tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX June 19, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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dog.. beat pet supply... store....on the outskirts of rome, is now selling... gelato for dogs.../. this... is... a special recipe... that will not damage... the dog's teeth..../vets... stiil say... the best way keeppdogs cool... is to give them water 3&("i didn't get elected to wal lock stocc and barrel with the mayor." " i can't negotiite with barrel ith the mayor." walk lock stock and "i didn't get elecceddto walk lock stock and barrel with the mayor." " i can't negotiate with someone who walks away from the negotiating table...." table...."the fight ffr limited funds asthe battle over tte budget heats up in baltimore. good evening, im jeff barnd. barnd. and im jennifer gilbert... the mayor of baltmore is speaking out tonight after city council votes to cut more than six million dollars from her proposed udget..... budget...... karen parks is both sides are standing their could be a long figgt.... fight.... 3 the mayor stands by her proposed budget.....which
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includes cuts city council meebers say.....won't work.... work.... (45:28)i am the first mayor in generations to build rec centers......(48:05)the citizens of baltimore say they don't want their rec centers closed.....its theebattle of pssue........the mayor's 2.33 billion dollar proposed budget could close a 48 million dollar will include closing three of the as many as 14 recreatiin ..and centers.....(cont biie)we've broken ground on 2 already with more on the way yet he's pnwilling to let those go that are delapidated nd not serving our community...... last night city council approved council president jack younggs proposal to cut the mayors buddettby 6 million dollars...... the savings would then to go to keep rec centers more summer jobs.....and boost (48:56)i don't have a problem with the mayor trying to build new re centers buu whh shut them down.... young says he can cut milliios from city agencies by eliminating more than 50 vacant
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posiiiins.....including some administrative jobs in the police department.....(44:29) the cuts proposed i eally don't agree with particularly the ccts to public safety we have crime down to historic lays and now is no the time to rip money out of the police budget..... its a battle of the budget that coold last a barrel with the mayor." (45:50) have to have someone to negotiate wiih i can't negotiate ith someone who walks away from the negotiatinn table.... budget hearings will continue.......with a hearing tomorrow to disccss fire company closures... meantime the mayor says she is happy that pouncil has approved a 5 centt increase in the city's the bottle tax. there will be a few exceptions...juice, milk and 2-litee containers will the tax goes into >>-
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effect in july of 2013. a... controversial decision.../ by.,.. maryland's... higgest court... on... pit statt laamakers... scrambling.. sccambling..that... decision... declared... all....pit bulls... "inherently dangerous"...//. victims... of... pit bull... attacks.. don'ttneed... to dog... has a history... of violence...before... making aa claai.../.lawmakers... heard... emotional plees...from... tte mother... of a towson boy... whoowas... "savagely".. a pit-bull....// appeals stand. -3 (solesky))"i don't want to see anyone lose their dog, but i almost lost my sonnthat day, and that's something hat needs to be recognized loudd and clear because i'm the one that had to see my son in that alley.""ittwas not with what i was familiar with seeing in representing what the tyyical dog attack. this looked like a shark attack." attack."state lawmakers... are... expected to draft a bbll... by... next eek... to address... the courr's... decision. 3 that brings us to our question of the you think pitt 3ulls are a dangerous breed? - 3 a lot of reponses on
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this one and many people says it's a questtonnof bad facebook-dot-com-slash-fox baltimore to weegh n on this debate. a special workgroupreviiwing plans toexpand gambling plans annapolis.the group is consideringwhether to recommend expanding gambling totable games liie black-jackand roulette.and they're also considering addinganother prince george's county.the rin workgroup metfor several hours onmonday...but that meetingwas closeddto he public.and one lawmmkeris upset about that. (smigiel) " doesn't 3apply" apply" tomorrow's meeting of the gambling open to the starts at the house office buildingin annapolis. 3 new information on a devvloping story out of howard county where police are
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investigating the shootinggof a teenager a 15 year old boy was ffund shoo along frrderick road... east of mariottsville &proad... police now say they d not think thh shooting was self-inflicted and they are investtgating theepossibility of foul play. the teen is ow in stable condition at shhck meantime baltimore police are innestigating 2 ssootings tonightincluding thhs murder in weet baltimore.a man was shot and killed on west pratt street near south pullski.street about... 6-15 tonight.police were at thee scene ooking for cluesno word on ann suspects or why the man was shot. a maryland cannibalism suspectt is locked up tonighh at a state mental hospital for a competency evaluation. evaluation. it's a case that has legal obserrers, attorney jack rubinn watching closely. alexander kinyua is the former morgan state university student.. charged with killing and ating parts of his roommate. kinyua was indicted today on first-deeree murder and assaull charges.. then his
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attornee requested a competencc evaluation. according to rubin, state doctors typically rule in favor of competency. (rubin) "on the other hand, i would like to thinkkthat the doctors that i would hire orr hire, would tend to lean ttwards bizarre ncr issuus. that's just a matter of fact.. it's a battle of the experts in these cases." cases." kinyua was indicted last week on attempted murder and otherr charges in an earlier attack at a morgan state university dorm. the calls for help during a big fire in balttmore. baltimore."hello...yes, ma'am this is 911... i saw ffre and black smmke coming out of the window" "you can see the smoke i think it's coming from the iiside of the alley way""and it was right away went like...and we saw the fire and the flames and the smoke coming out of the window" wwndow"those were just some off week's massive fells point t -
