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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  September 21, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the first lady comes to baltimore. the reason for michelle obama's visit on fox45 news at five..3 3 &p3 3
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3 police continue to search for the man involved in a deadly hit and run in west baltimore. baltimore.although the crash was caught on camera... he investigation is still atta &pstandstill.megan gilliland is here to explain why police need your help now. good morning guys,500 feet from the accident... a blue light camera caught the hit and run on tape... but police say the video is too bluuryyto use as evidence. happened early sunday morninggveronica gray and her fiance wallace mazon were crossing the crosswalk at and winchester when a four ue door silver sedan crashed into thhm and then drove off.police say the couple was thrown approximately 70 feet in the air. (36:29)i had to run to the in the street that was the
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most devastating thing in my life.(31:28)she had a broken pelvic.....2 broken legs and injjries to the face to the liver.(31:47)her brain shifted from thh accident. accident.56-year old gray passed away yesterday from her . injuries. 3 3 3 3 3&at this hour... crash detectives tell us they have no leads.if you have any information you are asked to call the baltimore city accident investigation unit at . 410-396-2606. again... the car involved... was a silver four door sedann i'm megan gglliland, fox45 morninn nees. at this hour... crash no leads.if you have any ave information you're asked to call police right away.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. seven people are recovering , this morning...after a driver-less.. m-t-a us runs into a mondawmin bus shelter in northwest baltimore. this was a 60 foot bus with two sections connecttd ii the m-t-a spokesman says there wws a driver on the bus... but she wasn't behind
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the wheel because a shift change was about to take place. there were no passengers aboard... still nearby commuters couldnt' belieee what happened. 3 and all of a sudden i seen this bus just goiig turning into the curb he tore the booth up right there where your waiting for 3he bus - 3 we'll figure out what exaatly our highest priority the lass thing we want to do is see an at accidentthe driver has been with the company since 1997. the video from camerassat thh sation and on the bus are being reviewed. one year ago... governor o'malley imposed a moratorrum on drilling for natural gas... now enviornmentalists want a permanetn ban on drilling.the process is called "fracking" wherr dirlling goes on miles underground.chemicals are then injected in the ground to free up more gas.enviornmentalists say that results in tainted ground water for those who live nearby. (landers) "and continued rrliance on fossil fuels, esxpecially extracted in such a dangerous way as fracking is not the way to go so that's wwy we actually want to ban
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fracking in maryland." maryland."buu the maryland premature to call for a ban on fracking until the state studies the enviornmental impact. maryland's ommtroller shares some shocking statistics.up to fifty percent of homeowners are underwater on their mortgage in some maryland comptroller peter franchot ii touringgthe state, talking business owners. he visited d baltimore's frankforttestates thursday... where several homes are empty and now in foreclosure... and about 70- percent of owners in that development are underwater. ressdents there say they have seen the fallout from the housing crisis firsthand... and waached their neighbors leavv. all.">some owners at frankfort estates are struggling just to pay their association fees and tax bills. police release a new mugshot of colorado theater shooting
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suspect james holmes.his once prange and pink hair has been shaved off..olmee appeared in court thursday and prosecutors added new charges to the 142 he was already facing..olmes is accused of going on a shootiig spree at a colorado movie theater in july.. killing 12 and injuring 58. some good news for victims of bernie madoff's ponzi scheme... they will receive twooand a half billion dollars of their stolen funds. funds.a court appointed trustee says he mailed more than 12- hundred checks to investors who were victims of the biggest ponzi scheme in history.that means now more than a thousand iivestors have been fully reimbursed.madoff pleaded guilty to frrud and is currently serving a 150-year sentence in prison. ttoubles continue today... for scene thursday... as hundreds of pilots picketed outsidd chicago's o'hare international airport.they're protesting new contract terms... that include more flying hours and benefit's all part of the airline's chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.the
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company says pilots uuhappy with the contract... are calling in sick and filing &pmore maintenance reports. because of that... the airline is cutting 1 to 2 percent of flights through the end of october. a big day for "apple"... dozens of people have been camming outside apple stores all over the world this week... in anticipation for the new i-phone 5.this is the scene in chiccgo. the i-phone 5 launcc is set for 8 this morning... but onlines sales have already &ptopped 2 million... that's double the i-phone 4!! technology experts are predicting sales could reach 10 million units. units. joel d. smith is live in timonium to see if the phone meets the hype, and also see why people are willing to line up for the "chance" of getting one today. gooo morning joel d. 3
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3 it's friday and that means it's your turnnto sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feeeback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become fan and join the conveesation.
