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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 16, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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laoma: uh-oh, sticky stain. ( grunting ) get your kids immunizations up to vaccine guidelines you need to know about... tomorrow on fox45 morning news. an ethics probe into the mayor's administration.the &pinvestigation underway and ho stephanie rawlings-blake iss responding. clearing skies and cooler temperatures. the ootlook for the weekend in the skywatch forecast. and... keep tabs on recalls. four other things you can do to prevent appliance fires. 3 3 today is thursday, august 16.
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3 3 mmyor stephanie rawlings-blake speaks out for the first time since baltimore's board of ethics announced plans to investigate her administration. adminissration.members voted in favor of the inquiry after it was reveaaed the mayor recived hundreds of free tickets.megan gilliland is
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here with more on how the mayor is responding to all of this now. good morning guys,when we first asked the mayor about these tickets about a week ago... you may rememeber she called the topic trivial... pow she's talking about it for the first time. time.13:11:22 i welcome the review of the long standing policy regarding the bbltimore arena. the city's board of ethics will be reviewing hundredssof free tickets she received to showw like rihanna and jay-z at firsttmariner areea.all sold out concerts that the mayor ad easy access to. although the facility is city owned... it's operation is contracted. 13:11:44 the event tickkts are not paid for with taxpayer funds and none of this is new or out of the ordinary. (lu/ethics board)12:28:26 i think the ticket issue is an issue enough people have questions bout that it ought at.whether it's right... is a now an issue for the board of ethics to determine. coming up next half hour... hear what happens if members
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do find a violation.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 with supporters by his side....governor o' malley signed the controversial casino bill into law.and another special session is in the history books... books...lawmakers adjourned yesterday, after enacting a bill to expaad gambling to table games and building another casino n prince george's county,. (garagiola) "we're talking about thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars for the education trust fund. i think it's a win for the state, two wins for the state and it's something that's going to go to the voters." some lawmakers are not pleased the bill lowers the amount of taxes casino owners will pay. more money for the fledgling paltimore grand prix. prix.just 3 weeks before this year's big event..the race now has a national presenting sponsor...which brings more financial backing and prestige. "we are very proud to but we got it done." 3
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done." the 3 day event features a series of races from august 31st... through septemeber 2nd. a virginia man is being held on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon -- after shooting a security guard at the headquarters of a christian lobbying grouppin washington d-c. d-c. john henrehan tells us how it all developed. developed.
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police say the suspect had more than one weapon. johns hopkins hospital will begin facial transplants. the hospital announced review board has given sity approval to allow a transplant team to begin accepting patients. the team will be led by doctor. w-p andrew lee and include doctor chad gordon. hopkins says gordon was a member of a team at the cleveland clinic that performed the natioo's first nearly full-face transplant. the procedure has only been performed six times in the u--.
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math geeks rejoice... there are now 314-million-159- thousand-265 americans! that's pi...times-1- hundred-million... according to the u.s. census bureauu it happened on tuesday... right after 2:29 p-m. pi is actually a mathematical constant and goes on into infinity. so, the number isn't exact. 3 a state judge has refuseddto block a new "voter i-d law " in pennsylvania. pennsylvanii.the law ignited a firestorm in the swing state with the a-c-l-u and other groups that filed the suit... saying it will dis-enfranchise minorities and the elderly. judge robert simpsonnruled photo i-d is reasonable and if people don't have one... they can always vote by provisional or absentee ballot. um, and we think the fact that a judge affirmed our belief that the law is constitutional will help lay the groundwork
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for upholddng the law in future, uh future appeals."á opponents plan to take it to the state supreme court a girl is almost killed.. when she falls onto the rails... as a train pulls into thh station, in philadelphia. philadelphia.transit workers are being called heroes, this morning...after they sprung into action.they saw the girl fall in the gap between cars... and onto the active trrck.bobby jackson, a transit worker dove under the train, after the child.his co-workers were close behind. 3 "he was heroic today he worked woo, wop, wop, like three seconds he got that baby." baby..." "they moved so quickly and so efficiently, that it was it made me wonder how often does this happen . clearly they train for it." it."the girl had some scrapes and bruises...but didn't have to go to the hospital.she's doing fine. can you spell "cheater?"if you're playing scrabble... "cheater" is a 12-point word... or ázeroá points if
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you actually are one. one.a contestant at the national scrabbll championship learned that lesson the hard way.the teen was disqualified &ptuesday... after being caught áhoardingá blank tiles... that can be used for any letter. players saw him placing the tiles near his foot... instead of returning them to the grab bag.the player was questioned and confessed.a disciplinary hearing will now be held to determine whether he will face sanctions. a michigan man celebrates his big birthday... in a big way. way.larry ekstrom skyjumped á70 timesá in one day... to celebrate his 70th.that's an average of about 9 jumps an hour.. assuming he spent 8 hours getting in and out of planes all dayand this wasn't his first rodeo. rodeo.ten years ago he rang in his 60th by skydiving... you guessed it... 60 times. ekstrom says he plans to continue pushing the age boundary as long as possible. "it's just anothhr milestone and proves omebody can do something...see ya!" ya!"ekstrom wasn't just
