tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 27, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 we aae following breaakng news out of west baltimore this morning... fireeighters are on the scene of a two alarm fire near the intersection of west baltimore streettand northh carrolton avenue. avenue.joel d. smith is live on the scene... where we're hearing...there have been injuries.good morring joel d. p. 3 3 3 3
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in just a few hhurs... 24-year old eli werdesheim will be sent. sentenced.he could face up to ten years in prison or assaultinn a black eenager while he wasson neighborhood watch patrol.megan gilliiand is here with more on what prosecutors are seeking today. p good morning megan. gooo morning guys,we're being toll that prosecutors re not seeking any jail time at alll.. in fact thee're asking for aa3-year suspended sentence... probation and community ssrvicc. service.meantime, werdesheim's attorney is expected to ask for a new triaa.werdesheim was convicted in may of second degreeeassault on a black teenager and false imprisonment.the teenntold in the head and shoutee...
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quote... you don't belong around here.werdesheimm testified he acted in self werdesheim to be senttnced... prosecutors say they hopeethis sendd a strong message to neighborhood watch groups. 15:34:03 i think it's just organizations that might want to engage in that type of activity and assist be true partners and ork with ussnot aaainst us. uss werdeshhim's 22-year old brother... avi who was there that day... was aquitted. at one poont it looked like all charges couud be dropped. trial... that could have up next haaf hour.i'm megan gilliland, ox45 morning news. 3 city leaders are investigating a picture... that appears to show a city worker... sleeping oo the job. job. (16:53:48) "he should not be sitting in a truck downhiil with the motor running." councilman jim kraft
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brought he picture to city hall , monday night. it was taken by a resident in patterson park . city &le employed by the department of transpprtation and are still investigating. (16:58:42) "we o not tolerate nor do we accept catnaps especially not in city city carrthats like having oo a ciiy uniform." uniform." according to counnilmannkraft, the worker was parked in the city truck for 20-25 minutes. an historic malpractice case... for the sttte of maryland. a waverly couple with a special needs child sues johns hopkins... and is pwarded 55-million dollars. this is enzo martinez... who's almost two and a hhlf... but still functions like a neurological injuriis... nd perebral palsy. his pprenns blame the hospital. the mother sayy she arrived by ambulance for an emergency c- section but the operation did not take place for almost two hours. now... enzo needd round he clock care. (three shot)"i think that that
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mmney is never goiig to do think it will enable us to hope for the future."(voice only over sons face)(mom)"i just hope this never happens ag" agaan" johns hopkins administrators issued a statementt.. ddnyyng any wrongdoing. they plan to appeel the ruling. more videoois being eleased after he admitted o killingg the video was released tuesday by sanford, florida police. it shows the neighborhood watch volunteer with bruises and bandages over cuts on his nose ann head. in the video, zimmerman says trayvon "wass just focused on my head." pimmerman is charged witt maatin's deaah. he told police he fired in self defense. he's friday foo a bond hearing. sad news out of hollywood this morniig... writer nora ephron has died,,after a battle with leukemia.she's the writer behind several popular movies including, ... "when harry mee sally"... "sleepless in seattle" and "julie and julia" she was 71 years old.
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trouble for the t-s-a today... afttr an ndianapolis man claims an agent dropped his grandfather's ashes. ashes.john gross says during a recent trip to florida... a he tried to return ome with hi the remains... he ran into trouble at the orlando airport. 3&38-53 "she opened it up. shee used her finger, siftiig through it. and then, she accidentally spilled it. she didn't apologize. she started laughing. i was on my hands and knees picking up bone pragments. i coulln't pick up everything that was lost." lostt"according to the t-s-aass website... cremated remains must be exaained withh n x-ray open the containerrthe t-s-a r - is now investigaaing. if yyu're looking for he perfect summmrrdiet... you might want to stay away frrm the higg protein ann low carb oness thht's according tt research ddne by a group of european and american scientists and professors. decrease of carbohydrate
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intake... or an increase in the amount of protein eaten... &pcan increase a person's risk &pof cardiovascullr diiease. bu high prrtein diets may beeokay nutritionally if the protein &pis plann based... like quinoa or almonds. you've made it halfway through the week..and so far it's been . nice.but will this nice weather last?your skywatch weather forecast is next. nnxt. p(break 1)) [ male announcer ] millions of dollars for new schools and teachers...
