tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 25, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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cheering nats nats cheers... after jerry sandusky counts in hii child sex abuse trial.whee he's set to be &pssntenced... and why guards pre keeping a clooe eye on him in prison. a ruling from the supreme court on obamacare... ould bee vote man that could decide it all... and which ay analysts and... why one starbucks location is no longer going o sell coffee. 3 3 -inner harbor 3 tooay monday, june 25. 3
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there are nine justices... the outcome could rest in the one.juutice anthony kennndy. political anaaysts ay he could very well determine... what will be... of obamacare. kennedy's vote has ddcided dozens of five-to-four cases since ronald regan appointed him to the bench in 1988. [vatz inttrvieww[sot 46:24 "you never know which wwy go."[brian nterview]sot 34:55 "the one thing that we do know about the supreme court is that they are unpredictable."tr5 trt=:05in act... it's impossibll tt calculate... in large measure because of kennedy. how this vote will but some say a close vote will not be in he best interest of the high court.find out why... coming up next half hour.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 mmrninn news. one man is dead after a shhoting in downtown baltimore... and this morning... poliie are on the lookoot for a vehicle that flee the scene.the shooting happened aroundd8 o'clock, last night on central avenue. the man as found shot in the head several times... he was
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&ptaken to johns opkins ... where he later diid.police are searching for a black exus... that was seen leaving the scene of the crime. ooe man is shot... and ive restaurant in gaithersburg a - say about 100 peopleewere e - fighting in the parking lot of the ánew red rock cafeá during a árapper karaoke ightá. police think the fight started restaurant... and thennspilled farr police haae noo identified any suspeccs. a laurel marine becomes maryland's 6th service member to ie in combat thii year. year.theedepartment of defense announced the deeth of 21-year- old ... eugene mills the third , sunday morning.he served two tours of uty... fireffght ... in afghanistan. he was a graduate of atholton high school in cclummia. friends say he was inspired to join the marines after septemmer 11th. meredithhmancini, neighbor: 12:31:04 "aad had told him me goodbye."robert mancini, with his head up. there was no
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reason not to. he was very proud of what he was as a marin" carryyng mills' body was er delayee, yesserday.plans for services have not yyt been released. pbout 30 maryland air national guardsmee are returing home today...after being deployed for 90 days in afghannstan. they were helping with the on--oing combat missions there. 2 o'clock today... at the unn - parrield national guaad base... in middle river. a ggoup of wounded soldiers &pgets a chaace to swim with some exotic creatures at the national aquarium. aquarium. eight soldierr peamed up with tte national aquarium divers tt explore the áwings in the water and atlanticccoral reefs eehibitsá..soldiers were able to dive with more ttan 50- species of fish, sting rays, sharks aad mmre. it's part of the ásoldiers undertaking disabled scubaá's a nonprrfit rogrrm that helps &pimprooe the lives of injured soldiers through ddving. "they are totally stoke you
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know of ccurse tey ll love diving in the ocean but to &pcome up here and dive in the aquarium with all this concentrated marine life especially this huge turtle aad sttng rays looks like they were cominggright up to the guy" guys."last year wouuded soldiers took a dive with ácalypsoá , thh 400-pound green sea turtte who also happens to be an amputee. 3&a 90-year-old woman in missouri proves it's never to &plate... to try something new. for theepast 20 years... rosebud gard has been crossing things off her bucket list. ovee the years... she's ddne things like parasailing....and hoo air ballooning.anddby the time she turned 90... there was just one thing left on thattlist. ::7 i hope i got all the instructions right. i was kind &pof worried, i didn't bring my hearing aid. -butt to-:29 i'm really rather excited, i'm not scared a bit, haven't got sense enough i guess. rosebud saas even though she'' done ith her bucket list... that doesnnttmean she'll stoo looking for adventure. one of the comic book
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world's up and coming stars is from right here n baltimore. his main character can travel through time.... but for the uthor to get to work, basement. joel d. smith is live there now to show how the process works, and too creator's background, hat e know. that's a cliff- hanger!! good morning joee d. 3 3 3
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a new miss maryland has been crowned. 20-year-old joanna guy won the miss maryland pageant over the weekend.guy... a native of other contestants... winning the swimsuit, ttlent, and inttrview preliminary competiiions. she will receive a 10-thousandddollar scholarship. she now goes onn to represent our state in the miss america pageant nexx yeaa. a raduation ceremonyymarked double elebration ffr a famill in new york state. state.decades after a avy vet dropped out of high school... he gottto graduate...witt his grandson.russell leigh dropped out of high school iin1961 at the age of 16 to serve in the navy and eeentually become a nuclear power electrician on board submaaines. submarines.the state program... operatton reeognition... lets world war two, korean and vietnam war veterans who didn't finish high school, receive a diploma, as long as they have a high school equivalency. 35-48"i just found out about it. i got the school newsletter the beginning of june, second or third, i read
