tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX September 11, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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win a ree ipad.too good to be true?three other scams the technology you can buy off the shelf... can do some pretty amazing things thingsadam chudworthh... bouuht a cheap camera online../ . and... clicked... some amazing photographs ... space...///.after... one of his friendssmade a rrcommendation.../ adam ...bought a weather balloon ...and... fixed the camera inside a box... and... programmed it... to take pictures... every ten seconds..../check out... some offthese pictures..../adam... had... no idee... the camera... woull reach the height it did.
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hello i'm jeff 3barnd...///. barnd...///. and i'm jennifer gilbert. a 13 year old boy in in custody tonight after he pulled a gun on his teacher and classmates. classmates. a... scary day... at... stemmers run ... middle school..../ its .... here...// where... this morning,.../ police... say... a... 13 year old ...ii... 8th grade... pulled out ... a... loaded... semi automatic ... handgun..../ this... gun... actually... had... a... round... in... the chamber.../ wwen... his... teacher ... &p smacked... it... out... of... his hand....// immediately,... the... school went... intoolockdown... as... an... automated call ... went out... to parents...//. as... you... can imagine,.../ many parents... and students... panicked.../ considering... today... is... 9-11 .../ and ... that... it... was just... a couple weeks ago... an... armed student ... shot... a student... inssde... perry hall... high school. 3 3 that's my son this is my brother i just broke into just crazy it's just crazy that you have to worry whee they go to school.
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3 3 scary it's a sad daa bringing a gun to school it's not funny. funny. dj the student... you... just heard... from.../ was... in that classroom....// he... says... he jumped... under a table...// and... covered his head... whee he saw the gun. two immediate changes will take place as the result of the two gun incidents at county police will be deployed at schools and police will be using hand held metal deeectors. the baltimore county police problem on unsecured guns. guns. at today's news conference chief jimmjohnson showed exammles how to properly secure guns and he made a special plea to parents. "mayland law requires securiing loaded firearms from children 15 years of age or younger ...but my opinion we need to go above that for the sake of our families and others." and tonight the 13- year old's grandfather is
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facing charges for not securing the gun found today.. the... 17 year old... student... shot... at... perry hall... high school ... oo. ..the... first day of school.. .. is... back home daniel... ba-rory... was released from the hospital monday..../ he... spent most of today ...with... at-home... medical nurses.... gearing up for the therapy ... he'll... need...// he ,.. will. .. need additional surgery as well. (milton borowy-daniels dad)"so he has been laid up for two weeks and he's just getting his strength back. the road got a ways to go home nursing home rehab. that's important to him" him" meanwhile,... the gladden... remains spring ert - grove hospital...//. he's... due... for a bail review later this week. 3 and... we have ...complete coverage ...
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of... the... perry hall school shooting.../ including... the complete... interview... wwth... daniels parents ...on our websiie..../ head... to... foo baltimore dot com ... slash... perry hall.../. as... with... all our online content.../ viewers. the city of baltimore has a surplus on its hands tonight..... peed cameras are producing far more revenue than expected. expected.. jeff abell is live in north baltimore with details, jeff.... jeff.... in tte past year, these cameras have produced four million dollars more than city leaders had expected. now, the four million dollar surplus has created a tug-of-war vee how to spend it. the mayor wants to put it toward improving traffic safety arrund schools and intersections. the pouncil president wants to use it to rr-open three fire units which were recently closed. assfor motorists..... "fixing the roads, if you're goinn to give us
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speeding tickets whil driving on them why not fix em....?" "well it came from the traffic so they should invest in traffic but noo in more cameras...." adlibs..... can... the mayor and her tickees to attend... high at... 1st mariner arena.../ wittout... violating... the city's... ethics code? it's... a question ... the city's... ethics board... was poping to answer today ... at... it's onthly they.. hit a roadblock..../ key... documents... tte board requested... last month... from the city's legal department ... over yesterday.../ , forcing... the board... to postpone... the inquiry.../ that'll... examine the praccice... of... accepting "freebies"... to... beyonce ... and... jay z concerts... from... a firm... which manages... the... 1st mariner arena. 21:24:46"it was received
