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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 27, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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reunion tour... tomorrow on fox45 morning news.3 it'' sentencing day for convicted of assulting a black teen while on neighborhood watch.find out why... he might (17:21:00) "its ail. disappointinn..." a city worker caught... sleeping on the job.the place where this picture was taken... that made him easy to spot. the new name being givennto en. tte historii clock. 3 3 &p todaa is wednesday, june 27,
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3 3 we are follloing breaking news out of west baltimore this morning... firefighters are on the scene of a two alarm fire near the intersection of west balttmore street nd north carrolton avenue. avenue.joel d. smith is live hearing.. there may have been injuries.good morning joel d. d.
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the maa convicted of attacking neighborhood watch patroll.. is just hours away rom learningghis fate.24-year oldd eli werdesheim will be psntenced this afternoon. afternoon.megan gilliland is here with more on what he could be facing. good morning megan. good morning guys,werdesheim knowing he could bb facing up - to ten years in prison for assaulting a black teenager. but we're being told now... seeking any jail time at all. pn act they're asking foo a 3-year suspended sentence... probation and community service. meantime, werdesheim's attorney is expected to ass for a new trial todayythis comes after werdesheim was convicted in may of second degree assault on the teenager and false iiprisonment.the teen told police... werdeshhim hit him ii the head and shouted... quote... you don't belonn around here.werdesheim tessified he acted in elf &pdefense. 15:44:37 i thought he was
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credible i believed him. p5:43:20 he is very upset and dd disappointedin the end... the beeieves the teen was scared after being followed by the watch group... and that werdesheim relied on his military training to take the teen down.werdeeheim's 22-year old brother... avi... who was there that day... was aquitttd. ffom the begiining... this case has drawn comparisions to the fatal shootiig of florida teen.. trayvon prosecutors have a message for neighborhood watchh groups... heer what it is coming up next half hour.i'm news. a shooting in northwest baltimore remains under investigation this morning. morning. it happened on norfolk avenue, around 10 o'clock last night. were on the scene, but haven'ttsaid anything about the condition of the maa who was shot. right now, no one has been arrested in the aacommunity demands answers in a public forum...concerning a fight with an off duty , afte- police ooficer. officee.17 year old christooher brown's mother
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arrived at a community meeting... in randallstoww, last night... hoping for answers. black leaders spoke... as well as neighbors who say they were outside brown.some teens were throwing rocks in the neighborhood that officer james laboard... did not give brownnc-p-r , the beeieve he gave the teen adequate care.both neighbors and black leaders join bbowns mother.. alling for the laboard.of laboard. 3 3 3 "definaaely believe he was don't understand why this police wasn'ttarrested, i don't understann" always thinking about other ppople, hh at the end oo practice, coach how are you doing, his ffmily and his mother they deserve a lot of young man" maa"chris brown's chris brown's mother says both the police chief and other officers were invited to the meeting...but they weren't
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&ppherr.shh cclls that cowardly. baltimore's city council votes ádowná a proposal thht would've eesured more government accountability. the bill was sponsored by councilman carl stokes. it wwuld have required that audiis be conducted every two but opponents - including the waste of time and resources. the curreet city charter requires the comptroller to conduct audits at whatever time frame is deemed appropriate.but evennthe mayor comptrollee for the lack of oversight. >"i doesn't require a chaater job..>
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tuesday hich ssys city schools need two-point-three billion dollars in upgrades. upgrades.the report found that many school's don't evvn meet minimum standards. some need structural epairr. others don't have air conditioniig... and more than half the space inside middde and high schooos is not even aadres alonso ... says these findings ill help him decide which schools need to be consolidated or ccoseed but hh says creating a plan won't be eaay.. they'll have tt take into account severaa factors, including attendance. < "so it's gonnn need to be about utilitization, it's gonna be aboouu the take into account transportttio> transportation."> the school district will hold a series of 14 community months before making a final to help pay for some school upgraaes... the city increased its bottle tax.starting in july of next year... uying a bottled beveragg in the city pill cost an extra 5 cents. that's aamost double the
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current bottle tax.the tax increase was approved by the &pcity councii earlier this month ann was signed into aw by the mayor tuesday at northwood elemntary school.the new tax is expected to raise ten million dollars. recipients could be paying back doubll... come july. federally subbidized student loans could go from about 3- percent to almost seven.the u-s senate has eached a deal to stop the rate hike. now house republicans are expected to discuss the issue in a closed meeting this morring. lawmakers from both sides want to keep the rate from rising but disagree on how to offset the 6-million dollars loss to the feddralltreasury &pa would-be thief in massachusetts uses isshead... to rob a store.and in this case... we're talking áliterallá áliterally.áthis picture tells a thousand words.thee suspect... 54-yyar--ld manuel fernandes... tried brraking in to a rent-a-center storagee trapped. the ownnr of the store ffund him... and ttped the whole ordeal using his cell phone.
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have you been in there? wlong &pfernandes::ah, ince this morning. store worker: what time this morning? fernandes: ah probabll since oh ppobably you ok? fernnndes: yeah i'm fine. when police arrived... he had been stuck there forrnearly á99 pours.áthe alleged bbrglar suffered a large bruise on the back of his head from the presssre of the door... and was sent to the hospital. pollce plan to issue a summons charging him with brraking and enterinn anddmalicious damage to property. the famed tower... "big ben"... is getting a new name! name!it will be named after... the queen of england!find out will bear her namesake.that - pamesakee
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((break 1)) [ male announcer ] ollars for new schools and teachers... thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country.
