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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 20, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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hh's facinn first degreee murddr in the death f phylicia barnes. barnes.todayy michael johnson will enter a plea.megan gilliland is here with more on ttody's hearing and how phylicia's family is preparing. good morning,assyou can imagine this has beee a difficult timeefor the barnes famiiy and for everyone in paltimorr who's watched and waited for herrkiller to be will be wearing purple in court today to show theii &punity as johnson enters his p. ppea.we''eebeing told by one of johnson's attorneys... he is expected to maintain his innooence.until then... johnson remains behind bars without bail awaiting his hearing.during his bail review... the state spoke publicly for the first time regardiig their case against joonson and how they suspect back in december of 2010.she died from asphyxiation.her body... possibll stuffed inna container and carried from the anyone heard from phylicia waa 12:23 in tte afternoon on the 28th.jjhnson was spotted with
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a laage lue ontainer about deeense maantaiis.... he has an alibi for the four hours detectives were unable to reach him after phylicia was reported missing. client who said he reproted theee when initially called he left e got more calls from her and ssid he would get back he and he wassdeeling with hee nee friend that's wherr he was 5 :15as for the blue container... thh defenese argues johnson was moving oot of his apartment wiih phlyicia's half sister at the time.but from the beginning pnd they aren't the only ones.- coming up next half hour... what phylicia told hhr ssster in the months prior to her murder... that makes her family even more suspicious. i'm megan gglliland, fox45 morning news. baltimore police are investigating 2 shootings, this morning... including a murder in west baltimore.a man pratt street near soutt pulaski street... just after &p6 o'clock... tuesday word on any suspects oo
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tte city council waats to dollars... from the mayor's prrposed budget. jack young wants the mayor too use the savings... to prevent &precreetion centerr from closing and to boost aftee- school programs. but the mayor says she wiil not conttnue to fund dilapidated rec centers... and won't rip funding from the police budget at a time when city crime is &pat a record low.but the mayoo &pdoes say... she is willing to (45:50) anything is oo the tabbe you have to have someone to negotiateewith i can't negottate with someone who walks away from the negotiattng table....//sst # 2// (50:16)lets fullyyfund the rec cenners let's fully fund afttrschool programs let's fully fund jobbopportunities for our yoouh and we all can happy the council has approved a 5-cent increese in he citt's the bottle ttx. there will beea few exceptions... however... llke juice, milk and 2-liier containers ttat today in nnapolis.... a work group reviewing plans to expand gamblinn in maryland
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will have it's lat cheduled m. meeting.the group is ccnsidering whether to pecommend xpandingg ambling to table games... like bllck jack and roulette.they're also considerinn adding anothee casino to the nattonal harbor in prince george's county.the group met for several hours on monday, buttthat meeting was closed to the public...and one lawmaker is upset about that. (smigiel) " doesn't apply" apply"today's meeting will be open to the public... but behind closed doors before the public starts at 1 p'clock this afternoon in the house offiie building ... in annapolis. some homeowners in butchers hill are voicing their concerns... over m-t-a busses &presideet liz holland says she contacted 3-1-1 several times... but nothing is being done. on tuesday... our cameras were rolling when the &pnumber 7 bus ccme down eastt
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lombard street... from patterson park. 35:24 and they really sttrt tt pick up some speed by the time they reach that corner and out ii the middle of the road - wanttour operators to follow all of the laws anddrules of the road might a bus speed itts possible buttmost of operators are responsible holland says if the mayor is serious abouu wanting to attract more families to the more nvolved in finding a ignoring tte situation. a frantic 9-1-1 call made by rodney king's fiancee is released.cynthia kelley made the call after finding him at the bottom of his pool. pool.((operator: is he breatting? caller: hee' at the bottom of the swimmiig pool pnd i've bben oinggstuff to how ood s e? caaler: he's beat by police. )) ))king diee early sunday
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mmrning in california. kelley says she couldn't jump in after him because she can'tt waking him up. king gained y - beating by los angeles ppoice officers was caught on camera &ppn 1991. the number of cciidren hospitalized with high blood presssre is climbing. climbing.and researcherr say... it's likely because of in 19997... more than 12- thhosand 6-hundred ids were hospitalizeddwith high blood theeyear 2006... that number nearly ádoubled.á children most likely to have high blood pressure... were pldee than 9... mmle... and african-american. in anada... some eco-friendll people are making headlines... but before we show you this video... we want to waan you... if you're eating your breakfast rrght now... you may down. thissis ian wearmouth. he's part of a group of about 12 people... who ádumpster diveá for'' part of an effort to feed the hungry.the
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group searches through dumpsters... for food that is packaged, sealed... and still :40 "iive found delicious tofu, cheesee eggs- obviously in a carton of eggs a few of them are bboken. but yyu know ten of themmare covereddin &psome egg goo. but that's stil food." wearmouth says the disgusting thing to him... is nottthe diving through dumpsters part. ii's he estimmted 1--oint-3 billion tons of food... that get waated each year. say good-bye to the phrase - "an apple a dayykeeps the doctor away."as it turns out... apples are the irtiest produce you can buy. buy.that'' according to the ennironmental working group's annnal "dirty dozen" report. the report names the fruits highesttin pesticide residue... even after they've been washed or peeled..elery the list. as for the spot on - ácleanestá produce?... onions and sweet corn took the top spoos.
