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tv   U.S. Farm Report  FOX  August 26, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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montelongo live ents. you're about to meet a man that can change your future n. he is america's top real estate iesting expert. he has been featured on the numbereal estate hit reality show flip this house d is a best selling auth. he is the most soughout real estate expert in the world, and has changed thousands ofeople's financial future you now have theopportunitye learning armando's mon making real estate strategies at his live event coming to yourrea. after atteing one of armando's seminars, i started making offers,ot into a property, made $35,000 net profit. after learning from armando's technies and
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aches, we went ahead and bought our first propey and we made over, a litt bit over $40,000. thank you, thank you very much from the bott of our hearts. i just want to thank you so mucfor changing my life a making me realize what i can be. so thank you. armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv ow flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educional company in the to your area this we. this is a rare opportunity to learnrmando's millioire real estate strategies that made him a househd name. armando's team will take you by the hand and ow you that you can eminate debt and create cash now so yound your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn thayou can help others out of foreclures while making huge sums of cash in todas market and in your backyard; that now is the me to buy, renovate and
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sell real estate with or wiout your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketpla now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacyy creating huge you desee. armando believes thiis a phenomenal time in history to invest in real este, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first come rst serve and seats fill fast. when you register now, you'll receive t tickets r you and a guest to attend armando's live even but wait! reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's fp for success dvd, armando's real estate 2012 audiod, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours en you register now and attend armando's live event. len about armando's techniques live and in person. admission is free so seatg is extremely limited, so makeour reservation and gain the
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knowledge u need to be successful today. this is the actual garag that i used to live in when i was $50,000 idebt and had a 501 credit score and ved on food stamps. imagine that i used to call this home. it looked a little bit fferent, but it wasn't a convert-a-garage. this was litally move over the lawn mower, move over the weed eater. we put a rug out right her. we put a b. the tv w right over here, and we put the clothes down, made a little clot in the corner. this right here ishen and where i decided to change my life. some of you tching this tv commercial right now need a change. whether you e poor the way i was so poor or
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whether you're middle class, jt trying to make ends meet. or if you are a little bit wealthieand go, "you know what, i need to go to thatext level," real estate can help you get there if you know w to gout there and do it in a methodical step by ste nner, and my system can go and show you how to dthis. listen, when i was $50,000 in debt ving on food stamps a in this garage, i never thought i was going be able to go out there and accomplish my dreams i never imagined that i'd be where i'm at ght now. i can tell youi have been very poor in life and now i am considered to be very wealt. i'm t telling that to impress, but to impress upon you tt if i can go out there and do this, you can too if you follow the same system that i did follow msystem to a t. i'm going to share one last secret th you. i was laying in bed ght here, and my son mon the man, who is two and half yearold was right here,
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and knew that one dahe was going to be grown little boy, 8, 910 years old, and he was going to know whether daddy was a financial loser orhether daddy was a financial winner. who in your life right now e your finances impacting? who in your life right now deserves me, needs more, wants more and should have more? it could be you. it could be your spouse. could be your children. it can be your legacy. real estate can go out thand change your life. i believe this is one of the greatest real este markets in american history. if you're ready to cnge your life and follow my system, ready to stop being average - i decided to stop being below average. if y're ready to stop being average and take action now, then cl the phone number at the bottom your screen. ll right now. regist for the live event. do something different. register for the live ent.
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seating is limited. and when you go to my free live event, yore going to learn that a system can changeour life now. call t number right now, and i'll see you on the other side of success. we've en using armando's techniques to buy ansell properties, and through everything we learned throh armando, our first two properties have netted us $53,000n profit and have given us a future to count on. it's amazing, and it's definitely me a huge impact on our lives. it cnged our lives dramatically and we want to thank you for everything you've done for us. so we're here with td and . how are you guys doing? great. how e you? i'm doing phenomenal. and about a year ago, you guys went to our liv event,s that correct? yes we did. now, before at time period, did you guys have ankind of real estate experience at all? no. none. none. no real estate experience? since then, lets talk abouwhat you've gone and accomplished. about how many dealsave you guys done? we've done four from start to finish. four complete flips? mm hmm.
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and how much did y make, lets go per flip? the first one we made $45k. $45k. that was a great first experience. the second oneas right at $40k. fifth one, which goeon anr the market tomorrow. this is your fifth deal that goes on the maet tomorrow. it's a beautiful project the way. thank you. i can see you guys have followed the system a t. yeah we ve. you guys have to go out ther it's time for the live event right now. go out there and do what todd and lindao. go to the live ent, sign up for the system. they made $45,000 on the first deal$40,000 on the second deal; $30,000n the next one; and $18,000 the next one, and this one goes on the market torrow. so that's a total of close to a $130,000... yes it is. ...that you guys made in around a year. yes. w before doing this did you guys have, you guys hano real estate experience. what kind of job did you have? i'm a sales manar, technology sales. so technology sales. and whatid you do? i was an account mager. an accountanager. and so with real estate experience - and you guys still have yr current jobs? yes we do. i don't. you don't. you' retired now. i'm retired now.
