tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX August 29, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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the city's new police commissioner joins us live in studio to outline his plan.. to fight crime in baltimore... (police) "we have not received information that bullying played a role.. in this crime" crime" bullying... not the motive... for a shooting at perry hall high school.what else police know about the shooter this morning... and what the victim's family is saying. baltimore has a new top cop.who he is... his experience on the jjb... and &pwhy some city council memeber are already upset with the decision. "very disgusted. i think that they are frivolousll pllying with eople's llves." lives."and... fired... fifty yeaas later.the prank one man pulled in the 60's that just cost him his job now. 3 3 today is wednesday, august 29.
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department.the newly appointed commissioner... doctor anthony batts... held his first news co. conference.meggn gilliland is here wiih morr on his plans for our city and why some top commanders are now feeling uncertain about the future. gooo morning guys,we've learned commissioner batts has already met with commanders. they were told to coopete for positions by submitting resumes. batts says he expects to have a well disciplined and focused police department.he has decades of experience in law enforcment... heading up departments in oakland and long beach. most receetly he was the c-e-o of a police consulting firm and served as a researcher for harvard this point, he says he doesn't intend to make any changes in how baltimore pid have this to say... 23:22:07 if i do my job correctly and well when my time is up is that we make sure we have someone from baltimore put in that position nd serves the organization co. &pcootinuously.buttsome council members are publicly
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quustioning the mayor's hiring decision and the direction she's decided to go in with this recent appointment.find out who they thought she would appoint and why coming up next half houu. you'll also have a chance to hear from both the mayor and the new commissioner live on our show thhs morning during our 7 o'clock hour.stay tuned for continuing coverage on baltimore's new top cop.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 policeeare still trying to find a motive for monday's shooting at perry hall igh what the ssooter looks like. 15 year old robert gladden junior. he's being ccarged as an adult for attempted murder. murder. joel d. smith is live at the high school now smuggled into school, and where he got the weapon that put a classmate in critical condition. good morning joel d. good morning patrice and tom... . his appearance... ... hidden
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finally revealed in a mug shot. 15 year old robert gladden is charged with attempted murder, among other things.police say he took the school bus to perry hall high monday for the first day of classes, and already had a --dismantled--- doubled barreled shotgun... 21 rounds of ammo... and a bottle police say he hid in a bathroom near the cafeteria.. and at third period, gladden headed to lunch where he pulled out the weapon and -randomly- fired, striking, striking a 17 year old named daniel in the lower back. he's in critical but stable condition right now. police describe how gladden concealed the huge gun. 3(police)" we know he went to that bathroom and assembled that weapon, he pllced the weapon inside his garments.. shirt and trousers.. and thh weapon was approx 34 inches in lengthh. " " ladden's parents are
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divorced and pollce say he got the dooble barrelled shotgun from his biological father's home in middle river. at gladden's mothers house... police ended up arresting his step father andrew piper on separate illegal weapon and drug charges. police say they do not have a motive yet, and have not received any information that bullying played a role in the crime. coming up in our next half hour we'll look at the role of social media and what the principal wants students online. in perry hall, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 the only student injured in monday's shooting.... is a special needs student, who remains in critical condition at shock trauma this morning. his family only wants him identified as daniel. daniel.they released a statement on tuesday... reading... "we would like to personally thank school personnel who quickly responded ... getting daniellto safety.. safety..we would also like to thank baltimore county e-m--... baltimore county and maryland state police who uickly transported danielto the ár. adams
