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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 23, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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[cerering, ♪...] >> female announce if you want to lose weight and hava great time doing it, then get ready to join the party... becausthe following is a paid presentati for zumba fitness. >> man: ♪ zumba! [♪...] >> woman: when you're overweight, exercise feels like torture. >> man: exerci videos are boring. >> woman: i s really bored the workout.ony of >> woman: i felt lika failure. >> malannouncer: what if there was an alternative? >> woman: zumba ju makes you feel happy. >> wan: you just feel so awesome when you get done. >> woman: you feel mivated and you el like you're having a party all at theame time you're working out. >> woman: that is thamazing magibehind zumba. it's like saying, "let's go out
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and dance every day." [cheering, ♪...] >> female announcer: n, shedding unwanted pounds a exhilarating.ver been more >> male nouncer: introducing the all-new exhilarate dvd experience from zumba fitness. >> female announcer: zumba fitness is the revolutionary workout program that's so much fun, it never feels like exercise. >> male announcer: using infectious rhythms and dan styles from all over the world, this one-of-a-kind fitness program can slimou down and firm you up faster and easier >> i was instantly hooked. i lost 27 pounds in two months. >> having fun, following easy steps, i lost 28 pounds with zumba fitness. >> thanks to zumba fitness, i now have lost 105 unds. i've gone from a size 18 to a size 6. you don't have to ha any dance backound, any fitness backgroundit rlly is for anybody. >> female announcer: every zumba dancmove works your upper body, your lower body an
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everything in-between for a shrink your waistline, lift your booty, slim and shape your hips, thighs and legs, plus burn f ancalories for incredible weight ls results without crash dieting or ereme >> male announcer: and with thesincredible, core-shaping dance move you can get the flattest, firmt, sexiest abs of your life. you'll never have to get down on the floor and do crunes ever again. >> my stomach, t sides, and the front have definitely whittled down much smaller because most of what we do in zumba fitness, it's all from your core. >> my midsection has gotten smaller, it hagotten tighter, i've got more definition. >> moving this core body or some salsa this way and that way, it tightens everytng up. >> femalannouncer: best of all, zumba fitness rtines are so easy to follo anyone cado it. y age, any fitness level, zumba fitness is forveryone.
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do it-- as long as you'reo moving, you're doing it. thks to the zumba fitness prram i've lost 75 pounds. i used to wear a size 40 pants and now i'm a size 32 and i'm in e best shape of my life. >> male announce zumba fitness is the feel-good fitne apoach that has taken the world by storm. >> female announcer: in fact, over2 million people in more than 125 countries worldwide have already discovered the life-changing benefits of this amazing program. >> witzumba fitness, and only zumba fitness, iost 96 pounds. went from a size 18 to a se 4. the last time was a size 4 was probably a 4t when i was a toddler. [laughs >> male annocer: zumba fitness was born out of soutamerican culture, where exotic beatand rhythmhave inspired people to get and move for centuries. >> female announcer: but it was the colombian-born dance and fitnesinstructor beto perez who turned these moves into a one-of-a-kind cardio workout that people from all types of cultures find irresistible.
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>> everybodyan do it. people burn calories, people have a good time, people smile, and pele lose weight. >> male announcer: zumba fitness has been featured in countless mazines, newspapers and television proams throughout the world. >> female announcer: shape magazine says it's "one of the hottest and most fun cdio workouts out there!" >> male annocer: and the new york times sa it can "feel like a trip to the nightclub." >> female announcer: that's becae zumba has translated some of the hottest latin dance moves in simple steps anyone canollow. >> male annocer: zumba classes are noavailable in more than 100,000 locations. anover 10 million dvds have already been sold. >> no one believes that weight loss can be fun, but i' here ttell you that it can be. thanks tthe zumba fitness program, i have lost 135 pounds. i went from a si 24 to a size 8. i amust shocked, it's amazing. [♪...] >> female announcer: in th moments ahead, you'll discover how to bring zumba fitness
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dvd experience.wexhilarateh plus, hear from countless pele just like you who have already benefited fr this life-changing approach to weight loss. >> zumba, for me, is all abo dancing and moving. >> what i lovebout zumba is that i can be myself. >> you don't even realize you're getting a workout wle you're doing it. >> i do this because i wt to stay young like everybody else here. >> male announcer: plus an exciting risk-free offer to try the new exhirate dvd experience, and receive over $ in bonuses absolutely free >> feme announcer: so get ready to dit the workout and join the party... with zba fitness! >> man: ♪ the air ♪ left hand in the air ♪ everybody in the air. [music changes] >> female announcer: zumba fitness is more than a workout at can help you lose weight. it's a partyhat makes exercise, well, not feel like exerse at all. you feel energized, full of