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that's phenomel. imagine being le to go out there and retire the one that you love and be able to gout there and one of you kp your job and really go and be a one-income family and be able to put much addition money into your pocketbook that you can go and literally fight against the recessn, real rise above the recession. ye. you guys, at this point, are not ing through the crunch of the receion like so many americans. , we're not at all. and hopefully i'm gog to be next really soon, so... yeah, to be retired. yeah, a couple more, yeah. a couple more and he's gointo go and retire. here's the thing: you've got to follow the syem to a t. at the live events, we'll and show you that you guys can go out there and doy system, and we'll sh you that you can do it 1, 2, 3, literally the abc's of real tate. abc's of real estate. so you literally can go and reti the ones that you love or help your family or go and donatto a charit or just go and buy the car of your eams that you want. we can make big chun of cash now and literally be able to go out there and get started right away in real eate. absolutely. what would you tell people right the looking
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into the camera, those individus, what would you tell them? woulrecommend them to go to this live event and get stted on a real estate investing career? oh absolutely. fear iexpensive. so fear of not doing someing is a lot greater than the regret that you'll have later on from passing up the opportunity. so, i'd absolutely recommend it. i love that, fear expensive. you have nothing to lose. go to the live event, check it o. when you go to the live ents, we're going to show you tt you can literally go out there and make big money doing step by step. you've all heard out there that you have to get educated, your entire life - get edated, get educated , get educated. go to college, get educated. go to school. well isn't it me that you become financially educated? ye sign up for our live event right no you've hea it right from their mouths. they chaed their lives. right there at theottom of the screen, call the 800 number right now, join e live event. seating is limited, and we'll see yoon the other side of success. arndo montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educatiol company in the countr is bringing his armando live event series to yr area thiweek.
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this is a rare opportuty to learn armando's millioire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hd and show you th you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, u will learn that you can help others out of foreclosures while making huge sums of casin today's market and in your backyard; that now is th time to buy, renovate and sell reaestate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your mketplace now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando es. you can change your mily legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial eedom that you deserve. armao believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invt in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating first come first serve and seats fill fast. when you register now, you'll receive two tickets
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for you and a guest to attend armando live event. but wait! reserve yo seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip r success dvd, armando's real estate 2012 aio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when youegister now and attend armando's live event learn about armando's techniques live and in pson. admission is free so seatg is extremely limite so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. look, i'm a real real estate investor. this is the house that i've bout and that i've owned, and literally fou weeks ago, this property - we're going to put up a picture on thecreen right now, i own thisprope. and this prorty was not in good shap i boug it, i renovate it, i did none of the work myself, and here i afour weeks later in front of the prerty and 0,000 richer.
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listen, i actually do real estate. i don't sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate o i'm going to teach you. i'm in the marketplace doing re estate, and ess what? because i do it i have my pulse on the real estate marketplace. i know exactly how to do it. i know how to do it inyour m known as america's number one top realstate investing expert. and why am i telling you this? because we'll show yound take you and lead you by the hand, if y're a stay at home mom or, you know what, if you're a single mom d you've been left alone and you have ildren to support and you know that you deserve a tter life and you need a better lif and right now is the time to get a better life and you know thatou need to do better financially for you family, then real esta and my system, my live events can help get you thernow. if you're a man wholiterah in them, iyour wife lost faith in you and says, "y know what, he's a good man, but he's not ccessful and he's not providing for our family the way he suld," check out the video testimonial
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of one o students whose wife now supports him to theighest degree and has total and absolute faith because of the live events tt he's gone to. listen, now is time to get away from the painnd the ar of loss. imaginwhat your life's going to be like five years om now if you don't do this. imagine what it's going to be le five years from now if you don't take action right now. and then stop and think, ou know what, if i just pick up the phone and i go to armando's live event, imagine what it's going to be like when i gand i learn from armando how to do rl estate in today's markethe way armando's actually out there and doing real estate." we bought and sold this property. a few blocks away we got anher property. you've got to go to this seminar and learn how to do thi armando can teach you, anybody can dot. what he can do forou and what i can do for myself and that i can pass ono my family, is a legacyhat i'll have forever. after rering from the military after 20 years, i worked for a defense contractor for abo 8. i was looking for some rental properties, so that's when i camecross armando's infomercial on the tv, and afte attending his courses i
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flipped my first house and made $17,000. flipped a second house, ma $27,000, and looking to do a lot more properties than that. i already got two more properties i'm worki, so thank you armando. real estate is where it's at. check out these students of mine who ve gone out there, decided to stop being average, get up off the couch anto go to the live event and change thr life right now. had been trying to fige out how to do real estate investing, trying to find someone whcould actually teach me h to do it and how to make a change in my li financially, u know. also for my family as well, u know, spend more time with them. after learning aando's techniques, we were able to close on our firs property, and we earned over50,000 with a partner on our first deal. properties and we aralso closing on our 6th proper within the next couple weeks.
