tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 15, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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you can go to and make a real difference in their lives today. do it. today is friday, today is friday, june 15. 3 33 a randallstown teen dies after a fight with a baltimore county police officer.the medical examiner is now callinggit a homicide.megan gilliland is here with more from the teenager's motherr... who has a lot of questions as she plans her son's funeral. 3 son's funeral.. lot of questions mother... wwo has teenager's from the here with more hooicide.calling it a examiner is now the medical police officer.fight with a teen dies after a randallstown 3 3 3 3 honda is ecalling thousands of it's 2012 civics..the major problem it's causiin..and what cannhappen if ii isn't fixed. &pand the stounding amount of child... right now. 3 3 today is friiay, june 15. p3
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who hassa lot of questions as she plans her son's funeral. good morning pptrice,this is brown... he died during an altercation with aa off-duty officer on starbrook road. &ptheeofficer... ays he says h heard a loud bang outside his home and found hii front door damaged.he then saw... three several block away... he caught up with rown... hiding in some bushes. (armacost) "at that point, the younn man.... engaged in a physical fight with our offfcer and in the course of that physical ight, at somee poiit, he young man fell unconscous."(bbown) "i doo't &pknnw what the whole situation issand what they're keeping from us, but i just want them to tell me what went oo with my son bbcause it went from an alteecation to him not being weapons."brown died a short &pttme later at a nearby hospital.according to the
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medical eeaminer... he died of asphyxiatton. so faa no charges have been police veteran is on year - administtative leave while the investigatioo conninues.iim mmggn gilliland, fox45 morning a baltimore grand jury indicts the ffrmer morgan state sttdent who admitted to killing and eating portions of his victim. vvctim.21-year-ood alexander kinyua faces five counts degree murder, first degree assault, ann use of a deadly weapon.kinuya was arrested late last month.. for hhs roommate's ddath. one year ago... two teens who were lso best friends were kklled crossing pratt street and m-l-k. yesterday... dozens gathered to remember the 16 and 17 year . old.nats! emerald smith were killed after a lincoln hit them and never stopped.dozens gathered at the very spot the two were hit ...stilll pset that the two people in the car that never stopped... kendra myles and rueben dunn...wwll face no
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punishment.the trral concluded about two monthh ago...and the wheel ... was ound not guilty. "court and em were heroes, thee didn't deserve to die not &pthat"even though rueben dunn was found not guilty on criminial charges... both mothers say they have filed civil suits. everal baltimore county students are being punished for making aaracist drawing involving presidenn oba. obama. we've censored this picture that several students ddew of president obama at eastern tech high school.the picture shows three nooses hanging from he rafters offa building.. a burring cross... and their are two racial epithets undee the pressdent's naae.the ppincipal suspended &pseveraa studdnts for the drawing. and residents who live nearby are calling what happened ... disturbing. 20 (rogers/former student) "kindd of i guess, the way thattthe society is kind of desensiiized to foul language and even just, i guess, he
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message, the hatred." hatred."(snowden/resident) "this is the meltiig pot country. and i fyou can't get you know, go live in another country. that's what it's about, love your brother." be filedd. the iicident is not considered a hate crime. the school principal says thh teenagers made a bad of supervision by a teacher. 3 the prrsecution's final accuser took the stand thursday... in theejerry sandusky child sex abuse trial. the former penn statee assistant football coach ffces 52 counts. as mary ellen hopkins explains... jurors heard from two other accusers thursday... a police officer aad anninvestiiaaor. 3 the week eeded as it begann- with the jury hearing graphic and disturbing testimony froo seveeal alleged victims. one of them - an 18 year old man -
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identified as victim 9. he pays wwen he wws a younn teen, jerry sandusky epeatedly forced hii to perform oral sex. and on several occasions, &phe says sandusky sodomized him. he says his creams for help from sandusky's basement, went unanswered..these young men,,victim 3 included, are disclosing sexual abuse on someone else's timeline and they're doing it on an extraordinarily public stage and it took a great deal of ccurage to do haa tooay. meanwhile, the defense continues to question the motives of sandusky's acccsers. there is lots of moneyyout there. lawsuits have already been filed agginst penn tate, against second mile, against jerry sandusky and we're evaluating and investigating the possibility there's a financial motivation. also thursdda -- a former penn state police officer said he investigated claims after a woman reported sandusky had shooered with her charges shouud have been filedd- then, but prosecutors at the
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time did nnt aaree. i'm mary there are no court proceedings friday. when court resumes expectee tt rest it's case. turn. ttday... honda is recalling about 50-thousand of with its driveshaft assembly. the automaker says the driveshhft may not have been issue could lead to a loss of enggnn powerror cause the car it will staring mailing out -&- reeall notifications by the there are so many aaazing fathers all ovvr our viewing area.... but we want to recognize one of hem as "the best". our four finalists for "baltimmre's beet daa" are in owingssmills at cagle'ss billiards to battle it out on the elt. felt. jjel d. smitt is live there now for the contest with more on the ddds and what they can win. good morning joel d. 3
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it's fridaa and that means it's your tuun to sound off on our facebook ppge aboot anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in ur "facebook feedback" segment. pegment.just go to facebook ddt com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the ponversation. paranoia... hallucinatioos.. bloody ramppges. rampages. her legs wrapped around it and she was &pstrangling the og
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paaanoia, halllcinations ... even violent bboody attacks are all beeng attributed to a dangerous combination of chemicals. as mary snow reports... they're ooten referred to as bath salts ... sold over-the-counter at gas stations and convenience stores, across the country. 3 country. 3--reporter pkg-as follows -- it's a drug you can buy in cities across the u-s. and it's increasingly making headlines. dangerous chemical ccmbinations, often referrrd to as "bath salts" are being bizarre, violent behavior. a new york mother susspcteddof being high on the chemicalss was photographed runnnng around naked before policce repprtedll used a stun gun to died..she allegeely beat her 3-year-old son and witnesses described her as being out of control. "she got a hold of one of her dogs. he was rolling around on the ground.
