tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 29, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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3 gcheers... and boos erupt.... as the supreme court rules to uphold president obama's health care reform law.this morning.... what the ruling - means for your family... and 3 3 a heatwave headed to baltimore. howwlong we'll seeetriile you might not want to drink cold ater... to cool yourself down. 3explosion explosionand... don'tt let your celebration turn into a disaster.the people most fireworks. 3 3 3 today is friday, june 29. 3
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3 & 3 3 presiddnt obama calls the u-s supreme court's ruling on his health care reformmlaw a 3 democrats and reppubicans are scramblinn to putttheer spin on the deciiion pholding the - law. 3 the debate over "obaaacare" maa be an even bigger presidential campaign issue now. jessica yellin brings us &preaction. -3 3 3 --reporter pkg-as ollows -- inside the white house officialssdescribe elation & pver the court's ruling but on camera -- no spiking the ball they reaffirmed a fundamental america, in thh wealthiest nation onnearth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin. the presideet emphaaized the more appeelinn to key -3 constituencies young adults under the age of 26 are able to stty on theirrparents'
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health are plans. seniors &preceive a iscount on their prescription drugs. they won't be able to charge yyu more just because you're a woman. already republicans are cammaigninn off the ruling. -3&pgovernor romney was qqick oo 3 policy esterday it's bad policy today. our mission is clear: if we want to get rid of obamacare, we're oing to & haveereplace president obama. on capitol hill house - republicans promise a vote to repeal the billlnext month. from the senate a newwline of attack well the supreme court has spoken. this law is aatax. the bill was sold to 3 the american peoole on aa deception. what's he mean? the court found it is constitutional to requiie peoole to pay a fee if they don't get heallh nsurance because it's a tax just like the chief justice said today is looo it quacks like a tax - and looksslike a tax and it is a tax. it's no secret taxes are not politically popular
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selling the bill back in 2009 he told abccnews: for us to say that you've got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase. 3 mitt romney's campaigg & spokeswoman saas his electiin effoot raised more than 3 point two-million-dollars sinne the high court's decision was announced. the healthcare reform law is not until 20-14. 3 the house controlled by republicans has already scheduled a vote to árepealá the healthcare law.the house vote will be july 11th 11th thh decision seems to be fueling baatle lines..ow maryland lawmakers are loooing at wwat this could mean in the coming months. 3 (dutch) "this is the law, its 3 forward"(harris))"in two weeks wereegonna come back and file a bill to epeal bill in its entiiety" eetirety"opposing sides are at odds over how it will influence everything...froo small businesses to the 3 3 the o'mmlley administrationn
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praises the ruling... and believvs marylanders will benefit from the healthcare overhaul.lieutenant governoo anthony brown cclls the supreme court's decision... a victory for people here in maryland. annapolis on thursday... and flanked by - some of the state's key health ccre reform aavocatee... broon said he and for heaath care reform in - maryland... since 2007. he says the ruling now takes -& their efforts to the next level. but health care &padvocates say... despite this &pmajor victory... there is - still a lot of work to be done. 3 so while there's debaae around the affordable care act, there's very little debate around affordable health care and that's what marylanders want, and today's decision &peliminates that clouddas to whether or not more and more - marylanders will have access &pto affordable ealth coverage 14:48 becauss we have to ully -3& implement this law. this law gives a lot of discretion to states and we have an administration that's working -3 to fulll implement but ttey need our coaaition to work wwth them to make t happen and we're going to bb right there doing it 01 3 state health officials say they're already moving ffrward
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to implement the health caree act... one xampll is working &pon a new i- t ystem to heep marylanderssfind out if they're eligible for medicaid pnd other plans available to them. 3 that brings us to our question of the day:do you agree with the supreme court's rulinn on the health care law?we'll ttke your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. 3 you can also go to fox-baltimore dot ccm and tell us what you think... sound off through facebook or send us a -3 tweet.. at foxbaltimore. 3 stay tuned to fox45 orning 3 of the health care ruling. herees a look at our rundown & this justt30 minutes we'll hhve more on biggest changg you'll see in your health care coverage.and live to washington for the 3 repeal it.and then in our 7 o'clock hour we'll be joined in studio by howard county's health ooficer.. wiih how the decision wwll change coverage for patients there. 3 another major decision out of washington on thursday... congress holds attorney general eric holddr... in contemptt conteept.repulbicans charge holder with lying to congress
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about what he knew about pperation "fast and furious"... the drug program that allowwd guns to go to thh mexiccn drug cartel... to find armed dealers.a u-s border agent was killed y a gun... llnkkd to the democrats palked outton the vote in protest.holderr... says this is purrly a political decision. now republicans are taking the fight to the wwite house. 3 today's vote may make for good political theater in tte minds of some, but it is at base poth a crass effort and a & graae disservice to tte american people. they expect and they deserve far more 3 we haae shown ore than enough good faithhbut the white house has chosen to invvke eeecutive privilege that leaves us no &pother options. the only recourse left for the house s to continue seeking the truth and hold the attorney general in contempt of congress. 3& this is the first time in histtry... an
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attorney general is held in contempt of congress. 3 ffrst on fox... an off-dutyy baltimore police officer is 3 after an edgewood man claims the officer came out of his house... and held a gun to his head. head. roberto santiago told police he was an oof-duty 3 his home. that's when -3 santiago pulled the man from hisscar... and slammed him to tte ground. 3 6:00:27 it was scary because he had his finger n the trigger and everything he 3so i was thinking there was a chance i could die :36 :36 a spokesman for the - baltimore p--d says santiago has been a city officer since 2006. -3 3 make sure your july 4--th is a safe one. 3 explodes 3 on thursday... the danger of firewwrks was put on display in cockeysville... as fire officials blew up watermelons.
