tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX September 14, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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here with moreeon how the &pteen's mental state could be deciding factor. good morning guys,both sides werr in court yesterday for a bail review hearing... that hearing was postponed because the defeese needs more time to review some medical recordd. records.gladden is facing 29 counts following tte perry hall school shooting that critically injured another student nnmed the picture painted by attorneys... suggests that gladden is a troubled teen who's been tormented by a disfynctional home life.he was evaluated by mental hoopital doctors... and has since been placed on suicide watch. while the events ttat landed him in jail remaii a blur.... gladden's attorneys say he regrets that he hurt another student. :18 he said one day he would like o meet the child or his parents and express his regret for is behavior :26 :26gladden remains held without bail... and for now... the legal battle over whether he should be tried as and aault or a juvenile... is just getting
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started.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 mornnng news. that summer "derecho storm" that hit aryland...caussd millionn of people to lose power... some even for a week. now...the hhad offmaryland's public servicecommission is asking b.g.e... how it can avoidthose massive outages in the future. b.g.e. executives...say they had no advancewarning the sttrm would be so severe. .. and that delayed efforts to repair power lines. some customers... say the proolem could beminimized ... if electrical wires were buried underground.b.g.e...says a complete overhaul would betoo expensive.but a spokesman says...they are moving in that direction. (gould) "we're lookinggat areas where we know we can go in.....and we will do that and we are doing that." that."'s president...says the companyy would need tocompletely re- design its power system to restore powerto hundreds of thousands...within 24-hours. someeof the sparrows point
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steelworkers who accepted retire in august and get a 10-thousand dollar bonus... won't recieve it after all. all.that's according to their union president... who says 100 to 200 workers retired, understanding they were eligible for the bonus.but they have since been told...they retired too late to get it.many are now rescinding their retirement .. but the company will likely claim the bonus wasn't guaranteed.r-g steel filed for bankruptcy in may. the november election is less than eight weeks away democrats are without a first distric congressional candidate on monday, democrat wendy rosen withdrew from the race after her own party accused her of party leaders say rosen is registered to vote in both maryland and florida and cast ballots in both states in two prior elections. now, with just weeks to go before election day,, democrats are searching for a new candidate. its too late to ggt rosen's name off the ballot. but we're told the states democratic party ould name a
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new congressional candidatt as soon as today. (1:11:17) "the maryyand democratic party blew the whistle on wendy rosen. where on monday the democrats democratic voters in the first diitrict to vote against the democratic candidate. there will be a write-in candidatt in" instead." prosecutors aren't confirming whether they are investigating wendy rosen. because the allegations date backkmore than five years....some legal ooservers believe the statute of limitations may have run out. it's up to the senate now... to pass a short-term spending &pplan... thht would keep the u-s government funded through march.last night.. the houue approved the measure with a 329-to-91 vote.the temporary spending bill issneeded to avoid a government shut-down at the end of the's a resslt of an agreement with the whhte house... that delays another budget battle until after the november election. more moving vansswent in and ouu of d-c this summer... than any other city in the country.