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we're soxcited how much financial gain this has brought to us and the lives that we n change, not only os but also family and friends who we can help change their liveand even help them, you know, show them how to do this. it'smazing what he did for us. listen, i'm not going to end a lot of time at is house because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hour i did something by what i calllipping the paper. i can showou how to go out there anflip the paper with no money ouof your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoer, and i did it in less than 24 hours. listen, money knows no time. whether you're fresh out of college a college just isn't paying thebillsw on life, or if you're senior citizen and you never quite reached that nancial potential that you knew - look, you did greatr family, but you never reached thatinancial potentl - now is the time because money, when taught the right way, knows no boundarie listen, ray krok of mcdonald's didn't ge
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started with his donald's till he was 50 years old. now is the time to get started, when you me to my live event. check out these people and put yourlf in their shoes of what it's likejustr attending my life event. so we're here withanie. janie, h are you? great. and we're standing in fronof a property that you purchase renovated and flipped, you and a partner. is that correct? that's correct. and now tells, 'cause we want to get down to how much money you made. ultimately you guys want to know how much mey janie made by followg my system, is that correct? so tell me, how much money diyou put in your pocket on this deal? i made $34,000. you made $34,000 and that's the cck right there? this is the check. can you show the audience your check? $34,000. what wouldour life be like $34,000 richer. imagine, what kind of debt cod you pay off? what kinof car could you go and put a down payment or even buy? what kind vacation could you go and tak and ultimaly who in your family could youo out there and help? let me ask you one or two quick estions.
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befo going to the free live events and before learning my system, did you have any kind ofeal estatexperience? not at all. not at all. and what is one or two great things that you learned in the system that lped you to go out there and make this kind of moy on a deal? ll i learned a lot of things, but the two most valuable things for me were learning how to do investment dl without actually using my own money becae i didn't have any money to invest. so that was reallyvaluable out how i could do that, which i've learn with your system. and also i'vlearned how to come up with budget numbers for construction 'cause i hav again, no idea how to come up with numbers foconstruction. so we're outere. we're in the neighborhood. we have people driving by with their radios loud because we're in a real neighborhood where rl deals are actually happening right now. you can do this and you can do it in your backyard, in your markplace. you ard it from janie, the system can teach you how to be able to go out there and findhe money to do the deals and how to find and do thbudget repairs to be able to fix uproperties like this so
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that you can go and get checksike she just shed you. go and take action right now. sign up for the free live events. seating fills fast, andleare your life right now, 'cause we'reoing to show you a system that's step by step, chronological order system, the abc's of real estate so you c make big money now and change yr life. call the 800 number right now, and we'll see y on the other side of success. country, is bringing his armando live event sers to yr area this week. this is a rare oortunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate sttegies that made him a usehold name. mando's team will take you by the hand and show so you and your family c benefit from today's at armando's live event, u will learn that you
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can help others out of foreclosures while making huge sums ofash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is e time to buy, renovate and sell real estate with or without your money oyour credit; that you can do this in ur marketplace now. you caget pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way mando does. you can chan your family legacy by creating huge su of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. mando believes this is a phenomenal time in hisry to invest in real estate, and you can do this by seating is first come first serve and seats fill fast. whenou register now, you'll receive two tickets for you and a guest to attendrmando's live event. but wait! reservyour seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, arman's real estat2012 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $50package is yours when you register now and
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attend armando's live even learn about armando's techniques live and person. admission is free so seing is extremely limid, so make your reservation and gain the knowdge you need to be successful today. look, you've seen the uses that i've done. you see the houseshat my students are doing. nothere's only a few minutes left in this television infomercial. listen, you only have a w minutes to call and act right now, but you've got to call the number you've g to get registered for the seminar. you can't just show up without registing, so call right nowo be ae to go to the seminar. what are you waiting for? there's only a few minutes left here are the details. call the number right there, at the ttom of that screen right ther you see that little number? you actually have to take action and call it get yourself off the couch because listenif you don't do it,omebody else will. erybody says, "armando, if it's such a good de
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why isn't somebody else doing it?" that what the first negative person ever told me. you are that somebody else. have never got a number one hit ality real esta show in american, become america's number one realstate mentor, leader and trainer and investor, and ultimately i uldn't be talking to you ght now. if i can do it,you can . if my students can do it, you can do it. anybody can do it with the right training, t you got to cl that number. we've learned how tolip our first home for $15,000. we have many others in the pipele. we have many completeprojects. and i look forward to a ight future. the education from armando covers how to fi homes and buy themorrectly; where to find the money; how to train your contractorand realtors and investors. and one of the uxpected things i've gotten out of this ecation was a network of people that support me to win. thank you so much mando. the techniques that you've taught us and whatt's
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do for us, it has changed our lives tremendoly. i want to thank you armando becausbefore learning your techniques, we were struggling, d now we have changed a lot things in our lives. we spend more time with e family. and you changed us drastilly. thk you armando for all your opportunities. thank u. thank you guys. thank you so much. check out these students who wento the live event. they decid to stop being average. they decided to work hard d to follow my system to the t. check out their amazing results. i have been a practicing real estate attorney in florida r the past 25 years. and being an attorney, i have a pretty alytical mind. so my daughter first brought this program tmy attention and course i analyzed the heck out of it, and kind ohad a cross my arms in front of my cst, "no i don't think i need to do that, i know everything there is to know abt real estate because i'm a real estate attory." so i agreed to come to the seminar thiseekend, and
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before goi to armando's seminar, i was a contractor and my wife wasa ne to take his system and techques, apply it to our hometown, small hometo, and our first deal we made a net profit of $30,000nd it lasted on the market for less th two weeks. the next two deals, we re able to have a net profit of $47,000. this system d this education allowed to have so mu more freedom, so much more time, the ability to help r families and just help in so many ways that it is just extremelynd unbelievably lif changing. this is e actual garage that i used to live in when i was $50,000 in de and had a 501 crit score and lived on food stamps. imagine that i used to callhis home.