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itton saturday and on monday i came up to see mr. markwica 53-1:01"it's an ooportunity that noo many eople get. and it's one of those once-in-a-lifetime hings that you'll neeer really unddrstand until after the fact." fact."russell says graduatiig ranks up there with otter moments he'll nnver forget. debbie chhrns her way through thh gulf coast. coast.we just saw a bunch of wind pick up, we were shoved into the bathroomm already caused...and how much rain.. she could dump on florid. florida. ((breakk1)) çia÷ 3
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take a look at this waterspouut.. caught on camera... off the coast of juno beach,'s tropical storm debby... you - can make out the spout in some of tte shots as it slowly no worr if this spout caased any injuries or damage. tropical toom debby threatens to create more tornadoes today... after pummeling thee gulf coast with fierce windss and heavy rain.attleast one perssn has beee killed. killed.anddas andrew spencer explains... the heart of the storr has been churning but not moving in thh gulffof mexico... and forecasters don't know where it will go. go. an appaarnt tornado illed a woman and injured a child in the town offvenus, lorida. the same county damaged or - destroyed at least a half-dozen homes.a homeowwer whose roof now has gaping holes was inside and knew trouble was coming.and i weet
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them in the hallway ttere and i said it's coming and about that time it started blowing real harddoncc it was over itt lasted about 11 or 15 seconds, just a ddad still assit could be.aaooher resident says she pas rattled tootheecore.we &pjust saw a bunch of winn pick up, we were shoved into the bathroom.scared half to eatt, scared half to death, so it wassprrtty as no picnic outside of highllnd county either..n clearwater, a mobile home park was evacuatee, with residents carrying their belongings in trash fort myers, high winds threw a trampoline ontoo this strip mall. and off courseedriving was difficuut in tampa and elsewhere.i'm andrew spencer reporting. forecasters are hhviig a hard time projecting debby'' path. &pthey say it may make landfall &ppossibly thuussay.but they say they're not too connident in their prediction.the national hurricane enter says parts of florida could get up
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3 &p3 a jury decides jeery fate.--nats -- guilty!! guilty!! how one jurrr describes sandusky's reaction to the guilty verdict..and how loogg he oold be behind bars. bars.and giant business venture.the beverage the new store in ssattle is devotee to...and the por.tmosphere owners are aiiing ((bump out)) & 3
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p3jerry sandusky is n suicide jail, accordiig to his attorneys. a jurr found the formee penn state football coach guilty of exually abusing young boys over a 15- yyar period. as april williamm &plikely spend theerest of his life behind ars. 3 3&--reporter pkg-as follows-- jerrr saadusky woke up in a pennsylvanii jail saturday. arrived at the entre county left affer about 10 minutes. - ... less than 24 hours after a jury found him guilty of 45 of 48 counts related to sexually abusing boys. one juror spoke about the high profile ccse on
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n-b-c's tooay show. i wasn't rattled by the emotions, i the facts and determining credibiliiy. i looked at hhm verdict. and just the look on his face, no real emotion. sandusky's attorrey - karl rominger - shot down thht observation. . when i lookedd at him during the verdict, i could see tears running down his eyes, so to the extent that anybody said he was emotionless... that's simply not true. --natt-- police took sandusky o jaillshortly after the verdict was delivered. his attorneys say they plan tt appeal. --nats -- the guilty verdict set off cheers outside thee courthouse friday night. pennslyvania attorney general linda kelly says there is an important lesson to learn from this trial. we have to continue to focus onnchild bright light ii those dark, dark places where the jerry sanduskys of the world lurk. places whhch defiiitely exist
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ii our society; the mother of one of the victims said -- then, she hugged her son. i'm april williams reporting. sandusky is expeeted to be sentenced in about three months. it's not coofee they're serving... the áotheráábeverage starbucks will be serving up in their new store in seaatle...and how many varietiesswill be ffeeed. a eenager gets stuck... in a vending machine.the illegal activity he was doing... when it all happennd. ((break 3))
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from its coffee roots. the java giant will open its first brand. no word on the name, is and so far, only one locationn is planned. tea enthusiasts will be able to pick from 80 varieties of tea. but if none of those do it forryou-- no probllm. the store ill have a blending station where customers can make their own combination. the new tea bar iss't meant for grab-and-go service. starbucks wants tte atmospherr toobe more llke a wine tasting-- with ccstomerr talking about the flavor and bbend of the teaa this is part of a bigger push to expand beyond coffee. the company opened its first juice bar backkin march. and earller this month-- starbucks announced plans to buyya san francisco bakery chain. the coffee giant hhs also delved into k-cups-- and will start machine lattr this year. i'm alison kosik in new york. -----end-----cnn..sript----- jeopardy host.. alex trebek is recovering, this morn. morning...the ailmenn that sent him to the hospital..and if he planssto return to hosting the game show. show.a ruling from the supreme
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