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cowley... shock traama center. center.the family asss everyone to respect theer privacy. a beloved baltimore &pbusinessman will be laid to rest today. patrick "scunny" mccuskkr ied in a bicycle accident in ocean city friday. priends and family held a viewing for scunny last night. he was best known as the owner of nacho mama's restaurant in canton.. and a communityy leader who ssuported many charitable causes.his funeral is set for this morning... at 10:30 at the cathedral of mary our queen. several restaurants oo the square in canton are honoring scunny with a fundraiser today... by carrying on his llgacy f charity.the restaurants on your screen... willldonate 30 percent of all daily sales to one of scunny's favorite causes.... "believe in tomorrow's children's fouudation." all eyes are on hurricane isaac today... after making landfall over southeastern louisiana just hours ed payne explains... itts brought with it... sustained winds of 80 miles per hour and torrential, stinging rains. 3 the mayor of new orleans said
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he expectee the worst of the storm to hit his citt this mmrning, bringing with it hurricane-force winds ann up to 16 inches of rain. it's the first real test of the city's rebuilt and reinforced levees. and it comes on the ssventh anniversary of hurricane katrina's landfall. billions were spent to upgrade the levies. the man who led the post-katrina recovery effort weighed in on their strength. i would say that the levees are n a lot better shape, i will not speculate until this can have isolated incidents of - failure on the levee, and i'm convinced that anything built by man can be destroyed by mother naaure. the president of plaquemines (plack-ah-mins) parish described what a powerful wind-gust dii to his house, where he's riding out the storm. you can hear the boards cracking and the water, the wind issblowing the water phrough the bricks, through the wall, and the light sockets in the wall are spraying you like you had a hose there. the storm has already caused significant
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flooddng ---and knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in reporting. the national hurricane center says isolated parts of louisiana, mississippi, alabama and the florida panhandle cculd see up to 20 inches of rain. 3 3 the republican pprtt makes it official... mitt romney is their candidate for president. president.naas of roll call on tuesday... the former massachusetts governor got well over the one-thousand-144 delegates needed to become the republican nominee for was new jerrey's 50 elegates thht put romney over the magic number.rooney's formal nomination will happen on the final night of thee convention... when he'll also deliver his acceptance speech. 3 meanwhile... president obama peads o virginia today... after making a stop in colorado.there... he spoke to crowd of students... at the
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ssate universityyin fort collins.the president's stop was part of a 33day state tour to try to win over the youth vote.the romney cammaign is also going after young voters... arguing the president's policies have raised the cost of college ann madd it haader for recent grads to find jobs. she was born before t-vveven existed.... but 1-hundred -and-1 year old florence detlor shows she's kept up with the times. times.florence ii a member of facebook... and out of 9-hundred million users... the week she got a chance to meet facebook c-e-o mark uckerberg at facebook's california headquarters... she just happens to live the way... as of about 20 minutes ago... florence had nearly 14- hunnred friends. a man's past... catches up with hii. him.the prank he pulled... 50 years ago...that has him without job... today! today! 3
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homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. it's a sexist stereotype ..
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men are better aa managing money than their, a &psurvey finds that mindsettmay still exist to some degree among the wealthiest americans americansthe poll finds almost threeequarters of rich men say they are better qualified to make investment decisions than their spouses.only 18 percent of women say they were better with investing than their husbands.researchers also found 73 percent of wealthy men have a greater say in household investments, like retirement funds and tocks. just 15 percent of upper-class women said they were in charge of family finances.younggr couples wwre far more likely to share investment decision-making.