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vitality and bursting with strength and cfidence. that's why so manyeople have chosen zumba fitnesss the fun and easy way to shed the pounds and inches fast. >> with zumba fitns, i have lo 60 pounds. i went from a size 16 to a size 4. i fe like a new woman. [laughs] >> i'd gained some baby weig from the two children. thanks to the zumba fitness program, i've lost 30 pounds i've gone from a se 12 to a size 4, and i'm in the best shape of my life. my problem areas are no problem anymore thanks to zumba fitness. [♪...] >> what i love about zumba fitness is that you don't even alize you're working out. it's just fun. but then, practically overnight, you begin noticing changes in your body. your pts are looser. your top's not atight. then maybe youven buy a fitted top... or start wearing shor
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orven tight jeans, not just because they're too all, but beuse they're supposed to be tight. a university studyound that a zumba fitns workout can burn calories at a rate of to a thousand calories an hour, so you get fast relts. in fact, iyou don't drop a ll dress or pant size in you first 10 days, they'll give you your money back. and what's really cool about a zumba fitness routine is that it's designed to put you into an endorin-release zone. that means those endorphins-- those natura feel-good chemicals your brain-- they geteleased, and you actually feeexhilarated. you feel eleric. you feel empowered. it's the most awesome feelin in the world. >>umba fitness gives you this amazing energy. >> you're burning calories, you're smiling from ear toar. >> and all of a sudden, i'm happy, i have energy. >> it ally is like going to a party. [♪...] >> on these dvdswe have salsa.
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salsa's more from cuba. weave fusion of, like, a bollywood music with a little rock. [♪...] cumbia... ♪ cumb is the rhythm from my country. i'from colombia. very beautul melodies and beautiful rhythm. [♪...] usic changes] french reggaeton is like the p-hop and the latin version. [♪...] >> i think peoplrespond to these beats that are in the zumba music ause they have no choice. once you pop that dvd in your dvd player, you gotta move. >> man: ♪ boogie dance, boogie dance ♪ ♪ boogie, boogie, boogie dae >> part ofhe magic of these zumba toning stickis that they make you feel part of the music.
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[rattles shaker, rattles ningticks] beautiful. i recommend zumba fitness cause it makes you feel good, the music is ftastic, you look betr after doing it, you feel better. it's something that you don' want to miss out on. [♪...] >> tanya: yodon't have to be a danc to get a dancer's body. we breakvery step down so anyone can follow. it's easy and it's f. zumba fitness is for eveone. >> i've always been heavy all my life, ever sin i was a child. i remember how i felt when i was that b, and i never thought i would be able to have a second chance the way i have had. by following the zumba fitness program, i've lost 102ounds. i've gone from a size to a size 5/6. i have not h a surgery. zumba fitness s reshaped my body. it has toned and tightened,
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i've lost so many inches in my my abs, and it's really [laughs] transformed entire body. i have to carry my ptographs from before when i weighed 262 pounds becau people don't believe me that i've lost 102 pounds. >> wow, look at the pictures. and now look at her. [crowd cheing] >> i know sometimes you struggle with five to0 pounds. sotimes people have 30, 40 pounds. but if they know that i've lost 102 pounds with just dng zumba fitness, it gives them hope. i will never be the me because there is not one day that goes by that i do noto zumba >> male announcer: coming up, wel travel to dayton, ohio, where is town shuts down to join the party th zumba fitness. [crowd cheering] >> man: "the ohio phenenon," they call . it trimmed me up, my whole by. >> before zumba, i weighed over 300 pounds. after zumba, i weigh 175. and you don't ow how good
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at feels. >> feme announcer: plus, your chance to receiva set of zumba toning sticks absolutelyree. details of this amazing free ofr are just ahead. >> male announcer: now there's a new way to lose weight, shed the fat, and achieve the lean, sexy body you've always wanted. and best of all, it's aually fun. >>emale announce introducing zumba fitness, the revutionary dance-inspired, total body, fat-burning and musc-sculpting workout that never feels like work because it's so much fun. t it's so effective, an inpendent university study oved zumba fitness burns up to 1,000 calories per hour. in fact, you're aranteed to lose a full dresor pant size in your first 10 days or your money back. male announcer: the secret is a revolutionary training technique called rhythm progression. every move targets your lower body, your abs a core, and ur upper body to deliver a ree-zone fat-melting routine. >> female announcer: best of all, rhythm progression makes zumba routinesast and easy