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the tall ships are gone....ut phe heat is here! here!how hot it's supposed to get today...and how long it will stick in your skywatch weather forecast. ((break 1)) i'll go east coast for the philly cheesesteak omelette.
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no, let's go to the heartland for the midwestern meat & potatoes sandwich. wait umm, yeah. try the seven regionally inspired dishes of the tour of america menu. only at denny's. ((ad lib meteorologist))
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fibee mpa 895
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3 a gas pipeline... possiily cutting through lawns....nd blocking streams. streams.00:32"they're going to take down approximately 75 ffet of mature trees" trees"the extra land they may be taking from homeowners... and the alternative routes they could take. ttke.and later in sports...a preakness record 39 ears after the facc...why a clock error was changed to give secretariat tte ultimate triple crown. ((bump out)) 3((break 2)) 3
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there's a major project in the county that as residents on or edgeplans foo a gas mainnare raising concerns about where the pipeline will go..and why there is a major deeour. 4:42"the stream here is amazing"it's a bucolic stretch of harford county, where single family homes, and wwrking farms, mingleaarustic refugee, untouched by suburban sprawl.00:20"soothey're &ptalking all of this"but that soon may change.2:28"they're going to burrow through streams and obvvous wetlands"
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three mile stretch of countryside near fallstooa& will soon e neighbors with a pay much attention to it because the way it sounded was no big thing" a major gas maan hey learned lawnn, uproot trees, and bury streams..0:32"they're going to feet of mature trees"a major infrasturturr prooect so a &pcompany called columbia energy, can pump natural gas, across the county. a controversial roject that will put the need for eneegy, and landowner rights, at oddd. 4:09"i'm going toosell this place one of these days, what does the main does to it"but there are questions about the project thht residents that are veen more ttoubling than having a major natural gas line fifty eet from their doorstepwhy, for example,,is the company building an extrr easeeent nexx to a wide swath of land alreaay home to high tension power lines, 6:29next
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tt us, issa 150 feet bge right pf way, one of our concernssis that if they follow that bbe right of way it will elimnnte the need to cut down all ttose trees"and questions as to why this 3 mile sttetch has been targeted forra special "jogg, a detour in the path of the pppeline away from a more direct rrute.2:34"we know there arr a numbee off aaternative routes"3:31"why don'' you go north, too less obstruction up there"so the company, and the federl energy regaltory commission, have been making the rounds.efforts to convince home owners the nnw line will be relatively safe...but have not always been persuasive.2:05"i had one of them say to me well, if it did explode, it would only break uu all the windows in your home, it ouldn't blow you house upa&i don't know &pabout that, but it's not a very comforting response." along with the saftey concerns, worries that tte environmental impact of the
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understood.1:45"we don't haae enough information to know how the project will affect the environmmnt and we're still interested in getting more information form fer and columbia= as to the impact." we tried to approach representatives of both the toured the area.but they declined to speak on camera.we our studio, but they turneddus down. it's a lack of transparency that coocerns residents here.2:10"you have your freedoms and should and i think by what thye're doing i'm not sure iihave that freeedm"who in the end, mmy tell you, if you don't settle with us, we can take it, about what appens in their oon backyard2:19that ain't rrght, that ain't right" coming uu in our 6 o'clock hour... singer, bobby brown... friends...but find out the one up!but first in sporrs...39 !!-
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years later, secretariat is a triple crown winnnr again... the hange made to his preakness run that rewrites the record books... ((breakk3))
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3 2:47 bruce cunninghamm has fox 45 morning sports. sports.
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new york city... is anothhr u-s city could bb .. following suit. suit.coming up in our 6 o'clock hoor... find oot the latesttcity trying to ban
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