tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX August 10, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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the monitors. airport officials say he never should have entered security sensitive areas of the airport... no matter how long he was on the belt. the tourist was rushed to the hospital for x-ray exposure. reports say he had been drinking. he now faces criminal charges. 3 3 welcome to the late edition, i'm karen parks, jeff barnd is off tonight. a glen burnie man is in jail tonight.. accused of threatening a mass shooting at the child support office in ann. annapolis. keith daniels, live where police made the arrest and where we caught up with his wife... keit. keith. karen... we're live outside the glen mar apartments on glen mar road near crain ighway...... police stormed the suspect's apartment in building 450 at about 2-30 this morning..... and tonight.. he's locked up.. 3 police say james armstead called the child support offiie tuesday, threatening to
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kill emplooees and himself in a "batman-style shooting," reminiscent of colorado's movie massacre last month. a search of his home today, turned up no weapons, but police say they found evidence that he was trying to buy an ak-47 rifle. but armstead's wife, says her husband has done nothing wrong. she admits he was angry when he made that call.. but says he never threatened anyone. (mrs. armstead) "they have no evidence of it happening, besides the supervisor, besides her saying that he's going to do it. they have no evidence besides her saying that." in fact, mrs. armstead says her husband is the victim.. the target of a made by a woman in tennessee. meanwhile, armstead remains behind bars on a 60- thousand dollar bonn. live in glen burnie, keith daniels, fox 45 news, late edition. 3 we have breaking news from the baltimore county schools tonight. the school system has agreed to pay 150 thousand dollars to two high ranking employees who were given special job security when their former boss joe hairston
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resigned as superintendent. superintendent. baltimore county's new superintendent, dr. dallas dance reassigned the two employees who were under hairston's protection. the two employees threatened to sue, so the school board decided to pay them 150 thousand dollars total in return for them leaving their j. jobs. the two employees given the special contracts are donald peccia of human resources and phyllis reese, the chief communications officer. a man wanted on a warrant in baltimore..... is shot and killed by police in howard coun. happened just before 8 o'clock last night... at this home on constant course in columbia.police say percy holland went there affer holding his girlfriend ostage at gunpoint in baltimore.... and fleeing with their 2-year-old child. when officers arrived on the scene, they say holland began shouting threats..... claiming he had a gun and was going to shoot. "during the interaction between the officers and the suspect, he repeated that he had a gun. he threatened repeatedly that he was going to shoot the officers. in fact, at one point said, you
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better kill me because if you don't, i'm going to kill you." you." police say the officer who shot holland is sgt. justin baker.... a 12- year-veteran of the force. he's been placed on administative leave pending an investigation. meanwhile, the 2-year-old child was found unharmed at the home of a relative. 3 new evidence from police officers tonight in the sexual harrassment case involving anne arundel county executive john leopold. leopold. a former employee is suing leopold for sexual harrassment..... and the newly released depositions of three county officers appear to bolster her ase. after unwanted advances, one officer testified that leopold wanted to 'get rid of her'.....and described how another county officer was ordered to 'fix it." the former mployee talked to us via skype this afternoon. 3 (22:36:26) "i know this was not a personal favor. it was the right thing to do. these are the gentlemen who will restore the integrity of the
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anne arundel county police dept" dept." the county executive isn't commenting about this latest turn of events. chilling new details today... in the case of a delaware pediatrician... accused of using waterboarding techniques on his own child. doctor melvin morse and his wife were arrested... after their 11-year-old daughter told polce her dad punished her by holding her face under a running faucet.she claims it happened at least 4 times over 2 years. we're now learning that morse is an expert on children who have near-death experiences... he's even written books on the subject and c-n-n just uncovered some old tapes from this appearance he made on "larry king live"... "i have interviewed well over 100 children who have had a lack of oxygen to the brain, who were treated with all also are medicines, and who - mechanically-ventilated with scary intensive care units, but were not near death." death." the daughter told police her mother...
