tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 3, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 the recovery continues. friday's massive storms &pstill hhve more than a quarte of a million b-g-e customers without power.'s a look at the lltest numbers.according to b-g-e's website... total... anne arundel county... baltimore city... baltimore howard county... harford .. - county... 3 b-g-e's crews continne their progress is impressive to some, but still too slow for those aiting in tte dark. dark.. joel d. smith is live...... to explain how far b-g-e is reaching out for help... and the big question-- when will the power be back forrall? good mmrning joel d.
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appliances going when the power goes out. bbt there aree serious dangers with that. that. the city fire department says you should make sure &gen feet away from your home to avoid dangerous fumes from filtering innide. insiie.and if you think you've been exposed to high levels of carbon monooide fumes call 9-1-1 mmediately and ooen all doors and wiidows of your home then get outside. food safety is another issue that comes into play during extended power outages.the food and drug aaministratiin says theetemperatuue in thh assure the food is safe.o -t - food such as meet, poultry, &pbeee stored in aa refrigrigerator or ffeezer at a temperrture áaboveá 40 degrees foo mmre than two hours. stay with fox45 morning news forrcontinued coverage on food safety.we'll have the commissioner of health live ii studio to tell you what exactly can happee, if you ingest those oods stored at
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improper temperatures.that's commng up in our 7 o'clock as more than 100-thousand of you wake up without power this morning... patience is wearing . thin.residents in this neighborhood just to the east of york road in north than 80 hours withouu power... and it looks like it could be that way for awhile.a tree came crashinggdown into the front yard of one of the homes. as far as the homeowner knows, thh home is not damaged.but that's little comfort at this ppint. 3 "somebody has to be last, i'll put it thaa way. if it'' me, that's the way it iss buttii certainly would have liied to seen a quicker response." response." "yeah. it's very frustrating. because, we're livvng in limbo. we just don't kkow from there's no accivity."ecause activity."many peeple are coping with the heat by sleeping in their basements with andles and flashhights. many area hotels are continuing to be packed... with people seeking refuge. refuge. among the most
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popular... are hotels that are "pet friendly."the "lowes annapolis" hotel has been catering to local residents... &pas well aa their pets. and guests there say they're very grateful. because we have kids, no food, noo water, no nothing and they said we're goinn to give you the local customer rate of $99, we woull have paid 500." 500."the lowes manager says as &pthat stayed sunday night... brought their dogs. the heat wave is being blammd for at least 3 deaths in maryland.according to "mema'ss website... the victiis include all men... oneefrom montgomeey county... one from wicomico county... and one from baltimore officials emind residents that humii conditions can lead to heatssroke and heat exhaustion. &p3nats nats dispute.take a look... as he
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practically destroys an entire store in englann.the viieo was captured by fellow shoppers... who were n disbeeief.the angry cuutomer goes around ripping things off walls... and spraying a fire extinguisher aal over the place. cops finally come to arrest him. we''l learn more today... aaout how ssccessful maryland's laagest casino was... in its ooening month. &ptoday... maryland lottery direccor steppen martino will discuss the state's casino revenue for juue.that's when "maryland live" opened its doors... n anne arunddl county. a ell - endowed woman inn australia is caught n camerr robbing a gas station. statioo.yoo can see the "buxom babe" go behind the counter... reveal a knife... anddthreaten theecashier until he hands over some money.police sayy thattrobbery wasn't too weel-
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ccnceal her identity.. and to 3 only wore one glove... leaving behind finggr prints on the counter.the cashier says this is the fourth time he's beenn robbed... bbt this is one robber he'll never forget. will we deal with more triple digit ttmperatures? temppratures?your skywatch weather forecast is next. next. it's shaping up to be a nnce ride this tuesday morning... i'll have a ook at your morning commute cooing up... news..all local all morning ((break 1)) ((ad lib meteorolog ((traffic reporter ad libs)) mapbelair295895maps 3 mta
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fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. with a tumor when he was only two yyars old.daniel goteraa tells us about the unique circummtances that lead him to being diagnosed with a rare
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cancer...the ddamatic measures used to saae him...and the boo's determination... to live a normal life life this is a story about perssverance, personified by a little boy from pearlandd "ii's jjst the will of a kid." rrley rhoden isn't going to 3 let anyyhing get in his way of a normal life."he's beat the odds. he's gone beyond what i thought he could do."doubts which crept in not long after he was born."i took him to the pediatrician several times, 3 and guys, they were telling me, 'it'' just an angioma. it's a irth mark" when riley was two years old, his mom rachel noticed what looked like a small mosquito bite on his left arm. "i mean, my
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hair would raise every tiie i wouud looo at it"her young nightt riley had crawled into bed with me, and he had wokenn up in the middleeof the night. i mean, hisspajamas were soaked and i was oaaed in blood."several tests at m-d anderson in galvesson revealed riley had a very rare malignant tumor. "a cancer is, so we called it his shark bite.""there was couple of days there where the term, 'make him as comfortable as possible' was an oppion and it was just having to sit here and wait. waiting is the worst part."doctors finally told thee &pfamily tte only way riley to amputate his entire left instead. take my arm. you d, - know, please take me instead. don't do this to my kid.' it was the most awful thing i think i have ever experienced." "it's an absolute miiacllethat he is even here" riley is now six years ood, a membbr of thh years old, a riley is now six an absolute miracle that he is even here" riley ii now sii years old, a member of the braves in the pearland ee ball league. "it doesn't
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matter if weewin or lose okay? we need to play hard, play like brotherss anything. wee need to get together as a team. come on, guys!"which at first wasn't easy for him to do."like, how am i going to do this? i had no idea how to play this spoot."one day thougg, he watched a video online of a one-armed japanese player using a rather interesting technique -- a throw the ball kind of high, i - flip my glove off, catch it and throw.""this season, in probably the third or fourth game, he actuaaly did it in the game and i was like, i was more proud of him doing that than anytting else -- you playing the game he loves while showing anything is possible"yes, our ssn has lost so much, but i feel like he sacrificed to show the world. i would efinitely classify it as a miracle, and i would say it was god's plan" next in sports... sportss..want to buy one of
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jim palmer's cy young awards? now you can... wwy the o's hall oo ffme pitcher is auctioning off his trophies... ((breek 3)) 3 bruce cunningham sports. 45 morning sports. co let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before,
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