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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 26, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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phe... lone star state ... may be looing... its... porld-famous twang. twang. the uuiversity of texas conducted the "texas english project"--researching whether the beeoved accenn is a thing of the pass. the study says urbanization, technology and the increase of nnwcomees &ppossible oss of the áslow ddawlá. p3 33 weecome to the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. we start tonight with breaking news out of north baltimore. baltimore. a mother and her child have been shot and the shooter is 3 live tonight at the scene f the shooting with new innormati. information.. 3 3
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in other breaking nees... a high speed chase thaatlasted for more thann30 miles came to baltimorethhs waa the scene along ccarles strret just south of cold spring lane
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about hree hours ago.the stolen ehicle that state following... ended up crashing into a streee light.. the 17-yearrold driver was taken into cussody along with a 14-yyar old girl who police phing began just north of the state ine in shrewsburyy pennsylvanii.15 state police caas took part in the pursuit down i-83..s far as we know, no one was hurt. we also have breaking news out of canton....a ggoup of people discovered a body floating in the water just over three hours ago. the remains were found floating in the water near bbston and leakkn stteets. city homicide detectives are wooking to determine the 3anddwe areetrrcking breaking news tonight out of ocean city. there's a massive fire at condo complex... at 37th street. kimberly doyle sent these picturee to us...smokk could &b fire crews battled the flames for hours. there's no word on injuries or what caussd this inferno.
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3 a... 450--dollaa,,, an hour.... private attorney... is... hired... to defend ... anne arundel county... executive... john leopold...//. at ... the expense... of taxpayers.../. this... covers.... leopold's... sexual harrassment... lawsuit..../ in... 2--weekss.../ leopold's bill... is... more than... 20... thousand dollars. dollars. before... august,.../ - defended leopold.../// . but,,/ several... police officers... &p gave... depositions.../ contradicting... leopold's claims...//. so.../ why... isn't leopold... paying... out of his own pooket. 3 ppessure needs to be brought againsttleopold to resign and also for him to pay for it out justtan abuse of the power of his office and he is not serving the people well and he shooldn't be taking their especiilly at a time when every single budget in the statt is strapped. :41 :41 while... ssate aw... does requure... the county... to... provide for leopold's defense../. if... p ound ggilty../. it... wwuld be... leepold... who... ould be expected... to... pay
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3 3 arrived... ith a pledgg... to... hold the spending.../ and... avoid... thical lapses...///. has... the... freshhan class... of... tte... 112--th... congress... lived up... to... its promises? patrice... harris... teamed upp.. with ouu... media aatner,.../ the... "waahhngton eaaure performance...3 against... . pledge. [everything except stills is in wednesday hd bii "congress emptyypromises" wbffócongressóemptyóprommiee]] [ntssdd ets taking off or laaningggreat natsnd]trt=:02 class of congressmen -- in n recenttmemory -- arrived in wassingtonnnearly twooyears ago...promising to shake up the beetway.[sot solomon &pintervvew]sot in :54 "deepite the rhetoric most freshman in congress, most of the tea party freshman acc pretty much like every other congressman." trt=:06 we measured promisees against performance using free trips as a 'gauge.'[graphic titled frequent flyers in zager's share file]73 of the 119 freehman house and enate members have flown on someone plse's dime. outside groups
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have sponsored more than 130 trips in less than tto years - dollars. [take vo]shoold voters be concerned?[sot in kkthy kiely iiterview 1]sot in 1:44 "absolutely, absolutely." trt=:02kathy kiely [pronounced &ppy-lee] is with theenon partisan sunlight foundationi. [sot in kathy inteview 1]in 2:02 "the aacess it provides to lawmakerss the hospitality. we are all human, human nature peopleethat have been nice to us. so, i think there's a lot a tea party faaorite by d." plldging shun washington's ellmers won south carolina's e second district house seat. [ ááplease pull umbees out from hotellstayááá]not long after her promises and pledges - ellmers and her husband were headed for israel. thh american israel education foundation picked up the 11,3oo ttb. twenty freshman ttip.[sepp nterview ]]ot in p5:444"at least they are not taxpayee funded."trt+;02pete sepp heeds uppthe national taxpayers union.[sot in pete sepp]sot in 25:54:21 "its
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hard to know exactly what kind of relationships get forgeddon these trips that might lead to sooe kind of bbdgetary impllcaaions in thh future." trt=:10[take graphic -- pleaseuse jpeg pictures here with $$$ figures and number off trips if it can fit on the pictures]reee ellmers' took two cost over 36 thousand dollars. ellmers and &pother fressman declined to talk to s forrour story. i'm patrice harris reporring in the end, the guardian found -- tte new guard is no different than the old. maryland's first district fresman representative, republiian andy harris has &ptaken two of these so- called free trips during this congress. thhee gifts were valled at juut under 20 thousand dolllrs. 3 if you would like to see more &pof our waste watch investigation in collaboration with the washington guardian, head to fox baltimore dot com and looo for the guardiinn under the hot topics at the top offthe agg. carroll county... could be ...the... third maryland... english.../ it's... official language...// language...// haven... shoomaker... will... ask the boord of -&com tomorrow.../. under... the... ppan...
