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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 20, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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to share... this next story.../, because... it's... almost... a... living.../ breathing... cute fable... from...cute fable... from... water... goat crying---- crying---- that is a baby goat... stuck in the water at a petting zoo... humans stand around doing nothinn to help.... when look who ccmes to its rescue... a pig swims out to the drowning goat.... pushing it toward the side of the pond... then the two hop out of the water together.... no thanks to you mr. camera man. 3 3 welcome to the late edition,... i'm... jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. would ttrn green space into
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parking spaces. spaces. critics... say... it'' a plan... that... p would simply... add... more cars,.../ more traffic.../ , more paving... in the park... park... keith daniels... live... in... the neighborhood .../ where people.../ are... pushing... a... petition drive... tonight.. kei. keith. jeff..... presidentt of all the nnighborhood associations in the aaea.. are fighting against this proposal. they rallied tonight to launch p door-to-door signature drive. and we caught up with one couple who say they're standing with the opposition.. opposition.. phil and katie stetler are in patterson park twice a day.... walking their dog kami.......they say it's part of their passion for the park. but things could proposal from city health and entrance to the park at the bbltimore street and north luzerne avenue. thaa would lead to a new loop road.. casino building,,now used as an adult day care center, but would expand to include more senior services. and with that.. comes three
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additional parking include 96 parking spaces. p a bold, bad move, say critics. //////////////////////sot/////// //////////// 3 "studies show trees and green space increase lots of things that are really good in people and it makes neighborhood healthier, t makes communities better.." better.." "theee are an awful lot of alternatives that need to be looked into before deciding to pave over this eautiful park.." 3 the mayor's office and park officials say they will seek community feedback before any plan is final. live at patterson park.. kkith daniels, fox 45 nees, late edition. a 56 year old omam dies this morning after a hit and run in west baltimore earliir this wee. week......veronica gray and her fiance wallace mazon were crossing the crosswalk at the corner of freemont avenue and winchester when a four door silver sedan crashed into them and drove off.....police say the video taken from a nearby
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blue light camera was to blurry to use as evidence.....and say the investigation is at a standstil. standstill.. they record all the day activity its no way possible they can make out a car a person license late or nothing of who murdered my moth. mother.crash deteccives say they have no leads.....if you have any information you are asked to call the baltimore city accident investigation unit at 410-396-2606.... nearly... ten people are hurt... after... an... m-t-a... bus... runs ..... into their bus shelter...///. this... was... a... 60 foot bus... with two sections.../ connected in the middle.../. an... m-t-a... spokesman says ...there was a driver... on the bus.../ but... she... wasn't... behind the wheel.../. an... m-t-a... spokesman says... thats because a shift change... was abouttto take place.../. there... were passengers ... aboard...//. still... nearby commuters.... / couldn't beliive... wwat happaned. 3 and all of a sudden i seen into the curb curb
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hh tore the booth up right there where your waiting for the bus 3 3 we'll fiiure out what exactly our highest priority the last thing we want to do is see an at acccdent the video from cameras the station... and... on the bus ... are... being reviewed...// morgan state university is stepping up security after last week's shooting on campus. campus.kelly lamont ellerbee is charged with attempted murder. police say he opened fire on 19-year-old michael campbell during a dispute over ddugs .... in the bathroom of the student center..campbell is still inthe hospital.since the shooting.... morgan's president, david wilson, says the school has taken steps to improve afety. "of course, we've moved forward and we have placed some additiinal security guards in the student center and some of the high traffic building areas on campus and of course, we're looking at best practices amongst urban universities across the country. i have a task force thats in place looking at what some of those best practtces ar" are." the victim is not a student at morgan, but was
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visiting his cousin who plays on the football team.ellerbbe is noo a stuuent either ... but was identifed by several witnesses who saw him running from the scene. one... year ago../ .governor ...o'malley... imposed... a... moratorium... on... a... form... of drilling... for... natural gas....// now.../ some... environmentists... want... a... permanent ban.... on... drilliig. the... process... caaled fracking".../ drills... one mile underground....//chemicals... are... then injected... in... the ground... to... ffee up... more gas..../ environmentalists... say... that... results... in... tainted... ground water..//// (landers) "and continued reliance on fossil fuels, esxpecially extracted in such a dangerous way as fracking is why we actually want to ban fracking in maryland." maryland."but... the maryland petroleum council... says... it's premature... to call... for a ban... on fracking../. until... the state... studies... the environmental iipact. there's a financial tuu-of-war going on at city hall tonight....and it appears voters wwll decide theewinner. winner. at issue, is whether city agencies should be regularly audited. this morning, some council members
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questioned why some agencies haven't been audited in more one at city hall bothered to o - mention it. 3 (11:03:06) "at some poiit you wanna jump up and down and say to somebodyy help! we've been screaming from the rafters, something needs to be done about this department....!" department....!! in november, voters will decide whether tooreeuire all city agencies to undergo an independent audit every four years. the mayor says she supports the meaaure. the... actress ... who... says... she... was duped by... the director... of... the... film- "innocence of muslims"- / is... suing. 3 cindy... garcia... spoke out today..../ saying... she fears for her life..../ this ... after... backlash.... over... the film.../ which... mocks mohammed.. as... a... womanizer, .../ pedophile... and... killer...//. the... film.../ may... have played a role... for... anti-american protests... world--wide... /// and... garcia's... ow suing the director... for raud.../ she... also wants the video... puuled off... youtube... / "our ambassador, our navy seals were killed behind this... i think it needs to come off, i think america needs to stand behind us on this, and take it off of right to freedom of speech, but what he did was wrong wrongyoutube says... is revvewing the complaint...
