tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 6, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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3 we're under a code red heat alert hoo it's gging to be... and what you need to do to stay safe. fighting nats nats a mother... films herself... encouraging her toddler to fight.why she did it... and what's even more disturbing than the mother's role in thiss video. and... why you might lose &punless you do this one thing. today. 3 3 3today is thursday, july 6. 3 3 3 july is thursdayy july
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prompting state health officials to issue heet addvsories for all of maayyand. maryland.megan gilllland is here with more on what youu need to knnw to stay safe in this weather. good morning guys,we're digit day... t this point... it's not just hot... it's dangerous out there. theee.heee in the city... officiils have extended tte code red eat alertt through sunday... that means 1- cooling centers will remain inside you can cooo down in & the air conditioning aad rab some free water. 2:08 i've been coming here since it'ssbeen hot 11313 cause i m a diabeeic i have ccn see i have a water 20 p0if you're not staying weather... heat exhaustion or heat stroke can resuut... potentially leading to brain damage or even are the ssmptoms you need to look out for... heavy sseating, muscle cramps, dizziiess,
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nausea... headaches. if you're feeling any of those... find some shade, and drink ater slowly.becareful out there today.i'm megan gilliland,,fox45 morning news. thousands of fiild and support forces...some coming from as ffr as quebec are aggressively working to restore service to those still in the dark. dark. more than four thousand b-g-e contracttrs and out of state continue to work around the clock until every customer describe the restoration to be difficult. 3 what we've seen since sunday is widdspread damaae its almost like it was a hurrican came through and you can ell it was heavy wind....tree everywhere... the crews are working 12 o 16 hour days and they expect to work through the weekend. withhso many left in the dark, battery poweredditems have been getting work out. now a battery company is lending some relief by
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a man takes police on a high speed chase through baltimore pnding in a violent aaccdent. accident.witnesses say a man around 10 'cllck , thurrsay - morning.his eetranged wwfe wws in the car with him when the car finally crashed at the &pccrner mount oyal avenue and saint paul streee.police say he hit two police cars during the chase.the man and his wife were bbth treated foo injuries
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david "busy bee" parker mount vernon: 50.12 "lookkat thii. i out of their brains when they - see their cars like this." "these two cars were parked, like death." hydrant off its bass and sent it flying 100 feet down the sidewalk.mmunt royal was closed, briefly. a florida judge has once again zimmerman... the man charged in the shooting death of florida teen trayvon martin. martin.thisstime... it's a llt melisa raney explains... the judge also set new restrictions if he's able it. george zimmerman's initial bond was set at 150-thousand dollars back in pril.the judge revoked it last month -- after learning zimmerman and his wife misled the court about their finances.on thursday, the judge said zimmmrman's deceit was not enough to hood him without bail -- anddset bond at one million dollars.zimmerman -- or 1000thousand dollars.a legal analyst says that's not
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all.but he's got to post collateral for the remainder, somebody's got to puttup a house or a fw houses to be the collateral for the bond. the judge saiddhe believes zimmerman may have been &pplannnng to flee the country, so he set some new restrictions if he bonds out. &phe cannnt open or maintain a bank account, be on airport property, apply for a passport or leave the country.the attorney for trayvon martin's family reacted to the rrlings. trayvon's parents ---and i'm here speaking on their behalf -- would rather that the killer of their unarmed son remmin in jail until the trial. however, thhyyrespect the ourt's order and the fact that the judgeesent a very strong meesage in his order. i'm melisa raney reporting. some of the other conditions on zimmerman if he bonds out include reporting to officials every two days... following a
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his firstttime out on bond... he will be monitored for zimmerman's wife... she's chargeddwith onee count of perjuryy.. a felony for allegedly lying under oath at zimmerman's first bond hearing.sse's out on a thousand-dollar bond. a new measure to keep airports secure... has some travelers colorado....some passengers there say they've been asked o hand over drinks they buy áinside the airport testing. previously... the - rule has beennto ban drinks from being brought through security.some travelers say the t-s-a testing drinks at flight gates... is over-kill. well, you know, i'm always glad thaa y safety's aa priority. i think testing drinks after they've already been bouuht mmght be a little extreme. --butted to -- the water or the juices or anythiig you buy here in the airport, the tsa's going to ridiculous. i mean, it's just - the t-s-a says its employees have many layers of security
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that passengers caa be randomly adddtional screening at aay casey anthony is expected to take he stand... in the civil trial against her.the florida wommn is being sued for defamation.... byyzenaida gonzalez. the woman laimss anthony ruined her life when she told authorities a nanny... by the same name... took her daughter, caylee.... who went missing in 2000.the civil trial is scheduled to sun... could soon be easier e lotion.british researchers have unnovered a new way to using pills.theeidea ccme from underwattr coral....which has itssown natural barrier o u-v radiation.also in the works... is an áimplantá called to increase melanin in your skin... which blocks u-v rays. the implant is at least wo years away from getting on the market.the pills are still in developmmnt... and are at least 55years aaay from being
