tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX September 21, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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into a bad wooly willy portrait now wants a cut of the action. action. it ... turnss ouu... people... are actually paying... to... come... see her.../ "restoration".../ and... she wants... a cut f the . action. cecilia gimenez... took this fresco .../ after... it... had aged.../ and... decided... p to... restore it herself.../. the... 80 painting... without permission.../ and... went to town....// this... was... her... completed work...///. it's... so bad, .../ people... world--wide,, are... traveling... to spain.... to... see... this.... "still life... of... south park... masterpeice...// the... church... is charging... a... visitor's fee.../// and... raised... around... 26 hundred dollars...///. gimenez... hired... a... team of lawyers... to... sue... her church...// to... get....a cut ...// of... the profits...// it's... debatable .../ is... she... a... better christian../. or... artist? god... only... knows... 3
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breaking news right now... out of east baltimore...this is our first video... from montforr street in east baltimore...police are investigating the death of someone they were áarrestingá while officers were taking the man into custody...police say he swallowed drugs.the man was taken to johns hopkins... where he died.homicide and internal affaiis investigators are looking into this. hello, i'm karen parks parks...and i'm jeff barnda... baltimore county man... comes under attack after... leaving a community... meeting! myranda stephen is in the idlewylde neighboohood with what apparentlyyset off the attack.......and how people in the neighborhood... fought back back man had just left a meeting wednesday night here at the idlewylde community association hall... when police say a run-in with strangers... landed him in the hospital! ((take vo)) investigators say the man was walling down beechwood road near saint albans road - when he shouted to the driver of a car that sped past him to "slow down!"the car then came
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to a stop and four people got out!two of them - then started beating the man up! the victim told police the suspects were in a nissan. as it turns out - a woman reported seeing a suspicious nissan on verbrook road. investigators then connected the dots... and found the stolen car utside one of the suspects' home! ((sot))2256 it juus ssowed up out of nowhere one day and they were like just kinda being sketchy about it they would stand by it a lot and it was good that someone reported it 09myranda:police arrested and charged 18- year-ood henry young and 21-year-old james mccoy. as for the victim... he was treated at shock trauma... and released. in idlewylde, myranda stephens, fox45 news late edition. fox455has teamed up with the most popular crime mapping website on the internet...... "spotcrime" tracks criminal acttvity in your neighborhood. you can also get emails when crime happens.sign up by going to our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "spotcrime" in the "hot
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topics" section at thtop of the screen the race or the white house remains very close closean average of the most recent polls shows president barack obama with nearly a 4 nominee mitt romney...but the whole election rides on just a few swing states... states......and they're mostll tossups.florida, ohio and virginia all show an advantage for obama right now......but by no more than 2 points. romney is up by 2 in colorado long lines... state university../, wherr... first lady... michelle obama... spoke... at a fundraiser. fundraiser.hundreds... of people ...filed ontoothe campus ...this afteenoon.../. the... obama campaign... has been leaning on... the first lady... in the final weeks of the campaign.../ too.. testify... to the president's character... and vision... iq: you get to learn a lot about peopleoq: that says a lot about them too toobutther presence... brought
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protesters....///people sspporting traditional marriage in may.../ president obama... said... same-sex couples.. shoold be able to get married. pq: as the bible statesoq: same sex marriage marriagesame-sex marriage will be on the ballot in 3 maryland in november. after months of pressure, mitt romney released his 2011 tax returns this afternoon.... afternoon....the documents showee that the romney's income came mostly from investments......and totalled 13-point-6 million dollars. they paid almost 2 million dollars... for a tax rate of 14-point-1 percent.the romney's donated 4-million dollars to charity... but did not write off all of it.he also provided a statement from his tax preparer......saying that his average tax rate from
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19-90 to 2009 was a little more than 20 percent. an... american flag... design... unveiled... in... president ooama's campaign... ii creating ... controversy. the flag ... overlays the stripes... on a map... of... the u-s... and... instead of stars.../ it... uses the obama ...campaign symbol..../ critics... say... its ...offensive .../ . but... supportees say ...its just a creative... promotional tool. its ... our question of the day...//.do... you think... the... new obama campaign flag... is offensive? offensive?here's our facebook page../.this question exploded... aa soon as... we posted it..../right now... about 500 of you... have posted your comments....///...and... p there... are a lot of greattcomments ...supporting bboh sides...//.join... the discussion... right now... by going to facebook dot com ... slash fox- baltimore we have more stories about the race for the hite house n our website...including the
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tax increase everyone faces in just 100 days......if congress does that by going to facebook dot com slash fox-baltimore maryland employers added 14-hundred jobs in august, the largest job gain for the month since 2005. 2005. but it wasn't enough to keep the unemployment rate from ticking up to 7.1 percent last onth.that's up slightly from 7 percent in july and 6.9 percent in june.maryland is still lower than the national unemployment rate... which dropped to 8.1 percent in august. a new ruling by a federal judge could change the city's pension fund drastically. a federal judge found the mayor's effort to cut fire and police pension costs is 2010.. the city council changed the way it pays out pension benefits.... which tied pension increases to stock market performance. it was designed to save the city money.. as it fought ballooning pension costs.a federal judge is backing the
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officer's claim that the law is unfair. 12:19:05"i think it vindicates what the unions were saying all along was that the mayor and the city council did was u" unconstitutional"the mayor looking into it......and thatt she is still committed to &ppension reform a 21 year old man... implicated in the murder of a silver spring shot to death in a botched robby robbery in 2010...joel johnson plead guilty in the killingga middle school principal. and served just 18- months of a five year sentence johnson was one of four suspeets charged.., but got a reduced sentence for his cooperation.wednesday night he was shot deaddinside a third ffoor apartment at this building in washington d.c unfortunately when young people choose a life of crime sometimes they continue that life even after they've served their time in prison and we're hopefiul that in some other cases young people learn their lesson from this tragic case and undeestand that any lives are affected by these kinds of . crimes.the family f the principal that was killed...
