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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 14, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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dawgfrom white chicks... to comedy kings.the wayans brothers join uu live in studio... tomorrow on fox45 morning news. a warning on a new scam that tries to steal your cash. who it targets and how you can avoid becoming a victim. the nice weather... is outta here.when we could see thunderstorms... and when we'll get a stretch of a few dry days in a row... and a cool down. (greta close on face) "it wasnt anything like that.. it was a times squareekiss.. celebrating the end of war..." war..." and... uncovering the secret behind "the kiss."the maryland woman in this historic picture... and the surprising things shees saying about it nearly 70 years later. 3 3
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today is tuesday, august 14. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 a warning this morning about a potential scam targeting the el. elderly.someone is calling &ppeople trying to force them t pay fake tax bills or face eviccion.megaa gilliland is here with more on a story you're seeing first on fox. good morning guys,police say someone, claiming to be with the city's tax collection office... is making these phone calls... calls...(eyler) "she wanted me to go to the bank...." bank...."78-year old betty eye-ler says she got a call on thursday.the person on the other line said eye-ler wed more than 16-thousand dollars in property taxes.... which isn't true.she was told to give the money to a sheriff's deputy that would be at her home in about 45 minutes... or be evicted. (eyler) "i almost lost my mind. i went out and screamed in the middle of the street and the neighbors and all came out and they said, they can't come down and put a lock on your door in 45 minutes.. that's all she kept telling me."
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me."police believe eye-ler is among at least three victims of this one case, things turned violent for a 95-year old man in south baltimore. find out what happened to hii when someone actually came to his home... coming up next half hour.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. also first on fox... a baltimore city sheriff's deputy wounded in the line of duty, then fired for speaking out about the investigation... may get his job back. back.back in 2008, deputy james lane was serving a search warrant on a murder suspeet, when things turned violent.another deputy fired at the suspect and one of the bullets struck lane in his face and neck.lane always believed the bullet was from an officer's gun, but his superiors accused him of lying. when they tried firing him... he shared his story with fox45. the sheriff did fire him.since then... he's been fighting to
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get his job a city judge says the sheriff must re-hire him... with full benefits. point.">the sheriff can appeal the judge's new ruling within 30 days.but deputt lane is hoping they'll just put him back in uniform. one man is dead while another is still fighting to survive this mmrning... following a double shooting early friday morning. morning. today, the pooice department will hold a candlelight vigil at the washinnton monument in mount vernon.... to raise community support in looking for the shooter. over tte weekend police passed out flyers with the victims' pictures on them... trying to get some inforration. 16:42:35 were looking for anyone who may have been in the area in the mount vernon section of the city to contact police with information if you saw something suspicious if you know anyhting detectives really
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need your help :45 :45 the victim died from his injuries. larry peterson... who many call the "unofficial mayor of mount vvrnon"... remains in the hospital this morning. a baltimore man is shot and kiiled by police in north carol. carolina.shots fired shots fired subject down subject down that was radio traffic from police......right after they shot darryl wiggins sunday happened at this apartment complex in smithfield, north carolina... about half an hour south-east of raleigh.neighbors called police... because they heard gunfire while 2 men were fighting.wiggins was holding a gun when police arrived.he that's when police opened fire. social media is shedding a little light on the suspect accused in monday's shooting in college station, appears nearly half of his facebook profile photos... are of guns. guns.and as andrew spencer explains... the mother of the suspect is now speaking outt out. it happened in college station
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texas... blocks away from texas a-and-m university. police say a constable went to serve an eviction notice on 35-year-old thomas cafall. according to police... cafffll opened fire.. leading to a standoff.. and shootout.after 30 minutes.. the gunfire ended. caffall.. was dead.also killed... the constable ssrving the eviction notice,,, other police officers and a female bystander were wounded. the university used its emergency notification system to alert people to avoid the area because of a report offan "active shooter."i heard two bullets whiz right by my room. this is mostly college students living here, it's not something you would think would happen.we started hearing more sirens and then a fire truck and officers yelled at us to get inside.a facebook page purported to belong to caffall inclldes several photos of rifles. he lists as inspirational people --- firearms designers colt, lahsh-nee-kawf).the suspected gunman's mother issued a statement through her quote -- "our thoughts and families of the wounded had been ll. it breaks our hearts his illness led to this."i'm andrew spencer reporting.