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to learn, so you c burn fat and calories rightrom the begiing. >> male nouncer: you'll get started fast witour stepy step dvd. len at your own pace up to 24 of the most popular zumba dance steps. >> female announcer: our exclusive sy beat breakdown technique makes easy for anyone to follow alongnd burn calori while having fun. >> male announcer: plus, with our innovative switch-angle feature, you can seehe moves from the front or the back with the click of a button. >> female announcer: in our activate dvd, you'll take your new moves to the nt level. llow along to a variety of rhythms d tempos designed to burn fat fast d put you into your endorphin-release zone. >> male annocer: next, you can withpripped,othe most innovative body-ting workout ever. invigorating toning workout feuring our exclusive zumba toning sticks. >> female annocer: then, experien our breakthrough zumba sentao routine, an all-new body-sculptingorkout using nothing buan ordinary
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household chair. [♪...] >> male announcer: we'll also include our exhilarate dvd, a heart-pumping caio party designedo incinerate calories, slim you down, and shed the fa fast. >> female announcer: next, get your zumba high in about 20 minutes with rush. it's the perfect workout whenever you're tight time or just need a quick zumba rush of ener. >> male announcer: each of these dvds features two woout options. to hear verbal cueing fromws you the instructors. >> ...kind of like you'r skating. and march, march. >> male nouncer: then, once you' familiar with the routine,ou can choose the "feel it" option to turn offhe verbal cueing and get st in the music. [♪...] >> female announcer: erything you need to know is spelled out for you our exhilarate program guide. inside, yoll find custom workout calendars, a totalody stretchingrogram, training tips, extra movation, and much more. we even give you aealthy
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eating plan full of mouth-watering recip so you can quickly loseeight while enjoying delicious, satisfying mea. >> male announcer: plus, order now and we'll include the zumba 10-day accelerated fat loss plan, so you can shed the fat fast and lose a full dress or pant size in your first days, guaranteed. >> female announcer: ord now and we'll also include over $80 free bonuses. you'll receive our exciting new mix dvd, a high-energy worko featuring special guest instructs who lead you through authenc rhythms from around >> male announcer: next, zumba breaks new ground with o volutionary zumba fitness-concer it's a rock concert and a workouall rolled into one. you'll feel like you're in t middle of the biggest mba fitness party ever! >> female announcer: and finally, you'll receive our newest zumba toning sticks. these light hand-weights help burn more calories a shape and sculpt youbody even faster. they rattle when you shake them
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to makit even more fun to move th the music. personal trainers can cost more than $100 an hour, and home fitness equipmencan cost thousands of dollars, but you n't pay hundreds, and you won't pay thousands. >> male annocer: call now and we'll rush you t all-new zumba exhilarate dvd exrience, including seven eye-pping dvds jam-packed with special featur, plus the free bonuses, a more than $200 total value, all for the introductory price of just four paymentof only $29.95. >> female announcer: hold everything ordein the next 18 minutes and we'll ta one full payment off. dvd experience can be yours for just three payments of only $29.95. [siren wailing] [tires screech, rn honks] >> male announcer:all in the next 18 minutes and we'll upgrade your oer to express delivery, a $15 value, at no extra charge. so now you can begin your zumba fitness transformation in just five to seven business days. best of all, you can try zumba fitness risk-free for a ll
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30 days, and if you're not complete satisfied, simply send it back for a fl refund of the purchase price, but the are yours to keep as our free gifts to you. >> female anuncer: this offer is not availablen stores. you must call now to take advantage of this ecial introducry price and receive your free upgrade to express ipping. >> male announcer: operators are standing by, so call or log on now. >> female announcer:umba fitness has become a worldwide sensation. born in south erica, it read to north america, australi asia, europe and afri. in the united stat, you'll find zumba fitness enthusiasts from coast to coast and virtuay everywhere in-between. >> man: it's a phenomenon. "the ohio phenomenon," they call it. it's a midwest towhere, just a regular little wn, d, you know, it was like a party, but you were still getting your exercise . i started off weigng 205 poun and i was just really bulky before i started zumba.
