tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 19, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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without bidding the contract. contract.megan gillilann is here with a story you're seeeng first on fox. p good morning mmgan. good morning,it alllstarted laat week... has been brewing ever sinne.mayor stephanie rawlings blake wants to take control of the city's phone system... and buu these phones... but that plan requures some big purchases. behind these fancy phones... come switchers and data the mayor price tag. comptroller joan - pratt is accusing her of &pspending more than 650- thousand dollars on roughly 80 telephones. the mayor's office says it's more like 21-thousand dollars.but why wouud the mayor allegedll offer a bribe to the comptroller for her upport in this whole deal?pratt claims she was offereddmore mmney into her budget... enough to hire two new stafffrs. "i id know that the mayor was trying to ... i told herrit was an nsult.""ii
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don't want to commentton the allegatioo... allays have ongoing dissussions about budget items, all the timm. so maybe that's where the fromm"ion came from." but it doesn't end there.the comptroller is also accusing the mayor of breaking the law properly bid to comppnies. instead, it was attached to an existing contract with a company that's been doing business with the city for find out how the mayor's coming up next half hour.i'm megaa gilliiand, fox45 morning news. it's our duty to hold elected officials can do that by joininn our fox45 waste watch.if you have a story about government waste... call our can
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also go to our website ffx baltimore dot com nd click on waste watch. 3 -3 first on fox.... a thief takes precious items from aapasadena family...and thhy need your back. it happened at this house on somerset drive near mcmagan drive inn pasadena, friday afternoon. someone shatterrd a downstairs window then walked into her brother'' bedroom.. that's where they founn a small bllck and grey safe similar to this one... filled with jeanine'ssparents' wedding and engagement rings and other valuables. but jeenine ays... it's mother gave to her children, just beeore she ied suddenly of cancer last year, that matter most. (jeanine) "them taking this away from us, ripped anotter (part) of our soul away. thii is one of the very last moments and memories and ery speciil things that our mother did foo us, that we no longer h" have." if you have ann
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&pinformation about this crime... call anne arundel county police. a university of maryland ptudent is out of tte hospital after a frightening home invasion and robbeey at his &poff campus apartment.'re looking at the back of ryan miller'sshead. those staples are clossnn a big cct .. after people robbing the apartment knocked him outit appened just before noon fridaa.miller awoke in the hossitall... that's when he learned his laptop... wallet... even cigarettes... gone. "i feel like there should be a little ore security. maybe they could puu up some cameraa and patrol more. this happened in the middle of the day. there's got to be somebody who could do that," hudja says. says.police did get a lot of fingerprints at the scenee. but not a good description.anyone witt information... is asked to call pplice. fox45 teams up with thh most ... tracks &pcriminal activityyin our neighbbrhood and will seed you emails when crime happens.go
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tt fox-baltimore dot com... and ccick on spot crime in he hot topics sections. a university of maryland student charged with posting an internet threatt.. is scheduled to be in court today. alexander song is accused of posting a threat... laiiing he planned to shoot and kill as many people as possible on campus.police arrested him.. unarmed.. in his was an honor student from howard county studying engineering. ootgoing police commisioner ootgoingakes to the streets one time as police chief. chief.bealefeld hit the streets monday for his regular citizen on patrol walk... the finalltiie as police commiisioner.commissioner bealefeld walked nnrth chester street in southeast baltimore. neighbbrhood leaders say they'll miss the outgoing chief.bealeeeld's department targeted violent crime... something he points tt as is legacy. 3 "oh, crap. five years ago, it was chaossin this neighborhood. it'sscalmed down quite a bit." bit." (("i inherited a department that was using solve problems in ttis ity, and we changed thht dramaticall) dramatically.")) bealefeld is scheduled to
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officially leave his post aaguss first.he says he's confident an internal candidate ccn continue what he calls positive momentum forward, but ttld fox45 he's not endorsiig anybody. his neighbor.. while high on - bath salts.that's according to poliie in new york... who say the suupect... david schrader... jumped on his neighbor'sscar as she was leaving for worr.the neighbor thennran into her house and locced the door... while schrader allegedly tried to middle of the road covered in his own blood.he was taken to the hospital and charged with larceny. if you're staying in a hotel room... you might not be hhppy to hearrabout this next story. research from the some of the dirtiest places in
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hotel rooms. t-v remotts and beeside lamp swwtches were right up here with toilets having the highest evels of bacteria. the lowess on bed headboards... curtain roos and bathroom door handles. the 1882 is filled with history and pageantry ... and ww got po see it all over the past week. but this morning the tall shhis are making their way back out of the inner harbor. joel d. smith isslive there now... where 200 years ago, the futtre of our country wws at stake. good mooning joel
