tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX September 4, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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bacon-wrappee-cinnamon rolls. 3 3 charges ... are... filed tonight.../ against ...the teen ... who... police say.../ shot... a... student... in... the back...//. this... is... i'm... jeff barnd,.../ jennifer's... off... tonight. tonight.15- year- old... robert gladden ...hhs been...indicted... n the perry hall high school shooting....// investigators... say... gladden ...shot... daniel... ba-rory... during lunch ...inside the school's cafeteria... august 27th..../ gladden... faces &p... counts off... first degree ./ assault.../ , reckless... endangerment... and... other charges..../police... say.... gladden... pulled out a double barrel shot gun... and... randomly fired../ .striking... remains shock trauma tonight. its a meeting that some perry hall his parents ssy was long
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janicc park is streaming live at the school where the auditorium was filled to capacity tonight. janice? janice? more than a dozen parents lined up many whose children were in the cafeteria when the shooting happened. they were finally able to ask thee quessions ttey've been waiting more thanna week to ask. it was a communnty meeting called by prinnipal george roberts. parents were able to air the questions that have bben troubling them from why their children weren't better accounted for to just how well the schools emergency plan worked when 15 yr ld robeet gladden allegedly shot another the next 30 days the emergency plan will be reviewed but said he was proud of how his staff acted that day. 3 "for him to be able to sneak a photgun, i could, anyone could sneak a hanngun in here" here" "proactive...principals mmeting, this will be top we
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pthe principal says that ttee victim daniel was improving but saad out of respect for the family won'ttgo into further detail. he did say &pphey will be announcing when the time comes whhn daniel will come back to school. livv in ph jp fox45 news late edition. see.... more... of our... coverage... from... the shooting../. including... aa... interview... with the victim's parents, .../ go... to... fox baltimore dot com... slash perry hall. a... violent... llbor day weekend in baltimore.../ since friday... 13 people... were shot.../ 5... of them... fatal...// one... of... the... shootings... may... have involved... a... good samaritan... a candle light vigil tonight for the young mmther gunned down at a labor day house party...... party...... family memmers and classmates gathered at the teps off kenwood high school in essex to remember lorelll amos. class president at thh school the fourryears sse attended as &ppart f class 2008. at th vigil, amos' mother was overwhelmed by the incrediblee
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outpouring of support ffom friends who knew her daughter. &p(ms. perry/classmate) "she wa such a beautiful person and she was just.. she was just so sweet. ike i don't understand somebody like that.. it's just too much." much." pooice believe amos was a rrndom victim of violence.. caught in the crossfire ppened fire down the block from the paaty. aabullet pierced amos' chess.. killinn her. p track... criminal activity.... in... your neighborhood ...with 'spotcrime.'...// get... e-mail... alerts... when crime happens..../ at... fox baltimore dot com.../ click on... spotcrime... in the hot topicc section. the viewing for naval speciil warfare officer first class patrick feeks was held today in edgewater.... edgewater....hundreds came out to say goodbye to the navy seal killed thursday..... when his helicopter crasheddlast firefight with insurgents.... anytime someonn goes downn.......he's a good man... man... feeks was thee8th serviceman
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to die from maryland this yeaa...he will be buried at the... owner ...of a pundalk... crab houue... destroyed... by... flames... on sunday.../ ross's... crab houuee.. has... been in business... for... morr than... 50 years///. no... one... was hurt ... pire.../ bbt... --3 most... of thh building... dozens... of crabs... - were... later... found, alive,... in... the... walk-in... freezer....// regular... to hear ... the... crab house... will be... rebuilt. (john wamhoff)"they had a lot of local people who enjoyed going to eat crabs there and ttke out seafooddwe ate there a lot of times.. we had christmas parties there. it was a great business and actually a staple of the community it really was" one... 3 firefighter... suffered... minor injuries... fighting &pthe flames. still... no word... on... how... many peopll ... attended... the... second... baltimorr grand prix .../
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downtown... this weekend/ weekenn..../ despite... reports... of lower attendance... compared... to last year.../// and... severaa... requests... from fox 45.../, romottrs... will... ánotá... publicly release... how... many tickets... they sold.../ r... the... numbee of people... who attended ... the... 3-day... event... taxpayers....// last... year's event ...ddew... &p 50-thousand... people. b-w-i... airport ... sees... it's... busiest month ever..../a... record breaking ... 2.2... million passengers ...flew thru... b-w-i... in... july...//. up... point-8... percent... from... last july.../. the... airport... began ...two major projects... this summer...// a... 100... million - dollar upgrade... terminal.../ and... a... 40 million dollar... runway ... facelift. gas prices... are higher.... than... we've seen... in... a while.../but... experts say... relief is in ight... thanks... to... 2 things..//.first... is... damage from &phurricane isaac... p which... is ánotá... as serious... as... many... predicted...//. say... it... should allow gulf coast refineries... to... get started... quickly.../. the... second that the end of the summer blend of gas....
