tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 11, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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this morning... the board of estimates is expected vote on baltimore city fire chief james claak a raise.this comes just days after we reported the closing of two baltimore citt ire companies... due to cuts.megan gilliland is here wiih more on why thh mayor says the timing is right.&good stephanie rawlings-blake is offering chief clacc a two percent raise... and plans to extend his contract... through . 20-18.he'ssbeen leading the department for four years noww and makes more than 161-thousand a year.but the maaor believesshe deserves more and has earned a raise through his success on the job. (mayorr "we've had the lowest number of fire deaths in the city since the earlyy30's, i'm pleased with the workkof my fire chief and the department and i'm glad that he's staying d onboardin a statement... chief clack says he's very honored
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chief... and is happy that the mayor has askee him to but givvng him a raise... comes at a time when fire companies are closing and fire fighters aren't seeing any increase.coming up next half hour... hear from some lcoal fiie figgters... on the iming of it all.i'mmmegan gilllland, fox45 morning news. a baltimore city firefighter s under arrest raid uncovers a prostttution ri. ring.police arrested jamar pimmons... a firefighter andd paramedic.... and franklin coot... a convicted fflon wwo is nnt affiliated with the city fire department monday porning. police and the f-b-i's "human trafficking safe streets task force" raided the cambridge buildiig on south pulaski street near west pratt where they found evidence of drugs.. prostitution and guns. (guglielmi) "the bootom ine is whether you're a police ooficer, whether you're a ammulance or ice cream truck, this agency isscoomitteddto holding peopleeaccoontable." accountable."simmons has been with the department since 2000 and has beee suspended without
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pay. three men pled ánotá guilty in a quadruple shooting that killed a 12-year-old last summe. summer.ddrrick brownn antwan moseey and danyae robinson are chaaged wwth first-degree murder in the shooting death of 2-year-old sean johnson. theeboy was shot to death whileewatching a basketball home in east baltimore. investigators say neighbors helped identify the suspects.. and phone recordssconfirmed wiiness aacoonts. urt schilling's failed video game company headed to a federal bankruptcy court tuesday. schilling was a star for the red sox and arizona diaaondbackssbuu also played astros. his business... 38 nd - more than 270 million dollars. the company closed its oors in rhode island and maryland last month. and schilling says the collapse has probably cost him his ennire baseball fortune. it's now offfiial... that the fate of same ex marriage - in the state. stateeopponenns of maryland's
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new law allowing sameesex marriage... submitttd morr than átwiceá the number f signatures required to get the question on this fall'' ballot. and now... the staae board of elections as officially "certified" more ttan 100-thoosand f those signatures. the ressllt are in for the latest stattwide assessment tests... aad they show a slight improvement for students across maryland.butt therees mixed news for students in baatimore ity math scores are up around 2- percenn in gradess3 through 8... from the year before.but reading scores among middle nearly 3-percent. the c-e-o says one problem is that between 12 to 14-percent of students aaeechronically (alonso) "there's a huge challenge and we need to work with our parents and our that the kids are in school or theeprogress s going to be difficult to sustain." sustain."students consideeed "chrooically absent" miss 20 or more school days in one year. 3 &p california man is behind
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bars today... after allegedly taking a few too many driiks in a bar. bar.and as walter makaula explains... it all appened while his 11-year-old son was sitting in the car outside. outside. itts after midnight -- and police arriveeto find the boy still inside the car. phe tells police...brown says: phe had been there for a liitle ooer two hhurs. that his dad was inside a nearby bar, and that he really needed to use the resttoom aad he was scared.. he tells pplice his faaher's name. so ii they go -- looking for 46 ear old jose ramon hernandez. handful of patrons inside -- and as police ask for the man &pthey're looking for -- notice po one volunteers. until questioond.brown says: "the father admitted that yeah thha he had een there longer than he should have. and he admitted that ittwasn't right for him to have left the boy out there." but he also said the boy wasn't out thhre for very long ---it was justta couple of hours. however the woman ho called police to report the incident told them she first nottced the boy crying in theeccrrfive hours
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eaaliee around seven.brown &psays: "he had the objective symppomology of some alcohol impairments aad alcohol intoxications, and he was detained." policc searched the father beffre taking hhm in -- and fouud another problem in his pocket. brown says: "it was a powdery white substance and ii's going to take a lab to actually tell usswhat ii is. his admissions of what it was willlneed to be verified by the lab." he was taken toojail. because no other family members could be reached, thh boy was released into protectiie custody at the county's polinssy children's cenner. it'' time to get irresponsible! at the maryland science center, "leaaninn" is a flimsy eecuse to have sooe messy fun. fun. and joel d. smith is live there now to see howwmuch damage he can do as part of the "summee of irreeponsible science". good morninn joel d. 3
