tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 13, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 police are investigating a terrible case of animal cruelty in south ballimore.... abandoned in a rash can. caa. joel d. smmth is live at the baltimore animal rescue and care shelter, where tte dog, now named "thor" is trying to make a comeback.good morning joel d. unbelievaale that someone could be so cruel, but that is exactly what they think &phappened to a pitbull terrier their calling "thor". let's takk a look at him. him.theedog is estimattd to be about 5 years old, but weighs just 27 pounds.. he wassbrought in to the baltimore annmal rescue and care shelter jull 9th. he's sores all over his baccside! shelter workers say animal control found him in a trash can in an alley behind cole
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street in outh baltimore. they're not sure how long he'd been in there... but do believe he was too weak o get will be a long time for thor to physically recover but there are signs, his attitude already has. 3:26 even when hh was too weak to lift his head he was still trying to wag is tail and giving kisses 322128 he's able to stand up for short lengths of time, but when he walks, he's very weak and he does lay dowwna ot so he's made a has a long way to go 38 in mythology "thor" is the god of strength. but also of proteetion and healing. the folks heee are ptimistic there wwll be full recovery and thor can be adopted 3 the dog is on medication and under fosser care until then. . orkers are asking anyone with information about the case, to call police. live in south baltimore, joel . smith, fox 45 morning nnws.
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if one lawmaker get his way... b-g-e will have to pay up ábig timeá for ttose powerroutages that left more ttan 700 - thousand customers without power for up to a week. wants the pubbic ssrvice million dollars.áá he wants create what he calls a "surge reserve" to payyfor additional workers to help restore power faster. (frosh) "they've got to provide 21st century service if they want to get ccmpensated in 21st centtry rat" rates."in less than three weeks...b.g.e. will have to submit a detailed report o the public service commission on how itresponded to the storm. wells fargo reaches a big settlement... in a pricing discriiination lawsuit. lawsuit.baltimore city sued the mortgage giant for subprime lending practices... targeting minority neighborhoods.the suit claims &pthey steered black and hispanic borrowers into bad loans... resulting in mass "iq:people witt similar
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qualifications should be treated similarly.... oq: not the color of their skin." skin."under the landmark deel....wells fargo will pay the city 7-point-5 millions will go toward compensation - for borrowers and direet down payment assistance for discrimination victims in neighborhoods that were hit hard by thh housing crisis. thh opening cerrmonies for the 20-12 olympics are ssill two weeks away... but this morning there's already controversy over the u-s unnfor. uniforms. as marianne refferyyshows uu... it's not the colorssor style that's has some up in arms... it's where the clothes were ade. made. with the 2012 olympic games just weeks away... excitement is building as folks around the world gear uu for the upcoming festivities. but its not just the athletic events some are paying close attention to... uniforms set to be worn by american competitors is sparring outrage.reid says: "i am so upset that i think the olympic
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committee should be ashamed of themselves" he uniforms designed by alph lauren includeeblazers, trouserssand a french-style beree in red, white and blue. but it's not the many aagered... it'ss that the uniforms were made in chiia. a number of lawmakers are pointing fingers at the olympic committee's wardrobes overseas while the american textile industryy struggles and many workers desperate for jobs. would know better"pelosi says: "they should be weaaing uniforms that are made in america." in the wake off the controversy,,the us- &polympic committee has release a statement defending ralph lauren. it reaas in part: "all this talk about olympic uniforms made in china is non sense. polo rl is an american company that supports pmerican athletes" bbt the sentiment is not enough to calm democratic senate majority leader harryyreii. reid saass "...i think they &pshoulddtake all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start ll over again. if they have to wear nothing but a ssnglet that says usa on it, ainted by hand, that is what they should
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wear"(anchor tag) ralphh lauren also is dressing the paralympic teams for the casual clothes to be worn around the olympic village. the company has ddclined to comment on the criticism. in new york, marianne rafferty, fox news. 3 áátoss to patticeáá 3&p- baltimore idol contest- winner gets guaranteed audition in front of idol produs producers of idol producers producersaudition in front guaranteed - wiiner gets contest- baltimore idol áátoss to patriceáá- baltimore idol
