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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  July 16, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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3 fire tears through a randallstown apartment complex... desttoyyng homes and leeving dozenn of residents without a place to sl. sleep.megan gilliland is heee witt mooe on what someesay paused the terrifying scene. good morning guys,at this hour... the flames and smokk areegone...but the damageehas been done. done.tony colvin: 20.38 "yeah, it was scary. it was crazy." crazy."just take a look at sooe of this video.youucan see the smoke just billowing ut... at one point... the
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flames shot as high as 20 feet pnto the happened ust after midnight yesterday on glen miccael lane.the fire eventually spread to thh building next ook crews nearly wo hours to get the two alarm fire under control. jordan holman, randallstown: 18.12 "they brought fire trucks rom pikesville and &prandallstown down here, because the fire was so big, they didn't have enough fire trucks."jamie renee: 25.05 left their grill on..." on..."while neighbors are still under investigation.the good news s that no one was hurt. hhw those affected are r... - starting over... finding a new place to call home.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. expanding gaabling in maryland is the center oo a hot debate in our state today. is schhduled to meet with lley mayor stephanne rawlings blake and two other state leaders discuss the future of gambliig in the state. lawmakers have had trouble reaccing an greement on how to allow table games like roulette... as ell as
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buulding additional casinos. o'malley says he will call a can work out an r they are facing an august 20th legislation, so voters can considerrthe proposal in november. a 133 year old maryland prison is about to be torn down.the "maryland house of correction" in jessup... will be demooished by inmates in august.the prison says that method of deconstruction will save the state million sof dollars.thh prison is being shut down after an especially violent years in whicc two correctional officers were stabbed. a weekend of seeere weather... leaves several people andrew spencerrexplains... lighttng strikes brought death and injuuies to ttxas, georgia... and ontarro, canada. three men'' soccer leaguu players weee struck by lightning in harris countt, under trees died at the scene. a second was pronounced dead at a hospital. a third as in stable condition.all of them had burns to their body,
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indicating they were struck by lightning.also sunday, lightning struck a dining tent at a ribffst in the canadian province of ontario.seventeen peooleethere were taken to hhspitals wiih various injuries -- none of which were considered was aachaotic scene at thee festival, which drew thousands of people.we heard people ind of screaming and then we saw people running so thhre was a nummer of people who kind of had been hit by like the aftershock of it and then kind of went running ast us.and two men were standing under a area fridayywhen a lightning strike knocked them to the grrond.the shock was enough to ssnd one of them into cardiac arrest, eventually killing him. he leavessbehind a big family. nine children are now missing their father because he was out here to have a nice afternoon.i'm andrew spencer reporting. the other man in the georgia incident regained conscioosness s emergency crews tended to him.his conditton is unknown. unknown.according to the "san
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antonno express-newss... the chances of getting hit by lightning in a year... is one in a million.the odds of lifetime... is one in city officials are hoping the recent wells fargo decision, ii juut the start of a housing recovery in it really take for those seeeinn homes, to give the city a chance? joel d. smith is live &pat aahouse ow, that could be the template for reversing a &plong trend of residents leaving ccarm city. gooo morning joel d. 3
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3 3 gas prices have dropped nearly seven cents over the past slide may be coming tt an end. - end.according to the llndberg
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survey ... rices will stop falling because crude oil prices havee't rraaly dropped in several weeks.right now the national average for a gallon of egular gasoline is $3.41. that's more than 20 cents cheaper than this time last year. fox45's pump patrol is alwayy looking for the lowest gassprices in the area. fiid the best price in your neeghborhood... y goinn to fox baltimore dot com. :51 twist and shout nats... then mics cut out he may be "the boss"... but even bruce springsteen doesn't hhve control over when his during the finaleeof his show saturday night in london... concert organizerr cut tte power ááid-song.á song.áspringsteen and his band were playing a cover of "twist and shout" with former beatle audio suddenly went out.he concert officials later tweeted they ended the show... curfew. it ran over the 10-30
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coming up on the early edition... it's one of the preenest buildings on the planet.what went into building this apartmeet... so that it has zero carbon emissions. [ male announcer ] millions of dollars for new schools and teachers...
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thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country.
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to vote "yes" on national harbor... ((break 1))) ((bump in)) ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fibbr map 895 3
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3 3 3&coming up... it's a building with no carbon footprinn. footprint.these are the inverters which turn the dc from the pvs into ac, that ee can use. use.the technology that maaes it completely green.
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3 like many major cities... hhng kong is jam-packed full of any account... they're not very environmentally friendly and devour huue amountt of power. the konggs new zero carbon builddng aims to show the best of whaa's around in eco-building design.ramy inocencio takes us on a tour of hong kong's first building -- with no carbon footprint. 3 hong kong. one of asia's icooic crossroad cities. naarow skyssrapees define the cityys image to much of the world.but it's a little knoon secret that a green space. and anyone who's been here can tell you the two aren't easily foond in the is the "zcb" - hong kong's first and only zerrocarbon it's a three-stooy oasis in
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hong kong's urban jungle that gees all its power from reneeable sources. the pv alone provide more than 70 perccnt of the energy required for the buildinggk.s. wong is architect of the zcb.for the people, actually they may not beein such a close distance haveeheard about ii, read abouttit bbt they have never seen so we want to hoo the real inntallations.pv's or photovoltaics cover the entire roof of theezcb. it has a 21 degree curvature. that's the same latitude as hong konn, guaranteeing the sooar panels soak p as much sun s they actually feed energy back - tt hong kong's grid.these are the inverters which turn the dc from the pvs into ac, that we can basically it
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turns the sun's energy into electricity.yeah.thh zcb also boasts other energy saving features - ir conditioning that blows from the ground up p not the tto down - to target where the people are.big a-- fans - that's the brand name - that keeps air circulating. they move very slow, but they air.and outside, an urban f forest ade only of indigenouu ppant species that keepp the area 1-2 degrres cooler than the surrouuding city blocks. but while hong kong's zcb is grounnbreaking for thii asian hub, it's noo the first in the world to oast the name "zero-carbon.""n april 2011, south korea built the world's first zzro carbon business building. and the world's first zero carbon ity - mmsdarr- was built in the the united arab emirates. but the million dolllr quustion: are the millions in cost worth it showcase projects?we want to evaluate all thess technnlogies n terms of their cost, ii terms of their efficiency and their performance.and while hong
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kong may never be city of only zero-carbon buildingsa the zcb helps to show off the possible, tt ducate and to inspire a more eco-friendly future for the buildings we work and liveein. ramy inocencio, cnn, hong kong. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... a 250 dollar giant gift card could be yours!go to facebook pot com slash foxbaltimore and fill out the forr.. tt get your name in the box.we'll draw our winner in less than an hour. obviously not used when they - made this jersey...the embarrassing error by the o's equipment staff. the car on the left was filled up with
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low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank
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than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at ((break 3)) 3
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p coming up in our 6 o'clock houu.... you're less than 45 miiutee from knowing if youre aawinner. stay ttned to see if a 250 dollar giant gifttcard.. is you. tears through a
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randallstown apartment complex. the damage this caused and the residents leftthomeless as a result. why should our wallets tell us what our favorite color is? every room deserves to look great. and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we can feel our way through the newest,
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softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be picking the style. we will. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. make room for savings with $37 basic installation on martha stewart living and platinum plus carpet. that lets you build your better breakfast with avocado! imagine avocado on a toasty bacon egg & cheese on flatbread. come celebrate avocado season


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