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&pavailable o the public. if youuplaa on using the internet this coming monday... you might run into some problems..housands of americans are at risk of getting kicked offline... if they have a certain type of malware on their compuuers. if thhy don't remove it... they will losee nternet access when the f-b-i shuts down the facebook from a computer es - infected with "d-n-s--hanger display an alert... with a instructs users on how to also has a link that allows people tt check if they have it's friday and that eans - it's youu turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let s know wwat's on could air in our "facebook se - feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimooe to become a fan and join the disturbinggvideo of a mother... fighting.fighting nats natsthe reason behind thhs
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contest.come to al packkr's white marsh ford next friday for our judges.our favorite singer will be given a guaranteed audition in front of american idol producers.the winner of our connest last year.. hallie day... made tte top 24 on american dot com. sand and surf...good for you...bad for your electronics electronicsthe siiple kitchen item you can use... to protect them...instead oo those expensive covers. covers.fighting nats natsbuu first... toddlers fighting... and it's caughh onncamera.ffnd out who alerted authorities to this disturbing video. ((bu
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i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is napthali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. a missouri wwman's facebook
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post has caught the attention of child welfare officials. as george sells eports...the woman aalegedly posted a video that appears to show her insttgating a fist fight between two small kkds.and a warning, some of this footage... may be hard to watch. watch. ---eporter pkg-as follows -- to watch. for many,,even egging on her little girl, noo even out of a fist fight. "got some action! got ssme action! yúall better
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ball up some fists!" "she needs er daughter taken away from her until she can better herself." this woman, who aakee not to be identified, &palerted ussto the video. she pnows the mothee of the little girl in these pictures, and fears sheús putting that child in dangerr."ball up your fist. itús like sheús training her before she starts school or somethinn. itús ssd because todayús societyyin the black community its really sickening that pheseekids are learning how to fight,,get ggns and stuff, and &pit shouldn't be going on." repooter: ("what's your immediate reaction?") ""ow." dr. russell hyken is a child psychologist. he found this ttugg to stomacch "that's pretty overwhelming. those are don't even understaad what is going on. i mean one child is continues to go after her. i'm thinking what is going on heee?" itús a questioned we social services...reeuesting that they view this video. they would only respond that they can'' commeet on pecific should bb on their radar. "it's sommthing that they at
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you know, i don'' know the law in that rea, but as a therapist, and a faaily therapist at that, iúm pretty encouraggng violence aad physically abussve situation." &pthere were other adults in th room ann they let her get off pith that and it's ickeniig." -----end-----cnn.script----- keep those gaddets... watee pro. proof.the one ttiig you can safe on the beach. beach.and the lifeguarr ... fired for saving a man's offered a job.find out who wants to hire him. 3((break 3)) let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking,
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sunscreen to stay safe. but what bout prrtecting your favorite gadgee? the beach is not a very friiedly place to technology. water is obviously an enemyy f t, but also sand can get into the ports of yoor devices, it can get into the seams between things and make them grind as they move. thhre are a variety of cases on the market for smartphones, e- readers, and ablets. but consumer reports found that a simple plassic bag with a zipper or seal can also that gadget before you leeve home so ouure not fumbling with it on the bbach. -- don't removv it untillreturning home to avoid contact with sand nd sunscreee. -- and reelace bags regularly so sand doesn't accumulate. sand and water aren't the only concerns..sun dammge a device. it's a good idea to keep the device out of the sun, keep it ssmewhere cool, liie in a bag -- a little bit insulated even would be good. don't leave it pn the car. pay attention to
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that. 95 egrees to 100 degrees is sort of the ax you phould be looking t. and if an unprotected device takes a dip in the water, act fast. removv the battery and sim card, and resist the urge too dry it wiih a heat ssurce like what's inside. i'm karin rp - caifa, and you're nnw cliiked in. -----end----- cnn.scrrpt----- some of you are dealing with this. this.nats. nats.find ouu wweee you can dispose of your debris ... left over from the storm. stormmwe're under a code red heat alert today.hhw hot t's need to do to stay ssfe. ((take pkg))it seems that presiddnn obama has orgotten that our system of government, consists of three co-equul branches. the executive and legislative branch must e
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&pchecked bbythe judicial branch in order to prevent the establishment of tyranny. he shhuld return to his has apparentty forgottee how our system wwrks. the founders of our nation were very cognizant of the fact that there is a natural tendency to consolidate power and take control. ence they established a system of checks and balances. we should all be very thankful that such a system exiit today. the suppeme ourt justices hopefully will not be inttmidated for fulfilling their constitutional duties. for more go o behind the us on facebook anddtwiiter. i'm armstrrnggwi ♪ jif to go goes here, goes there ♪
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