tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 9, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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3something somethiigthhee children... drown in a maryyand creek.wwy the boys ereethereein the first lace... aad when their families kew sooething was wrong. an internet doomsday.why some offyou won't be able to log on today and what the f-b-i is and... the health hazard you caa prevent.. by uuing a different kind of brrsh to cleen your grill. 3 monday july 9th 3 3 3
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3 p thhy're calling it one of thh 200 year history of b-g-e..... ut aftee 9 days, customers who loss it as a result of those storms lasttffi. least 14 peepll have died as a result of those storrs that devastated our area last week.many offthem were in maryland... d-c and vir. stevv was telling relief from the heat todayy.. but that cooler air also means
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more storms here in baltimore. as a result... this morning &pthere are moreethan 5- thousand people waking up without power.most of thhm are in baltimore and howard county. joelld. smith is streaming pow in towson wherr they're waking up in the dark again as the next round oo storms come ii. good morning joel d. 3 &p patrice, right now, there aae a handful of new outages to report: bge ow says 52 hundred customers are withoot power... mossly in the towson area... ttat's rough, buu nothiig compared to the 3/4 of a -&a h cedarcroft road.. 3 3 it took workers from all over the coontry, and canada, working around the lock in viscious heat, but the jobbgot
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done. the last customer restored yesterday afternoon.. the storm wasshistoric in it's mahem... trees fell on road. someeof the folks hotels for days, while their homes basically boiledd others triee to stick it out, just humans having a tough .., - time with 80 or 90 degrees 3 5122 we have two largeeddgs inside, 70 pounds each. they couldn't get cool ffr a whole week. they panted 24-7, ha ah aaa aha .. for 24-7 and its hard to sllep with a anting dog blowing hot air on you. 3 insuranceeagents are a still a ccmmoo sitt here. but now that it's over,,many on this plock are jst happy to looked... it really couldd ave 3 3 -3 3
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won't be able to check you mail this morning... pay your web.this malicious malware is called "d-n-s channer"... ii was first iscovered inn2007. but when thh f-b-i busted thh realized thht if they turned - off the malicious servers... victims would llse internet service..o they sst up temporary servers.... buu that safey net expirrd at midnightt leaving thousands of internet users at risk oday.service providers are bracing to take help calls.if you do still have internet... protect now...accooding to cyber security experts:keep your anti virus software updattd. make sure you're using firrwall when browsing the internet.and don't click on a link or accept an attachment nottbe what it seems to be.ght - there's no word yet on exactly unplugged this morning.some
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say it cculd be... much to do the end there were very few problems there... and that's what we're hoping for 3 3police need your help searching for the man who killed 19-year- old terrence anderson in may. may..olice are looking for the poliie say he was buying snacks bbforeehe shoo annerson in the headdit happened on victim's family says the teen wassworkiig two jobb, to pay "iiknoo if he was here right now, we'd be going through thee goals we said we would do, wish he was here, wishhhe wws h" here" metro crimmstoppers is offering a two thousand dollar reward. &pinvvstigatoos continue to loo into the cause of a fire that claimed tte life of an anne arundel ounty woman.
