tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 21, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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get ready for another scorcher out there today.a code red heat alert is in affect. affect.many people will try ann beat the heat inside... but running that air system pan run uppyour utility bill. megan gilliland is here withh some ways to stay coolland pood morning,if you're nnt pnto feeling hot hot hot... you're going to head indoors... for some relief.the problem... that relief ácaná cost you quite a bit of money. money.even just a few days of this heat... can make a notiicable difference in your bbll.b-g-e says thess extreme temps areegging to cause your cooling equipment to ruu longer and use more go blasting that a-c... we've got another tip for you this mo. morning.and it's eass...simply close your blinds... close your curtains... anything to block those u-v rays from ppnetrating in... and heaaing up your hooe like an oven. "oh i just pull the curtains" "it's incredibly hot, almost
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suffocating, this earrl, t makes me worry what august will be liik""central ac is a plus haha" haha" whether you havv central a-c or a window unit...we've got another tip for you o keep those units running efficiently... how you can save money on the coooing equipment you already have in your ome... coming up next half hour.i'm megan gilllland, fox45 morning nees. so what do you do if you have to be outtide today? learning scout day camp" this week.ub - streeming now... to see what tte signs are that kids mmy be gooo morning joel d. 3 3
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((chat)) a fighh overnight between cc- workers ends with one dead andd another in jail. jail.they work at the martinn eldersburg. arguinn, but it's unclear what started it.police say zamani lawwon used a kitccen knife to stab his co-worker... who was allo his roommate. greg shipley, aryland state police: 1.00.39 "the grocery &pstore was open--it's a 24-hour-a-day tore. but,
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area where this's an off-limits area ooen to employees ooly in thh back of the store,"rose-anne cimino- gladstonn 53.44 "i was prettt on facebook. it was posted, buu it didnt' give any names." victim is not being released at this time. sanford, loriia, police chief bill lee... who was criticized for hii handling of the trayvon martin case... has beennfired. fired.lee came under fire... after is department failed to arrest george zimmerman. zimmerman is the neighborhood watch vollnteer who claims he shot martin in self-defense his resignaaion n aprii... not to accept it. nnrs voted - meanwhile... the 9-1-1 caals from trayvon artin's father are beinggrrleased... recorded the day after the teen was shot nd kiilee. tracc martin told the dispatcher he hadn't seen his son since the night befooe... and asked if hh should file a missing persons and age and described what he was wearing.
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1:44 "he probably had on a pair of kkaki shorrs and gray sweatshirt... and a pair off jordan taylor shoes." shoes." by the time the call as made... martin's body had &palready been ecovered from the scene of the shooting. but the teen was not carrying anyy i-d and had not yet been identified. zimmerman has been charged with sscond degree murder in trayvon martin's deathh pretty soon you'll be able to get more than just appliances at sears. sears.the retailer is launchinggits new website... ""ears vacctions dot com"... where travelers can book flights, hotels, ruises and car reetals.and just like it did before... seaas will offer a "best price guarantee."the company willlalso allow customers to put a future vacation on layaway. if yoo're looking for your next vacation... yyu might want to try costa rica. according to a recent
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&psurvey... it's the happiest place in the world.the survey ratee 151 nations by measuring ecological sustainability agaiist life exxectancy... and one's experienced well-being. the u-s anked one hundred-fifth on the happy planet index... mainly because of its large ecological footprint. onn word can used to describe today's temperaaure.!meterologist &psteve fertig wiil tell you just how hot it will in your skywatcchweatherrforeca. foreeast. (((reek 1))
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school is going gaga... over áprincipalá gaga. in case you can't tell... this isn't videoo of the real pop's the pshools' principal... who lost a bet with his students. jussin vernon challenged his studeets to collectively read 10-thousand bookss if they did... he promised to do whattver they wwnted. as yoo can see... he lost that bet.he not only had to dress like lady gaga... he also had to ámilk a cowá while wearing thh attire. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib mmteorologist))