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jumping for himself... he also did it for a good cause. he raised money for a charity called "leader dogs for the blind." he never intended for his cause a stir. stir."my tumblr is not an especially large soapbox, so, you know, i was speaking out of a sense of obligation to my sister and my parents." but find out the issue this man had with progressive insurance... that's sparking and online uproar. uproar. 3
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((break 1)) pasture pies... prairie muffins... o matter what
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pretty names you call them... this next competition stinks. it's the annual cow chip tossing contest at the iowa state fair. fair.that's right... competitors lined up to grab a handful of cow poo wednesday to stuff the toss the nasty stuff the past champ shared his secret for winning... saying it's all in picking the perfect pattie. (("too big, and it's too bulky, too small and it doesn't have the right mass. you try to find one with the right grip and that just feels good in your hand. and that's weird to say about a cow chip." )) )) the reigning champ is the state fair's phottgrapher.his
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ápooá hit 92 feet... proving once again he is number one in throoing number two. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 ad ibs))((traffic reporter 3 3 3 3 3
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3&p((traffic reeorter ad libs)) map fiber maa 95 at 395 map 195 mapmap fiber map 95 at
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395 195 maper map 95 at 395 map -
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3 are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. our fan of phe day! everyday we'll pick one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. a young woman is killed n an baltimmre. baltimore.up next... find out why her family says her insurance company is protecting the man that killed . her.and later...appliannes can be potential firr hazards in your homm.the four simple things you can do ... to makk sure you and your loved one stay safe. ((bump out)) p(break 2))
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a tragic car accident that killed a young woman in baltimore... was only the beginning for one family. as happened next, including her insuranceecompany's actions and the legal battle that and in social media for ine - months. --reporter pkg-as follows -- it's the headline that went viral: "my siiter paid progressive insurance to defend er killer in court."
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"my tumblr is not an especially large soapbox, so, you know, i was speaking out of a sense of obbigation to my 2010... when sister, katie, - was killed in a car crash in baltimore, the s-u-v that hit her had run a red light. was killed instantly. "the day she died she haa just run a ten-mile her brother says katie had a 100-thousand dollar insurance policy the family says katie's policy also progressive would make up the difference if she under-insured driver, like the one that hit her. amily was paid 25-thousand dollars... and thought progressive rest took the was at fault in the which under maryland law, would free them of how did you react to that? you know, y sister just not this now. out of a sense of honor... and because katie fisher had student loans that still had to be paid... the family decided to go after the money. but ii maryland, it's agaiist the law to sue an insurance refuses ppyment. so the family had to sue the man who killed katie -- didn't want to -- establish negligence, and that decision -- force progressive to pay. but in court... insurer, sat across the 3 cnn.script----- -----end----- the calculus. out? add this: this amount // should we pay will have to pay us x room and says this policy will have to pay us x amount
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// should we pay or should we drag this out? add this: add thhs to or should we drag this amount // should we pay will this policy or someone who sits in a when there's an adjuster or someone who sits in a room
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and says this policy willlhave to pay us x amount // should we pay or should we drag this out? add this: add this to ------nd----- cnn.script----- keep your family safe. safe.the four things you can do... toomake sure your appliances don't spark a fire. plus, find out how you can tell... if your appliances are faulty. faulty.and's not exactly re-inventing the wheel. how microsoft mastermind... bill gates... is re-working... the toilet. ((break 3)) while some fiber ads use super models,
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metamucil uses super hardworking psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model, but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts,
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skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ male announcer ] nutella. when throwing clothes in the dryer or turning on the stove... most of us don't thhnk of that appliance as a pptential fire hazard.... but ddfective or broken items can put your family at risk. karin caifa has tips to stay safe. safe. --reporter pkg-as follows -- when appliances are defective,
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are old or aren't used properly, it can put an entire home at risk. the first step towards safe appliances -- consumer reports says -- is keeping tabs on product recalls, by registering new appliances. that way if a manufacturer, and a recall is issued, you're ggaranteed to hear about that recall promptly, and you can take all the necessary actions to protect yourself. look foo changes in your appliance -- even small annoyances like a light that's gone out -- can be signs of a bigger problem. any kind of uuusual activity with an appllance is a sign that you need to take a closer look, perhaps even call in a repairman, and make sure there isn't a larger issue there. other ways to keep your home safe -- -- inspect power cords regularly for frays and damage. -- check your home's wiring. make sure older homes can handle the demands of modern appliances. -- clear range hoods. grease
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buildup is another fire hazard. -- and keep dryer vents clear. and practice common sense kitchen safety. unplug small kitchen appliances when you're leaving the house,,and don't leave items on the stovetop or in the microwave unattended. for consumer watch, i'm karin caifa. -----end----- cnn.script----- romance isn't dead... even in the line of duty. duty.the creative way a firefighter... proposed to his girlfriend, that's getting national attention. ethics probe into the mayor's administration.the investigation underway and how stephanie rawlings-blake is responding. 3 3 3
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.


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