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could... lower... prices... by... 20-cents... a gallon... over... the next month ...//. in maryland.../ drivers ...can pay average of... 3378 a ggllon. 3 3 great... day... for... america..//, today... our... natiooal debt... 16--trillion... dollars. dollars. that's ... up... fiveetrillion... from 2008.../. the... massive... debt burden... breaks down ... to... nearly... 51... thousand dollars... per taxpayer..../ mitt... romney... and... paul ryan.../ ássammedá... the president, .... blaming... his... spending. it's... one small step ffr man.... but ... p... giant hurdle... to endeavour's... final... resting ppace. place. 3 space shuttte endeavour &pthe california... science center.../. he... problem... is.../ the shuttle'ss.. too wide... to clear... some of the turns... on the ay thh center,.../ so... trees... have to be cutt down..../ around... 4000.. trees.../ which... has... environmentalists...
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upset.../. so.../ to... make up... for the damage.../ the... science ceeter... will... plant... around... 800--new rees. a... colorado resident... wakks up... to... an... unusual guest... in... his swimming pool. scott smith... captured video... of... a ádeeráá. swimming around...//.when... he realized... the deer was trapped.../ and... called... 9-1-1 for help. p"my dogs were barking like crazy and i couldn't get them to knock it off. i got up on the top of my decc and i looked down and there was an eiiht-point buck in the middle of my swimming pool." when police arrived... / things... didn'tt.. gee easier....//so... fireerescue &pcrews... who... built a ramp... to....lure the deer out..../ itt.. took... 10-minutes... damage... is... estimated... at,.. 5-grand. it's been a bad couple of days... along the gulf coastt.../ espeeially... ffr the huge herds of cattle... trapped in rising
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floods...//. photograahers ... found home... after home... where cattle... moved in...//. sometimes,... the... second floor... was the only dry land... for... almost... half a mile...///. the... national guardd.. ii actually drrpping... hay... on homes... to... feed the cows ...trapped inside.../. hurricane... isaac ...killed seven people.../ andd.. caused ... eerly... 2---billion dollars... damage. 3 remnantssof isaac... rolled ttru... last night.../, are... we... in the clear nnw? now? let's go to hief meteorologist vytas reid with a look at what's happening now. now. 3
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the democrats take their turn on the naaional stage. why today's speechee were overshadowed by our growing national debt. a rap sheettalmost six decades long. how this woman is setting a record for bad behaviorrsince before elvis was thh king. a child has some advice for the nakee prince. how this xratee photo turned into a lessoo in common sense. 3
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pf liberal supporters eager for theer night in the spotlight. over the next two nights, the party will attempt to earn president obama anotter four years this november. o'malley whipped the crowd into a frenzy by playing on a familiar messaae. 222625 by securinn the gurantee of medicare222648 presidenttobama is moving america fooward not back. ááááááááááááááá(triple out)ááááá out)ááááááááááááááááá it's... been... 100-years... since... baltimore... hosted... a... national... political convention. it... was held the ...fifth regiment armory../ .when... woodrow wilson ... was... the... democratic nominee.../. pundits... say... baltimore... has ánotá been... in... the rrnning... for a convention../ . because... it's... heavill democratic....// still.../ some
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officials... should... ánotá... be... pre- occupied... with attracting... political conventiins. (clarke) "in thhs economy, we want conventions of ann kind especially the ones thattwe've built ouu facilities to accomodate, that's what we want" want."one... yeaa ago.../ the... greater... baltimore committee... unvviled... p a... plan... to build... a... new to... housee. large events 3 &p3
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bacon and pancakes for $4. umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. common sense says this granny should be resting in a nursing . home.eighty two year old doris thursday.thompsonnwas charged for eight burglaries in doctor happened in torrance, california. police say thompson has a really long rap sheet dating back to 1955 with everything from burglary tt murder.thompson served time
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in state prisons nine times aad has 25 known aliases.maybe this time thomppon will be sentenced to a lifetime of medication. a... utah man ... is.. recovering... after... being stuckk.. ápipeá... for... 4 days. ádaniel samuelsená ... was hiking... near... parley's canyon... tried... a... short-cut ... he... used before..../ samuelsen ... tried... lowering himself down... a... pipe.../ but... slipped... and fell... iitt the drainage ... tunnel.../. his... p leg broke... and... he was stuck... in the pipe... from wednesday saturday.. "pain with that bbcause i didn't want to move it. it was just i was in so much pain. for sure that no matter what that nobody was going to find me." me."samuelsen ...was able to use hissshoelaces ... and... some driftwood... to fashion... a splinn...//that's... how ... he crawled... to safety.../. a... federal judge... orders massachusetts... &pdepartment of correction./.. to... provide... a... taxpayer- funded ... sex- change operation ... a... transgender.... inmate...
