tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX July 16, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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after... 40-years... of searching .../ a texas man... is reunited... with his stolen car. árobert russell'sá... 19-67... áaustin healeyá... was stolen in philadelphia in 19-70.../. after... years of searching... he... found his stolen car in may... . being sold on e-bay... from someone east l-a..../ amazingly... russell ...still had the with the car's... v--i--n...///he... paid... 3-thousand- dollars for the car../ now... its worth around 23- thousand. --car driving through water-- water-- a muddy mess in downtown long drivers could be dealing with delays from a broken water main....
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(jillian/witness) "the street it just burst open, like something was trying to come out of it.. it's just really crazy to see this happening.." //butt to//(woman) "i'm glad i walk. i live right up pratt. so, i'm glad i'm not stuck in this traffic." breaking news... out... of... montgomery county...//.one... person is dead.../ another... hurt.../after... a... plane crash... in... laytons-ville./.. that's... north of... gaithersburg.../the ... plane... went down ... just before... 7-30 tonite... near... davis airport...// the... f-a-a... is investigating the... search ...for a missing boater... in ...harford county... has been suspended tonight. tonight.the ... coast guard ...was called sunday... after two men ...jumped
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...into... the bush river... and... were seen ...struggling to swim.../.one man... sunny sing... made it... to shore... with the help of strangers ... who heard his cries for help..../ the.. other victim.../ a... man celebrating his 35th birthday... is still missing. 5:48:16 we just feel bad that we couldn't do more for the person. we didn our best. it's sad it's just sad it tragic. tragic. the search was suspended... after a k-9 unit attempted to catch a scent.../ but... strong winds hampered efforts...//. police... are... still investigating... a triple shooting... that happened... this morning... in... north baltimore... that... left... one person dead. police say... two suspects ... entered... a home... near lothian... and... turnbridge road.../ the... suspects... then shot... three people... inside the home..../ a,... male victim... was shot in the head.../ he... later died..../ no... word ...on the condition... of... the other... two victims.... .or... the whereabouts of the suspects. baltimore police... arrest ...32- year- old... eras-mo... sandobal...
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and... 30- year- old... alberto ramos...//for... a shooting... at... a... southeast baltimore bar...//.itt.. happened saturday ... at... the "rancho blanco".... on... south fagley street.../.police... say... the 2... entered the bar.. / then... shot the victim...//. one... man... was detained... in... the bar.../ the... other ... ran away..../ the... victim... is hospitalised.. tonite.../ a... harford county deputy... suspended tonight... / accused... of... shoplifting... in pennsylvania.../. state... police... say... mark jordan... was caught... trying to take... a... "cobra radio".... from a shrewsbury... wal- mart.../. harford... county sheriff's... confirm... jordan's...suspended... pending... an internal ... investigation.../ but ... won't... comment further. some... big announcements today - regarding baltimore's... indy car race.... race.../.organizers... of... the... grand prix... with... 3--corporate sponsors---/ giant supermarkets... sunoco... and... doctor pepper.../they're... also planning... to make some changes the course ... that drivers believe... will allow the cars go even faster.
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there."> individual... day tickets... for the grand prix.. also went on sale today. in... annapolis.../ talk... about the possiblity... of... another... special session... to... expand gamb. gambling.governor .. o'malley... met today... with mayor stephanie rawlings-blake...and... some... county executives...//. supporters.. want legalize... black-jack... and poker../. and... build... annther casiio... at the national harbor.../ in... p.g. county. ...///but.. one delegate...says... this... doen't... justify... another special session. (george) "if we wants to call it in august, you're talking about four months later we're meeting again in regular session, we can deal with the issue much more fully at that t" time." governor o'malley... hopes... to... make a decision... on... a special session... within... ten days. a... plan keep... a... closer eye ...on city government ... moved... ahead tonight.
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"our budget is built sand of decades of no audits." audits."mary pat clarke... spoke... for... council members... who... voted in favor... of a plan... to require 14 ... city agencies... to be audited... at... least once ...every... four years.../. a... tougher version... failed... to get enough votes../. and... the... whole issue... will go before voters in november ... if... council gives... it... final approval next month..../also.... tonight.../ a... proposal... limiting the power ...of... baltimore's mayor... which... ásomeá believe... is...too strong. 3 "it is in fact so strong it actually impacts the checks and balances that is suppposed to exist between the executive and legislative branches of gov" government." councilman... bill henry's plan... would reduce the number of council votes needed ... to override a mayor's veto.../ and... allow council... to add funding the mayor's... proposed budget. some local business leaders are calling president obama's
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remarks friday 'ridiculous'. 'ridiculous'.president obama told supporters in roanoke... successful business owners are successful because of help from others, including government.mitt romney called the president's words 'insulting.'baltimore county's chamber of commerce president says the president should have chosen his words better. keith scott, baltimore co. chamber of commerce: "i'd just be very careful about the words you say, because they can really have a stinging effect, especially to people that are working 60-70 hours just to develop a business." business."the lines drawing criticism are a fraction of the preeident's see the entire speech we've posted it on fox-baltimore dot com slash newslinks. we asked: do you agree with the president.../ that... "if you are successful... you didn't get there.. on your " own." here's... our facebook page.../a... lot of discussion... tonight.../some... people... agree... with the president.../a... lot..... saying he's wrong...//join... the discussion... by... going to... facebook dot com ...slash fox-
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baltimore 3 3 good day... for... a gator survivor.../ survivor.../ fred langdale... took... his... first steps out of the hospital,.../ an... alligator... took his... arm... nearly... a week ago, .../ when ... langdale ...was swimming... in... the... caloosa--hatchee river... near... his... home..../// he'll... soon... be fitted... for a prosthetic arm... in... about.../ four-to-six... weeks.../ he... says... he's not too worried... about... next... 3 "playing xbox. that's probably about it. everything else, i've been looking up on the computer, i can do with a prosthetic." 3 fred says... he's touched by the amount of cards and e-mails he's received... wishing him well... good day for revenge.../ a... woman in oregon ... has... an... unusual approach... to selling her home.../.she's ... telling... potential buyers... that her husband cheated... and bailed.elle... zober's sign says... áhusband left us... for a 22 year oldá.../and.. goes on... to read...áfor sale... by scorned, ... slightly bitter,..
