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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 22, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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caaholics across the country and here in baltimorr protesting a federal mandate on birth control.the rights... they believe are being takkn from you. the boysscan not be givenn their souls back...and they bbck. a bombshell in the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial.the forward... and how he's related to the former penn state football coach. andd.. a warning for parents. the baby products in your home right now... that could make pour child tess positive for mariiuana. 3 3 3 todaa s friday, june 22. 3
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3 anyday now... the supreme president obama's health care overhaullis constituional. constituional.this could be country's highest court is e -
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also considering arizonn's controversial immigratiin law... amonggother issues.the justices will meet again oo monday, the ast scheduled day in courr issin seesion until october. at church on sunday... you might seeeyour ongraaation federal health care andate on control.catholics across the country are littrally... prayyng... to put a stop to it. megan gilliland is here with more oo why they're so upset. good morning ggys,last night was the kickoff nationwide... for freedom. altiiore... for -3 the basilica.from now through the next two weeks... catholics willltake part in prayer... study and polittcal action all in response to a new ffderal health care based hospitals and schools to provide birth control and other ontraceptives. the mandatt is slated to go iito effect next august.but many caaholiis says it threatens you must do this orrthattthat
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contradicts your teaching, we're ordering you to do this , they're violltiig religious freedoom32 32nats of other protestors protestorssutside the mass... there were demonstrators stance. buttthere are other's who say itts really wrong. coming up next half hour... the agenda some believe the church is pushinn.i'm megan gilliland, ox45 morning news. a father and son reeain behind barssthis morning... morning... chhrged in the accidental shooting of a babysitter in baltimore county. jemal stancilland his 18-year-old son, kkvin... were arrested this week.police say they accidentally fiied a gun inside theirrapartment on straw hat road in owings mills. the bullet pierced the ceiling hitting a 20 year old babysitter.luckily... she's listed in good condition this morning. family and friends gather at randallstown high
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remember the teenager killed in n altercation with n off duty policeeofficer.chris brown was part of a group that may have been on the officer'ss brown was ... before investigation is unddrway and noocharges have been filed. 3 after closing argummets... jurors in thh jerry sanddsky sex abuse case dellberated reconvene this t. explains... a new alleged victim has stepped forward... aad he's relateddto thh former penn state assistant football c. coach. in closing arruments, sandusky's defense attorney reminded jurors of the llck of and he accused the aaleged victims of conspiring for financial gain.the leed prosecutorrthen haddhis ttrn. he called sandusky a pedophile victtms through his charitable orranization, the seconddmile. and he said conspiracy theories collapse under their phe alleged victims agreed on
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c-n-n's "piers morgan tonight." what i saw from the defeene wws argely an attempt to create a conspiracy theory.i don't think it sells very well. sandusky's six adopted children aanounced through his attorneys that sandusky allegedly sexually abusee him. 33-year-old matt sanddsky sat &. a character witness for tte defense told "piers morgan son's claii.that doesn't provide a whole lot of credibility to what he's doing when you're changing your mindd pver a week period of time who you're going to support.i'm ed payne reporting. in the att sandusky statement... his attorneys said he''dbeen preparrd to testify against his doptive father.they aaso said at mattts request... they had arranged a meettng between him and theeprosecutors and on why prosecutoos did not rd calllhim to the stand during the of sanddsky's attorneys declined to comment on the claim.
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the sannord pplice epartmenn zimmermannshowing olice whha happpned the night trayvon marttn was fatally shot. watch as zimmermaa re-enacts the encounter with the 17-year-ood tten. zimmerman: "i kept yelling pand on his nose-my nooe-and his other hand on my mouth and said shut the ---- up and uh...then i tried squirming aggin becaase all i could think about was he was hitting my heaa agginnt ...i felt like my head was goinggto explode.. and i thought i was going o lose coosciousnees so i tried get..cause he only had a small portion of my heaa on the concrete. so i ried toosquirm off the oncrete, and when i did that, somebody here opened the oor and i saad "help me ccll 991-1" i said "no help me i need help" trayvon martin's family says with george zimmerman show s -
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contradictions. benjamin crump &pexplains. crump: "it is all aaoutt creeibility. yoo got to tell the truth bbcause if you don't tell theetruth, if you lie about one thing, how can we bblieve that you're not going to lie abouu aanther thing? ppttern. and-everybody's going what it got objecttve evidence. and then you've got george zimmerman versions. youu put them p against one another. and we know that pritten statement hat heedid that night oesn't match up tt that 911 tape. and thhre arr other inconssstencies. when we see the lie, we ot to call it out and say, there's his credibility aaain. and thaa's the important thing." zimmerman is harged with seeonn degree murder in self-defense. theeteen in - some of thh world's biggeet banks are beeng downgraded. downgraded.acccrding to tte raainns agenny "moody's"... &pit's because of concerns abou global financial how does this affect you? a
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patings cut makes ittmore expensive for banks to borrow mooey to meet their short-term &pcash needs... ann those extra costs could be passed on. a growingg umber of baaies... are testing positive for parijuana.and scientists now think theyyknow why. they ddn'ttactually have pot insteaa... they think it's being caused by baby soaps and shampoos....till... experrs say there's no reason for parents to worry. . greggyapalattr/pediatrician: "ttese soaps are very safe soaps. it's jsut that they think that in these soops there is a substance that's results."the study had to do ul- with how the baby's urine is paptured. anddexpertt say... those tesss usually et moreethan just urine. in this case... thh testsswere capturing soap residue oo the formmr oriole and hhll of famer eddie urray is under in. investigation.murray is accuued in a wide-ranging investigators are looking into knowledgee of a deal involving abbott labbratories. soofar
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murray has not been charged with any rime. pebron james earns his first championnhip ring. ring.nats of cheering cheering the heat defeated the oklahoma city thuuder 121-to-106 in gameefive of thh n-b-a- finals. james' first timm in three finals appearancee.llbron says the title means everything to him.. it's friday and that means anything ou want. want.let us know what'sson your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebookk dot com slaah foxbaltimore too
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become a fan and join the conversation. pt could ave triggered aa epid! epidemic!the mmstake made at control... that coulddhave made millionssof eople sick! sick!!- ((breakk1)) &&p can lulu have some beef pasta, too?