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doing... life... for murder...//. michelle... kosiiek... was born... a... man.../// bbt... got... hormone treatments.../ and... lives... as a woman ... in... an... all-male... prison..../kosilek his wife... 22-years ago...// this... is... believvd... to be ... the... first... federal... judge order ... to... prison provide... the surgery... for... a... transgender inmate. here's... our... question of the day.../. do ... you agree ...with the judge's decision... to order... the... sex change operation? operation? nearly... 200... of you... soundinn off./.. nearly... everyone says... ánoá...///join... the discussion... right now to../ faccbook dot com... slash fox-baltimore p... 6-year-old... has... sound advice... for... britain's... prince haary... / after... nude photos ...of him surfaced... from... a... recent trip vegaa..../ monday... prince harry... made... his... first public appearance... broke.../.he scandal broke.../.- &pharry... .../ meeting... with... some children... who arr... seriously ill.../. one... of them... was.... áalex loganá...// he's... suffering... from acute...
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leukemia..../ alex... appeared... on... i-t-v...// before... the... event.../ and... what... áhe'dá say... to... the prince...//// "i want to know what you're going to say to prince harry if you bump into him this eveniig...have you given that any thought yet....what might you say.....mmglad you got your clothes on prince harry." buckingham palace... has... mootly kept silent... about theephotos... / except... confirming... that they were indeed... the prince. 3 a military raid in a suburbbn neiihborhood. why one woman says her backyard was turned into black hawk down.
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henson, big day -- we're gonna fly to jersey, then mexico, china and france. you're going to travel through so many time zones, you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'.
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abut it'll become so much more. concrete and steel... a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. a... blackhawk helicopter ... makes a urprise landing... in... a came... as ... a shock... to... nikki schulz.... / a... mom... who had no idea... that... 60 marijuana plants... were growing &p...behind her house.../. turn out.../ . it... was... the... national guard.../ maaing... a... drug bust..../ nikki... told her... what... was happening..../she ... says... it... would have been worse,.../ if... her... little boy... was home the time. schultz says: " (covered with video of her son): "i would have been even more scared, (on cam) becauss i eally thought thhy were going to hit the house, (covered with a
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still of the chopper) and so i was running around frantic just by myself so it would have been even worse with him (her son)." son)." as... sccred as schultz was.../ she ... still... took pictures.../ of... the "bust"... well... will we hold on to summer? or seeefalling temperatures this week? week? let's go to vytas for a look at the extended forecast. the orioles claim a share of first place...and no, you;re not heariig things..bruce cunniigham has full details next ii sports.
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editton, i'm jeff barnd. here's bruce cunningham with sports unlimited. 3 this is unbelieveable...the orioles have a share of first septembbr..tonnght, the yannees lost to tampa bay whhle the birds tooo care of the bue jays...the east is pennant race.... zach britton seems to have righted himself...and he was sharp tonight...very sharp... he went 7 innings...scattered four hits, walked two and fourtruck out's ooe of them......but carlos villanueva was matching him...scoreless in the 5th when mark reynolds does it again..his 5th home run in the last three days and his 17th on he year...a 3 run shot and the birds led by that margin... ...then in the 6th, jj hardy middle..nick markakis comee in
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to score...tghey add 5ive more &pin the 8th and just blast the blue jays..11-0 the final... 3 (adlib) 3 in owings mills...the ravens continue their prepraratiins for monday night's season opener...and in the midst of all that, they were dealing wiih a lot of drama concerning one of their starting linemen.. linemen.. it appeared for a while today that bryant mcckinnie was going to be fact, he eevn weeted he was let go at one point..due 3.2 million, the ravens reportedly panted him to take a cut..some
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say as much as 50%..problem is, his salary is garnished this ssason...he owes more took out during the lockout.. but by the end of the day,, they had settled it...everyone was happy..and mc kinney remains a raven in good standing...but is there a danggr of all this causing a distraction? 3 with mckinnie presumably on the field, the ravens of course open their season against the beegals on monday night...any time you play in very big brings a lot of hype with it, pluu the entire leegue can see you play...nd even moreso that pt's the season opener.... harrs says the ravens aren't even trying to hide their excitement... 33
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it's now time to announce the candidates in high school ame of the week contest...brought to you by varsity sports network doo can vote highlights of by going to fox- on high school game of the week. week... games for riday september of - 7th...river hill hosts broadneck in volleeball... patterson mill and c. milton wright meet in football... catonsville travels to perry hall in football...and mount de sales osts atholton in field hockey... thaa'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...thanks for joining us.i'm bc....and be sure to tune in to ox45 morning news ttoorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnight. goodnight.
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