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newly ...single owner.á.../ before... you... think... this is revenge,... zober says... her... ex- husband was on board... with the idee.../ and... helped her with the sign.../.she.. says... they... both need... to move on.../ and... sell the house. 43-57"i'm certainly not the first person to be cheated on and i won't be the last. a lot of people relate, a lot of people see the sign and you know, a lot of women, 'oh i wish i'd done that' or 'i'd do " worse.'" zober ... needs... every competitive edge... she can get... in this housing market. they're... called... the... dog days of summer... for a reason..../ the... maryland area... hit... with humidity... and hot temperatures. temperatures.people... trying ...all sorts of ways... to beat the heat..././ cooling... centers are open... for those ... needing relief.../. despite... the heat... people... were still out... in... druid hill park... / some of them.. open for business. 4:49:59- 50:15"it stifles the customers for sure..................been kind of brutal."
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"they asked me to go for a short bike ride, and they just never came back." back." the search for two missing girls... why police have yet to issue an amber alert. more trouble for george zimmerman... the new allegations that have nothing to do with the shooting of trayvon martin. and a drug store dress code? why some stores have a new policy on what shoppers can wear....
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in the heartland. .../ as... the search ...for a pair... of... missing girls... enters ... day--4...//.marianne rafferty ... has the latest... on the investigation.../, and... the... massive community effort... to... bring them home.. safely. 3 3 the hunt is on for the whereabouts of two missing cousins in iowa. 8 year old elizabeth collins and 11 year old lyric cook were last seen riding their bikes in evansdale on friday.wylma ccok / grandmother"they asked me to go for a short bike ride, and they just never came back."
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a few hours after they were reported missing, police discovered their bicycles near a lake. elizabeth's purse and cellphone were found about 20 feet away from the bikes leading some to think they might have been abducted. tammy brousseau / missing girl's aunt"i myself have taught her, if a stranger approaches you, number one, you just don't talk to him, walk in the other direction. and then i taught her myself, if they've got hold of your arm, drop to the ground, kick, fight, scream. do everything you can." but with no evidence pointing to a kidnapping, police have not issued an amber alert.captain rick abben / black hawk county sheriff's office"because we have no person that was seen and we have no vehicle that was described, so we can't issue an amber alert by their guidelines." hundreds of volunteers are lending a hand. searchers are walking the surrounding areas trying to track down any clues to aid the police in their efforts. captain rick abben / black hawk county sheriff's office "...brought in search and rescue dogs and everything and found nothing..." family members are holding onto hope, the two will be found alive. heather collins / elizabeth's
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parent"positive thinking is... is all we have right now, and.. and our faith, and god will bring the.. god will bring them back." a... potential witness in the case... against... george zimmerman ... testified... that... the neighborhood watch volunteer... molested her... when they were... children. the... woman ...identified... as witness number 9 .../ told investigators... the abuse began... when she was 6 ... and... zimmerman was about 8..../ her... parents... were moving to another state... and... she and her sister... were sent... to stay with... zimmerman's family in virginia.../.she .. told police ...that the abuse... occurred ... while the family watched movies together..../..recordings... of... the interview... were released... today. "he would reach under the blankets and try to do things. i would try to push him off, but he was bigger and stronger and older. 3 the witness told police... that the abuse continued... until she was about 16 years old..../ zimmerman ... is... charged with second-degree murder the death of...
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trayvon martin...// a drug store dress code is causing controversy in new york..../// in an effort to fight crime, several stores are posting signs about what shoppers can wear....///they say the policy is not to discriminate against anyone, .../ but when you come in in the middle of summer wearing a hat, glasses or a hoodie, it can look awfully suspicious.../.the policy has gotten some complaints... but others say better safe than sorry. "i really don't think it's a big deal if it's going to ake everybody feel safer, why not?" "if a person comes in dressed the way, with the hood, glasses and the caps and if they don't like it, then leave." 3 the stores created the policy after recent robberies at two area walgreens. .../// 3 3 3 another round of brutal tempaeratures moving in tomorrow.... chief meteorologist vytas reid is here with a look at the forecast.