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it looked a ttle bit different, but it wasn't a convert-a-rage. th was literally move over the lawn mower, move over the weed eater. we put a rug out right here. weut a bed. the tv was right over here, and we put the clothes down, ma a little closet in the corner. th right here is when and where i decided to change my life. some of you watching this tv commercial right w need a change. whether you are poor the way i was so poor or whether you're middle class,ju. or if you are a little bit wealthier and go, "you know what, i need to go to th next level," real estate can help you get there if you know how to go out there and do it in a methodal step by step manner, and my system can go and sw you how to do this. listen, when i was $50,000 in debt ng on food stamps and in th garage, i never thought i was going to be able to go out there and complish my dreams.
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i never imagined that d be where i'm at right now. can tell you, i have been very poor in life and now i am considered to b very wealthy. i'm not telling that to impress, buto impress upon you that if i can go out there and dohis, you can too if you follow the same system that did. follow my system to a t. i'm going to share one last secret with you. i was lang in bed right here, and my son mon the man, who is two and half years old was righhere, and knew that one day he wagoing to be grown lile boy, 8, 9, 10 years old, and he was going to know whether daddy was a financl loser or whether daddy was a financiawinner. who in your fe right now are your finances impacting? who in your life right now deserves more, needs more, wants more and shouldave more? it could be u. it could be yo spouse.
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it could be your children. it can be your legacy. real estate can go out there and change your fe. i believe this is one of the eatest real estate markets in american histor if youe ready to change your life and follow my system, ready to stop being average - i cided if you're ready to stop being average and ta action now, then call the phone number athe bottom of your screen. call right now. register for the live event. do somethingifferent. regier for the live event. seating is limited. and when you go to my free ve event, you're going to learn that a system can change yr life now. call the number right now, and i'll see youn the her side of success. this house, and inc. 500's number one educatnal company in the to your area this ek. this is a rare opportuni to learn armando's
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millionaire real estate strategies that made h a usehold name. armao's team will take you by the hand and show you that y can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your fami can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, u will learn that you can help others out of foclosures while making huge sums of cash today's market and in your backyard; that nows the time to buy, renovate and sell real tate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do th in your marketplace now. you can ge pre-foreclosures and foreclures the way armando does. you can change your faly legacy by creating huge sums of cash andetting the financial freedom that yodeserve. armando believ this is a phenomenal time in history to invt in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. when you registenow, you'll receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's le event.
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but wait! reserve youreat now and receive for absolutely free armando'slip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2012 audio cd,and. this $500 package yours when you register now and ls techniques live and in pson. admission is free so ating is extremely limited, so make your reservation and ga the knowledge you need to be successful today.
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announcer: it's time to join rces... ...get energiz... ...and fuelp right. becse starting tod... ...every kid in amica... ...has a mission... bring out... the action hero... in you.
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be pa of the greatest action movie ever. the first movie tt puts you in the action. show us how you tain and eat like an action hero. join in at >> annncer: the followg is a paid presentation for innity, brought to you by achbody. [bang, cracking.] [...] ask someone who's hed of insani what they think of it and chances are e answer will be... >> this program is not easy. >> it was so hard. >> i've nevedone a workout hard as that. >> it was insane. announcer: that's true. insanity is extremely hard, but that doesn't mean it's crazy. in fact, if you ask any of the tens of thousands of people who have done insanity, they'll tell u it makes perfect sense. becae when you lose the weight you need to lose in onl60 days... >> i used to wear a size 12
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and now m wearing a size 6. >> in the first days, i lost 38 pounds. >> announcer: wh you see ripp abs in only 60 days... >> i've ver seen my abs. >> these are the show muscles, right? >> i feel like i have some pretty good abs. >> announcer: gain supreme confidence... >> i've been skydiving. >> i gained back the ability to do this. >> announcerand get the best bodof your life innly 60 days... >> before i knew it, the body fat w jt meltinoff body. >> i didn't lookike this 60 days ago. >> annncer: what's so crazy about that? >> takes real work, takes re effort, and gus what? that's just the warm-up. ani'm smiling 'cause i love it. [♪...] >> aah...! push, me on, dig! this is where it hurts. don't give up, i can't hear you.e on. >> i'm hurting, baby. there you go! that's it! that's it, girl! >> announcer: insanity is e hardest workt ever put on dvd, but it's the only one that wil give you a year's worth of results in only 60 ds.
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>> i started out at 205, m 168... a lean, mean insanity chine. announcer: you don't need torag yourself to the gym day after day. step out of bed... you don't need to buy a bunch of expensive equipment. use your body to transrm your body. you don't need to nd hourof free time to get your workout in. insani's only minutes a day. >> ianitis a shortcut to the body you want. yes, the road is rough, but it'll get you ere six times fast. i designed ianity to give you a year's worth of results you want to take a whole year or you want take two months? i think you'rerazy not to try insanity. [bang, cracking] >> i am that person that was sitting onhe couch when insanity came on and i sa, "no way." >> go, push,nees up, abs tight! go!