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ttis coulddbe the placc to be! 40 taal ships and naval vessels. have been here almost a week.... and tours of tte boatt, nd this amazing view has really rought history back to life..... sometimes wwth a bang. bang. boom....war was declared on great britain 200 years ago yesserday....thousands packedd into the national park here at fort mchenry. ignitaries including the ambassadors of england and canada actually signee a symbolic peace treaty. in 1812 there was talk of taking over canada by some in the as a way to fighh back against the british who were stealing aaericcn sailers we talked with a world - war two veteran who says this reminds himmof how he feels about every war. evee really accomplished.. ng - eventually we goothrough the same rigaramolllagain and
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agaii and again.. as history will verify." verify." the war of 1812 lasted into 1814 and ii someeimes referree to as the second revolutionary &pwar, because it preserved our celebration waa called from enemies to allies.... and was a celebration of the nited states relationship ow with grrattbritain. thh navallvessels will begin their departure at 6:00 a.m. (3 ships from the inner haabor) and 7 a.m. from north locust point with an estimated a.m. the tall ships will begin their departure at 11:00 a.m. led by the pride of baltimore ii followed by the visiting talllships. live at fort mccenry, oel d. smith, fox 45 mmrninggnews. 3 3 3 3nats nats &premember this... whoop, whoop
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whoop!arsenio hall is returning to late night t-v. &phe made the announcement monday night on "piers morgan tonight." hallls earlier talk show was a hit from 1989 to 1994. the nnw syndicated shhw is set to deeut in the fall of 2013. 33 it's your álastá day to see the tall ships... before they set sail! ssil!but ill it be rainy liie weather forecast is next. next. ((break 1))
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mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. hitting record has beeome a - national past time. but... what if you record something that turns out to be a crime.can you end up in jail just for aaing a picturr? that's exactly what one man says happened to him n a trip to baltimore. jjnnifer gilbert introduces us to a mmn who ook out his phone to hit record, and ended up in jail. jail.
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12207:55"i couldn't understann how they could say i;m a danger to society for taking a cell phonn video, how is that?" in public in balttmoreyou might want to think twice because a fateful decision to fight12:08:02"i didn't touch pnybodd"put this pennslyvania bussness ooner in jail...for attempted 1st degree murder. it's a move that web site publisher jjsonnfyk says cost him dearly. 12:00:04"i couldn't believe, i coud not believe the ignorance of how they twisted this story into something i did."his ii this downtown parking garage near powerrplanttlive fyk had been conducttng an interview for his web site with stunt bicyclists called the adrelinae crew at a nearby baa .when they decided too leave to rrsume the talk elsewhere,thhy ecnountered another group of downtown
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revelers parked nearby. 11:51:24"aa soon as the arguement started, and i head i took my cell phone."and after a few heated exchaages. a fight. with both sides, exccanging blows.11153:46"it was a drrnken brawl"11:53:36 "this whole time i'm standing like this, 30 plus fet away" finaaly fky says he stoppedd recording, and intervened when the brawl turnee voilent. 11:54;35"whhn my video endd, i' actually go over and start yelling for them to stop"both parties went theirrseperate wayy, and that he thought,,was the enn of it.11:55:55"i fiiured this will ort itself his video of the scuffle his pennslyvania home, with a - search warrant11:58:48"thhy took eerr peice of electronic equipment i owned"and severaa weeks later...another warrant issued for his arrest...the charge?11::9:27"conspiracy to commit first degree murder for taking a ell phone ideo 11:59:33"i had no idea what to
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do"so fyk, a man wiihout aa criminallrecordd..found himself in the city's central packed into crowded cell for 50 days.12:02:16"i watched a guy less than 3 feet away from finally the attorney general's ganngunit joined the case, and pressure mounted for fyk to jail.. but he efused, still believing he haa doneenoohing wrong. 12:09:15"they had me for conspiracy to commit 1st degre emurder"affer two men plead guilty to missemeanor assault...fyk caught a bbeak 12:11153"they dropped the charggsuniveristyyoo ballimore law professor byron warnkin says its techniiclly not a you actually caach someone if - have a 1st amendment right to -
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be ouu anddaaout"in act, -&t intervene.11:41:21"if you're &pout there during a felony, an you see it, you hhve no obligatioo"so we asked both the police department and the attornny general's office to comment onnwhy fyk was charged...but they declined. all that's left him fearing the case is not ooer.12:12:03 back up"so he has contacted give him back what he truly wants...his peace of mind. 12:00;04"i actually offerred pp evidence, i never touched pnyone, how could the go afttr me?" &p we've alsoocontacted the state's attorney's office for comment and we have yet to hear ack. nnxx in sports. sports.tte orioles are involved in their 3rd straight shuuout...but were hey on the wrong end f it?the answer is ((break 3)))-
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