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...says they are deeply saddened that after johnson was ggven a second chance...that he chose to continue to follow a path of crime... which ulitimately resulted in his death. 3 bad day for residents in new jerssy who want to ájazzá up their drivers license pictures. giving a big smile or showiig your teeth is now frowned upon at the d-m-v. that's thanks to new face recognition technology. its soo sensitive thaa a toothy smile can interefere with its capabilities and increase the misiddntified. g "we want a neutral look or a small smile." smile."and if you wear eye glasses be prepared to take those off as well. good day for a beagle who decided to escape from her leash and test just how brave she was. 7-year-old ábrandiá
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brrke free from her leash during her nightly walk. surveillance video spotted her walking on the new jersey bridge, avoiding traffic, but almost getting hit by cars. that's when the dog decided to make a daring leap off the bridge.jumping 70-feet in the air. "i thought for sure the dog was dead,,without a doubt in my mind i thought tte dog was dead."///butt to//"and i was just sitting there, cryyng aad hysterical, thinking im never going to see ttat dog again." again." witnesses say they were amazed to see little brandi trying to swim to shore. hours later she was found hiding in the bushes... safe and sound. great weather for the last &pfull day of summer... summer...emily grace joins us noo... with a look at what we can expect for the weekend... ey emily 3 3 a mother arrested for letting her kids
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ridd theirs scooters outside. the online movement that began...ttat supports her actions. we've had cases of catssand ddgs and people torturing or mutilating them." them."but next...animals... abused... at the hands of humans...the things police can look for......even while investigating other crimes...
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abuse.....itt the focus of a special summit in baltimore county....john rydell reports on a new campaign to track down offenders. offenders. they are disturbing images...all toofamiliar to those who run animal shelters. dogs aad cats...of all breeds...aaused...and insome cases...killed. it's prompted paltimore county prosecutors to create a new nimal abuse unit. (lippe) "and e've had some serious cases, we've had cases of cats and dogs and peopll torturing orrmutilating them."at a conferenceeat stevenson university...humane police and animal control officers...on how to... detect... such abuse....even during calls for other problems. (reever) "there's a lot to look for but the main thing is being observant of what's going on around ttem, observant of the animals do they have scarrings fresh and old."the humane society of the u.s. is now focused...on
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organized dog fighting rings. and it's set up a national hotline...whereresidents ann report suspected cases.those years in prison...and up to five thousand dollars in understand thereeis the linkk that goes toward animal abuse and that's just a stone's throw away from when they start with human abuse."a pampaign to reassure the of those who abuse omplaints animals...will be taken seriously. john rydell, fox 45 news at ten. todaa's conference was sponsoredby the baltimore county state's attorneysoffice. applees new i-phone 5... made a big impression... today. today.this... was the line at the verizon store in timonium...///.the first person got in line apple has already sold 2 ning..- mmllion of them......could sell 10-million offthem...but the people in line... didn't want to wait 1 minute longer than hee needed to 1913 7 hours, 7 hours. but some will be waiting 1913 7 hours, 7 hours. but some will
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be waiting 2 weeks, or a month if they oodered online. 7 hours isn't so bad., for the things weeve been able to find put about the phone...///since this is the first time techies have been able to touch it///. benchmaarking shows... it is... átheá fastest phone you can buy.../it is ámuchá easier to take apart... and possibly repair... than the iphone 4... butt..the new maa app... by apple... has a lot of problems../. the maps are full of geographical errors./.. often... displaying restaurants and far... away... from their true location.../ &p3 3 3 3 a texas mom arrested for a texas mom arrested for letting her
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is... arrested... for child endangerment... / her crime? letting... her kids... play outside... by hem. themselves.tammy cooper... says... earlier this month .../ she... let her daughters.... ages... 6 and 9, ... ride tteir scooterr ...around the cul-de-sac ... by... their home...//. tammy... watched... the girls from a lawn chair... innher front yard.../ but... apparently ...a bone-headed neighbor... with... no life.../ didnt... think... there was enough and called police.. cooper says: they were out
