tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX July 19, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 in the wake of recent storms... when hundreds of thousands of maryland residents spent days in the dark... waiting for power to be restored... one lawmaker says something needs to be done. done.but it's not b-g-e or pepco he's pointing fingers at. megan gilliland is here with more on who's in the hot seat now. good morning guys,when storms like this one that slammed uss in june hit... power outages happen... but... montgomery county councilman... hans riemer... says the slow and he's now pointing fingers - riemer believes the public service commission... is at fault... it's purpose is to protect the average citizen... and he believes they're
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failing.riemer has now started this petition here.his goal is to fire every member of the p-s-c. "the regulators are responsible and we who sign this petition know it's their job to protect us" us"so far, the online &ppetition has been signed by 3 hundred people. you can check it out yourself by going to our web site fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. we did talk with the public servicc commission about this petition to have them all fired.coming up next half hour... they're response.i'm pegan gilliland, fox45 morning news. last night's storms caused some scary moments for drivers. driverssthis is a look at route 50 near the bay bridge. you can see it's backed up... after being shut down to let the storms pass. for the second time ... this montt... a montgomery county "ride-on" bus catthes fire. this is the aftermath in silver spring.
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the driver saw flickering lights on the dashboard then smelled passengers's believed to be an eleetrical fire, buu it's still under investigation. mayor stephanie rawlings-blake announces new funding for thh "citi-watch" program. a grant from "the abell foundation" will create a database for security allowing police to quickly identify cameras close to crime scenes.citizens and business owners register their security camera systems on--line giving police access when take a look at this shocking video.. .of a little girl fighting off her attackkr in philadelphia.just moments before... she was walking with her two year old brother... when the crook comes up from behind... picks her up off the ground.she starts kicking and screaming.the man eventually drops her.residents are shocked at the incident... but applaud the young girl's courage to fight off her attaaker. "for a little girl to be able
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to fight off a grown man and then remember a full description, it takes a lot. i'm very proud of her." the girl's father says his daughter the girl's fathhr says his daughter was walking from her mother's house to a block awwy... when the man put his hands over her mouth, and tried to take her. the child's father ays his daughter is doing o-k. actress halle berry is recovering today... after an on-set accident landed her in the happened tuesday night... while she was shooting fighting scene for her upcominggfilm, "the hive." hive."t-m-z is reporting the actress hit her head on concrete... after a bad fall. but her rep says the injury was just minor... and that she was checked out as a precaution. new incentives today... to get up off your couch.according to a recent study... lack of exercise is just as deadly as smoking.the "medical journal the lancet" finds that one in 10 deaths worldwide can be blamed on illnesses caused by lack of exercise.... the same number as smoking deaths. experts say this problem has
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reached pandemic proportions. when people don't exercise... they are more likely to die from heart diseass, type 2 diabbtes, and breast and colon cancer. they made the ultimate sacrifice on 9-11, and their fiiefighter brethren, are making sure it will not be forgotten. even you are invited today to climb the same amount of flights those brave firefighters did, in the world trade center. joel d. smith is live where it's all happening, to show us how each and every hero is being remembered.good morning joel d. 3 3
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three employees lose their jobs over a picture... and why.this person stood on two lettuce bins inside an ohio burger king restaurant.the quickly went viral.the picture - was traced back to the restaurant... and the employees.customers were shocked bb the whole thing. "i guess i'm going to throw my food away. that's not good.that's not good." "disguuting." "oh my god eew." ""hat's repulsive, i'm not my god eww." "i've always had good food and good service in there. i don't know what to by it." burger king says burger king says burger king says food safety is a top priority at all burger king restaurants... and the company maintains a zero tolerance policy against any violationn. a bitter sweet moments for
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fans at a marlines-cubs game. seconds after jose reyes crushes a homerun into the right field bleachers... it &phits a vendor in the back... as he's walking up some stairs. you can see from his reaction there... he was quite word whether he was hurt by the ball. facebook utting a price on friendships. friendships. (16:50:10) (anne mckenna) "therr's no way your teenager has who information. information- why more friends... mmkes to the company. ((break 1)) the scare of a ((break 1)) ((ad lib mettorologist))
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hey america, even though slisa rinna is wearing the new depend silhouette briefs for charity to prove how great the fit is even under a fantastic dress. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. we invite you to get a free sample and try one on too. if you think friends are hard
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to haven't been on facebook lately.the site claims more than 900-million uuers... many of them are learning the more friends they get, the more vallable they our cover story, jeff abell examines what is at stake when the users of social networking sites become the "pr" "product." (26:44) "i'll say i'm willing to spend 50-dollars a day....." at the m-g-h today.....ryan poff was creating an ad campaign and choosing ''ho' he wants to see it. 3 (25:30) ""nd i wannaareach men and women who enjoy running....." (3:20) "i can enjoy running....." and women who wanna reach men (25:30) "and i wants to see it..hoosing 'who'
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he wants to see it. (25:30) "and i wanna reach men and women who enjjo running....." (3:20) "i can target people who live in a certain zip cooe, who are a certain age, who h ave this certain innerest...." goff can target his audience because his ad is going on facebook..... the social networking site not only collects data about its users and their friends..... but it uses that information to help marketers pecide where to target their ads. (2:50) "they know pretty much everything about you hich is scary but it works to the advaatage of the advertiser...." facebook claims mooe than 900-million users. many of them have friends who are pulled into the web of social networking. (16:50:10) (annee pckenna) "there's no way your teenager has a thousand close friends who they share personal information but thats because thats how it makes money." as the number of friends does facebooks database of information. suddenly, those friendd are becoming a valuable commodity. (16:46:01) (mckenna)
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"facebooks product is you. you are what facebook is selling....!" before facebook went public two months ago, it based its worth.....on the value of its users. by taking an online quiz, users quickly discovered.... (archive 5-17-12) "where do yyu live? united states." the more social they'd become...... (archive 5-17-12) "how long do you think you'll be using think you'll be using facebook....?" (archive 5-17-12) "how many photos do you post to facebook....?" the more valuable they are to facebook..... (archive 5-11-12) "63.......8- dollars.....49-dollars......" (stock market nats/opening day) facebook was valued at a facebook was facebook was valued at a hundred billion dollarsson the day it went public.....making it it went dollars on the day hundred billion dollars on the day it went public.....making it the countrys most valuable company..... but almost immediately, its stock began to shrink and questions began to grow over the company that put a priie on friendships. (16:54:00) (mckeenaa) "think about it you have a hundred friends and your targeting our deepest its insscurities as beings.....and they do that to profit off of you....!" (17:12) (goff) thousand people goff, facebook is clients a new level of exposure..... (23:07) (goff) "thats 702 people who are seeing because their friend shared that now....facebook is finding new abelll fox 45 news at ten. next in sports... sports...ed reed says... he's suiting up this year.beenn doing during what he says he's year.suiting up this ed reed sports... 45 news at ten. jeff jeff abell, fox 45 news at ten.
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every room deserves to look great. and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we can feel our way through the newest, softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be picking the style. we will. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. make room for savings with $37 basic installation on martha stewart living and platinum plus carpet. bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... coming up in our 6
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3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... 250 dollars in free groceries! we're drawing another name in our giant gift card drawing! stay tuned to ee if it's yours... in the next 45 minutes.if it's yours... in the stay tuned to see card drawing!our giant gift another name in we're drawing groceries!250 dollars in free o'clock hour... coming up in our 6 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... 3250 dollars in free groceries! we're drawing another name in our giant gift
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