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a random girl singing karaoke in a grocery store gets more than a million and a half hits....and a record deal deal the video that will havee you talking. talking. 3 p, energy bill down to size?
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or get the yard ready for cool weather? the answer? a lot less. the great american fix-up is going on now... ...with new projects every week and big savings every day. so you can do what needs to be done. today. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. show the yard who's boss with this echo blower for just $159. girl singing
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singing this youtube video of a girl &psinging karaoke in a grocery store has gone viral.her rendition oo whitney houston's "i will always love you" has garnered more than one and a hits.they're calling her
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"random girl" online.she's from the philippines, and recently signed with warner music group. ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ((traffic reporter ad libs))
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map fiber map 395 map bel air map
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a new strategy for the romney campaign, in he wake oo that secretly recorded fundraising e. evvnt."this is a campaign about the 100 percent. my campaign is about the 100 percent in america and i'm concerned about them." them."how the romney camp is doing more to clean up that incident...and the two tatee he's heeded to. ♪ ♪oh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ i love ya ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah [ female announcer ] introducing new special k popcorn chips. with 28 buttery chips for 120 calories, you can bring the flavor of the movies home and still stay on track. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose? find them in the cracker aisle.
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what will you gain when you lose? another day closer to eleetions ... a new strategy for the romney ampaign. as are about to see a lot more of the republican nominee. 3 -reporter pkg-as follows -- after being caught on tape writing off 47 percent of voters as obama supporters who are dependent on government mitt romney was checking his math at a candidate's forum with the spanish language tv station univisiin."this is a cammaign about the 100 percent. my campaign is about the 100 percent in america and i'm concerned about them." (nats)later in front of a crowd in miami, romney went on to share a personal story.. about how his fathhr received government assistancea affer moving to the -s from mexico as a child."they came back to the united states, and my dad had to get help, financial help, the government helped his family be able to get on their feet again. by the way, that's the way america works. we help people, we get them on
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their feet and they build a brighttr future."but the rooney campaign is doing more than cleaning up that video leaked to mother jones magazine. consider what the gop nominee said on the similarities between the president's health care lawa& and his own."now and thennthe president says i'm the grandfather of obamacare. i don'ttttink he meant thaa as a compliment but i'll take it." after thh obama campaign noted what romney has said in the past about the lawa"i will repeal obamacare and i will kill it dead on the first day." one of the romney's top governor bobby jindal hopped on a conference call with reporters to say the candidate is not trying to have it both wwys."governor romney has made repeal and replace this very y - bad laa."after a rocky couple of weeks that'' seen more fundraisers thaa rallies the campaign is planning to pick up the pace... in a swing state blitt dubbed by the press as more mitt. the gop ticket will wrap up a series of stops in florida this weekend, moving on to a bus tour across ohio next week. it's a road trip ttat offers a
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chance for a wayward campaign to get a essage back on course."both campaigns on both sides say things that get off the message. the message is: let's stay focused on jobs because that'' what the american people want us to stay focused on." -----end-----cnn.script----- the ravens face the legendary tom bradyythis sunday, and tteir own resident rrsidentlegend talks about going head to in sports. ((break 3)) [ male announcer ] for the dreamers... and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours
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that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. has fox 45 morning sportss sports.
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... wait before you book that next flight.the best day of the week... to catch a deal. plus... how long you should hotel room. room. 3
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baltimore police are searching for the suspect involved in a fled from and the car to be on the lookout for. people are lining up tt buy the new iphone 5.the crowds you'll face if you try to buy it today here in baltimore... and the exclusive features of the new phone. and... the injury that people who use their phone too much... can get. 33 3 3


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