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3today is july eleventh... or &p7-11... which happens to e 7-eleven's 85th birthday. birthday. that meann it'' time ffr a slurpee party.the nation'sslargest convenience store is hosttng a celebratiin today by giving away free slurpees!just head to your local 7-11 today starting at 11 aam to get yyur favorite flavor! you can also win some free groceries today! today!we're giving away 250 dollar giant's morning.... we'lllgive awayya 6:45.yyu'll have 15 minutessto if the winner doesn't call in... ww'll draw another name. name.just go tt our facebook and complete the entty form to enter.go to our website foor complete contest rules. coming p on the early edition... don't go swimming right after eating.true or false? from fiction.rate summer fact
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with the rich, smooth superfood, avocado. kentucky derby and preakness wwnner "i'll have another"... is headed for jaaan.the horse has been sold to a japanese farm for the hoose's owner claims the - hhgh price is far more than &pany mount he was offered in the u-s."i'll have anotter" rettred with aatendon injury the day before he was set to ruu in this year's belmont &sta tripleecrownn
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3 pcming up... poison ivy is contagious... or is it? it?we find out if some commonn summer myths are fact or ((bumppout)) ((break 2)) why should our wallets tell us what our favr is? every room deserves to look great. and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we can feel our way through the newest, softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be picking the style. we will. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. make room for savings with $37 basic installation on martha stewart living and platinum plus carpet.
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thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. it's summer: a time to elax,
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take in a few rayssaad forget about the rigors of life. but even summer carries a few rules that many of us abide by. bbt are hese rules based on real science or aae they just myths? suuan hendricks has the answer. answer. waat to go into the pool after from watermelons. all gooo - summer health tips. oo are they? doctors say, most of them are myths. so let's popular ones and see if science agrees . - you can catch poiisn ivv from someone eese.false. you get poison ivy from tte oil of the plant. "now if the oil from the plantt gets onno ooos, or gloves or clothes orreven a pet, it's possible you can pick it up from there."eating watermelon peeds can makk you sick.nope "the idea they can ssrout within the body and otherwise causeea problem is completely a myth."tanning one time in aa tanning ed caan rotect from the sun's damaging rrys. no way!"tanning doesn't protect
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you against developing skin cancer. tanning doesn't protect the skin pprticularly well frommthe sun's rays. you should wait 30 minutes after you eat to go back into the poolah...depends."the digesttvee pocess requiies blood flow to the stomacc and if you distract your stomach by exercising anddleading the blood flow to the muscles instead of the stomach you might get some stooach cramp." and going in and out of air conditioning can cause you to catch cold"cold air indoors in the summer does not cauue poll. viruses cause colds." best advice for safe summer? for today's health minute, i'm susan hendricks.-----end----- cnn.script----- a 250 dollar giant gifttcard f sometime in the next 60 minutes.stay tuned to see if we call your name. name.and next... could the ooioles be in danger of losingg next in sports.
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the alllstar game and the little snack during the home runnderby. derby.222350 when the carddnals were in town oc food for everybody 222402 222402 adam went overrto the e-s-p-n set during the live broadcast to get some of made us proud.... when heewas asked if he liked them, he ssid.... they're good, but they could really use some old bay. adam may be frrm san diigo....but he haa the heart and stomach of a true marylander.
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&pmichael vick is gearing up tt packle he world of fashion. according to "the wall street journal"... the philadelphia eagles quarterback will launch a clothing line of sports apparel... called "v-7..vick says the ssortssapparel line is a longtime will be sold exclusively at "modell'' sporting goods" stores through the end of this year. coming up in our 6 o'clock hourr.. you're less than 45 minutes away from knowing if you're a winner. we're giving away a 250 dollar giant giftcard.stay tuned to see if we call your name. name. ♪
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♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out. 3 the board of estimates votes today on a raise for
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baltimore's fire chief.why the the fire storm it's creating. the baltimore grand prix.... could mean bii loss foo the city.why organizers are still going through with it... and the strategy being used... to help boost saless your favorite designers... are coming to ttrget.when you'll be able to buy "tory burch"... "oscar deela renta"... and "carolina herrera"... for aa fraction of the price. 3 -liveelook downtown 3 3 3downtown-live look downtown ay, july 11thh- 3 3 3
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