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>> heath: i knew that i needed and i knew that i wanted to belf a hot wife when my husband got back from afghanisn, ordereit reluctantly and then threw up othe first day. >> that's what iant from you. keep pushing, y'all. keep pusng. >> lot of people say insanity is crazy, it's insane. >> this is beyond insanity. they need a w word for insaty 'cause this is toorazy. >> and it is, it's hard, but if you stick th it, after 30 you're seeing results and it'se. becoming easier to make it through the whole workout thout stopping as much. insanity wasot in my comfort zone at all. so far with insanity i've lost 31ounds. insaty and beachbody gave me so much more than a tter body. it gave me aew lifestyle that i can share wit husband for a longime. [bang, cracking...]
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>> announcer: how does shaun give you such insane rults record time? it's a revolutionary sports science calle x interval training. >> with traditional interval training, you spend three minutes woing out at a moderate pace and only go hard fo30 seconds. but withax interval training, you rk out as hard as you can go for thr minutes and only take a 30-second rest-- just enough to catch your breath. you want a workout that's mostly rest? insanity's not forou. you want a workout where you're drenched isweat because you're burning so much fat? let's do it. you know, when you get into the max interval training, you know, it's amazing how much you get to that 45 minutes, and then you're dripping wet and thenou're sore all over. >> max interval training! [group yells] aah! >> i didn't want something that i would have to do for a year tsee any results. i wanted something that was gonna be fast. you knowi wanted that by tomorrow. >> i knoyou're tired, but this is where, if you push yourself, you're gonna see theesults. >> chris: in the first 60 days, i lost 3pounds. you know, after that i kept going, i kept going and
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kept going... now i'up to 53 pounds lost. i went from 26body fat to 8% dy fat. to be in this kind of shape, having this kind of body, yeah, now i like it a lot. [bang, cracking...] >> people say insani's insane. i thk it's smart. if you're gonna work out, why work out one muscle group at a te? let me sw you what i mean. in push-up jacks, you're worng your shoulders, your chest, your ms, your back and your abs. now we're gonna go into i abs. in ski abs, yowork your obliques, you work your shoulders, you woryour chest, you work your legs. nosquat to plank, you work your glutes, your workour quads, you work your lower abs and you work your shoulders. look, you' getting a full-by workout. get in, dig deep, get it don that's what insanity's all about. ...three... two. get up, power jumpright away, go, go, go, go, go! come on... push... pus.. >> i love thatou're doing cardio and strength all together. you are sweating, yore getting
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ur heart rate up and you're lifting weights with your own body, all at the samtime. so i love that it's all combined together. i sweat the mo i have ever sweat in insanity. it's jus.. hair's soaking wet, dripping off me, disgustin sweat,nd i loved it. i feel pretty good about mysel i'm a mother of two, i'm in mid-30s and i feel le i have some pretty goodbs after having two kids. >> tt's how you wanna push. she's breathing, she's focused, she's in i >> insany is definitely well-named-- there are many times i'm thinking, "he is crazy," and th i realize, "oh, that's probably where he got the name." >> i call itnsanity for two reasons. number one: this workout is crazy. number two: you're gon see insane results. the only reason insanity w't work is if you don'to the work. >> it makes dramatic changeso all kinds of muscles in your body-- i mean, these are the showuscles, right? if more people knew the kind of resultthat you can get in such a little bit of time, doing mething as effective-- i mean, why woul't anybody wanna jump
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on that? >> you gotta get there! you gotta get back there before i say "get there!" that goes for you at home! >> first of all, i've never be in this good a shape in entire le. i havet weighed this much since i was probably in myarly 20s-- i'm 42ow so it's been a gd 20 years since i've weighed this little. i've never had s-pack abs like i do today. i survivednsanity and now, i've gotten myself in the best shape of my life. >> i'm gonna take you from good to great, and for those people who are beginners, i'm gonna take you frobeginner to advanced. and ifou're already strong, insanity is that kind of program that's gon make you stronger because it's gonna push you, it's gonna make you sh yourself. >> ianity really appealed to me because it seemed like such a challenge. i can rememberne instance where we were doing moving push-ups. i got tone of them and i was like, "i cannot do one me," and i was a split-second away from quitting and he wasike, "don't quit! don't stop!" >> shaun: you're right there! you're right there, c'mo go! goc'mon! >> i just told myself, o.k., jonathan, it just for 60 days. just do it, get thugh it and
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afterwards, yocan go back to doing your normal routine. but the thing is, afterwards, i didn't wanna go back to my normal routi. >> yeah, i mea i like to say that once you've done an insanity workout, every other workout becomes easy. >> i'm very, very satisfied with the results that i got with insanity. i gained muscle mass. i went from 19% body fat down to body fat. so you got the a, got the shoulders... i can do little chest pump... [laughs] but... man, i look good, i feel good and got these results in0 days. i got out of insanity exactly at i put into it. i made a decision that i was gonna give it 100% of my effor and i got 100% of the results that i wanted. >> all you have to do is give 100% and you have succeeded. [bang, cracking...] [♪...] announcer: you want insane results in 60 days? u won't get them by watching insanity... you got to do it.