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but... a cclifornia judge... has refused order the site... to remove... the content.. a good day for a man so almost claimed his life. it tonight he's a multimillionaire. multimillionaire.a jury awarded wayneewatson man more than 7 point 2 million dollars after he came down with a condition known as popcorn lung.watson... who says he ate two bags oo microwave popcorn a day for years... was diagnosed by doctors five &pyears ago.he sued "king lung damage was caused by - inhaling the fumes of a compound used in butter flavored microwave popcorn called diacetyl. 105-119"they did absolutely no tessing whatsoevee that the consumer might be at risk the only experiment they did was go sell the product and see what happens. well, they rolled the dice and lost." lost." the popcorn maker's lawyers
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are planning o appeal. another bad day for the airlines.american airlines ...has canceled... hundreds of flights this week... / cancellations... are on the way..../ the ... airline says ...1 to 2 percent... of its flights.... will be canceled... thru... the end of october..../that's .... flights... a day...//. the prrblem?... an... influx of piloos... calling in sick...//. currently.../ american... and... pilot's uuion... are in ... contract talks.../. ut... american... says... it doesn't believe... the increase sick days... / is... organized... by the pilots. it's been a bad year toogo without bug spray. the number offwest nile virrs infections and deaths... continue to ise. a recent report finds a total of 31- hundred- 42 cases so far this season... resulting in 134 deeths... two of them in maayland.that number makes this year one of the worst outbreaks of the mosquito-borne disease....ever to hit the u-s. there is currently no reatment r 3accine for the virus.
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hopefully cooler temperatures will kill off a lot of these infected mosquitos. but will we have to wait a few more weeks for that to happee? happen? chief meteorologist vytas reid is tracking the skies, skies, he joins us with a look at what's happening now. 3
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did the attorney general lie to congress? the new report that has already cost one of holder's top deputies their job. 3 an angry mom attacks. why she says she isn't sorry for beating up a 17 year old boy. and work it gung-ham style. we'll show you what happened when psy invaded the fox45 morning news. 3 house republicans --/ house republicans --/
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praising... a... report... by the justice general.../ on... the... botched... gun-smuggling... investigation../ . known... as... "operation fast and furious." furious." james rosen explains why the report has already cost ooe top justice official their job. job. testifying before the house oversight and government &preform committee... jjstice department inspector general michael horowitz told lawmakers... that officials in the u-s attorney's office and the phoenix field officc of the bureau offalcohol, tobacco and firearms badly mismanaged the gun-smuggling
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investigation known as "operation fast and furious"... and displayed a disregard for the safety of citiaens living on both sides of the southwestern border.horowitz says: "we found that no one responsible for the case // raised a serious question or concern about the government not taking earlier measures to ddsrupt a firearms trafficking operation." during that operation... agents lost track of nearly 2-thousand weapons, mostly ak-47 assault rifles. two such weapons were found at tte murder scenn in late 20-10, of u-s border patrol agent brian terry. committee chaiiman darrel issa praised the inspector general's reeort as a step toward the restoration of faith in d-o-j.issa saas: "i was impressed with the professsonalism and thoroughness and scope of the report."clocking in at 471- pages, the horowitz report was deeply critical of key staff aides to attorney general eric of whom has already resigned amid the report's disclosures.but holder himself was not taken to task.horowitz says: "we found no evidence that the attorney general wassaware in 2010, before senator
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grassley's letter, of operation fast and furious and the tactics associated with it."((on cam tag)) horowiiz was careful to include in his report and his testimony frequent comparisons to operation wide receiver, a similar gun-smuggling investigation conducted by the phoenix a-t-f office during theebush era. the inspector the committee in january... for a progress report on whether the changes his staff has recommended are being immlemented by the justice department. in washington, james rosen, fox news. 3 3 3 3 3 a bus beatdown ,3 33 3 3
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a bus beatdown at the hands of a mom. why she says she'ssnot sorry for attacking a 17 year old boy. the morning news is invaded by the latest dance craze. we'll show you what happened as the am crew got their psy on. 3 a ... a@uñçñqañ1 mother attacks...