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that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. to vote "yes" on national harbor... down south... people are riding out tropical depression debby.the storm ade llndfall in florrda tuesday causing plenty of flooding. flooding.two girls in safety harbor floridaatook to a
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(file bite romm2/28/2011 pkg) "everyone of these people means ssmmthing to someone inn their life."this hallowed ground tells a story of history... and also -- of neggect.(bite from 2/28/2011 pkg) it;'s just, it's juss a mess. it brreaks my heart everytime i come out here."we first visited mount auburn cemetery last february.... with lu moorman.... who as 8 family members buried here among the dead and the debris.but where church that owws this land... clean it up.but it'' a ttugh task - since there is not one burial plots on record.(bite from 2/28/2011 "there was a map to my understanding decades ago... that we have not been aale to locate."standup -- 48849 "sinne our story first aired... have yet to be
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toucced."21:41 "well i get pretty angry!" (switch to fresh video hot this wee!) caroyn jacobiifounded the organization ""ternal justice" - after discovering the deelorable conditionssat mount auburn.32::7 "itt as got to be the worst cemeteryythht i ever walked upoo and found hummn body parts in the road or in a dog's mouth..arolyn has created an archive of photos picture of her father))) and even a skull she once unearthed - at the gravesite at her father.29:45 "it was at that finding thht i decided i was gonna do somethhng for pther people."since then she's worked to help restore dignity to histtric cemeteriess nationwwde.earning accolades forrher crusade.10:38 "" just want people to do the right thing. that's all."(transition to mount zion cemetery - video shot thissweee. )but says she ballimore to find more burial heartbreak..his is the mount zion cemetery in landsdown.a ppace full of old, toppled tombstones... and a few crumbled crypts.06:52-07:05 knowleege of the industry that
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there's been recycling of graves thhee and i know that people do noo know where their loved ones are there."carolyn been moved here. markers e desttoyed. and she says therr &pare red flagg - like this - the tombstone of a world war one soldier... amongst markers from the 21-st century. (((aak beau menifee to find these shots!)a sign she saas that graves arr likely being recyclld. cover this bbte with aybe a wide shot of the fooklift) 14438 "you're the superintendent, right?"the &pgroundskeepee here tells me there is no complete map of the historic cemetery.and often... while diiging ffesh gravesites... ttere equipment will hit something - an old crypt or a sunken tombbtone.he says they simply mark thh spot... move over.. and start over withhdigging.we asked him by a church?14:17 "is it the d &pamm church?"but ppoperty records show his boss - warren harmis....14:46 "i'm sorry.... warren?"... is the currentt owner and operator. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------ ááástate records show he also owns a cemeeery in catonsville... innestigated for mismanagement last yeaa. -------------------------------- --------------------------------
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------------------------e tried contacting him several times... he never returned out calls.but customers to be afffliated with the a-m-e church.called... and has never been aale to partnership.06:40 "i am sick and tired of peoole hiding behind the guise of she wonders who's keeping ppots said they paid for perpetual pare... /where issthe love &pddgnity."5/14/2012 pkg - row is singing!back at ount auburn... there was reason to celebrate lasttmonth... hhn politicians gathered at the historic landmark... 1872. it's belieeed to be the ldest african american state. (file bite froo 5/14/2012) "successive generations buried fenceewas constructed around the front side of the cemeterr. buttmuch of the grounds remain overgrown and in shambles. and so far no high-tech mapping pas ever been which means no answers for descendents like carolyn... who believee the fence doesn'' go far enough... in restorinn dignity to the dead.32:50 " it's only a &pwindow drrssing. only a windo drrssing... but where is my father and where's everyone else that's looking for their the state office of cemetery &poversight has confirmed the owner of mount zion - warren harmis - was issued a warning to "cease andddesist" operattons at his other catonsville... for improper - ttere should noo be any burials takingg lace there. next... albeettpujols first time
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