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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  July 4, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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and now, he's hoping to raise awareness yycommeting in tte ironman world championshhp... m. murphy says, "puttinn phawn's anomaly onnthe world stage at the iron man world that awarennss. itthelps not s - only people here in houston but people around the united states and people around theewo" world." shawn is now 3 years od and his arents have started shawn's anomaly ffundaaion.... a non profit that helps other families with babies born with abnormalities. 33 -3 &p baltimore olice are fighting back against baltimore's crime covered imagge happy fourth f july, i'm jennifer gilbert, jeff barnd is off tonight. janice park is trackinggall after the violence one year ago. ago. and janice, what'ssit looking like ight now? now? edition.ark,,fox45 news late
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but oustide the security concerns thhre was a beautiful display over charm city. &pcityy karrn parks is streaming live tonight from the top offthe science center whichhis one of the best viiws in the city. 3 natz finale 15 ssconds. secondss
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meanwhile in the nation's capital... thouuands flocked to the ational mall to grab a good seat for tonight... the ccuntry's bbggest iieworks display...aaddall of them had to get through tiiht security first.thissyear, the fourth oo july marks the 236th anniversaryyof the country's peclarattonnof independence fireworks will be the onlyy phing lighting uppsome nnighborhoods toniiht still the dark.ower.thousands of -3
11:03 pm didn't stop many people frrm gettiig out of the house and cooling the end of the roland park paradee baltimore city firefighters -& parentt who haven't had power pradition took on special 3 "it's like camping in your own house. (laughter) i'm hoping it comesson soon." soon." "not ideal, buu there you go..there re a lot worstt things in life." life."firefighterr shut off the alves at 11130.some are being told it could be another thhee of four days before their power will be restored. righttnow, more thann70 -ttousand peopleeare still without power.... 3 crews at the b-g-e command centee have been workiig round has called in aateam of 38- hundred people.. including reenforcmenns from other states. each areeassigned to various storm roles.... many shifts. "iq: you think about it, theyy
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literally hit the rack.... oqq hours." b-g-e exppcts to work throughout the eek and into the wwekend. so, far they've rrstored service to more than half a miilion customers. pain.. as firefighters climb -3 over a truck to his rescue... the victim of a runaway vehicle. a green piikup slammed into the sea pride craa house at monroe and pratt at about 2 o'ccock toddy. the truck struck a man standing at the door and shock trauma. the crash frightened employees, including one woman who was standing at the reggster withh a co-worker. she ayssthe truuk was coming straaght toward her. (sipes) "he was standing iithought he was the one that
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landed unddr thh truck.. but luckily, he went in the back. so, everybody made it ouu except for that mann..." man...." witnesses say the drrver appeared dazed... and they ay severrl beer cans fell from inside the trrck. the driver is in pollce custody. iivestigators say he faces several charges, charge. meanwhile, in good condition at this is - hour. good news if you were enjoying crabs for your 4th of july. this year's crab season began early and the population is bigger than it has been in mo's seafood in towson toddy. today. 3&11:46:00 - good nats of crabs into bushelpreparing for a hooiday rush...11:42:13 "it's fourth of july. everybody wants crabs."workers at o's ... seasoning and steaming... 11:45::4 - nats of dropping plenty of sorting ....11:48:299 "this is gonna be like extra llrge."this year's crab crop... is proving to be plentiful... 11:40:24 "they
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are heaviir. even when hey''e here, they're heavier. people seem to e happer with them." biollgists cllim the crrb population has rebounded to record levels...11:52:00 - cash egisterrnatsand a good supply is great for sales.... 11:42:04 "and ourrcrab truck juut showed up. here it comes!" (nats of opening box of crabs) standup - 12:07:28 "the delivery truck cameejust in tiie... means just one thing." 11:49:44 "crabs!"12:12:50 "crabs, steamed crabs."sellinn up to 20 bushels a day. 11:45:42 "this we'll call extra large."it's ccear... mo's is the go-to choice get their crrb meat. and their cole slaw and potato salad is ootstanding. "they plan to sell every laat crab today... 12:03:14 --nats of crabs squirming aroundeven the couple caught seeking their own indeppndence.they are - after all- thh perfect 12:13:03 "feast on steamed crabs and go to the catonsville parade."and a tasty catch,... for a steamy day.11:40:38 "nnce yellow muutard in the inssde."melinda roeder.... fox 45 news at ten.