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pauline morse... witnessed some of the incidents but did not intervene. tonight in annapolis...the senate gives final approvalto a bill to expand gambling in maryland. it would allow table games like poker and black jack at all casinos and would approve a new casino in prince george's county. but opponents say building another casino could wind up hurting existing casinos. (pipkin) "there are some serious questions about largest casino already up and running in anne arundel county, a seventh largest casino planned for baltimore ci" ciiy." the bill moves onto the house where debate begins there monday. the senate has also approved another bill that addresses the issue f pit bulls. the bill would overturn a court of appreals decision that declares all pit bulls inherently dangerous. this bill would make all dog owners equally liable for the actions
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of their pets. incue: the owner is responsible outcue: guilty of some crime crimethe house will pake up the bill monday. and that brinns us to our question of the day... should all dog owners face the same liability for the actions of their pets? pets? head to our facebook page and let us know what you think. facebook dot com slash fox baltimore. bad day for a man who entered the united states illeg. illegally. officials say a man in arizona was stuck on a vertical cliff for more than 11 hours monday. the man called 9-1-1 twice on his cell phone before a customs and border patrol helicopter was able to spot him. but rescuers had to waittuntil tuesday morning to grab him. the man was treated for dehydration,
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then processed so he could be returned back to mexico. a good day for dozens of animals rescued from a home in southern missouri. more thann 40 animals including cats, dogs, rabbitt, and even horses and donkeys were taken from this rural home.the animals were caged on top of each other creating an odor you could smell from miles away. the owner says she kept the animals because others neglected or abandonded them. "they're either dead or in this condition. i'd rather have them in this temporary condition and relied was already there. the county animal shelter is taking care of the animals and will be putting them up for adoption. a really bad day for cleaning up the kitchen. kitchen.if you bought g-e or a hotpoint dishwasher between march 2006, and august 2009, stop using it. the consumer product safety commission has announced a voluntary recall of more than a million dishwwshers, after a series of
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fires. in its recalllnotice, g-e noted 15 heating element failures, leading to seven fires. three of the fires caused extensive property damage, but no one was hurt. my message to consumers is this: stop using these dishwashers immediately, and disconnect the power supply to the unit. customers have a choice of a free in-home repair, or they can get a rebate toward a new dishwasher. 3 an even worse day as a plane crash is caught on camera in id. idaho.plane crash crashpassenger nathan williams recording when he and three other men took off in a stinson one-oh-eight. you can see the plane struggle to gain the trees. the men say the to plane hit an air pocket... forcing it to hit the ground. the pilot was the only one seriously injured... you can see him on the ground next to the wreckage.... his jaw was broken in three places. wililams suffered a concussion
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while the other two passengers walked away unharmed. 3 it's going to be a wild weekend of weather extremes. extremes. meteorologist emily gracey is tracking it all with your skywatch forecast. 3 3 wall street gets another bailout, this time from justice. why the big banks will probably never face any
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the list of corporations and individuals who will ánotá face crrminal charges growing out of the financiaa eltdown -- has gotten bigger. the latest firm to escape -- goldman sachs. mike emanuel explains the controversial deci. decision. after the justice department announced its more than one pear investigation looking into the causes of the financial meltdown would not lead to criminal prosecution of goldman sachs or its employees, the firm expressed a sigh of relief - quote: "we are pleased that this matter is behind us." the justice investigation was based on a bipartisan senate report by democrat carl levin
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and republican tom coburn. that probe found goldman marketed four sets of complex mortgage securities to banks and other investors, and didn't tell clients they were risky. investigators also said goldman secretly bet against its investors.sot - sen. levin says: "... the report tells the inside story of an economic assault that cost millions of americans their jobs and their homes while wiping out investors, good businesses and markets." coburn did not comment on d-o-j's decision, but levin blasted goldman in a statement - quote: "...its actions did immense harm to its clients, and helped create the financial crisis that nearly plunged us into a second great depression..." at the white house, press secretary jay carney ducked a question. pot - carney says: "... i would have to refer you to the justice department, and i have not spoken to the president about this. he is very focused on taking measures that assist homeowners." goldman has paid a price in terms of a $550 million fine to settle with the s-e-c and its stock
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price and reputation were damaged. analysts say there have been lessons learned.sot - haines says: "... the market plus the regulators combined make it very unlikely that this kind of behavior will happen again anytime soon."emanuel says "and the analyst says d-o-j was smart in not prosecuting if they felt they lacked a strong case, after recent high- profile failures with john edwards and roger clemens. in washington, mike emanuel, fox news." 3 not all bad news about the weekend....herr's meterologist emily gracey 3