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country.that's accordinn to a new report by "united van linee."the report shows the peak season for movvng... is may first through august 31st. the second most popular city for moving into... is chicago. atlanta, phoenix and dallas round out the top five. classes are canceled in chicago for the 5th day in a row... as the teachers union and board of education workkto reach an agreement in the teachers' strike.thh board of education says they're getting closer.both sides say they hope a deal will be reachee this weekend... and that kids can return to school on monddy. 3& police in texxs yank a elderly woman from her car... pfter she refuses to show them &pher i-d. i-d.77-year old lynn bedford says she told the offfccr she needed to use the bathroom first... becaase she had a bladder infection. but the officer said if she didn't show her i-d... she would be arrested. when she didn't comply... thh officer ulled her mosssays: he controlled the
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entire situation and e made it go in he direction that he did. he let it escalate. he controlled that."mos says: "i really don't believe there was state law violated or &pdepartmental policy violated by the actions of the officer." officer." the police department says the officer did not break any codes of conduct... and was juut following policy. bedford is cited for speeding and failure to provide i-d. 3 it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything ou want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan aad join the 3&today is expected to get out and take advantage of it! it!but find out if rain is on the way... for the last full weekend of summer. (((reak 1))
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ray rice is launching a campaign to support thee ellicott city community... in phe wake of the deadly train derailment.rice has partnered wthhthe city's business &passociation to set up aa facebook auction of donated ravens items. items.starting today... local business owners nd restaurants will offer themed specials around rice's jersey number... 27.the specials run through october 10th.that's 27 days... and 27 perrent sales will be donated to coomunity recovery efforts. efforts.for a list of restaurants and items for auction go to fox balitmore dot com ssash newslinks. ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorooogist))
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just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very "fruit-ritious." or try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit, and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry pomegranate and cranberry concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. [ splashing ] just, you know, demonstrating how we blend the fruits. ahem. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. in state tuition for illegal
5:48 am's a topic that has everyone talking...and we gave dozens of marylanders a chance to share their opinion on the issue n our studios last karen parks reports...there was a lot most felt they had the chance to share and listen. listen.// (25:50)(heated exchange)all ive heard from you is inaccuracy..........fuzzy math.....fuzzy math...... marylands dream act......a controversial measure facing election.....(8:033(patricia esposito)i just have problems with illegal people......its a measure passed by the legislature that would giie eligible undocumented students a chance at a coolege education by paying in-state tuitionnrates..... (45:57)(hickson)we want to make sure we keep educated people here and we educate the people we was an issue discussed here at the fox 45 studios......a town hall meeting .......that had heated moments.... (26:50)(heated exchange)you are also proud to be an must love me since you love illegals..... the dream act...... which will 3
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now be decided by voters states that a student may only receive tuition breaks if they register at a community college wwthin four years of receiving their maryland high school diploma and attend a maryland high school for three years.....provide documentation that their parents or legal guardians filed maryland income taxes for three years that the high school.....(2:21)(dytynia reed)it shows that you are invested in the younger generations in the residents of the state in general...... once students receives 60 credits from a community college he or she wouud be eligible for in state tuition at a four year maryland univeristy.... (27:10)(mcdonough)it takes people who are here without lawful presence who have violated the laws of the united states of america and places then in a position
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where they receive a benefit of up to 40 thouuand dollars the taxpayers of md will hich - subsidize and pay for it.... the 2012-2003 in state tuition at the univeesity of maryland is close to nine thousand dollars a year for a full time undergrrduate student....while the out of state cost is nearly twenty eight thousaad dollars....(9:52)(dr. jack gordon)its going to cost the state of md a lot of money in lost fees at a time when education is alreadd expensive......(nats)our participants......came with plenty of agenda's with different plaaforms.......and all wanted to be heard..... (51:22)(podium)if students that are eligible for the md dream act are able to pay more in income taxed....sales taxes...and pay more into social security after they receive a degree can we afford not to support the legislation????? you can see the entire
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disccssion by going to fox baltimore dot com click on town hall meeeing under hot topics. the o's... make history! history!they've broken a 14 many innings it took for the birds to come out on top! ((break 3)) on top! ((break 3)) homicide of young people in americmpact on all . on top! ((break 3)) how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. hor get the yard ready for cool energy bill weather?size? the answer? a lot less. the great american fix-up is going on now... ...with new projects every week and big savings every day.
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so you can do what needs to be done. today. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. prep your garden for fall. three bags of earthgro mulch is just $10. but it isn't always easy to find one... anncr: a good job. it's the key to a good life. a vote for question seven is a vote for maryland jobs. two thousand construction jobs to build a new resort casino. four thousand permanent jobs, paying...
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on average fifty five thousand a year. six thousand jobs from increased tourism... and table games like blackjack and poker. add it up: it's twelve thousand new maryland jobs. but to build it you have to vote for it. vote for question seven. and get maryland back to work. bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports.
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purple pride. and this is the mcgill family! ravens pride... is in the blood it seems.thanks to brittany for sending this in! show us your purple can upload photos and videos to s through purple -at -fox baltiiore -dot- com.and you cannsee those pictures on our "see it shoot it send it" page at foxbaltimore dot com.or you facebook dot com slash page.. - foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45." coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... did your favorite celebrity top this list?people magazine best dressed list.find out the a-list actresses... who are takingg the red carpet by [ man ] launch sequence initiated. [ male announcer ] at kfc we have one mission: [ beep ] 15 seconds and counting. serve the world's best-tasting chicken. t-minus 10... that's why our whole chicken is delivered fresh. 9...8...
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