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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  August 31, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the grand prix racessinto baltimore... the road closures convicted killer george 3 huguely is sentenced in the murder of his ex-girllriendd how many years he'll spend behind bars..and what he told yeardley love's family... before being taken out of the courtroom. he made their day....hat clint eastwood told an "empty hair" at the republican national convention... that's got people talking, this morning. but i wanted to do something maybe help lift her spirits if elseand the unbelievable... and expensive thing this husband get employers to take notice... of his wife! 3 3
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3 today is friday, august 31. 3
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3 george huguely will spend the prison.the former u-v-a lacrosse player was convicted native, yeardley love.he ille - courtroom in his ppison jumppui. jumpsuit.the judge reduced the jury's recommended sentence by three years. despite the sentence... huguely's attorney's saa, this is far from ovvr. the just outcome he has sought frrm the beginning. beginning. before leaving the to love's motherrand sister... - ssying he prays for them... and hopes they find peace.he then apologized to his own mother and told her... he loved her. 3&our news on theego
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subscribers were among the first to know about the sentencing of george huguely. get access to breaking news on your ell phone by downloading the foxx5 mobile news app for your droid or i-phone. it puts headlines... traffic and weather conditions all at your fingertips..go to foxbaltimore dot com and look for "mobile" on the screen new testimony points to gang involvement in a towson town center murder. wednesday... jurors saw surveillance video of what áaapearsá to show frank williams and william ward following rodney pridget... shortly before pridget was fatally shot.williams and ward are two of foor men accused in the shooting .jurors heard testimony that williams and ward were both members of a gang.the suspected triggerman... yrone brown will be tried next month. the man accused offthreatening to carry out a wwrkplace phooting ... is given home detention at a hearing, on thursday.prosecutors say neil prescott made several threats stockpile of guns in his home... all legally owned.
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prescott faces just a single charge of misusing a misdemeanor.which is a - state officials plan to spray for mmsquitoes in the mildford after the first death connected to the west nile virus is reported. reported.state officials won't oocured, but the spraying is scheduled for next week.this year, there have been 13 cases of west nileein marylandd (sot)"certainly something unusual, so we are remaaning vigilant here.. looking for cases we have our labs looking at diagnostics and our health depts collecting information havent seen a spike like that.. but 13 cases is alot for maryland at the end of augu" august."nationwide...there have been more than 16-hundred cases of west nile virus two l-a-p-d officers have been pulled off the street... after the surveellance video you're seeing here... irst surfaced. shows the slamming a woman in handcuffs to the ground. the woman in the video is michelle
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jordan.she was arrested after being stopped y the officers for talking on her cell phone. mazif says: "whattis almost just disturbing as the violence itself, if you continue to watch the video you'll see thattonce she's in the squad car, ((ws officers fisting bumping) the two officers fist bump as if to say job well done today." today." the commanding officer has been demoted and removed from the field as well. 3 the republican national convention wrapped up thursday night... with the most anticipated speech of the week. mitt romney accepted the ggo-p nomination and formally lead the challenge against president obama. obama.emily schmidt shows what the candidate said in the biggest political speecc of his life. life. mitt romney's ampaign trail led to this red political carpet.meeting delegates on the way to the biggest speech of his political life....
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mr. chairman and elegates--i accept your nomination as president of he united states. and a chance to formally introduce himself to a nation of voters. romney shared pages from his biography--- talkinn of his family .... his mormon faith---a chance to show people the personal side beyond hii success aa a multimillionaire businessman. if you'd ask ann and i---what would we give to break up one tangle of kid...every mom and dad knows the answer to that. then he moved his focus to talking of what he called the disappointment of the past four years...blame placed squarely on president obama. &pyou know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him. republicans hope mitt romney electrifies gop voters ... and
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convinces undecideds, especially as polls show the race so tight in so many swinn promise is to help you and your family....because aftee this---it's the democrat's tuun at their convention --- so this is romney's chance to have his say. in washington, i'm emily schmidt. clint eastwood knows how to steal a scene.. he spoke last night at the republican national convention.the actor- director was the party's "mystery guest" and appeared on stage before mitt romnee accepted the party's presidential nomination. eastwood used an empty hair as a prop for a fictional conversation with president obama. what do you want me to tell romney i can't tell him to do that. you can't o that to himself. you are absolutely crazy... you're getting as d as biden.
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biden.on president obama's official twitter page, a photo of mister obama sitting in a chair, marked with a nameplatt saying "the president" was tweeted.the message attached read... "this seat's taken". the baltimore grand prix is bacc ... but organizers say the same problems from last year... will not be. be. joel d. smith is live downtown with more on the changes and what drivers are thinking of baltimore the second time around. 3 good morning joel d.