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a... suspect... wanted for... an... "open-container warrant"... gets a break... from a florida judge... / only... to... blow it minutes later. later. "goodluck funk, im glad we had funk in here this morning..." morning..." carl funk appeared in court through a jailhouse video link.... claiming he needed a wheelchair and was bedridden...///. the judge was sympathetic... / even offered funk a six-month payment plan in exchange for a guilty plea... after he said he couldn't afford bail...//. with that -- suddenly funk... stood up and walked away... as the
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courtroom erupted in laughter..../when... the judge... looked up... funk was gone from the video monitor. "iq: he's probably doing back flips..... oq: he's been cured." cured." despite his stunt..../ funk was released from jail with a walker. some florida residents are protesting a policy on american flags... that... lacks... common sense..../the city of seminole... apparently got a complaint about a large american flag being flown from the back of a firetruck..../ it... wasn't a safety issue,.../ and... it... wasnt tattered .../ but... the firefighters were forced to take it down.... along with smaller flags... in the truck windows..../ now,... these demonstrators... are... trying to protect... a tradition that started ... after hundreds of fire fighters were killed on 9-11.
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dabney says: "my goal today is they say '...yes the flags are going back on the trucks, yes we have a solution.'" ///butt to///fender says: "to be able to fly the flag and support our country it should be a right " " the city claims its trying to be sensitive about the proper display of the american flag. 3 3 --steam wheeler nats, ppl yelling "woah"-- "woah"-- a steam wheeler loses control.... what this massive ship backed into at a boating festival. 3 the coast guard is the coast guard is
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investigating... after ... a ...maritime festival in oregon.../ doesnt go as planned... --steam wheeler nats, ppl yelling "woah"-- "woah"-- get this... a... steam wheeler backed up... into a replica pirate ship and nearly rolled it over...//. it was the pirate ship's áfirstá voyage - and the crew had just docked..../ no one was hurt - but the boat... was damaged.../. the steam wheeler crew apologized - saying the ship rarely cruises downriver - and lost control. 3 3
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here's the perfect solution. switch to a verizon fios triple play and upgrade your entertainment equipment with our 100% fiberoptic network and whole home solution, including a high-speed wireless router, plus a new multi room dvr and new hd set top box free for 12 months. hurry. switching has never been easier with the fios whole home solution. upgrade your home with one easy package. call 1.888.get.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to life on fios. that'll do it for the late edition,.../ thanks so much for joining us. i'm jeff barnd..../ up next is morgan adsit, sports unlimited starts right now. there's nothing like pushing a deadline.the ravens and ray
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rice reached a new multi-year deal...with just minutes to spare before the 4 p.m. franchise tag deadline. deadline.ray rice and the ravens agreed on a 5-year deal... worth 40 million.rice has been the offense for the ravens since his rookie season 4 years ago..but he's also a running back... and that shelf life in the n-f-l is usually three, four seasons tops.i'm sure those two reasons pinned against each other is why this deal didn't get done until the last that it's a done deal... ray rice is under contract and will report to training camp next week, on time.if this didn't happen... rice could have held out... and would have eventually played this season under the franchise tag... worth 7- point-7 million. this is why the ravens made sure rice wasn't going anywhere...he's 2nd on the ravens all-time rushing list with more than 43-hundred yards...3rd most rushing td's... only jamal lewis and willis mcgahee have more.... last season he set a franchise record with 15 total touchdowns and led the league in yards from scrimmage...rice
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alreaay has the most receptions by a ravens running back with 250... maryland athletic director kevvn anderson had to release a statement today he wasn't expecting...that he was staying at maryland. maryland.anderson on damage control duty after the san francisco chronicle wrote an article saying he was leaving maryland for the a-d opening at stanford..the west coast paper is sticking to the story for now.anderson has been at maryland for two years... a job, where he inheritated a financial mess... didn't make it easier on himself by firing ralph friedgen and hiring randy edsall... and had to replace a legend... gary williams with mark turgeon. it seems you can't talk orioles... without taking injuries.robert andino will miss 3 to 4 weeks with a shoulder injury.the o's will place the 2nd baseman on the d-l tomorrow.he was already playing for brian roberts... also on the d-l. d-l.o's visiting the twins... chris tillman making his 2nd start of the couldn't have gone much worse....already one run scored...bases loaded....2 to first...defense killing
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tillman...mark reynolds commits the o's 78th error... most in baseball...2 runs score...twins up 3-0.... very next batter...brian dozer blooper shot to left...another run scores...minnesota takes a 4-0 lead....2 batters later... bases juiced for denard span... laces it to the gap in right center...clears the bases... tillman chased after only 2 thirds of an up 7 runs but only one of them earned...twins destroying the orioles right now...19-5 in the 9th inning... that's all for sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsit.... goodnight. i'll have the $4 everyday value slam with... bacon.
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