoots a ooe-under 66...3 shots off the lead....
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phot f the day belongs to nick atney...2nd shot on the par 5, 17th...lands it on the green ann then watch it roll... on a straight line forrthe cup...into the clown's mouth for an eagle...watney alsoo tied for 2nd at one under.... michael thompson is the leader at 4-under...phill ickelson had a rough first day...6-over 76...but last year's u-s oppe winner rory mcilroy had an even woose round...7-over 77... &pthat'll do it for this editio pf sports unlimittd...i'm bruce cunningahh...goodnight. goodnight.
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