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a survvy byythe depaatment of natural resources estimated there are more than 750- million crabs in the bay.... almost wo-thirdssmore thaa them aae young ... the crop f should last well into the fall. 3 p stephen hawking has just lost a big bet on how the so calleddgod particle to thank for it. it. the brrtish physicist &pannounced thattpeter higgs, the man who envisioned the win the nobbllprize or uld turns ot hawking was wrrng. hawking actually joked that he was more uppet he lost a 100 dollar bet a fellow also said the discovery oo the higgs boson means that we've finally unlocked whaa givvs the universe masss 3 it's a bad day for anyone renning homeeor apartment. apartment.if you''e lookiig for a place to live... a new study finds it's now cheeper
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to ábuyá... than to rent.the reel estate webbite trulia" finds u-s rents rose an averrge of 5-ppint-44pprcent over the last 12 monthh. in some areas... like san francisco... tte increase was much higher.renners there wwre paying nearly á15-percentá more than they did a year earlier.analystt say the large number of former homeowners displaccd by foreclosurr have homes and apartments... and that's sent rent prices soariig. meanwhile, it's a great day for ppnda's head of the plympics.more thhn a hundred costumed pandas performed a dance toddy in the middle f traaalgar square.pandas are one of the world's moss endangered pecies, with less than sixteen-hundred in the wild today. bb eelly difficult to breed in captivity, but the chenggu world have cracked the problem and now there's around 400 in captivityy so they''e starting to bbereintroduced back into
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conssrvation uccess story.'' story.''the ceeter started out with ooly six pandas ... now, &ptherees a total of 108 - the same number reflected in todaa's peeformanne. least ánotá a stormy fourthh of july. july. let's go to vytas whht's happening noo.look at - 3
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saluting america's wounded warriors. next we'llltake yyu on a special fourth of july cruise thanking those who gave everyone's lock i ticcing but do you really want to know about it? why this get pregnant. 3 "the unknoon. don't know the behavior of monkeys. don't knnw theethreat level of them. don't know the habits." habits." a monkey on thh loose in he wilds of north a very public panic.s ausing - 3
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. when fourth of july weekend
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hits... a lot of aaerrcans head to water... relaxing on oats and along rivers and on peaches.this type of get-a-wayy iss't generally possible for our nation's wounded warrrors though... who are spending onn non-profit group... the - patriottcruiie ann saluue - is vvrggnia... and takks this story out oo the water. 3 if you didnt know this was the staat of the patriot cruise - ou'd figuree ut pretty quickly that this is a &pddy to ttank some of the theegift - a day on the water. it's two years to the month since 32 year old kevin gatson lost part of his left legg pnded his army tour in ost a - afghanistan. gatson says:: definitely life changing experience to bb an amputee but the way i look at it - life goes on pis first time on a boat was cruise. this year he bbought
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his mom and brother for their firrt boot trip. gatson says: ddfffrrnt perspective and it's nothing that i feee that i just can't do because 'm injured avis says: the patriot cruise started in 2207 with one iraq war veterrn andd his wife who took a handful of woonded warriors out for a day on one has eally grown sinne then and his ear more than 60 wounded warriors signed up for a ddy on tte water. llst &pmarine sst who was a quadrupl &pamputee. ttis year jeffery redman joins thee one day before he learns if his left leg issso damaged it will have to be amputated. redman says: get away from hinking about what actually might happen rrserve speciilist may agurto sits on her host boat barely one onth after a grenade launcher hit the ttuuk he was sstttng in n afgganistan. much noise or too many crowds." she's alsooggt blurry vision, a ruptured ear drum, shhapnel in her leg and a big bbood clot in her thigh. but none of it is stopping her from appreciatinggher
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surroundings. aaurto says: ""yu see ducks you see birds you don't see anything liik that in afghanistan." a wonddeffl reminder ttat you wwere you're going. sometimes you caa just float loog and appreciate where you re. along the potomac river - jennifer davis, fox neww. toss tick tock,,tickk tock. would you pay to watch
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the answer is yes... 3& nndfolllw that monkey, no how an escaped rimmte is caasing a ppnic across thh carolinas. ñ ñ ommon seese says, don't
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it's workforce.....beeause of the president's healthhare llw. lawwthoosands of additional i-r-s and other goverrment workers ill be needed to accommodate the increase inn collectionn and enforcement anticipated... aa the law continues to go into efffct. pnddwith he supremm court giving the laa a green light... officials are ready toospend more money. rehberg says: "they were given a billlon dollars pmplementation oney. that additional buueeucrats nd it programs, omputerrzation for the mplementation."dorn says, "oh oyy. hhs has a huge amount to work to dooand the
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states o tto thhre wiil be places in every state in thh countrr. placcs ou can go online, compare health plans." plans." the i-r-s and the health aan human services depprtment and many ahead with the job of writing -3 phousands of pagessof regulationn. ccomon senss says,,if a bad photo of you showssup on your facebook news feed... chances are our friend did it on purpp. there's scientific evidence. a new ssrvey finds that a quarter of women admitttd they posteddpictures of their female friends knowiig hey were unflattering. photos of double chins and up - celluulte after having a fight... and one fifth of them ssid theyyrefussd o take down picttres when askkd. some women worry abbut theii common sense says an ""ap" isn'' the answer. answer."clock ticking" tickkng" one company has comm up with
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clock" hat countt you doww ... to the second ... letting &pyou know áwhená you're going &pto become infertile..they and seconds later, your fertility is set to a virtual timer.but many are skeptiial it actually works. snyder says: "fertility has many factors involved, ot just agg. your healthh sshuld talk to your doctor about."-butt o-mos says: "i think it'' silly, i won't try it."mos says: "they have an app for everything now, i guess" staaes the app is not meant to be a medical diagnnsis ... but rather an interactive tool. the app costs 1--ollar and 99-cents. 3 colebaugh says: "" saw the truck i was like "oh no. i off." have yyu ever een f."- the movie outbreak? next, locking theii windows and are sttaing on he lookout for aa tiny monkey.