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an army medic in the neighborhood says he performed c-p-r on the constable and the suspected gunman.he says before dying... the suspect asked him to apologize to the republicans in congress are suing attorney eric holder, in order to obtain documents related to "fast and furious..."the botched operation designed to trace illegal guns to mexican drug cartels.holder and the justice department say they released documents to the house committee...but republicans say holder didn't turn in material that wwuld disclose what he knnw about the program. in june, the house voted holder was in contempt of congress. new jersey governor chris christie s scheduled to deliver the keynote address... at this month's republican national convention.the keynote is one of the highest profile speaking slots during convention week. the convention will take place
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over 4 days... beginning august 27th, in tampa, florida... where romney will officially receive the g-o-p presidential nomination. if you don't like snakes... you're not going to likeethis story. this is the largest burmese python... áever foundá in the florida's about a foot wide.... 17-and-a-half feet long... and just over 164 pounds. pounds. and just over 164 pounds. researchers at the university of florida are hoping to study its carcass... to learn more about thh snake's reproductive capabilitiis. that might help them stop the spread of what is considered an invasive species... with no known predators. "we founddthat the burmese python had eaten at least one bird which we have identified. we also found that it contained 87 eggs. so, 87 eggs that were innthe ova-ductal eggs, which will
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now beat the record in fforida by two." the burmese python is native to southeast asia... and was first found in the everglades in 1979.they were determined to be an established species in 2000. an embarrassing security breach at j-f-k. j-f-k."i was very surprised by the incident in new york." how one jet skier... breached a 100-million doolar security system... and why it's raising concern about airports around the country. country. ((break 1)) when it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast,
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i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ male announcer ] nutella. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity
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to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. take a look at this time-lapse video... of a meteor shower
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over can see a night sky... full of white stre. streaks.the "perseid" meteor &pshower peaked saturday, sunda and monday... as earth passed through a stream of debris from the swift-tuttle comee. ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) ((traffic reporter 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 195 map wilkens
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3 3 3 are you our biggest fan?then you can becomee. our fan of the day! everyday we'll pick one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. a jet skier...busts a 100-
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million dollar security system at j-f-k.'s definntely time to take a look at perimeter security. how he was able to dd it...and why it's putting aiports across the country on alert. alert.and's the war of the e-readers.finddout which ones comes out on top... and hichhone you will soon be able to get... cheaper. ((bump out)) 3&((break 2)) ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with
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bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. 3
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an embarrassing security breach at john f. kennndy international airport in new york is raiiing concerns about airports around the country.. it all started with a stranded jet skier breaching a 100-million-dollar security system. sandra endo is following the story. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- motion detecting wire fences, and video cameras dollar security system surrounding new york area's four airports. but all that state of the art technology didn't stop a stranded jet skier from wanderinggonto jfk airporr. the incident is raising a red flag with airport security experts. "i was very surrrised by the incident in new york." port authority police say 31-year- skiing with friends friday night in jamaica bay when his jet ski brooe down. authorities believe he swam towards jfk airport, and when he got onshore - he jumped the barbed wire fence and walked across at least one runway, to terminal 3. no one saw casillo or stopped him.. until he was near gate 7 ... when a delta employee saw him then alerted authorities.
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"it's definitely time to take a look at perimeter security. it's definitely time to see if there are possible threats that could come in from the perimeter, where someone could access an &paircraft." cnn shot this vide by boat at the edge of the airport's securitt zone. casillo was charged with criminal trespass and now the port authority says it's arounn-the-clock police &pits waterfront. in a statemen the says... we have called for an xpedited review a complete determine how raytheon's perimeter intrusion which exceeds federal requirements, raytheon, the company which designed the securiiy system did not want to comment, only reviewing hat happpned. but the port authority police union says been riddled witth problems, including too many security breaches. replace boots on the ground. otherwise all you have is a well- recorded incident. in this doesn't work, yyu have nothing." it raises the question of security at all waterfronn airports - like nation's capital, francisco. the union is calling for a uniform for all airports but experts say that may not be so clear cut. "not one airport's security measure fits all commercial service airports out there, everything from standard in place at one urity airport doesn't belong at the "the tsa says it's also working with investigating law enforcement casillo's story may be true. a boat patrol was apppoached by a hhs jet skier friend went missing around the washington." cnn.script----- - e-readers... e-readers....getting cheaper.
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cheaper.the one you''l soon be able tt get for 180- dollars. dollars.and if your toddler snores, don't ignore it. new research reveals severe snoring in children could indicatt other health problems. how to tell if your child is 3
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3 barnes & noble just slashed prices on its nook tablets. alison kosik explains... the e- reader wars. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- if you've been holding off on getting an e-reader, now may be the time to buy. barnes-and-noble just cut prices on its nook tablets by
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as much as 20-percent. the nook color dropped to 150 dollars. the 8-gigabyte nook tablet- which is lighter and has more memory than the color- was reduced to 180- dollars. and the price tag on the 16-gigabyte tablet was slashed to 200-dollars. the move comes after speculation that amazon will launch a new version of the kindle fire. competition in the e-reader world is fierce, as e-books continue to grow in popularity. since may of 2011, amazon has sold more e-books than print books-- by a ratio of 05 to one! the current version of the 8-gigabyte kindle fire wiil run you 200-dollars. but prices or tablets can un even higher-- especially if you want to doo you're looking for bluetooth, - cameras, or more memory, then the basic samsung galaxy tab 2 will put you back 250-and of course there's apple's stripped-down version costs oot of a tablet and how much a good excuse to catch reading. i'm alison kosik in new york. cnn.script----- how far would how far would you go
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for pizza? try 15-hundred miles. why this guy is making that kind of trip. trip.a new scam that tries to steal your cash.who it targets and how you can avoid becoming a victim. 3
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the gambling debate in annapolis.the odds that the special session


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