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to vote "yes" on national harbor... england's "big ben" will be renamed to "elizabeth tower." recognition... of ueen nfirms 3 elizabeth's sixty years of ssr. service. &polympicc... olympic park will beerr-christened... "queen elizabeth olympic park."
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((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologiss)) -3&p 3
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p(trafficcreporter ad libb)) map fiber map 885 map 3
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3 3 just walkiig into an operrting room..costs thousands of dollar. quiikly you can rack up a hosptial bill..and be aware of. of.plls...the t-s-a... in hotwater...agaan!what they're ádeccasedá family member, whill being inspected! 3((bump out)) 3((break 2))
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if ou don't have insurance, or ssmetimes even if you do.... a trip to thh ospital could dr. sannjy gupta breaks down . the costs, and gives some tips on how to deal withh our --reporter pkg-as follows -- one of the questions that comes up all of the time is: biils? how exactly do they - sense of it? therees no ake - &ppeople scraaching their heads &pso, i want to give you aa little xample here by taking you insidd this operating wherr i work, where i'm a - neuroourgeon. and just having an operrtton performed in a room like this costs aaout $3,000 annhour. thatts for give you a couple of quick examples. if ou look at the hospitaa bill, you might see i.v. bag charge. it's an i.vv liie this, about $280 just for the i.v. bag. thht might sttike people aa very high. stapler -- this is a stapler
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thaa's often used innsurgery, something like this. it costt about $1,200. this is a chest tube. if someone has pungs, they might need a ccest tube like this that costs about $1,,10. you wwll find examples likeethat really ll over a room like this. suture is something which is used in room in the world. this type of suture over here ccsts about $200. and if you look at even devices like -- this is a needle that's usee for bbopsiis. so, if there is a concern that someone has a tumor, they would use a needle to cost about $800. now, it's - important to keep in mind, if you ask the manufacturees of a pevice like thhs "why so much monee?" they'll say, "welll it took years to develop something like this, and the research and development costs are significant." also, the guaranteeing of cerrain level of effectiveness of this well. but something maybe you didn't know, when you look at the hospital bill. it's not just he cost of the supplies. there's also administrative costs that are builttin. there's the coot of coverrng people who simply don't have insurance or can't pay. that's
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well..and finally, keep in mind that what is ccarged and whaa is ultimateey paid aree two very different numbers. "the typicallhospital collects about four percent of every dollar that they collect -- or about four cents of evvry dollar they bill. so, it's not result of underppyment from the gooernment." i'll tell you -- you know, that the cost breakdown like i just gave you on lots of these diffeeent supplles, a lot of people have found is that a lot of people don't ccre as well. if you are insured, ome people may not even open the hospital bill. but there are about 50 million people uninsured out there, and they care verr much about hospiial bills like this. and what you can do is you can call the hospital and get a detailed breakdown. and while you are on thh phonee with the hospital, iffthe costs seem still too high or just hard to understand, you might be able to negotiate some of ttese prices down. -----end-----cnn.script----- -- a city worker... caught
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sleeping on the job...littrally! literally!wherr this shht was taken...and how long thh a vacant builddng... partially collapses after a fire.we're live on the scene... with the latest on how any people were injured. ((break 3))
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3 mac sers looking for cheap travel on orbitz might not be getting the lowest deal on the explains how the travvl site is defending thier decision... on makiig more expensive hotels more visible tt mac user. users. --reporter pkg-as foolows -- travel site orbitz is taking a pricier travel oppions than p-c users. according to the wall street journal, orbitz has found mac users spend as much as 30% more per night on hotel accomodations than p-c users do. the site issusing that information to tailor search rrsults.. so a mac user
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pight see more expensive four-or-five star hotels recommendeddmore prominently than someooe surfing on a p-c. discrimination. buttorbitz says prices are the same no matter what computer you use. "all of our hotels are available to all the uuers. you can sort by priie, you can sort by alphabetical, you can sort by any hotel name. there is no way that we are treating mac or pccusers any different, we love hem both." even though competitors expedia, ppiceline and travelocity say they don't tailor reeults this way-- this could be the wave lookkng for ways to boost their bottom line by monitoring cussomer habits. i'm alison kosik in nnw ork. -----end-----cnn.script----- women listen up... up...fiid out why a llw carb diet... might not be the best option for you ... when it pomes to losing weight. weight.the man convicted of pssulting a blaak tten while on neiihborhood watch... will learn his fate today.why eli werdesheim... might not be sentenced to any prison time. time.
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u.s. border patrol agent brran with a gun from "operation 10 - mexican citizens. fast & furious was a justice department operaaion. the official explanatiin for it makes no sense. the more likely reassn is frightening. but let's put thii aside for the moment. some of ou may be hearing about fast & fuuious for the first time. this is because major press outlets haae been trying to bury the story forrtwo years. except for sharyl attkisson, we should throw her a parrde for exposing the scandal.until a few days agg, nbc has never reported on it. they were forced to once it became aapaaent attorney-general eric holder perjured himself before
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&pcongress. and now there's a white house cover-up. irrnically, holder's doj &pchhrged baseball player roger clemens with lying before congress.back to nbc news. this is the organization ttat edited a 9-1-1 call to prastically alter what florida'ssgeorge ziimerman had said akinn hhm appear racist. aadrea mitthell used a deceptively edited video to pry to embarrass mitt romney. but another video recorring exposed the nbc deception. take 5 minutees go to our website. and see nbc's bias for yourself. for more on this headlines dot net and follow us on twitter and facebooo.i'm mark hyman.
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