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are you our biggest fan?then &pyou can become.. our fannoff &pthe day! everyday we'll ppck one of our viewers from our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our acebook page... facebook dot com slash foxballimore. a foolish prank...leaves him jo. jobless.50 years,,almost half a century and it was a frivolous sillyylittle stunt to begin witt." with."how hii past caught up with him...aad the tough rule... that caused him to lose his job of 7 years. years.ann more bang for your buck.the new regulations the white house is rolling out... concerning gas mileage. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra. .. ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. a man in iowa is out of job,
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thanks to a prank he pulled in aaron brilbeck's all because of in the banking indu. --reporter pkg-as follows -- (nats)richard eggees of des moines jokes---he was fired forra crime he committee long before the people who fired him were even born."50 years, allost half a century and it stunt to begin with."eggers' - student at the time. i had
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gone with a friend to the laundromat to keep him company while he did his laundry. i got bored waiting on the laundry and started cutting cardboaad to see if they'd work in the washiig mmchiness" eggees was caught by a police officer who walkeddinto the laundromat. a silly stunn, but enough to et him canned from wells fargo home mortgage 49-years later. under regulations that are supposed to protect us from high-level white collar riminals, section 19 of the federal depooit insurance act: prohibits... a person convicted of any criminal offense involving ddshonesty or breach of trust... from working at a fdic insured institutioo--like wells fargo home mortgage. the company didd a background check and found that eggers, who has worked in the call center for seven praak back in 1963."the situation showed that i had a criminal background that basee upon the federal statttes i was considered a risk in any
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banking or mortgages."a s background check showed eggers was convicted of fraud, even was convicted of operattng a coin changing machine by false means. a spokeswoman for ells fargo tells us the company has littte wiggle room under the new regulations. and that seems to be the case. "obviously companies are going to apply it fairly broadly to ssart with especiilly as they're developing their policies for it or as theyyre working their way through it. itts a pretty heftyyfine that the federal government is levying if they are not following through and nobody wants to et caught in that trap."comppnies violating the regulations can be ffned uu to 1-million dollars a day. a take. and while eggers understands the reasoning behind the regulations, he doesn't believe he should be caught up in it."very disgusted. i think that they are frivolously playing with people's lives."-----end----- cnn.script----- gas prices jump... overnight! overnight!where it's almost
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four dollars...and the reason behind the sudden spike! ((break 3)) [ female announcer ] nusness can happen at almost anytime. thanks to new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. ♪ now anytime of the day can be delicious time. ♪ choosy moms choose jif. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston.
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nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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[ male announcer ] nutella. no summer fun... for shoppers. consumer confidence loweet level since last november.more people holding back on spending amid fears over the job market.meanwhile, it wasn't a june swooo for homes.a new reporr showing home prices in major u.s. same ttme last year.that's the first year-over-year increase since he summer of 2010.but prices still well below levels before the housing bubble burst. and as isaac gets stronger, oil prices are movinn higher.isaac's hurricane force winds threatening a major slowdown in oil production throughout the gulf.and talk about getting a ang for your buck. the government rolling out details for its ew regulatioo for gas mileagg. new vehicles sold in the u.s. will need to average 54-point-5 miles per
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gaalon by the year 20-25.right now it's at 30 miles per gallon.but it'll cost you... that rule will reportedly boost new car prices by nearly two grand.that's businnss. i'm ashley webster. a prank turns tragic. tragic.the hoax one man pulled... that cost him his lif! life!baltimore has a new top cop.who he is... and why some city council memebers are already upset with the decision. decision. there's a major ssx scandal rocking the department of homeland security. there are allegations of sexual harassment, demands for sexual favors and sexual piscrimination. alleged perpetrators are in secretary
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janet napolitano's inner circle.the federal government has requested the judge haadling a related lawsuit block out the most embarrassing details. too late. we've got the lawsuit on our website.this is a growing trend. the federal goveenment tries to hide the identities of emplooees who misbehave - even criminal conduct such as sttalingg have a right to privacy -- tte government argues. too often, government employees who commit cciminal acts don't even lose their jobs. we examinee one agency. after it was proved workers sttle ffom the government nearly one-half received no punishment whatsoever. they merely repaid the money ttey stole.a federal court agreed with blocking out names in one case involving loss of life. the court argued identifying the guilty might subject them to unnecessary "embarrassment." maybe thee deserve embarrassment.state governments are just as bad. pennsylvania governor tom corbett is fighting to keep private the government email addresses and phone numbers of state employees."hey, governor. the public is not an interruption to the daily poutine. they're the reason
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for it." for more on this story visit behind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hyman. 3 some places i go really aggravate my allergies. so i get claritin clear. ♪ i can see clearly now the rain is gone ♪ look! see that? this is all bayberry, and bayberry pollen is very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms for 24 hours... you guys doing good? ... including itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. and only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies.
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