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of our viewers... lorien hiteshew..he fire department says flaaes broke out around millersville home on newport bay" community.police found have not yet confirmeddhhr . bu identity. two fire companies in tte city wwll close today.. due to baltimore's budget deficit.but one of the compaaies slated to closee. will beeopen a little bit longer.this is video of truck 10 at a fireeon roberts street in west baltimore on wednnsday night.the presidenn of the firefighters union says truck 10 will not lose until october. a hollywood legend has died. dded.oscar winning actorr pver the weekend.borgnine e 95 nabbed an academy awarr for his role in the 19--5 film ""arty." the film-turned televvsion actor was oe of phe originial celebrities on squares."borggine assstill making movves and televisson appearances less than a year
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pefore his death. the altimooe parmers' market is givvng you for your proddce. hhw you pay mayor stephanie rawlings-bllke held a press conference sunday announcing that the baltimorr bucks incentives and debittcards can now be used to buy fresh pruits and vegetables at the city's largest farmers market. p halth officials say tte new payment options will encourage ffmilies to eat healttier. "the goal here is to increase access to healthier affordable food and bbing in those who are on snap beeefits to really be able to doubleetheir value here in the market and get fruits and vegetables." pegetables." more than 190-thousand ity residents get federal sspplemmnnal nutrrtion we're giving away 250 ddllar giant's our giant summer contest!this gift card between 6:30 and a - 6:45.yoo'lllhave 15 minutes to if the winner doesn't call pn... we'll draw another name. name.just go o our facebook page...facebook doo com slaah
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3 3 3 3 &still to ccme... it'ssovertime you're not getting paid forrhow much those extra minutee you spend on the phone after work.. add year."for somebody to just come up and do that sort of &ptting. i dont now why anybod nasty stuff (laughs)."h that - (laughs)." and... thieves... goinn green.what they're tealing.. that's actually helping the planet. ((bump out))
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p it seems the black market is going green.thieves are making big bucks stealing recyclable material like cardboard and oil from sidewalks and back alleys.cnn's susan candiotti shows us why it's so lucrative. --reporter pkg-as ffllows -- it's 3 a-m, and a man emergee from a proffssional-looking truck behind the red restturann in damascus, unlocking some padlocks, hee snaps them off. what's he somebodd to just come up and do that ssrt of thing. i don't know why anybody would want to (laughs).this alleegd thief messed with ttem before--the restaurant's surveillance camera caughttthe action.the worst thing is they even cut the cooking oii ripoff came on. into a little drawer and we - same with the chicken frrer and the arbecue.that goop is bio diesel fuel for powering cars and trucks.they cut us a check of a hundred fiftyy dollars every time we fill it up.a great deal for honess businesses, but thieves also are cashing in...ripping off theewaste oil and selling t on the black market for 500 dollars a pick-up. the natioo-wide's t's a pretty much 100-percent profit they sell's a similar situation for cardboard.we &plose approximately to cardboard theft.often, it's hard to recyclers from
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thieves, since tte cardboard...left on sidewalks forrpick-up...seems up law enforcement, for some obvious reasons, doesn't make it a high priority. so the risk of getting cauuht is low, nd low. ron bergamini is that...i t is to help...nee york'sscity ere 3 council to stiffen those penaltiess after all, thievess can make dollars a night ith just a truck and a late niiht hunt foo cardboard...and easily pay any ffnes if paught. it's a bad economy, so people are out there &plooking to hustle to make themselvvs some money.illegal green siphoned off from the preen economy. susan pandiotti, straight ahead... & straight ahead...
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3&men versus wooen.the genner that heals better after getting iijured. injured.andd. how many extra year.. without getting paid... just by being on your phone. ((break 3)) what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. can't put down your blackberryyor i-phone even though you're off the clock? you'rr not alone.americans put ii a month and a half of overtime a year by answering calls and e-mails after hours. aliion kosik is at the new york stock exchange with ddtails. llows --work doesn't end when you walk out the door. a new survey from goodd technology, a mobile security firr, found we're putting in an extra 45 days a year and noo getting paid for it.the problee is that 80-percent of
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people keep working even afttr they've left the offfce.and it'ssno wondee... between smartphones, i-pads, and stay connecteddsome people to - keep working to stay organized. others say they don't have a choice because their customers demann quick responses.and some workers are just their devices off.they check them when they're out with family and at the ddnner table. to this growing trend.... significaat others aren't upset with them hen they work while they're off the clock. the recession could be a factor...over the past few years, companies slashed jobs... and now, they're squeezing more out of the remaining workers.but good teccnology has a different take...the group says the connnctivity enhances work- life balance beccuse people can et things done wherever they are... so they can leave work early and answer e-mail's while watching their childd in new york. oming up... what airlinn companies do with &plost luggage... that never gets reunited with its
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