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and now 's just like i'm lean, anit's a whole body transformation, really. now, on my job, what i do i deliver freight. and right out lunchtime, wn it would be pretty cleared out negative five degrees and it's like, i wentack there at lunch and some of the her couriers, they're like, "i just don't understand you, jones." [laughs] on't you just feel like resting?" i'm like, "that gives me energy." [♪...] my wife, joan, she's the one that discovered it on the infomercial. before she was just kind of depressed, a then all of a sudden she found zumba. and it's like her whole body, her whole mood, hemental attitude just changed. zumba, i mea has just changed r life. >> i weighed about 155 pound after zumba, about 133 pounds. i noticed body changes immediately. i noticed it in thwaistline. very quickly, itones as well as burns calories. i couldn't get enough of it. i loved it. [♪...] >> female announcer: the zumba phenomenon has taken the world
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by storm-- more than 12 million people in over 1 countries have aeady discovered this amazing life-changinprogram. do you want to see how easy zumba fitness ally is? en get up and try it right now. here's a roune to get you started. [♪...] >> you do nohave to be a dancer to enjoy zumba fitness. it's like gog out and going out and dancing and going out and having fun in the club [laughs] and as long as youe moving and sming and sweating and having a great time, you're doing it right. >> woman: it dsn't matter your weight, age, size,eight. anybody cado this program. >> woman: if youaven't tried it, you're aolutely missing ouon a fantastic thing.
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>> ♪ one, two, three, zumba! [cheerin..] >> female nouncer: you've seen how ea it is to get up and get moving with zumba fitness. what are you waiting for? you n try zumba fitness risk-free for a full 30 ys, and if you're not completely satisfied, simply send it back for a full refund of the purchase pce, but the bonus to keep as our free giftseours to you. this offer inot available in stores. you must call now to take advantage of this ecial introdtory price and receive your freupgrade to express shipping. operators are standing by, so call log on now. >> thanks to zba fitness, i went from a size 16 to aize 6. i lost 64 poun. my relationship with my husbd has dramatically improved. he can't keep his hands off me, quite literally. [laughs] >> male announcer: operators a standing by, so call and order now. [cheering...] >> female announcer: zumba fiess is more than an exhilating way to lose weight. it's a family, with over 12 milli zumba lovers in more
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than 125 countries. thisorldwide phenomenon has led to a cuttingdge clothing line, best-selli music cds, a zumba lifestyle magazine, zumba intective video games, aqua zumba, programs for kids, and so much more. recently, zumba inoduced anothemajor innovation in fitness-- the zumba fitns-concert, with an audiencef thousands joining in the fun! you're dancing and at the same time you're exercising. my le before zumba fitness was way different an what it is now. i ed be actually an amateur sumo wrestler, and so it was etty much the opposite of fitness because i actually had to keep my weight up once i started the zumba fitness program, my metabolism was increase i could eat a lot more and still drop the ight, it held me to lose 75 pounds, my face became more chiseled, no more double chin. i us to ar a size 40 pants and now i'm a size 32. zumba fitness really is for anybody.
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[♪...] >> i was a very, versad person, i s abusing myself th food and i didn't know that if i would move my body, my whole world would change. thanks to e zumba fitness program, i have lost 135 pous. went from a size 24 to a size 8. i never expected my stomach to become toned. i never expeed to have so many compliments on my backside i'm just shocked, it's amazing. [cheering, ♪...] >> i couldn't believe how easy it was. with zumba fitne and only zumba fitness, i lost 96ounds. went from a size 18 to a size 4. my hips, legs, butt, a that completely changed. zumba definitely changed my life. [♪...]tely >> i was 308ounds at my heaviest.