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after her son bullied... on the bus. bus. this... is... felecia phillips... , throwing punches ...and wrestling... with... a... 17 year old student..../
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she... says... the boy has been bullying... her son... when she decided... to take matters... into her own hands. 36 he got someone to juup on my son yesterday oc: never fights his own battles or whatever. 48 3 48 do you worry yoo're setting a bad example? no because if someone is bullying them, they need to stand up for themselves. phillips says she doesn't regret the assault even though she got arrested. she went on to say that she'd do it again if anyone targeteddher soo. 3 common sense... says... having ...a cold beer... after... a... nuclear war... is... a fine cho. choice. a... government report... lost... for over 40-years.../ shows... the... results of a study... on... the effects of radiation... on... drink.../. in... 1965,... the... f-d-a... found that beer... in glass containers ... after... a... nuclear blast.../. and... let's face... it...// after... a... nuclear bomb... goes off... in... áyourá... neighborhood...// who...
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worries... about ácarbsá ... anymore?. can... someone... please... pntervene... for... this girl? surveillance,,,, video released thursday ... by... new york police... shows ...lindsay lohan... either grazing... or... barely... missing a man ... walking... in front of her car.../ as ... she... pulls,... into... parking garage.../// a... man... in a plaid shirt walks by, .../ and... is... either... bumped by the car,.../ or... jumps out of the way,...//// he... runs into the parking garage... after... lohan's... porsche.../// lindsay... was... arrested... for... leaving the scene of an accident.../// and ... is... due in court ... oct. 23--rd...//. 3 common sense... says... gung--ham... style... is... the... next macarena, .../ but... should... our... friends... on... fox45 morning news..../ be... doing this? thhs? 3
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south korean rapper... psy... is... responsible... foo... gungham style...//. his... music video... has almost... 200... million views... on youtube. 3 this weiner dog needs to lay off the biscuits. what he's doing to try and drop the weight.
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an... verweight dog
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in oregon... / is... getting some... much- needed help. "obie"... the dachshund nearly 70 like a waddle... and he can't quite keep up with his new brothers. but that doesn't stop him from trying. his new foster mom volunteered to take him in... after reading about "obie" on the oregon dachshund rescue facebook page. "i just read tte story and i was like, i'll take him, he can lose weight, how hard can it be. i hadn't seen a picture or anything." obie's former owners... an elderly couple... loved the dog dearly, but maybe a little too much. the new foster mom... who's a former vet technician... says obie is now on a strict diet... high protein and high fiber. so far... he's lost 7 pounds.
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what's our weekend going to be like? like? let's go to vytas for a look at the extended forecast. 3 the red hot orioles hope the winning continues in boston...bruce cunningham has that in sports unlimitedd 3 3 that's all for the anncr: their dishonest ads are everywhere.
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a west virginia casino spending a fortune... to stop question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. jeff barnd.
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barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert, here's bruce cunningham with sports unlimite. unlimited. 3 after a stinging defeat at the hands of the eegles last sunday,the ravens are looking to right the ship this sunday
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nightt.but they;re hosting the patriots, a team that denied them a tripto the super bowl last year..morgan adsit picks up the story from here here 3 in the very small hours a very tired roup of baltimore orioles otoff their charter in boston after a cross-ccntinent trip from seattle..they have the day off before opening a three game series wth opening a three off before they have the day trip from boston after a off their charter ggt hours a very tired in the very small in the very small hours a very tired group of
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baltimore orioles gotoff their charter in boston after a cross-continent trip from seattle..they have the day off before opening a three game series wth the red soxtomorrow t &pnight they were weary, but they were happy, that's for sure... because last night they survived another marathon....fter playing 18 innings on tuesdaa, they playted 11 moreon wednesday...adam jooes' 30th hhme run of the year wonnlast night's game 4-2...their 15th
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consecutive extra inning's getting kinda hard to believe.... 3 ichiro and the yankees hosting the jays tonight, he had ásevená hits in tuesday's doubleheader...he stayed hot tonight...we'll pick it up in the 3rd inning, drills a curveball to ight cenner, his eighth of the year...yankees trail 2-1...but ichiro was not done... innthe fourth, bases loaded, crushes another curveball to goes pll the way to the wall... two yankees come around to score... new york takes the llad 3-2.then later in the inniig...nick swisher provides the dagger, hits it deep to right... no doubt about it, a grand slam for swish...yankees take an 8-2 lead...they went on to win 10-7... and increase theer al east lead to one full game over the orioles. it's ttme to reveal the winner
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of the voting for are high school game of the week, sponsored by the folks are varsity sports,, you've been voting since sunday night and your voices have been heard...loudly... heard...loudly... you want to see the baltimore county showdown between catonsviile and franklin seen here..almost 83% of you voted for rich gambor's comets are 3-0 and ranked 7th in the metro...anthony burgos' indians are ranked 9th at 2-1.. join morgan adsit tomorrow night for those highlights... and thanks to everyone who that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited... thanks for joining us.i'm bc....and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.
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