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the fire that consumed a grocery store and abandoned building as the largest they've seen in 5 years.thh 5 allrm fire caused 1.5 mmllion dollars in damages. ann investigatorr say it could be a while until they find out the cause. 2--people .. crash... following... a police chase... in southwest balttmore. happened... around... 10 this morning... rosedale street.../.police... were chasing ...a drug suspect... who took off... in... a mini an.../ crashing ...into another car... before ...slamming intoo.. aabuilding.../. paramedics.. took... two people to the hospital.../ witnnsses.. ssy... one victim... was a woman... waiting... at the bus stop. conditions... at this ims'... hour.../. the... suspect was arrested at the scene. 3 3 bad day for a walmart toilet..... with super glueeon . it. we're looking at it. right now, i wouldn't be prepared to accident or intention. 3
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a woman wws visiting a kentucky wal-mart.whhn she went to use the bathroom.... she got stuck to a toilet seat covered in super glue! the woman as stuck inside the restroom for nnerly an hour. paramedics were on hand to seat. she had to go to thee hospital to get checked out. bad day for wisconsin lawmaker paul ryan... who has a bus pull of nnns after him. a ggoup of roman cctholic uns--- poing on a bbs tourrof nine states.... to protest tte ryan budget.ryan ssys he applied his catholic teachinggwhen draftiig the proposal, which was already apppoved by the they say the budggt would ove. - decimaae the safety net for people.and now, they are hitting the road to spread the word against the proposed gooo day for a florida een pn the road to recoverr after surviving a 3-foot spear in pis skull.the 16-year-old was shot accidentally while fishhng earlier this month.
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doctors say the spear missed every major blood vessel and did not hit the portion of the brain that controls speech. a team of surgeons found a way tt remove the spear. it was about one inch above his right eye straight through. yyu could feel the pip under the skin on the posterior part of thh skull. 3 the teen will have some trouble usiig the left side of his body, but is otherwise expected to make a full recooery. 3
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we hhve sad news to pass along from our fox 45 and sinclair broadcass ggoup family tonight. carolln smith, the mattiarch of tte smith family, as died. died.mrs. smith was tte wife of the late julian smith, the founder of sinclair broadccst group, which grew from a wbff--- to becomeeone of the larrest broadcasting companies in the country.mrs. smith was the mother of fred, david, &pduncan and robert smith.our condolences to the entire smith ffmilyyttnight.
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"shh old me to take my shoes ask me if she cculd, sse told you." a third grader strip searched at schooo.what the assistant principal was looking for. 3 another witness for the defense in the jerry sandusky trial. and this time its the wife of the former football coach. controvvrsy over a ppir of phoes ..... why the so-called shackle sneaker is being pullee off shelves..... and the reason the designer says it has nothing to do witt slavery. judge...
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overseeing... jerry sandusky's trial... says.../ it's... likely... the defense... will... rest by... tomorrow,.../but as daaiddlee miller reports... today... the wife f the accuued child molestor took theestand. stand. =================== =================== ======================= the defense in jerry sandusky's child abuse case -- calling his wife to the witnesssstand. dottie sandusky testifying....she
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remembers most of tte accusers... but -- she says -- her husband never had inappropriate contact with them. last weee, one of the alleged victims said... he cried out for help during an assault... when the former football coach's wife was t upstairs in their hooe. dottie sandusky saying... the basement was ánotáásoundproof. the prosecution rested its case monday... after presenting more than 20 witnesses. sandusky iss charged with molesting 10 boys ovee a 15-year-period. the 68-year-old denies the charges... claiming the accusers have financial motives. sandusky's lawyers alss questioning... two inveetiggtors about what details theyyshared when they interviewed alleged victims. tte defense suggestiig... &pminds... by sharing n their - pnformation about other accusers. but an attorney for one of the alleged victims... disagrees. kline says: "i think that it was perfectly appropriate for a trooper with a eluctant pitness an investigator with a reluctant witness especiilly in the face of a sex crimes especially with sex crimes
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that were done to children." ((on cam tag)) meanwhile, a psychollgist testified... sandusky has a personality disorder... that might explain why he wrote inappropriate letters he sent to one of thee alleged victims.the psychologist told jurors... disorder often interact with otherss.. in a seductive way. in bellefontt, pennsylvania, david lee iller fox news. a north caaolina 3--rd grader is strip ssarched at school him of stealing. justin cox says a classmate dropped 20 dollars in the cafeteria... he picked it up and returned it.... but the ggrl laterrtold teachers the money had beeen stolen.several students pointee at justin as the thief.... and that's when he says the ssistant principal told him to takk off eeerrthing but his undershirt and boxer shorts.justin's never notified... is outraged over the strip search. 112-126"and then she came up to him and rubbed her ingers around inside of his underwear
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glad you found us. start by test-driving nearly every make and model, all in one place. carmax. start here. she had man hands. man hands? the hands of a man. coinee thh phrase áan appll day keeps the doctor awwyáá.. pesticidee hadn't been pnvenned yet. yet.according to the environmental working group's annuaal"dirty dozen" report... the apple tops the list of the dirtiest produce you can buy. the report names the fruits and vegetables ranning highestt innpesticide residue..eleey eaannd the numbee two spot on the list. an... air traveler...