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a frederick county man faces criminal charges after allegedly selling rotten meat from a supermarket garbage bin. rodney sparks of monrovia runs a discount foods store in front royal, virginia. a state food inspector says sparks sold meat that was misbranded, uninspected and appeared unfit for human consumption. investigators traced the meat to food lion stores in virginia... and court papers say grocery employees saw sparks removing food from the dumpster. sparks says workers gave him the meat and any food he took from trash bins was to feed the rescue cats at his maryland home.the f-d-a has no regulation on the ásell-by-dateá... with the exception of infant formula and grade a dairy. 23-30"i mean, i sell milk for $3.50 a gallon. it's current. it's fresh. i don't hide any dates from anybody and i stand
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behind it." sparks says he just wants to help the poor. he faces 10 counts of selling bad meat. his next court appearance is in september. a sleepy tourist causes a commotion at the international airport in rome. rome.check out this photo... it's an x-ray of a norwegian toorist... after he fell asleep on a baggage belt... and rode through x-ray machines.he was on the belt for fifteen minutes before security spotted his body on the monitors. airport officials say he never should have entered security airport... no matter how long he was on the belt. the tourist was rushed to the hospital for xxray exposure. reports say he had been drinking. he now faces criminal charges. common sense says when you're driving its best to stay on the ároadá....and don't avoid police when they try to help you. but one woman did the exact opposite. a massachusetts woman went for a dip thursday after she drove her car into the charles river. officers say the woman even tried to escape the
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an airline is fined for it's in flight entertainment.... entertainment....----dancing music nats--- vietjet air...a privately owned carrier... put on a floor show to promote their new flight...women danced through the aisles... while passengers pulled out their cell phones to record it. apparently, the vietnemese government didnt approve.... they fined the airline, even though it claims all safety regulations were ffllowed. 3 a soggy start to the weekend but then perfect pool weather hits on sunday. sunday. let's go to emily for the extended forecast. manny machado becomes the youngest oriole to
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morgan adsit kicking off the weekend with sports unlimited. manny machado's debut did not disappoint...went 2-for-4... with a triple and single.the orioles liked the 20-year old in the lineup and at third so much...they're sticking with hi. 2 for machado in baltimore.... royals, o's.. bottom of the 5th...didn't take long for his first home run...hammers t to left...his first career homer comes in his 6th at-bat in the bigs... o's lead 3-1....miguel gonzalez with the start.what a find he's been for the o's.... too of the 5th...strikes out alex gordon....then he gett
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alcides escobar to end the inning...5 k's in 8 inniigs for gonzalez....back to the 6th...deja vu...this time a 3-run shot... get this.... the same 15-year-old kid catches both... machado is the youngest oriole with a multi-homerun game... 2-for-4 with 2 homers and 4 r-b-i...shaving cream pie in the face as the o's win 7-1... 3 looks like adam corder got a few autographs from machado for his 2 home run balls...manny 4-for-8 in his first 2 games with 3 extra base hits...tonight was his
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first multi-homer game as a pro....miguel gonzalez's outting overlooked...8 strong innings... he's pitched 21 and 2 thirds innings in his last 3 starts only giving up 5 runs... the o's send chris tillman to theemound tomorrow... the ravens have 6 tight ends pn their camp roster...that's double the amount of what they had last year...and what they'll keep.however, baltimore might be forced to keep a few around longer than anticipated...due to injuries. injuries.dennis pitta's out until at least the season opener with a broken right hand.and now ed dickson will miss time..dickson left last night's preseason game after this touchdown reception. dickson went down with a right shoulder injury.harbaugh said after the game it looks like a sprain aad he'll miss a couple of weeks.dickson had a m-r-i today.... those results will be confirmed during tomorrow's practice. yyu can see the ravens next preseason game right here on fox 45...they host the lions next friday the 17th... coverage starts with a pregame show at 7-30...and then stick around after the game for our wrap up show...lions and ravens only on fox 45...
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it's now or never this golf season for tiger woods...he's been major-less since 2008.and it's golf's final major of the season... the p-g-a championshi. &pchampionship.chyeah brah... this guy's catchin' some ssells during the pga championship....par 4, 4th... tiger with a long putt for this one roll... curls it perfectly into the cup...moves to 5-under....par 4, 12th...tiger's approach shot...onto the green...stops just shy of the pin...makes the birdie...heefinished tied for the lead at 4-under going in to day 3....shot of the day...or blooper...peter hanson's approach on 6... shanksville...goes in to another tee box and hits angel cabrera just before he takes his swing....hanson's tied for 11th at even par... i think we have something the honey badger cares about.... getting kicked off the team.. l-s-u dismissed tyron mathieu from the team today.after the
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repeated violation of team rules..mathieu was suspended a game last year for failing a drug test.the cornerback was a 20-11 heisman trophy award finalist....and bb far the pest secondary player in college football this season.. the honey badger has 2 years of eligibility left....he has one more year until he can enter his name in the n-f-l draft.the only way he can play this season... if he transers to a f-c-s school, d-2 or d-3. that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsitthanks for watching...have a great night... night...
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