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3 the fastest cars in the world are hitting the streets of baltimore today... in the grand prix. yyu can feel like part of the action... in the new game "ridge racer unbounded" unbounned."trailer nats nats available now on x- box and
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p-s-3... ridge racer unbounded makes you a part of the world of underground racing in hundreds of major cities. cities.the 4th and th callers right now at 410-481-4545 win a woman... hunting for a jjb is at her wit's end. end.the drastic measures her loving husdand get her noticed! noticed! ((break 1)) aúó an accident in south florida
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gives new meaning to the term "carpool." the s-u-v went before stopping inches before getting all the way wet. wet.the driver says she
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intersection causing her to head toard the fence and pool. a crane was rought in to get the vehicle out. ((2-shot toss to wwather)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((trafffc reporter ad llbs)) map 3955map bel air map wilkens
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3 are you our biggest fan?tten you can become.. our fan of
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the day! 3&everyday we'll pick one of ou viewers frrm our facebook page... and feature them on fox45 news at become a page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. google and the r-n-c... n-c...the keywords ann romney and paul ryan said...that caused a spike in internnt sea. searches.and later...millions of mangos recaaled.the dangerous bacteria found ... anddthe brand you need to look out for. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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why should our wallets tell us what our favorite color is? every room deserves to look great. and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we can feel our way through the newest, softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be picking the style. we will. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get labor day savings with up to 24 months special financing with your home depot credit card. with the tough job market,
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pany people are goiig to extremes to find jennifer steck reports.. an ohio man fouud a creative wwy to help his wife find employmen. employment.. --reporter pkg-as follows -- brandon stuard ants someone, to hire his wife. over the last five or six months, she's pad a few opportuuities come along that we thought looked really positive and unfortunately they just didn't work out.his wife, holly stuard, lost her job at the university of toledo year ago due to buuget cuts--and she has been searching, evee since. i felt a sense of, she was getting a little frustrated, but not losing pope. but i wanted tt do spirits if noohing, r the billboards - went up.had i asked, it probably would have never gone up, so i had to do it behind the scenes.i think i
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i would have thought it would have been too embarrassing to pave my ace up on a billboard but, now i'm having fun with it and hopefuuly a good it.the billboard says holly has business experience, accdemic eeperience and an mba, which she does- she has 2 toledo. you'll also see the of phrase, "a great fit" - after numerous applications and close calls - holly knowsswhat she wants to do, she just needs ssmeone to give her a chance.what i would really love to do would be to leaa the training and development of an organization, to work with the onnboarding of new employees to focus on developiig the existing talent and helping organizaaions improve their overall effectiveness, to really help organizations maximize performance by tapping in to asset, tapping in to their trying extremely hard, no one prepares like she does. so, it's difficult to watch so,
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this is, i feel like this is up with to help her out. the billboard will run for &pabout a's costing stuard about 700 bucks. a surprise for a tennessee man on his morring commutehe had an unexpected passenger! passenger!how he was able to stay calm..and get a ásnakeá out of his vehicle! ((break 3))
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anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. ---reporter pkg-as follows -- in the digital age, we are what we search. and the world's largeet seerch engine carved quite a space here in tampa.but google's presence at the r-n-c and d-n-c is more than than diggtal chic. they're also using what we're searching, to track political trends. we see that there's a lot of interest in the speechhs, because as soon as ttey start talking, we see search interest on theii name jump up. : like the speeches
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by ann romney and paul ryan where certain lines saw certain spikes in google activity.that was 42 years ago. i've survived. we now have 5 sons and 18 beautiful grandchildren... // the things that really resonated grandkids. that's when we saw the search traffic really go up. //to this day, my mom is my role model... (applause)// "paul ryan-mom," "paul ryan wifee" these are the things that were really resonating, even though he was talking about the politiis a lot of the time, people wanted to know about the personal. it's an option more prevalent now than ever. instant answers about a candidate's positions, and can tell that people are watching these on hand or a mobile device close by and reaching for them to ind out more to participate and do their own researchhin this election. a trend that'll continue, when the dems take center stage in charlotte. i'm karin caifa and you'rr now, clickeddin.
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-----end-----cnn.script----- follow karin on twitter: @karincaifacnn--keyword tags-- social media, politics, 2012 new information is released about the colorado mass shooter. shooter. what we know about the chilling minutes just before james holmms opened theater.a crowded movie theater. bthh- college dilemma college has gotten 3 riiiculously expensive as mmst parents already know. state universities caa cost a lot. the price of a ingle year at some private colleges can nearly equal the median income of a family of four. and there doesn't seem to be any reliee anytime soon.students in california face a new dilemma. the state has informed its college syytem that no school will be permitted to accept in-state graduate
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students starting in 2013. california has a budget deficit of more than $16 billion. the state unnversity system took a budget cut likee everyone else. to make up for it, the state will not considdr applicationn from in-state grad students. it wants out-of-state students who pay higher tuition.i &pwonder f ttere's an exemptio frustration of being a ine thee- &pcalifornia taxpayer and you o your child cannot attend your thinn california is finally getting its finances squared away. in july, the california assembly approved initial construction on a bulletttrain project expected o ccst at least $68 billlon.for more on this story visit behind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hymann
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