tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 18, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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a weekend fire claims the life of a baltimooe father. &phow the family's dog helped save everyone else and the changed everything. &p3"that's not the democratii way... &p the recent stand the president took hat hhs some for his impeachment... calling and... fighttng back one teacher gave.. thht got her fired. 3 3 today issmonday, jjne 18. &p3&p 3
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3 a weekend fire in east father.the man had just got &phome from the hospital before the flames broke out. out.megan gilliland is here with more on the how the everyone else inside. good morning,fire officials tell us thhre were no working smoke detectors in the family's hooe.ii it weren'' for papa here... the families four year old pit bull.... who rest of the family might have diid along with their father. this was the cene around 11 o''lock saturday night... s smoke anddflames shot ut of put not everybody maae it out. - bruce wagner... a father and husbaad... died inside.the wagner family also lost a dog and aacat. malii agner, widoww 12.41.46 "we all ent into the fronn rooo and that'sswhen i seen my husband on ffre."crystal marie
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wagner: 13.21.25 "my ddd, i'll miss im so much." (dip to blac) black)bruce had just returned home from the hospital...where for alcoholiss.what could have been a fresh start... ended tragically early.still no word on what caused the fire. put brucees wife says they haan't had a smoke detector inn years.theecity ffre department is reminding everyone....they give hem away.if you don't have one... give them a all. &pi'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. justified.christopher brown r - was killed tuesday night... in randallstoonn.. urinhth an of officer.the offiier chased he noticed damage to his ront door... and saa brown and others running from his yard. during the struggle with the officer.... aad laterr died of asphyxiation. brown's best frieed says... brown and other boyy ere going around the doorbells and throwinn rock
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at homes. "we were talking. he asked me ii i waat to go outside and i said, nah, i had to go study um, and he ust went on with the boys that was outside." outside.""rown'ssfuneral is set for saturday at 10-am at colonial baptist churrh. a viewing willlbe held the day before. some repubbicans are calling for presideet obama's executive order on illegal iimi. new policy would allow about a million illegal immigganns ...under the age of 30 to allowing them tt staa in the country.democrats believe this is an important step fooward... the order oversttps hii bounds... and even abuses his &ppower.... by implemeeting new pollcies... conttadicting current immigration law.they say... they're ready to go to court. "that's not the pemocrrtic waa... uphold the constitution of the unitedd
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states."((today video)) &11:09: any preeident - does not have the authority... amnestyylaw schemers, not dreamers, because they're getting paid for by taxpayers." republican presidennial candidate mitt romney... wouldn't say whether he'd repeal president obama's deccsion to stop deportingg certain young illegal an interviewwon áface the natiiná, romney administration would seek longer-term solutions to the problem. 1-8"the president jumpee in and aid i'm going to take ptop-gappmeaaure. i don't know why he feels stop-gap measures are the right wwy to go." po."34-50"but would you repeal this? "rrmney: well, it would will,,by virtue of my putting in place a long-term solution, with legislation which creates law that relates to these individuals such that they
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know what their setting is going to be." be."in maryland, vvters will to give ii-state tuition ether - discounts to illegal immigrant students.the president's new plan... may push even more people to he polls... in sides. authorittes aae awaitiig autopsy and toxicollgy results... afterrrodney king was found dead in his swimming . pool.king... who was 47 ears old... became an ymbol of police brutallty... after l-a-p-d officers nearly beat him tt death more than 20 yeers andrew spencer explains... the inciddnt led to widdspread raac riots in l-a. l--. police were called to odney (ree-alto), california round 5:25 sunday morning - in 9-1-1 call from his fiancee. they found king unresponsive at he bottom of his backyard swimming pool.police did c-p-r until paaamedics arrivedd e hospiial.the preliminary investigation is indicating it appears that mr. king died of a drowning. however the rialto
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police depprtment, thee detective burrau, is investigating the incident. from the pool there was no obvious signs f traumaain 19-91, an amateur ameraman recorded four white police officers striking king moree than 50 times ith wooden batons. aa ttial -- three of &ptheeooficers were acquitted. the jury deadlocked on aa african-americans took to the rioting caused more than 50 e - deaths -- and a billion dollars in property damage.on the third day of the rioos, &pking made a now-famous lea. people i just want to say can we all get along, ccn we all get along?a neighbor said he's shocked at sunday's ddath.i those personssthat, you knoo, would always be around, he's one of the icons ttat you would look uu to, because with think, bb telling everybody -3
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can't we all just get along and people starred getting along.i'm anddew spencer repootinn. police say the san bernardino &pcounty coroner's office will conduct the auttpsy.toxiccllgy testing is eepected to take abouu 6 too8 weeks. of its nuclear plants... for - tte first tiie since last year's fukushima disasser. a thursday to restart two power station. japan began r - allowing nuclear reactors too fall idle across the country following the earthquake and disasterrat the fukkshiia pucleaa plant. the ásailabrationá continues in baltimore this mooning... following a big weekend of fireworks... tall ships and pat. patriotism.hundred of thousands of people gathered to celebrate the bicenttnnial of the war of 18-12 at forr mchenry anddthe inner harbor. there was a breatthakinggaii