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yesterday so you know we haven't had time to assimilate it or pass it around and you wouldn't have time to read it" it"the city's... legal department sayss... the... board requested documents... dating back decades,.../ which... delayed the process.,.../ he board reconvenes month. in... just... 8-- weeks.../// parylanders ... will... go... to the polls... to... select a president.../. they'll... áalsoá... be voting... on... several ballot questions./.. including... more gambling....// john... rydell reports.../ casino companies... are sparing... no expense.../ trying... to... influence your vote... vote... "a new world class casino for commercial...wants you to vote yes...on question's the ballot expand gambling...and pave the way for a new the national prince george's the end...the ad lists its for maryland jobs and schools. but in's being paid for by m.g.m.the giant las vegas casino spending another three million
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dollars on tv ads. it's otthrrseries ofads...urging marylanders to reject question peven."question 7 cuts taxes for billionaire special interests while taxes on working famlies goes up."some of those ads...are paid for by penn national...whicc owns hollywood casino in perryville. the company fears...that another casino...will cutt..into their business. (davis) "annoyance first off, second of all, proppganda what they're not telling you." (platte) "i think that it's all about money, somebody getting rich off of it." (rydell) "but some pplitical experts say thh explosion in bbg casinos is no surprise given the fact that tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars, are at stake." (kromer) "you see the vast amount of moneyythat is pouring in so not only do they have the money, they also thhnk that theirrmoney can make a difference."mileah a political science proffssor at goucher to launch a series of public oppnion polls on gambling...and other ballot issues.(kromer) "it's a game of numbers it's whoever's side can win the day, who can get
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the most people to vote for or against their baalot referendum."and among casino companies...the advertising dollars...keeps flowing. john rydell, fox 45 news...late editton. four years ago.. county.../ approved.... the first referendum ... to... legalize... slot machines. after... 9/11.../ al qaeda... remainss.. a... threat to national seeurity..../ today,... house subcommittee members ... held a hearing... to... assess ...the u-s's ability... to... prevent terrorists... from... coming to america.../. the... defense secretary... says... after... the... woost - terrorist attack... on... u-s soil .../ the... u-s... has made progress... in... he fight againss terrorism.../ but... is... aware... threats remain. 3 "we dealt them a heavy bloo, we will continue to fighttthem in yemen, in somalia, in north africa where ever they go to make sure they have no place to hide." former cia director...
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michael hayden... told lawmakers... al qaeda... still wants... a... mass attack... in... america .../// but... added....that smaller attacks... on... unexpected targets... are... much more... likely. meantime... both president obama and mitt romney ...came together .../ and... decided to... suspend all their negative campaigning today.../ out... of... respect ...for the victims... of the attacks...//. the... candidates... stayed true to their prooises.../ and... kept the mudslinging a minimum,.../ but... don't expect... any more... free passes tomorrow. as... the naaion... continues to mourn ... 11.../,the presidential candidates took a break from campaagning today. today.but two maryland delegates, chose to hold fundraisers.according to delegates jon cardin and eric bromwell spent the day raising &pmoney.cardin told one news today's fundraiser was inappropriate,,since political action is patriotic. delegate bromwell had his jamaca me crazy funnraiser at the bay cafe in canton.his guests were
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asked to write nooes to soldiers. "9/11 is a time of rememberance, not a party, for any celebration, to plan a poor taste" taste"delegate bromwell declined our request for an interview. here's your question of the day do you think it is appropriate to hold political fundraisers on 9/11? 9/11?this is our faaebook page...most of you were pretty clear on this.....and do ánotá think it is appropriate to hold politiial fundraisers today.join the discussion right now... by going to facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore 3 a crisp september day much like it was 11 years ago. 3 ago. but will our luck hold ut over. overnighh. let's go to chief
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line. tteeconservativee parlor.h against this pizza a seven dollar box of junk turns into a 100 thousand dollar jackpot. we'll show you the lost masterpiece one woman found hiding among the garbage. a biker slams into a telephone pole. how he fiery crash. when we switched to fios, we got better tv, better phone, better internet. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money.