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they also it a t-shirt on fire... to showwhow quickly your clothes can go up in fireworks canncause serious injuries tooyour hands and eyes. 3 even the legal things like a sparkler, not to puu that into a child's hand, if youreeou're a pareet and you want to let a phild play, sit with hem let them hold with your hann, wave it arounn then in a bucket & with water. 3&pfire officials say males fall - victim toomore than 60-percent of all firework injuuies. 3 it's another code red ddy for tte city... with cooling centers openinn at 9:00 am. health officials recommend everyone limmt activities outside and stay poosible. but that won't be happening for a large group of athletes in towson this weekend. 3 joel d. smith is streaming ow... live at towson university to see how tte best high schoolllacrosse players in the country will be challenging the heatt 3 3
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3 3 calmer winds and lower teeperatures thursday helped firrfighters battling a fierce - wildfire in colorado. the waldo canyon fire has alrrady charred more than 18-thousand acres and forced 36-thoussnd people from their homes in colorado springs. jim spellman met one family who learnnd their home was destroyed after they saw it on a newspaper cover. 3 --reporter pkg-as ollows -- assthe flames tore through his coloradd prings
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neighborhood..major ted stefani, an army surgeon, knew "looked up at the mountain and saw flames shooting ver the top of the mountain." with only minutes to spare, hee ppcked up his car aad raced out of the neighborhood, meeting his wife kate and soo calee at a friend'' house. then he wait began. would 3 answer came the next mooning when thee saw this picture on tte denver post website...their neighborhood & in flames, their hoose on the - left...a onfire. ted: "when &pwe saw the ppotographh initially, it was just kind of phock." kate: "that's our - houseeand it's in flames and i -3 juss started cryinn...there was no way around it. i was never going to go home pretty sad." the photo went viral, also published on cnn-dot-com 3 times. more photos can be seen at denver post dot com. ted: "it was just total shock to see our house ppetty much in a &pfiieball, ut i think thaa was also therapeutic too because
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we kneww ver the last couple days where there's a lot of -& families that don't know the -33 outcome of thhir home, we knew that we had lost the hoose." ted: "we got thhse tough bbxes that i had from iraq and afghanistan..." whhle mnaged to escapp with these boxes with some books anddimportant documents, there weee many & teda9s medals from iraq, nd one of caleb's beloved toys. ted: "as crazy as ii is ii's this little teddy bear thingg scout, and caleb played with that aal the time." but then they saw another scout for saae at a bookstore caleb llt & up ted: "it was an emotional post it at the storr and our son just beamed hen he saw -3 that bear and hhgged him and -3 he just said 'scout! cout'"! piece byypiece they insist they will rebbild, beginning with a small bear. 3 the fire is only bout
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10-percent ccntained. the u-s forest service estimates it coold be mid-july before it's - fully uuderrconnroll president obama will travel to the area todayy... to survey the ddmage. google... this isn'' a joke. 3 them...and why it will be awhile before you can get a pair! pair!and find out whh you shoulddleaae out the ááceá... if you want a refreshing ggass of watee... on hot days. 3& ((break 3))
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3 3 you may have been hoping to scoop up a pair of virtual reality with google's new hi- tech glasses. but as alison kosik may be awhhle before most people get to ry them on. 3 3--reporter pkg-as follows -- google has finally unveiled its computerizee glassee to -3 the public -- but most o f us won't be able to buy a pair. at least not yet. known as project ggass -- the evice - allows you to text message, take pictures anddmap your
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location...and those areejust a few f the options. but don't get oo excited. the only peoole who can buy the device right now re developers who attended a google conference on -3 wednesday. it costs a whopping 15 hundred dollars a paar and won't be ready for shipping until the beginning of next year. part of the reason for tte slow rollout is the company is looking for more ddveloper input. and google admits there are still a few bugs to sort ouu. but the glasses have come a long way in the past three years. "project glass" tarted out as a pair offski goggges - ponnected to a bunch of wires and computers. now each pair &pweiihs less than most sunglasses. one thing is for sure -- there's going to be quite a bit of wild bidding on ebay foo seeond hand sales once the developers give it the green light. i'm alison - kksik in new york. &p----end-----cnn.scripp----- 3 coming moms... find out what you need tt do... to have an easy birth!
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3& 2010 as the bloodiess year for u.s. troops in afghanistan. 499 were killedd more than three times the 155 who died n 2208. lasttyear -3 was slightly better with 418. as of id-june, 144 americans were killed in afghanistan in the same time eriod, 228 people were killed in chicago. population 2.7 million vvrsus afgganisttn population of 32 million. of course, this is not exactly apples to appless look at tt another wayy 144 americans out of about 100,000 deployed to afghanistan were killed versus one can make the argument hat an american would more liiely be killed in chicago than in afghanistan. chicago has one of the highest murder ates in of new york city.which brings me to my second point. a cooule of weeks ago, chicago pulled as many as 200 police officers off the streeessand -- private ecurity for the wedding of laura jarrett. 3 valerie jarrett, long time friend and senior addisor to barack obama.chicago averagess about one murder a day. eight people were illed that wedddng weekend. and chicago wasn't even reimbursed ffr police fficer salaries.for
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