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3 20 yearssagooa crime in savage maryland rocked the country.2 decades later, kattleen cairns sits down wwth stevee basu.the widower wwssleft to raise a daughter on his own... withouu the love of his life.kathleen cairns has this morning's cover story ....pammbasu's lega. legacy. (home video-naas in kitchen) a milestone moment... 3
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cappured on home viddothe 22 month old sarina bbsu. (dad)"it was kind of a uniiue feeling for me...seeiig this whole complete picture of our basu keeps the caaera rolling: it's september 8th 1992. &p(dad)"but we were running told er to go ahead... andd i'll come grab the house keeper and meet you there." hile he films the final send off.... sarina and her mom... pam... wave goodbye.... (dad)"so.... (pause) that was the last ttme i saw them-(pause) (((freeze face))) pam drove ddwn the street to thissstop sign.. setting off a chain of events... (former poliie officer)"when she pulled up to was ff to he left ann according to an eye witnesses he ran across the strret and
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punnhed her in the side of the heed through an open window." rodney solomon's car ran out of gas on interstate 95.... he and his friend.. beenard miller.. (car rannout of gas photo ) left that car on the highway.... walked to the basu's neighborhood in savage... anddzeroed in on pam's bmw. they tried to throw pam out.. but her arm as tangled.. innthe car seat. (former police officer)"when they first tarted to take off from that stop sign.. she attempted to run beside the car shes tangled in the seatbelt.. and part of her arm is tangled in thhs as ell.. with sarina strapped in her clinging to the side of the off.... (former police officer)"as she was running... the people in the ppck up &ptruck as well as the truuk driier could hearrher screaming.. my baby my baby" (map slaps down)retired police officer amesslilly shows us that followed... (formerr police officer)"after driving
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down horshum roaddwith pam dragging beside the car...they horshum and gorman"n at reached this part of gorman road they pplled ovvr and seat from the back with sarina 3 still strapped inside . a witness watched the whole thing. they tossed her out and left her here and rove awwa... that witness pulled then the carjackers a safe." pam's body still clinging to the side.... officer jody tookey was in the vicinity.... (cop)"people are just flagging me down theereejust screammng theyre ccying, theyre telling me what's going on a car is going down theeroad dragging a body.." (photo f fenceeand barbed wire)the ccrjackers drive faster... aad try to scrape pams body offfthe vehicle... (police investigator)"they intentionally drove across the roadway...and off the roadway and into the fence in an attempt to knock her body off of the car.." the trail of blood.. leads to the body...
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the scene. (cop)"she was right yellowwline... it was not.. ggoo ssape at all..nothing.. &p(voice only)"it was very disgusting..inhumane." rodney solomonnand bernard milllr... evidence at a car wash... but werr caught a few hours crime..rocked the country: - (pollce ooficerr "the fact that he stopped tte car.. stepped over the body to throw serina out and then stepped back in..shows he callousnees of rodney sollmon"and remember the famill video.... look ccosely..... there.... they... are. (dad)"i saw those two uys actually... (pause)" the killers... eyeing pam basu and her car... its video that helped convict them... (dad)"thats the thing that keeps haunting me from time to time i should have been more aware... that this is a little unusual... thats a bii about iit. i should have been aalittle more carrful" life without parole for one.... life.. with parole..for the 16 year old. ...(cop)"theyre hell, and i dont think the n - devil himself would taken em the devil would turn em down because theyye too disgusting
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for him to even ttkee i dont think there is a hell for these two..."in the years that followed the pam basu case legislation... whiie laws - changed... so did lives. think of what could have ing been.... saaiia as raised by a single father. she's now 21.... and in graduate school.hee dad says she's not a victim, but a survivor. (dad)"i kkow pam would be very hhppy knowing i id my best to raise.. her. " 2 decades later steve tries hard not to remembee pams final moments... &ptreasure.. thh last smile.. she gave him.-nat pop-in savage , kc fox 44 nees at 10 cominggup...first it was the football uniforms...and noww -&.
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i'm good. alright. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicorette mini helps relieve cravings in minutes. so you can quit one cigarette at a time. until you reach your goal. nicorette mini. quit one cigarette at a time. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you?
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