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-here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. ((ad llb meteorollggst))
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sales have slowed down. down.the reason ehind people ánotá running to the stores to buy l-c-d -v's. people been stricken, or made ill, oo worse, obbiously, that would ave beee devastating. but first...the c-d-c is under investigation.the leak that was found there... that could have caussd n epidemic. ♪ r ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks
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with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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with more choices and fewer calories, the centers or disease control and prevention works to prooect peopleefrom ddngerous and deadly germs and viruses..but as brian todd itself under the microscope, because of a rrported airflow leak that could have exposed ppople to toxic germs. &p3 --reporter pkg-as folllws -- lab at the centers for disease control, conddccing like monkey-pox, bird-flu, - tubercuuosis, rabies, and with other organisms that could be cnn as learned: a potentially- dangerous airflow leak at that laa wwll be investigated by a congressional committee. congressional sources and
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leak occurred on february 16th your biggest connern of what obviously, is my understanding there was a ontingent of pisitors who were walking through the building. and had ooe of those people been worss, obviously, that would have been devastating. congressman michael burress will be part of the eeperts say if experiments had bben underwaa at the time of thaa ir-leak, unprotected visitors could have gotten deadll exposure to germs. but an epidemii would have beee very unlikely. the airflow system in that lab s sspposed offcontaminattd air. air from - cleanncorrrdors moves through pathooens, involving small mammals, take place. the air circulates, then is pushed tt the outdoors throogh powerful the aii that ccmes in. but on thh facility were in a clean of airrbeing pushed out there
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through aaslot in a ddor wwndow. that's not supposed o happenn c-d-c offiicals say animals were in that lab at the tiie, but they ere secured in filtered ccges. was not active at the time, and o one got infected. c-d-c officials told us they couldn'' put anyone on-camerr. in a statement, a spokksman paii, "at nn time during recent ncidents eatured in the media were c-d-c workers this unique facility features multippe security layers specificclly desigged to protect workers ann the publii in the evenn of an incidenn." &pthere's been at least ne other safety-related incident in that same building at c- ddc. in 008, it was diicovvred that a high-conttinment lab door was ssalle with duct-ttpe. bob hawley, foomer safety chief at a governmenn infectious-disease lab, talked about the safety layers at c-d-c, ike bio-safety cabinees reseaachers work in, within that laa. nothing is handled outtsde that cabinee.
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minute amounts of material, negligible. but there aree puestions about cover-up. in anninternal e--aii, reportee by usa-today, a c-d-c do anything to hide theefacc ll- that we have serious problems with the airflow and containment in this whole building." weehave not bben abll to independently erify that e-mail. in ressonse, a c-d-c ssokesman said the agency will continue to be transparent in addressing safety challengess and will congressional investiiation. brian odd, cnn, washington -----endd----cnnnscript----- they aren't flyinn off shelves like they used to. to.the reason behhnd the slow sales of llc-d t-v's. t-v's.and later...birds found.. witt arrows through them.where in maryland this is advocates are trying to stop it.
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our infatuation with l-c-d tvs is wearrng off. alison kosik tvs ssles are...flat. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- the mad ddsh for the newest l-c-d television is over. for the irst time ever -- demand for l-c-d t-v's is down. n---d displaa-search says shipments for that type of t-v dropped three percent last quarter. but it's noo just l-ccd... the entire tv market is suffering. overall t-v shipments -- including non-l-c- &pd'' -- are down 8-percent, 2009. so what's aussng tte slump? display-search says the market is saturated. most people already own at least -o of the coss, ppople don't replace them aa often as computerssor phones. shoppers are alsoospending less these days because of the weak globaa economy. but the slowdown could lead to some big changes..ttv manufacturerss might have to comeeout with some new eye-popping feaaures because many coopaaies arr experiencing a drop in
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revenue. expprts say this happened in the smaatphone market before the phone -- ccnsumers were waiting for a reason to spend money... like doesn't happen -- the t-v t could be in troublee i'm alison kosikkin new york. the reccssion takes it toll on yyung adults. adultt.the alarming number of them... who are mooing back in... with mom and dad! dad! catholics protest a federal mandate on birth control.the rights... they believeeareebeing taken from you. nanny-state bureaucrats believe people are too stupid to make their ownnddcisions. a aa on sugary drinkk larger ttan 16 unces. giant-sized are okay. so are refills.the city wants to limit coffee drinks and popcorn. salt. nd fats. we went to margarine when nanny-state bureaucrats there's a ban on kids meals.
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a ar on fast-food everyyhing is labeled withh caloriis and carbs. so why are pe getting fatter? maybe it's thh same nanny-state thinking ttha believes self-esteem is more important than personal pesponsibility. you're not fat. restaurantssneed biiger chairs. airlines should hand packets of salted nuts. ke - although both salt and nuts are now considered bad.when we were kids e ate white bread, pastt, rice, baked potatoes. loaded with sour cream. reel cheese. butterr lots of it. groond meat with 20% fatt we prank whole milk. sodd loaded creem for dessert. but we ran outside. played tag, hide-and- seek and similar games. befooe the nanny-state said it was bad. beccuse there arr winners. and loserr with hurt feelingg. in fact, we weree nanny-state bureaucratssfor more on this story visit behind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and
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session.why sooe og owners are o disappointed. 3


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