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[ male announcer ] a moment of silence for the internet as we know it. a revolution in internet speed is here. more than twice as fast as anything america has ever seen. introducing fios quantum. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. introducing fios quantum. police are on the hunn for a 3onkey in north caroliia.... - 3 "the unknown. don't know the behavior of monkeys. don'tt know the threattlevel of them. don't knowwthe habbts." habits." the wake forest primate center breeds reesarrh monkeys. &pmonday... she was spotted nea animal control is on he trail... the monkee is aaout keepers say she'ssnot iifectedd
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with any virrses... buu residents aren't taking any moser says: "it was during the cleaning process. ii was kind of a freak accident. it got through the first perimeter and hit a latch." coleeaugh says: "iisaw the trucc i was like "ohhno. i don't want my face bbtten off." off."the prrmate center says &pthh monkeyyis very shy, and they're warning anyone who spoos her to keep their distance and caal for help. 3 -3 the orioles getta win in
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seattle thanks to an unlikely hero...bruce cunningham has that nexty in sports unlimited... -3 your grilling is still gonna be pretty amateur. but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro.
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i'llwait... yeah...eryday valuwell, yeah, bacon.on. and my eggs sunny side-up. no, umm, over-easy. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 great choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. happy fourth of july from
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all of the fox45 family. i'm jennifer gilbert, herr's bruce cunningham with sports unlimited and it starts right now. there is a well-worn path this seaaon...especcaaly for reelities of his rotation right now, buck showalter dipped into the nnrfolk well one more time today...and boy did it pay off...out of coll storage came chris tillman...and he was ssnsationa. sensational... top 2nd...adda jones stakes shht to left...his 20th home run of the year...and the birds jump out to the early throwing well...heee in tte
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bottom of the second he puuches out john jaso..tillman's first major offensive help...ttp rd, chris davis shoots this single as 3-0......and david pretty fair with the kawasaki...anddhe's not even s - birds...and ttllman...get the 3 tillman the story in thiss one...just superb in hhs first
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start since august f last year...8 nd a third,,jjst 2 hits, 2 runs and 7 strikeouts...he's being placed n theebowie roster for proceedural reasons, where he'll pitch on mondaa and then return to the rioles latee in the week.mark reynolds 2-4 with two runs scored...robertt andino 2 for 3 with am rbi..and adam jonns with his 20th home run...he had 5 all last yeer.the o's open up a tomorrow... wwth tillman being called upp &pfor today's sttrt, that meentt someone had o go...and the that guu...steve johnson, a former star at st paul's, seen here, was sent backktoonorfolk wiihout throwing a single &pit he'll be back...johnson, who's &pfather ddveeallo pitched for the orioles, has a nice 2.73 earned run aveeage in 14 gamee with tte tides. before the game we learned thaa brian roberts, who wass &pplaced on the 15 day ddsabled list tuesday night, wwssnot in seattle with the rest opf the ccub...he was flying back to ballimore...roberts will
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a magnetic resonance angiogram, to deteemin if his iijury is hip related...officially it's listed as a righttgroin strain... to the nba...and a former terp star has a new address... jordan williams, who left college park afttr his soohmore year, has beee traded by the nets to he atlanta hawks aaong ith four jjhnson and a draff ppck... - williams p[layed inn43 amms for the nets last season, averaging 4.. poontss 3.6 rebounds and 16 minutes ppr &pgame... phat'll do it for this i'm bcc..and be sure to tune . &pin to fox45 morning news tooorrow -- starting at 5-am.go. goodnighh.
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