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show that includee the nnvy blueeangels... and ships galore for visitors to tour. 3&"its absolutely thrilling i get near the water and sseing you know the tall hips absolutell fantastic." fantastic." you still have a chance to check out the tall ships... sailabration also proves tt be - &paabig wii for any businesses a lot of restauranns and bars pad ""pecials""on food and drinns.many even mooed outside to attract more visitors. "sailabration here hassbeen great lots of friendly people from the sailaaration... " - including the blueeangels... by ggiig to our website and clickinn oo raw news. this summer camp is a real "zoo". the plumpton paak zoo in rising sun
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-here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. ((ad lib meteorolooist)) ((traffic reporter ad libs))
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against him. and the prosecution is expected to rest in the sandusky case.the unlikely person expected to ttke thh stand... in hissdefense. ((bump out)) 3 [ male announcer ] ever wonder what's behind two little fleas? the next generation and then countless more. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generation of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. jerry sandusky could be
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friday... allowing thh &pdefense to introduce tessimon on whethhr saadusky suffers penn state assistaat football rape charges. susan candiottii has a preview of what to expect when the prosecution prsts toddy. today. --reporter pkg-as follows -- dayss jurrrs eard prosecutors set out to prove jerryy &psanduskyyis aaserial predator raping and molessing 10 boys. ccme monday, the defense iss expected to ttke center stage.. after a week of listening to ithering testiiony from and about ten allegeddvictims, jerry saadusky began and ended nearly evvry day with a smile on his face. his lawyyr is trying to be upbeat. every day's hard. it's tough work. designing defense on the n who - footbbal field. criminnl defense attorney ron kuby says ttere's a tssnami ffevidence against him. sandusky's strategy ii expected to attack
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the timeline of repeated sexual allegeddassaults raised during cross examination by pointtnn out confliits with sandusky's schedule. the defense is also expected to furthhr question whether -&all to come forward by possible lucrative lawsuits. nonsense says howard janet, attornee for alleged victim 6. does thaa meaa ttat none of them are ttlling the truth because they've gone o hirr a lawyer? court the first day but stayed awwy the rest of the time innicating she's expecttd to take the sttnd to efend her husband. whht is his wife wwth him aad the various young boys? which obviously she wasnnt. she has as farraa i case outside of some sort of s - plea for symppthy. tth defense psychologist to explain love letters sandusky wrote to
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paperr,,the defenss ndicates prrdator's grooming technique, but indicative of sommone suffering from a histrionic wanted to make himself more charity. ss: are you looking - pfrward to presenting your ordee's preventing sandusky from talking now, and he isn't required to testifyy but the defense promised jurors they'd chance he has is to take the witness stand and just maybe he can conviice one jjror to hold out. andda hunn jury right now, is a loo better than life without parole. (reporter out) "will he or woont he take the stand? ultimately, sandusky must deciie if he wants to look jurors in the eye and face prosecutoos armed with tough questions of their own. susan candiotti cnn bellefontt, pennsylvania." -----end----- cnn.script----- &ptheir hard earned money...tak! taken!!hy the elderly are such a target when it omes to scammerss..and the ssrprising group of people... who are taking their money! money!and person
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is dead in thaa trrgic stage collapse accident... at a radioheed concert.when it happened... and the identity of the person... killed. p(break 33) the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine
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of billions every year... and it's getting woose. alisoo kosik explains the ages most risk. --reporter pkk-as folllws -- been known to target senior citizenss but xperts say itts now a growing problee. pccording to a new urvey from investor truut protection-- 84- percent of doctors, financial planners and other seniors say they've seen an pncrease in finaacial abuse this year. the proof is in the nummbrs. met-life says pmericans over age 60 lost almost $3 billion dollars to financiallabuse in 20-10. from 2008. ssdly, friends and famiiy were reeponsible for about a hird of that exploitation. but most seniors
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are swindled by complete strangees. experts say senior citizens are often too trrsting-- and con artists often pose as someone they're not. a lot of this fraud goes uureported because seniors are too embarrassed to speak up... or they don't know they're being scammed. the people most at risk are between 80 and 9 have someone elping them arounddthe house or with your trusted friends close, and our wallets closer. 'm alison kosik in new york. -----end-----cnn.scrrpt----- advice from a teacher... leads to ttouble. trouble.what an instructor told stuuents to do... to another student... in response ! bullying!a weekenddfire claims the life of a baltimoreefather. how the family's dog helpedd save everyone lse and the pimpleedevice that coull have changed verything.
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so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition.
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