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>> first time i saw the insanity infomercial was prably two years ago. w here two years later, i'm standing in front of those same camerasoing i'm living proofal. that you can do it. >> announcer: it's time to take the insanity challenge. time to stop wishing you d a great body yes, insanitykisga challenge-- probablyhe hardest workout ever put on dvd. >> every day was a struggle bu i pushed myseland i got rther and further. >> announcer: there's a method behind the madness... shaun t's max interval trainin traditional interval workouts feature extended periods of moderate exercise interspersed with sht bursts of intense effort. but shaun ipped that its head. with max interval training, you do extended bursts of intee exercise and only stop long enough to catch your breh. >> how's max interval training feel? >> whoo! >> announcer: this revolutiory record-setting results. with max intval training, you can lose 30 pounds in only 60 days.
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in the first 60 days, i lost 38 pods. >> announcer: that's a year's worth of results in just two mohs' time. so... choosing insany's not so crazy after all. and with insanity,ou don't need to spend endless urs in the gym to get results. 's about 40 minutes a day right in your own home. in mth 1, you'll do five different max interval workts: plyo for sculpted legs and glutes... resistce moves for upper body definition... pure cardio that melts fat like butter... insane abs for crazy core. and once a week, recovery-- least that's what they call it-- but it doesn't mean you won't sweat. inonth 2, you'll dig even deeper, with four new workouts that will leave you standing in a puddle of swea max interval circuit, max interval plyo, max cardio conditioning and max recery. the intervals are longer. threst periods aren't. hey, it's called insanity for a reason. >> insanity is... insane.
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insane! >> announcer: we'll also incde four free gifts. u get the insanity wall calendar-- shaun shows you which workouts to do each day soou get the most insane resus... >> i did it! walks you through your 60-day transformation step by step. it's short and to the point-- want you sating, not reading. >>ne of my favorite things about the workout really was how simple everything was. >> announc: the elite nutritn plan supplies the fuel your body needs for your insanity workos. you'll be eating five meals a day so your metabosm skyrockets! >> i didt really know what eating good consisted of until i started following the nutritional guide. >> announcer: plus you get free online support from shaun t and thousas of men and women just like you o are arting the insanity challenge every day. insanityomes with everything u need to succeed, and sold separately, the insanity system would cost over $500. but you won't pay $500-- not even close. order now aninsanity
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is yours for only three payments of $39.95. but call in the next 20 minute and you'll also receive two fr bonus workouts: core, cardio a balance, with insane sports drills so yo body moves as good as it look.. and shaun t's fit test that you take every twweeks to track your insane progress. on day 1you'll be humbled. on day 60, you'll be ripped. and don't go crazy waiting wee for insanity to arrive. order w and you'll receive a free upgrade to express delivery so you can start sweating in justhree to five business days. >> i was drenched after abt six minutes. >> announcer: insanityomes with a 30-y money-back guarantee. if it's too tough for you, no problem. at least you tried. send iback and we'll refund the entire purchase price. but if you've got what it tas to conquer the insanity challenge,end us youbefore and after phos and we'll send you this free t-shirt. you can't buy it in stores. but you can earn it.
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>> here's proof that i earned this t-shir >> announcer: so take the insanity challenge. commit 60 da of your life to getting in the best shape your life. anything else is insane. >> the only way this program does not work is if you don'do it-- tt's the only way. ifou press play every day, you're gna see some results. >> announcer: call now [♪...] call the number on yr screen. [♪...] >> this workout is all abo you using your body to create the best body you can get. go-- c'mon, frankie. ...everyone's bodys different. there that look at a magazinet and they say "i wanna lo like th person," instead of saying that i can look." best and the only way that yore gonnlook the best that you can look is using you as your own equipment.
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>> when i firsstarted, i could push-up, barely a girl push-up, let alone a boy push-up. and by the time that i got through, i am ing moving push-ups, squat pu-ups, power push-ups. i darenybody to challenge me to a push-up contest becse i'm like, i'm in it! >> c'mon! two more push! in and out! go! >> i liked the fact that it had that was a selling point for me, 'cause ii hato buy any extra equipment, i would have never bought the program. in 60 days, i lost 37 pounds17 inches and three dss sizes. i have a waist now, i didn't before-- everything used to be just a box. so now i have curves and i have arms and i have legs i have a this year we went on vacation to hawaiind that was the first time that i was able to wear a two-piece bikini and actuall look i'm not wearing a cover-up, i'm not wearing a towel, i can wr this two-piece
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bikini and i'm rockin' maui. >> you can do it! take the rest when you need . otherwise,ust keep pushing! >> the biggest thing that this progm really has done for me is giving me a sense of purpose again. i feel so great about myself. i'm just a better me. [bang, crackling...] >> if you're scared to try insanity, it's totally understandable because when yo look at it, itan be very intimidating. but i challenge you to t it. and if you don'tet the best workout that you've ever had, send it back. have to make the commitment to press play every singlday. as you do it, it never gets easy. i've had friends a me, "does this thing ever get easy?" and i said, "no, it ould never be easy 'cause you ould always push beyond your limits." when i, working out and shaun t.'s hollering and yelling, it feels ke you're right there in the gym with him. >> shaun t.: higher knees! go! c'mon! there you go! that's it! that's what i'm talkinabout! >> at 39 yea old, i'm in better shape now than i was a swimmer in high school.