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faces charges... for... allegedly groping... a t-s-a &pagent... at... a... florida airport.../ airport.../ this... surveillance video... from april... shows... 59-year-old... carol price... getting a pat-down.../ in... forr myers...//. price,... a... former t-s-a worker,... didn'ttlike pt... and... complained to a t-s-a sspervisor,.../ price... angrily demonstrates... how she was screened... by grabbing the supervisor's leg ... and... crotch...//. she... then... tried to leave the airport.../ , but was arrested. .../price.. is... now facing ... charges. & stores... are... geeting id of... a.. new sneaker...... after... some say ... they... look like... chains... worn by slaves. this... purple shoe ...with orange shackles .... is... the lattst... from desiiner... jeremy scott ... and adidas.../.critics.. say... the shoe... makes... links... tt slavery.../. it... waa... supposed to be.. releassd in august... / but... after ...all the backlash...
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"iq: i wouldnt weer them, i wouldnt buy them for nobody to wear either..... oq: it has slavery"to do with slavery" theecompany's... pplling the shoe.../ and... apologizing... to anyone ...who took offense.../ 3 henley says: "it brings back fun. when you think of going back to when you were a kid, hotels were ffn. fun. a temporary pet for travelers &p.... why a hotel ii offeeing goldfish to ts guests. 3
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get this.... a missouri hottl is offering an unusual service to their guests.... free goldfish. not tt eat... but as a temporary pet. the... university... plaza hotel... &pis checking out goldfish... to... its overnight guests..../// each... fish... has their own biography.../ for... instanne, ...chip is a white sox fan.../ while... his colleague... flounder... is... more of... a... cardinals fan..../ works at thh front desk... and part... of her jjb... is to check out goldfish... po... the guests....// she... says... the fish... make staying n a hotel more fun. 3 bauman says: "when they find out that they can aatually take a fiih up to their room they jump on it. the kids espec" eesecially" the hotel says ... they haven't... had any casualties... ffom rentiig out
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&pand im jennifer gilbert, up next is bruce cunningham... now. when the orioles left atlanta to head to new york for thh series with the mets, they must have left a ig equipment crate know, the one that holds their bats... again tonight, an almost complete lack of offense agaanst mets pitching... pitching... bottom of the 4th...bases loaded for daniel murphy... rips ii to first...mark reynolds greet diving stop... allows a un tt score...but that was theeonly damage done...mets up 1-0....bottom of on for lucas duda...highhfly ball to right...steve pearce leaps... 2-run shot...his 11th...mets in front the 7th... jordany valdespin bingo up the middle...2 runners in scooing position...they both come
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blank the birds for the 2nd straight night by the same score... 3 elsewhere.... apparent good news from the iijury front... it looks as if inured ay be able to take some swings as early as friday...markakis underwent surgery june 1st to remove the hamate bone in his wrist...if friday gges ell, the birds could be eyeing a rehab stay with aberdeen, which is home thru sunday... markakis,,whh is on the disabled list orn the first time in his areer, wa shitting 256 with 8 home runs &pat he ime of hissinjury. the great secretariat still hold the track record for the preakness...the record was thought to have been broken in
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1985,96 and 2007, but aa a maryland racing commission - ruled that there were irregularities witt the timing of the race back in 1973, and by using modern technology, lawyers forrsscretariat owner penny chenery were able too prove hii time was indeed the fastest..the vvte was 7- 0...and it means secretariat brokeetrack records in all weeknew the ravens' halotti ngata made a lot of money...but we had no idea he was one of the highest aii athletes in the world...that's right, the world... world... forbessmmgazine released ii's list of the world's highest paid athletes...ann ngata was number 12 on that list...and a 5 year, 61 million last gned september, earned 7.3 million dollars in theelast 12 months, which was more than any other athlett playing a team sport... &pboxer floyd mayweathhr was as the olympics approach, one of the biggest questions
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is he status of it's resideet hort, how many michael phelps compete in...we may have gotten a partial in next week's qualifyiig trials...phelps has kept his plans secret up to this point,, but they could still change..stay tuned. that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning ews tommrrow -- starting at goodniiht. 3 ♪
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