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3 3 3 3 coming up... marylanders... sounding off about taxess taxes.17725::2- 11:25:377ayne gadow: they dont seem to have a clueeas to the seriousness of whatt going on. on.what our townnhalllmeettng revealed... about just how far some mmrylanders say they'll go... to send a meesageeto lawmakers. ((bump out))
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3 a round of tax increasessjust went into efffct at the beginning of the month. the money you're paying to ive here was the focus of a live online town hall meetingghosted by fox45 &plast night. jennifer gilbert looks at the different visions oo the future of the st. state. 3 3 no matter how you look att it... it's more expensive thann maryland.. 17:36:06- 17:36:09valerie burns:phew... just more monny out of our pockets.///butt to///17:21:16- 17:21:26mike
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blackssn:"theesales tax that went up a couple years agg, the increase on the income tax, it just becomes soo burdensome to become successfful it seems."... and concerned citizens are weighing in.... 3 17:24:11- 17:24:21wayne gadow: maryland seems to raase them all, and they raise them all often, tooooften. and other states are benefiiting by it aad we're not the latest round of hikes .. took effect aa the beggnning of this month. month. up... on individuals making - more than a hundred thousand do. more than 150-thousand dollars. doolars. tte flush tax... doubled... from 30 dollars to 60 dollars. dollars. taxes on sme tobacco proouctt... mooe than quadrupled... makkng maryland's tobacco taxes the 10th highest innthe country.... even alcohol taxes are up thanks tt an innrease in 2011. 2011. 22:39:04- 22:39:13dave schwartz: if yoor at home tonightt your cracking open that first beer, it cost you a little more han it did a year ago,,thank vinnyydemarco he was the one that crrated thaa tax...clappinn. clapping. 18:10:555 18811:11vincent demarco: nobody wants kids to smooe, the most effective wwy to stop them is to raise the pricc- it saves lives t brings in money its a win win-
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thats why were supporting another dollar tax increase and the people of md strongly support it." it." "thaas just ridiculous what we need to dd is hold the line on taxes, stop the spenddng and creaae jobs in the state, thats what wwll save lives." lesser of two evils... facing annual deficits of more than a billion dollars... lawmakers say it was either raise taxes... or cut programs and benefits....a doomsday prooosal would have cuu propsect for teachers watching their buddets hhink as classrooms grow.17:39:48- 17:40:00kathleen carmacc: if you want to mainttin tte number one public school system for the fiftt year in a row then somethhng has got to givee do you cut education,,do you cut the future of maayland, you know future generations. but ... the state legislature is now shiffing some teachhr not a direct tax increase... the counties mmght be forccd to raise roperty axee to cover the new burden. burden. 23:01:26 - 21101:33charles lollar: corporaae axes are through the roof, income taxes
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through the roof and we're currently the second worst in the nation when it comes to excessive taxation thee annapolis is out of touch .. - taxxayers.17:25:32- 11:25:37 wayneegadow: they dont seem to seriousness of whats going on. on.17:34:30- 40valerie burns:we in our families have to control what we do with ourr money and how we spend our money innour budgetssand i believe the govt should have to do that as well.anddif &ptaxes go up any more for working families.... many may move. 23:02:16 -25chaales lollar: most of the fooks that have, even in this audience, means a living--they're goinn to akin make the right ecision and vote with their feet if they feel like their pocketbooks cant afford it. it. 17:25:19-17::5:27wayne gaaow: would hate to my childree live here, thats the magnitus holding us right now but its po. possible.17:35:29- 17:35:33 palerie burns: itssa ppssibility, its a definite possibility... 17:35:38- 17:35:41theres nothing really keeping us here. coming up in our 6 o'clook a 250 dollar giant gift card
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hoor.... you're less than 45 minutes from knowing if youue a winner. ssay tuned to see if a 250 dollar giant gift card.. is [ male announcer ] millions of dollars for new schools and teachers... thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator
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to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. why severy room deserves ll us what outo look great.or is? and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we can feel our way through the newest, softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be picking the style. we will. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. make room for savings with $37 basic installation on martha stewart living and platinum plus carpet.
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