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evything has changed on my body. i've got definition in place i've never h it before. i've got ripped muscles, chiseled abs-- it's not just a cardio program. i've got muscles now that didn't hav20 years ago. so insanity a can't fail program. it's a no-brainer if you wanna get in spe. >> you can't make a mistake with insanity. you get the calear, you get the nutrition guide, you get the workouts, you get me-- i mean, you can't go wrong. you have everything you needo motivate y to get to the end of that 60 days. >> when i started the ogram, i was 218 pounds. when i completed my 60 days, i weighed in at 178 pounds. right? that's craz i'm 45 yrs old, guys. >> when i arted insanity, i was about 205 pounds. and by the time i was finished, i was all the way down t 170 pods. i weighed when i graduated high school. >> i thought i would lose mae 15 poundfor the whole program.
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but 29 pounds? i never expected tha now i see a completely different person. i love that person. insanity, i felt like i was a little soft, and i'm 59 years old, but most ople would say, "wl, you're 59 yea old. what do you expect?" well, what do i expect? i expect to look like i did when i feel pretty good for 59. >> after comtting myself and pushing myself for 60 days, i gothe results and got the body that i wanted. >>'ve lost three inches around my waist, so i knew that there was a beach bodyn there mewhere. i just had to reveal it. >> after 60 days of completing insani, i feel like a whole new person. >> these were the pants i wore before insanity. and these e the pants i'm wearing after insanity. i lost aotal of 73 pounds. my waist size went from a ze 38 on a good day to a size 31 now. this t-shirt is my badge of honor. this-shirt reminds me every day that i wear it that i earned it, that i did it, that i
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competed in this program and that i won. >> thishirt means everything me. i'm really proud that i earned it. >> this is my insanity t-shirt and i absolutely eard it. >> i earned this one. ifnybody wants one, they gotta earn it themselves. >> did i earn this t-shirt? you bet i earned it. [bang, crackling...] to spend the next 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of ur life? >> i saw it and after about th 10th tim i said, "you know what? i gotta do it." i knewhat this was gonna change my life forever. announcer: insanity is the hardest workout ever put on d, but it's the only one that will give you a year's worth of resultin only 60 days. insanity starts with month 1. five max interval workouts plyo, resistance, cardio, abs and recovery. and ju when you think you're fit, you'll start month 2. you'll dig even deer with four new workouts that willeave you
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face down in a puddle of sweat. plus you get the insanity ll calendar, the fitness guide, online support from shaun t.e and thousands of insaniacs like you starting the insanity challenge every day. order w and you can try insanity for just ree payments of only $39.95. that's rightyou get this, for only threeayments of $39.95, and when you call in the next 12 nutes, you'll also receive and don't go crazy waiting weeks foinsanity to arrive, because you also get free upgrade to express delivery, so y can start sweating in just three to five business days. >> i w drenched after about six minutes. >> announcer: so stop watching insanity-- and tryt. money-back guarantee. 30-day if it's too ugh for you, no problem. at least you tried. send it ck and we'll refund your entire purchase price. but if you stick with it for 60 day send us your before
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d after photos and we'll send you this free thirt. so take the insanity chaenge. commit 6days of your life to gting in the best shape of your life. anythinglse is insane. call now. [♪...] call the number on your screen. >> argh! c'mon, y'all! let's go! sprint it off! go! c'mon, c'mon, c'mon! get it, get , get it! the better you'll feel. ...c'mon, use the core! ...down and in. c'mon, you can do , you can do it, one more, down-- all right, take a break, take a breaktake y'all.- don't compromise form, ...i'm not trying to hurt you. just trying to make you better. ...she's trying to be shaun t.! ...push! push! ...are you with ? come on! ...core is contracted you go down-- c'mon! ...i'll admit going as hard as you can go sounds crazy, but
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your body is capable oamazing things. by t second week of insanity, you'll realize "i can do this. the rkouts are hard in the beginning, but i guarantee you, your body will be hard the end. >> this is the results i got. completely excited about it an hay to see i got definition in my chest-- i never hadhat before-- definitely the six-ck, the obliques. this ianity program works arms, your shoulders, your neck, yourhest, your core-- especially your core. it just a great feeling to look like this. >> you can do the same thing with your body-- come on, y'l! c'n! >> insany has totally changed my life. it really is who i am now. >> somebody's inhe house with you right w? ll 'em to get over there and get their hand out so you n feel the power. >> my body's changed dramatically as you can see from my before and after pictes, and it continues to change every single day witthe program. >> you can see there in he face, she's workin how do you feel? c'mon, go, y'all! insanity provided me with another level of confidence th
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i didn't have before a you know, i just feel really great about myself, wheri'm at. i've nev been in this kind of shape. >> c'mon, keep going, keep going, keep going! pump through it! pump through it! ...c'mon, your legs, your abs and ur shoulders are all working, but look at the control in theody. can frickin' do it! so work! [♪...] ...with insanity, it's not about how many rs you can do. it'sbout doing the best that you can do. these guys areoing power jump rren, he's going super fast, he's really fit, he's been doing insanity for a whi. leah, she's going a little bit slower, she just started insanity. that's the beauty of insanity. there's only one number that counts. 100, as in 100%. that from the first minute that i started it, i was in for challenge. i started off weighing 212 pounds. after 60 days, was back into a size 32 waist. i tually was fitting into the same size that i wore in high school. there's no gimmicks, there's no
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weights, the's no bands, there's nothing. it's you, your body and listeng to what shaun t. says. >> is that body changing? c'mon, ready? drill down! back! four push-ups! c'mon! four! three! >> let me just show you what i've done... and i'really proud of the way i look today, as a 47-yearld y. this is a ogram that i will never stop. when i looat myself in the mirror now, i do not see the same person. the face is diffent. the body is totally differen the best shape of my life isto just phenomenal. >>f you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror and you're not doi anything about it, that's crazy. it's insane,specially when the body that u want is only two months away. [bang, cracking...] >> announceryou want insane results in 60 days?
