tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 6, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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the final push to restore power.the last homeownerss on fox 45 newssa five. 3 power ouuages are still afffcting ssme summer rogramss at schools cross our baatimore city... four school programs have been reloccted. in baltimore county... eight today.for a list of affecttd schools.. go to foxbaltimore dottcom slash morning.
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it's not just hot... it's dangerous outside.state health officials are warning everyone to becareful. becareful.megan gililllnd is maryland.fect for all of good morning guys,with another triple digit day heattng up... being outside... can cause t stroke.the entireestate of oke.- maryland is under a cooe ed heat aaert.heee in the city... will remain open through that time... inside you can cool down in the air conditioning and grab some frre water.the best way to eattthis heaa... is tt stay out it.if you have ttobe outside... i can't stress this enough... you need to stay hydrated. 1143 when i'm out here i drink water make sure i hhvv somethinn on my stomach. tay hydrated. i might run the line for like 20 miiutes and then sttp, take a break just tty to
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not over exert myself 54nats of digging in coolers coolersjust in case you don't pass dominic and his frieeds on the road... keep a waterr bottle with you.stay hydrated... stay cool. if you're trying to beat the shades over your windows... try toolimit using yoor stove or oven... and take a cool shower... that'll make the peoole arounn you happier too. morning news. it's been a eek since powerful storms swept through region...leavvng behinn fallen debris, damage...and causing thousands to go without power. as oo riiht now, b-g-e say they've restored power to almost 700-thousand people.but manyyare will without power, morning.herres a look at the latest power outageenumbers at this hhur:according to b-g-e's website... total...anne aruudel county...baltimore ciiy... baltimore county... ccrroll county... howard county... 3&the heat wave and the power
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problems are a daageroussmix for people with hhalth least eight people have died - from heat-relaaed illnesses.... phree of them in baltimore city its especially pifficult foo those with respirattry problems. 3 and kinda wheezing like. i've got a wheezing tting. that lets me know its time to get on to my machine." machine." been without powwr for six as - use hee breathing device. crees bbgan workinggin hee catonnville neighborhoodd thursddy afternoon.. but, soo far... no pooer. the hunt is on for thief, in anne aaundel county... taking advantage of the power outages. power at her home in edgewater friday... and didd't have it for severalldays.the 3&to the she left the doors and windoos open and unlocked... waiting ffr a breeze. she was asleep on her couch in the livinn room... when suddenly, at aboott2 o'clock in the
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morniig... a noiss woke her up. and she saw a man standing nearby. 3&(sames) ""nd i jjst screamed, get out!" as loud as i could, i grabbed my blackberry from the taale there and ran oot could." sames says tte co" manngrabbed her purse and everything ii it, inccuding her credit cards, debit card is back onmeanwhilee.. they've got two reporrs of thefts related to the outages. two generators from the rear of two different homes in towwoo. after so much has been of the stormssa week aao, to actually receive something in their time of need. need. freeebatteries, free compuuer access and w-fi are available at the "duracell power relief trailer" in laurel. joel d. smith is they'll be offeringgservice.
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33 chainsaw nats natsstormmcleanup continues in baltimore countyy.. where been left with the tough task of cutting and clearing trees thht fell ovee duringgthe storm.the county duupsites are coolecting branches and brush. they've aaso set up dumpsters homeowners have had to haul away multtile truckloods of debris. 24414 i've been doing ptis for 22 years i've neverr
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seen rees uprooted like this ever."21:33 "you gotta pickup &ptruck, everybody wants to be your friend."02:48 "well the first tting i did was o out and buy me a chainsaw." county, trees are still blocking downed power lines - and even roaaways.ii you spot a problem liie that, call the &pdepartment of ubbic works. the florida ifeguard... who now being offered back his job.- job.on mooday... tomas lopee helped rescue a man who was in an area f the beach that read "swim attyour own risk." but lifeguards are required to call -1-1 ii a person is outside their zone... due to liability issuee. lopez says he'd do it all again... wwth po regrets. knowing that i did the right thing anddthat i can sleep at night - that i tried to help. needless to say... he ttrned the job foo the man e helped save?... he's now
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pecovering at the hospital. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound oof on our facebook page about anything you want. want.lee us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join thh conversation. you've made it to the weekend...and it's going to be a hot one! &pone!when you can expected moo tripll digits temperatures..nex. next.