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maybe an hour and a half, two hours, got tired. we came inside, started getting their pajamas on them and getting ready for the end of our day, and about thirty minutes after that, i looked out my window and see a laporte police officer at the end of my drivew" driveway." tammy spent 8 hours in jail overnight.../ only... to have the charges dropped..../// her... neighbor... said... quote.../ "if... i ever catch her feeding... her kids./.. again...// ice -3 a... man's... in critical condition... aftee ...jumping into... a... tiger's den .../ at... the bronx... zoo.../ on... purpose...//. he... wass riding... on the zoo's &pmonorail .../ when... he... jumped out... of the ccr ../. e-m-t's... p immediately responded .../ and... used ...a... fire extinguisher ... to... move the ... tiger... away..../// once... it... backed off... / the... man ...was instructed ... to... roll under... a... hot wire... to safety.../. he... suffered... deep ccts... puncture wounds...and a broken arm and ankle...//
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he's.... been... transported... to... the... world--famous.../ "what the heek... were you thinking 3 there's... a... football .../ off... the - field.../ at... a... texas high school.../. school.../. students... have been told... to... stop... painting scriptures... on... break-away signs... that... football players through ... before the... game.....// the... kount-zee... high school cheerleaderr .../ say... they... hoped... it... would be inspiring../ but... the... association of school boards... says... by god... it's... not allowed..../// 3 mos says::they weren't getting very fired up by kill the power god gives you the strength them that makes me want to do hard.saser says: ii's important that we defend these students rights of religious speech and the school district is violating them.ayala says: you shouldn't mix things like religionnand school because not everyone has the same religion.rice says: they are able to put all that other trash on there and i believe they should have as many bible versus as they want. want. there's... a... hearing... in
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october.../ where... these... scripture hating... people... vow... to teel the truth... to... stop... quotes... from the bible...// to... ádoá......that...// they're... willing to... swear... on the bible...// 3 3 you can anncr: more anti-maryland ads. from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services.
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pnc bank. that's all for the late edition... i'm karen parks parksand i'm jeff barndmorgan adsit is here with sports unlimited... morgan at this time last season...the orioles were 29 and a half the red sox had a 2 game lead forward to today...and it's the o's in playoff contention while the red sox are 19 games out of first... first...jon lester 14-and-oh in 20 career starts against the o' of the 6th... tied at 2...matt wieters rips it to the corner in left... adam jonns racing around to score from first...orioles lead 3-2...wieters with 3 r-b- 9...4-2 o's...robert andino steps to the plate... roberr andino steps to the plate...the man who ruined the red sox season last year.... mark muh-lanceon drills him in the head...andino not happy... stares down the brainer.... that was
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intentional.... but just a warning given.dino left the came... conccssionntests underway..bottom 9...jim johnson on to set the orioles with the strikeout.46 saves sets the new o's record... passing randy myers...lester also loses his first game to the orioles...birds win their 5th straight 4-2....johnson is starting to see a changing of the guard in the a-l east... 3 yankees hosting the a's with major playoff implications on the 9...a's down 1-0...brandon moss takes rafael oriano deep for the solo shot...ties the game... they head to extras....bottom 10...russell martin ends it... cranks it to left...walk-off home run....ew york wins its 6th straight game...2-1 in 10 innings over oakland... a-l east standings...yankees remain a game ahead of the
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o's....wild card standings... o's leap frog the a's for the top game bbtter than oakland...the angels are 4 games behind the a's... there are keys to every n-f-l matchup...for the patroits and ravens sunday night...the number one concern for the ravens...can the defense stop tom brady from connecting to his tight ends... guy in particular... rob gronkowski. gronk set a n-f-l record for yards and touchdowns by a tight enddlast season.he's become brady's go to guy.... gronkowski is without other tight end... aaron hernandez. but the pats signed kellen winslow this the offensive scheme ssouldn't change..what has changed... the ravens up over 400 yards per game...and last week tight end was an issue... 157 yards went to brent celek on 8 area of concern. 3 our high school game of the week...brouuht to
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you by varsity sports network dot a battle of the top 10's tonight. tonighh.undefeated and number 7 number 9 franklin..1st score...jackson thornton fires it to steven smothers...long t-d connection...franklin leads 7-0....2nd quarter... catonsville down 14-7...justin sprankle hits joseth hylton in the flat...dives for the pylon...touchdown ties it at 14....3rd quarter...28-21 franklin...thornton with a the back of the endzone... 35-28 indians....they beat catonsville 35-30.... that's all for sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsit... thanks for watching...have great night... night...
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