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you won't get them by watching insanity... u got to do it. >> first time i saw thinsanity infomercial was probably two years ago. now here, twyears later, m standing in front of those same cameras doing the same infercial. i'living proof that you can do it. >> announcer: it's time to take the insanity challenge. time to stop wishing you had a greabody and start working for it. yes, insanity isa challenge-- probably the hardestorkout ever put on dvd. >> every day was a struggle but i pushed myself and i t further anfurther. >> annouer: there's a method hind the madness... shaun t.'s max interval trning. traditional interval workouts feature extended perio of merate exercise interspersed with short bursts of intense effort. but shaun flipped at on itsead. with max interval training, you do extended bursts of intense enough to catch your breath. >> how's max interval training feel? >> whoo! >> announcer: this revolutionary training method produces reco-setting results. with max interval trning,
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you can lose 30 pounds in only 60 days. >> in the firs60 days, i lost 38 pounds. >> announcer: that's a year's worth of results in just two months' time. so... choosing insanity's not so crazy after all. and with insanity, you don't need to spend endless hours the gym to get results. it's aut 40 minutes a day right in your own home. in month 1, you' do ve different max interval workouts: plyo forculpted legs and glutes... resistance moves for uppebody definition... pure caro that melts fat like butter... insane abs for a crazy core. and once a week, recovery-- at least tt's what they call it-- but it doesn't mean you won't sweat. in month 2, you'll dig even deeper, with four new workouts tt will leave you standing in a puddle of sweat: max interval circuit, max interval plyo, max cardio conditioning and max recovery. the intervals are longer. the rest piods aren't.
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hey, it's lled insanity for a reason. >> insanitis... insane. insane! >> announcer: 'll also include four free gifts. you get the sanity wall calendar-- shaun shows you which workouts to do each day so you get the most insane results... >> i did it! >> announcer: the fitness gue walks you thugh your 60-day transformation step by step. it's short and to the point-- we want you sweating, not rding. >> one of my favore things about the rkout really was how simple everything was. >> announcer: the elite your body needs for youre fuel insanity workouts. yoll be eating five meals a day so your metabolism skyroets! >> i didn't really know wh i started following of until the nutritional guide. >> announcer: plus you get free online support fr shaun t and thousands of men and women just like you who are starting the insanity challenge every day. insanity comes with everytng you need to succeed, a sold separaly, the insanity system would cost ove$500. but you won't pay $500--
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not even close. order now and insanity is yours for only three payments of 9.95. but call in the next 8 minutes and you'll also receive two free bonus workouts: core, cardio and balance, with insane sports drills so your body ves as good as it looks... and shaun t's fit test that you take every two weeks to tck your insane progress. on day 1, you'll be humbled. on day 60, you'll be rped. and don't go crazy waiting weeks for insani to arrive. order now and you'll recve free upgrade to express delivery, soou can start sweating in just three to five busine days. >> i was drenched after about six minutes. >> announcer: insanity comes wi a 30-day ney-back arantee. if it's too tough for you, no probl. at least you tried. send it back and we' refund the entire purchase price. but if you've got what it takes to conquer the insanity challenge, send us youbefore and after photos and we'll send you this free t-shirt.
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you can't buy it in stores. but you can earn it. >> here's proof that i earned this t-shirt. >>nnouncer: so take the insanity challenge. commit 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life anything else is insane. >> the only way this program does not work is if you don't do it-- that's the on way. if you press play ery day, you're gonna see somresults. >> announcer: call now. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪.] the preceding has been a paid presentation for insanity, brought to you by beachbody. music i want some more.
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what's he doing? but he can't look at him! it's just not done. please sir, i wantome more. more? more? more? pleaseir. he has asked for... thk you. what? we he did say please... sir. yes he did. and thank you. yea. and tnk you. he's a wonderful boy. (laughing) a do-lightful boy. plse and thank you. pass it on. (crowd of children) thank you.


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