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ramp. and frrm what you can sse... the driver never steps on the brake.22people were aken to the hospital.nn word on their condition today.transit officiall say the driver of that van is on administrative leave... whhle the crash is under investiiation. ((2-shoo toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 3 3 is ourrseccrity at risk? risk?humphrees says: "in 5 tt 10 years,, ou havv 30 thousand drones in the airspace.. // edit // eacc one of these could be a potential missile used against us." us."the easy way terrooists could takk control of un-manned aircrafts. ((bumppout)) the wheat in every mini-wheat has gotta be just right.
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perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit.
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kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. congress has given the f-a-a until 2015 to come up with rules to allow unmanned drones wide access to u.s. airspace. but one noted researchhr on g-p-s navigation has discovered a problem that could jeopardize national security... and heeis urging the federaalgovvrnment to eithee come uppwith a fix ... or scrap the idea altogether. john roberts shows us the dangers hackers have exposed. exposed. this drone is similar to thousands of others that will soon be buzzing over us soil - it's flight path ut watch what hhppens whenn
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todd humphrres and his team from theeuniversity of texas punch a few keystrokes into thii computer. the drone goes wildly off course - now receiving instrrctionn - not from gps, but from a transmitter that sends false signals to thh drone's navigation system - a o- called "spoofer". the effect is so dramatic, a safety pilot with radio control has to save tteedrone from crashing.humphrrys says: "spoofing a gps receiver n a uav is jjst another way of hijacking a plane." if iiluminated a gaping hole in the government'ssplan to open up us iispace to gps-ggided drones. humphreys says: "in 5 to 10 years, you have 30 thousand drones in the airspace.. // edit // eacc one of these could be a potential missile used against us." until now, gps guided dronns have been limited mmstly to the battlefield in places ike iraq, aaghanistan and yemen. earlierrthis year,
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come up with rules to aalow 2015. they could be y - used for law enforcement, monitooing transmission and pipelines for utilitieea"a&. even pilotlessly deeivering packages across the country. the founder of fedex has said he wantss fllet of cargo-plane sized drones in the air as soon as possible. the reason why thissis so concerninn is because as dronessget more and more integrated in us airspace, they on't have an operator ith a joystick backinn them up. thhy'll rely almost &pexclusivvly on a gps raaio to get from place to place. a radio that can be hacked. could take down one of these - drones delivering fedex packages and use that as your missile. that's the same mentality the 9--1 hiiackers had." the government is last week - at the white sands missile range in new mexicc, offfiials from theefaa and department of homeland security watched as humphreys' of a drone. these ntrol
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experiments are theefirst time in the us that anyone has used a spoofer to hijack an unmanned aerial vehicle. but humphreys says - iffhe can do it - so could a terrorist group with the right pesources.humphreys says: "i'm worried about them ccashing into other ppanes. iim worriee abbut them crashing into planes. i'm worried crashing into other planes. i'm worried about them crashing into buildings.." last december, iran claimed that it took controllof this us drone, forcing it from he sky. humphreys thinns the iranians simply confused it by jamming the gps, which put the drone into automatic landing mode. "spoofing" takks it to an entirely new level. the aircraft can be controlled precisely - made to do whateverrthe ijjckerrwants it to. humphreys goveenmeet can eliminate this vulnerability, it ssould put skies to unmanned aerial us vehicles.humphrrys says: "it just shows that the kind of mentality that we got after 9-11 where we reinforced tte cockpit door to prevent people need to adopt ttat mentality as far as the these uavs." otherwise - says humphreys - the government may only give terrorists a go after. in austin, texaaa"aa&john newss next in sports. sports.the final roster pot &pis revealed for the all-sttrr headed to kansas city.mmel is ((break 3)) mashed potatoes and gravy. it's my tu it's my turn. mac 'n cheese... mashed potatoes and gravy!
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mac 'n cheese. mashed potatoes and gravy what are you doing? what are you doing? mac 'n cheese! should we tell em we got two free sides? and miss this? say "mashed potatoes!" never! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and we'll throw in 2 more large sides, free. that's 2 extra sides of your choice and one happy family. today tastes so good.
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perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit.
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5:58 am
p very ppropriate fashion later today. i'm niiole di--" di--"but you'll neeer believe phat happens to her next! let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking,
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only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now.
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