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upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online: just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] don't wait! switch to fios for a super-low $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities welcome to life on fios. at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities it's a really horrific day for one legendary wrestler. wrestler.jerry the king" lawler, suffered a heart attack last night during a live television broadcast.thee attack happened 30 minutes after he wrestled in a tag team match for w-w-e wrestling. fans were actually confused about whether it was part of phe show or a real emergency. the 62-year- old wrestler underwent surgery and is reported to be in stable condition. a bitterrweet day as baltimoreremembers art modell.../ . hundreds gathered today at a synogogue
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in pikesville to pay their respects to the former owner of the ravens. ravens.the crowd included modell's family... several members of the ravens... and n-f-l commissioner roger goodell.many coomented on art's contributions to the game of football.he not only formed the ravens franchise in 1996... but also helped create monday night football. him."> ray lewis was among the speakers at today's ceremony. he considered modell to be a friend and father figure. torrey smith... joe flacco... and former raven, todd heap, also attended. a great day forran alexandria woman who weet shopping at a west virginia flea market. market. the woman wishes to remain anonymous because of seven dollars, she thought she
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was buying a box of junk. it turns out an original renoir, called "landscape on the banks of the river seine" was in that box of junk. she took it to the expertssand thhy confirmed that it was indeed the real deal. her seven dollar investment is worth 100 thousand dollars or more at auction. thh anonymous woman who bought the painting is selling it aa the end of the month. she says she's going to use the money to take a long trip to paris. 3 3 3
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because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a w more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at
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common sense says politics and pizza don't mix, butthe owner ... of... a... pizza shop... in florida.../ is... getting backlash... for his handling ...of... president obama's visit... to... hii restaurant over the weekend. weekend."i gotta give him one of i am so excit" reaction by soctt van nuzer.../ owner of ...big apple pizza...//.after ... seeing the video.. . viewers... took tt the... "rate and review" website
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"yelp"... / criticizing the owner... / sending the rrstaurant's overall rating.... into a tailspin...//.juss... as quickly.../ more viewers came to the owners defense.../ and... the rating was back up. surveillance... video ... captures... a... burglar... taking a nap.../ after... spending ...severaa minutes... trying... to... restaurant.../ it,,, happened... at... the "tarhhel"... around ... for... 50 - years....//// but... this... was a... first...//// you... can see... a stranger... trying... to... break in... the... back door..../// with... a... shovel.../ that... didn't... work...// so... he ttied... with 2--shovels... for... 30--minutes... -- but... the door... wouldn't budge.../ the burglar got... a... pretty good nap....// when... daww... comes... he awakes.../ and... leaves...// police... are... still... looking... for him...// 3 a bike rider slams into a pole at high speed. the amazing end to this violent crash.
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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the driver slams into a pole, but somehow walks away. away. take a look at this security ffotage from yesterday in columbia. you can see the bike slam into the utility pole. the rider looks like a rag doll as his leg appears to wrap around the pole with the momentum of the crash. amazingly the rider is able to scramble away just before the bike bursts into flames. the fuel spreads quickly and climbs the light pole. the rider is expected to make a full recovery.
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the late edition, i'm jeff barn. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. here's bruce cunningham to kick off sports unlimited, right now. now. 3 once again, the orioles find themselves with a share of first ppace in the american league east...tonight, the yankees lost to boston, while the birds took care of business against tampa bay.. and the two arfe tied atop the , division,,, jassn hammel on the mound for the o's tonight in the first
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of three with tampa three...o's with a 1-0 lead...ryan roberts takes hammel deep for the solo shot...that ties it attone a piece...his night would be cut short after he re-injured his right knee...more information will be available tomorrow... bottom half of the inning...o's respond...j-j hardy reaches and sends one deep o lefttand thats gone for a two-run homerun...his first of two on the night...orioles re-take the lead 3-1...bottom five...o's add to it...tto men on for deep to the gap in right and off the wall...hardy and adam jones come in to score...5-1 o's...they go on to win... 9-2...and with the yankees loss in boston tonight...they now share the a-l east lead with new york. 3last was almost as if you could hear the entire league let out a big uh-oh after tte raaens game..they hurry up offense and had the scoreboard looking like the machine... offensive coordinator cam cameron spent a loo of time during training camp installing the new offfnse.. and boy did they get results...and agginst a veey
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good bengal defense...joe flacco was 21 of 29 for 299 yards, two touchdowns and zeeo interceptions....look out, nfl...baltimore has an offense now... 3 it is another tuesdday night, anddthat means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's 3rd decade, it has honored the area's finest high school athletes for the last 22 years..and we begin he new season with a very big win on the football field.. field.. it's now time to announce the it's now time to 3 announce the candidates n
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games for friday september 14th...franklin visits hereford in football...glenelg hosts marriotts ridge in field pockey...howard welcomms atholton in football...and st. paul's travels to palding in volleeball...we'll anounce the winner on thuusday night... that'll for this edition of sports unlimited..
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