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her arms wrapped around it. her legs wrapped round it and she was strangling the dog." it comes weeks after the gguesome murder in miami a where a man ate the face of bath salts may have been catch-all nickname being given &pstimulants meant to imiccthe effects of illegal drugs like peth, cocaine and lsd. they are sold at convenience stores &plike this one in new hampshir where a recent raid seized 100-ttousand dollars worth. n undercover detective who wanted hii iientityyprotected on cnn's erin burnett outffont...described a user he encountered. ""he was actually ppcking apart her skin, saying sheefelt that when she was on t that she ad bugs in her halllcinogenics. she statedd feeling an outer power experiencee extreme paranoia waa one of the indicattrs that she said she ofttn feels when
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she was salts." and earlier this week in indiana, police raided more than a half-dozen gas stttions which ere selling them. poison centers around the country hhve seen a rise in calls linked to bath salts. more than 40 states haae bannee bath salts and other chemicals that can be used to get high legaaly. but special agent jeffrey scott with the drug enforcement that simple. he says the d-e-a last year anned three of the most commonly used chemicals i'm speakinn now, formulationn are changing..the chemicals themselvvs are changing. we've seen it as something of whack-a-mole. you ban or regulate..schedule..three chemicals, then three ore appear. then five more. so that represents a challenge." &p-----end-----cnn.ssript----- phe degree.. that ays! pays!the average starting salary for a computer science d. degree..anddthe cost of rrising a many
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thoussnds of dolllrs you will have to shell out... for 17 &pyears. 3(break 3)))- the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate.
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isn't the "coolest" major, think again. alison kossk explains where the hot jobs are for "techies"... and the avvrage startinn salary. salary. --reporter pkg-as follows -- these days-- it pays to be a geek. some of the coolest jobs aroond are t tech companies like facebook and google -- and that mmans so-called nerds are geetiig rockstar treatment. a new report from career-cast-dot-com lists the best technology jobs in grab the top spot. the average salary is about 90-thousand &paboot money. the study ays working conditions are beeter than ever. many tech ompanies offer cool perks llke free food anddvideo games at the office. also helping, hiring is through the rooff the second and third best tech jobs are also computer science positions-- with salaries nearing 80-thousand dollars.
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and here's the deal. the pumber of undergrads earning computer science degrees hass dropped over the last decade. recruiters are floodingg college campuses looking for smart, tech-savvy students, but can't find enough o meet pheir needs. so for anyone lloking to get into these fields -- demand is high. bottom line-- it might be time to do that math homework. i'm alison kosik in new york. x -----end-----cnn.script----- elebrating 237 years of the army! will take to eat thhs?find outt &phow much it costs.. to make this tank...cake. pank...cake.a teen dies during an altercation with a baltimore county cop.the foot chase that led to thh deadly altercatiin and the investigation now underway. underway. first lady michelle
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3 &pfirst lady michelle obama is racist. according to attorney- general eric holder. et me explain.holder has targeted any tate that atteepts to hhve clean and fair elections. you can't steal elections when they're clean.recently, doj demanned florida halt cleaning voter rollssof foreigners, non-residents and the dead. fforida is actually complying ith state and federal law.. one sweep found 53,000 deed people registered po vote. cbs news coofirmed most notoriius voter idents.the suppressioo case occurred when baton-wielding, uniformed nee black panthers acted menacingly toward white voters at a philadelphia precinct in 2008. a federal judgment hadd already been entered in early to abandon tte case.recently, offered holdee's allot -
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because dc doesn't have a voter id law. still holder beeieves voter id laws are racist beccuse - he cllims - many lacks and hispanics don't have photo ids. this brings us to micheele obama's recent book signing in washington, dc. n ssite of elaborate security, customers weeee required to submit their social security number and a photo id. using holder's logic, michelle obama doesn't want to sign books for lacks or hispanics.perhaps the white private data for the rrelection campaign.for more on this story visit ehind the headlines dot
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