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i have struggledith weight my entire life i was always known as the big girl with the pretty face. you kn, people didn't say, "oh, you lk nice," they went, "oh,ou have such a pretty fe." with the zumba fitness program i have lost a total of 156 pounds. i went from a size 24 to a size 4. not ly did it change my body and the way i feel, but it changed myife. i und this was the one thing that i could stick to and that i enjoyed and that i could do for a lifetime. with the zumba dvds, i could be at home doing my own thing a enjoying it aty own pace, so if i did get tired ani needed to sit down, i wasn't embarrassed too so. with zumba fitness, it's the easiest exercise you will do. u do not have to be a dancer, you don't have to have a dan background, t i am telling you that you can do this. u need to pick up the phone, get off your butt and do zum fitness, because i was a size 24, so if can get up and move at 300 pounds, then i kw you can do it, too, soake the chce and move. [♪.] >> if you haven't tried zumba fitness,hat are you waiting for? you've seen what it's doinfor
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people--illions of people all over the world. yocan do this. anyone can do this. l you gotta do is try. try it once and i promise you, you will be hooked. >> male announcer: now there a new way to lose weightshed the fat, and achieve the ln, sexy body you've alwaywanted. and be of all, it's actually fun. >>emale announcer: introducing zumbfitness, the revolutionary dance-inspired, tol body, fat-rning and muscle-sculpting workout thatever feels like work becau it's so much fun. yet it's so effective, an independent university study proved zumba fitness burns up to 1,000 calories per hr. in fact, you're guaranteedo lo a full dress or pant size in ur first 10 days or your money ba. >> male announcer: the secret is a revolutionary training technique call rhythm progression. every move targets your lower body, your abs and core, and your upper body to deliver a three-zone fat-melting routine. >> feme announcer: best of
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to learn, so you can burn fat and lories right from the beginning. >> male announcer: you'll get started fast with our step by step dvd. learn at your own pace zumba dance popul >> female announcer: our exclusive easy beat breakdown technique mas it easy for anyoneo follow along and burn calories while having fun. >> male announcer: plus, with our innovative switch-angl feature, you can see the moves from the fnt or the back with e click of a button. >> female announcer: in our activate dvd, you'll take your new moves to the next level. follow along to a variety of rhythms and tempos designed to burn fat fast and put you into your endorphin-release zone. sculpt and tone your entire body with ripped, the most innovative body-toning workout ever. you'll start with an invigorating toning workout featuring our exclusive zumba toning sticks. >> female announcer: then, perience our breakthrough zumba sentao route, an
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all-new dy-sculpting workout using thing but an ordinary household chr. [♪...] >> male announcer: we'll also include our exhilarate dvd, a heart-puing cardio party design to incinerate calories, slim you down, andhed the fat fast. >> female announcer: next, get your zumba high in about 20 minut with rush. it's the perfect workout whenever youe tight on time or just need a quick zumba rush of energy. these dvds features twof workout options. the "learn it" option allowsou to hear verbal cueing from then, once you're familiar with the routine,ou can choose the "feel it" option to tu off the verbal cueing and t lost in the music. [♪...] >> female announcer: everythin you need to know is spelled out for you inur exhilarate program guide. inside, you' find custom workout calendars, a total by stretching pgram, training tips, extra motition, and much more. we even give you a hlthy
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eating plan full of mouth-watering recipeso you can quickly lose wght while enjoying delicious, satisfying mls. >> male announcer: plus, order now and we'll include the zumba plan, so you can shed the fat fast and lose a full dress or pant size in your first 10ays, guaranteed. >> female announcer: orderow and we'll also inclu over $80 you'll receive our exciting new mix dvd, a high-energy workout featuring special guest instructorwho lead you through authentirhythms from around the wod. >> male announcer: next, zumba brks new ground with our it's a rock concert and workout all rolled into one. you'll feel ke you're in the middle of the biggest zumba fitness pay ev. >> female announcer: and finay, you'll receive our newest zumba tong sticks. these light hand-weits help burn more calories and shape and sculpt your body even faster. they rattle when y shake them
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to make it even more fun to mo with the music. personal trainers can cost mor than $100 an hour, and home fitness equipmt can cost won't pay hundreds, and youou won't pay thousands. >> male anuncer: call now and we'll rush youhe all-new zumba exhilarate dvd experience, includg seven eye-popping dvds jam-packed with special features, us the free bonuses, a more than $200 total value, all for the introductory price of just four paymes of only $29.95. >> fale announcer: hold evything! order inhe next 3 minutes and we'll take oneull payment off. the complete zumba exhilarate d experience can be yours for just three payments of only $29.. [siren wailing] [tires screech, horn hon] >> male announce call in the next three minutes a we'll upgrade yourrder to express delivery, a $15 value, at no extra charge. so now you can begin your zumba fitness transformation in just five to seven business days. best of all, you can try zumba
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fitness risk-free for a ll 30 days, and if you're not complely satisfied, simply send it back for full refund of the purchase price, but the bonus dvds and toning sticks are yos to keep as our free gifts to you. >> female announcer: this offer is not ailable in stores. you must call now to take advantage this special intructory price and receive yourree upgrade to express shipping. >> male announcer: operators a standing by, so call or log on now. >> i wish would've found it a lot sooner. we can all do this. do this. >> be ready r a change that you're not goi to pect. >> zumba fitness is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. >> female announcer: ts has been a paid prestation for exhilarate brought to you by zumba fitss.
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