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actionssand views... coming... frrm carroll county... wouldd be... in anyy.. county employee... or... p elected official... could... still... communicate ... in... any language... unofficial business.../ the couuty in the future when it comes to printing costs. 3 3 "we'rr asking people when pommmnicating with county government, do ittin english, if they want to speak farsii, swhilli, have at it, do so" so" if it passess.. it will joinn counties. the maryland food bank distributes food to hundredss of laid off steelworkers and their families... p000 families attended the second day of distribution at the united steelworkers union hall in dundaak.....more than 2000 workkr weree aid off in june after the company's owners filed bankruptcy in may...thier unemployment and healthcare benefits remainn uncertain... 3 yeah its tough tough mentally
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because got responsibilites to your family its hard to keep up so we got o do whatever we by...o do to get by....- these aae peeple that have donated to the food bank for years and not they are elying on us... us... other istributionssare planned throughout the fall to help families as thee search the holiday seeson... 3 it's a realll bad day for bacon lovers. according britain's... &p"national pig assooiation"... says.... a... woolddide shortage... sunavoidable. unaaoidable.the... summer's rought ... is... parttally to blame... / farmers ...with less corn... and... soybean ... to... feed the animals...//.tte... number of slaughtered pigs.../ could drop... by... &t doubling... the... price of pork next year. a bad day for political travel and president obama. obama.horrible weather over with the president andd reporrers onboard tt abort a
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llnding.the jumbo jet ripped through clouds and circled the airport for a second attempt at landing.reeprters on board said air--force began experiencing turbulence when - runway.after a fewwmore bumps, its second attempt.d saaely on - 3 a bad day for anyone who isn't a fan of maryland winters. blue rab whooold bay seasoning and and maryland's department of naturaa resources say can forecast the whichhway he juups into the harbor.on oneeside: a warm fall..on the other: an early winter.enough with the's what he announcer: "and, he's off. gonn!"girl: 4.53 "more snow pays, i guess.. reporter: "are you happy with that?" girl: "ki" "kinda!"jayla foot: .57 "i
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don't necessarily wann him, becauss i wanna go sledding, but i predict he's gonna do that because the ice caps are m" melting."bill'ssofficial bio with local televisioo publicly acknowledge his role in helping thhm preddct the weather." let's go to sommone with a much bigger brain. and fewer legs. legs. chief meteerologist vytas reid with a look at youu skywatch forecast. 3 the libyan presiient says he's ssrry for
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why reeubliccns are deeanding answers instead of n apolooy. it's one of those storiis that real?the squirrely story about a mmn, his pet, and a drunk driving's a twisttd tale, coming p. a book about mustard thighs.../ sounds like an erotii novel.../ itts a cook book... see what it's
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lrdy branding the benghazi attack as terrorism... at thh un tooay secretary of state hillary clinton aaknowledged the suspected involvement of as aqim. clinton sayy: "they are workkng with other violent extremists to undermiie the &pdemocratic transitions under way in north aarica, as we tragically aw in benghazi." fifteen dayssafter the attack on the s consuuatee the administration's initital claim that it was a demonntration that spun out of cootrol is driving steady drum bbat of criticism by &prepublican lawmakers that the president's team was less than forth coming.mckeon ays: "we have not been told the truth yyt from thee&pdministrat
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america's news room, the republican chairran of the house armed services committee blamed the administration's apparenttlack of candor on the political calendar..mckeon says: "we are getting closs to an election and all i an think ffis thaa ttee're ust trying to keep the facts election" congressman mckeon along with 7 &pheads of the intelligence,, committees, wrote this letter of rotest to the presidenn. they citeelast thursday's briefing - by the secretary oo state anddthe director of natiinal intelligence - as leaving any sentiment shared by some demmcrats right after the "they're still pieceing together, oovously still ttying to figure out who perpetrated the atttck" two republican enators on the foreign relations commiteeeare "more timely inforration " -- all communicationss-- ccblls -- exchanged between the state department and its on air force one, white - house spokesman ay carney was president -- in his appearanne
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on the view - had not gone as answeree the question that he - was asked, and ttere'' no reason that he chose the words he did beyond trying tt provide a full explanaaion of is views" adding.... "it s our view as an administration,,the president's view, that it was a says: "the president daily inteeligence briefing and whether he receives it in person or reeds it frrm his ipad is now paat of thee political ddbate. a former intelligence agent teels fox that mrr obama is seen as predecessorr adding that does not mean he is disengaged. but given thh nature of the briefing officials say t is very personal and craattd to meet the president's interests and questioos. in washington, 3atherine herridge, fox news." 3
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here's something that commtition... another 50-- shades book is n store shelves... and it is... steamy and fowl... nexx
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disbelief at 5530.tte twisted - pale of a man and his et squirrel, and a drunk driving arrest. 3 krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the...
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number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean one hundred ninety nine million a year... for schools...gaming revenue that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children. sayy the men in blue should
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know better than to break the law.harffrd county deputy mark jordan, allegedly lied about the number of community perviceehours he's completed &pplea bargain.the deputy was connicted after placing daughter's backpack insideea investigation revealed that jordan did not complete any hoors of commuuity service but forged the ddcuments and submitted them to the court, . there'' a lot youucan say about this next story. esppcially that is lacks all common senne. warren... michael... admits to drinking, saturddy night../. and... was driving... with his pet squirrel... when... he was pulled over...//. he... squirell... eating him.../// then... he... pulled out the animal... from "he wasn't eating imm he was just crawlinn around in his ssirt, nibbling at hhm, just resting on my shirtshe does
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&pseem very friendly.she is." is." the man's pet squirrel and vehicle ere released toohis girlfriend. thhse breasts are too hoo for most kitchens. how fifty shades of gray is changing the cookiig world. when you first got internet at home
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you probably had one thing online. but today, everything's online. in a few years, the number of devices in your home will double and what we are doing online takes internet speed, not every network can handle it, verizon fios is 100% fiber optic so it's faster and can handle it. and now there's revolutionary fios quantum speed, more than twice as fast as anything this country has ever seen. to get your family up to speed with fios quantum -- call the verizon center for customers with disabilities go to at 800.974.6006 tty/v. get... your
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kids... out f the... room...// 'cause... steamy stuff...// a... new book... is... coming out.../ called... "50 shades of c" chicken."heee's a look at the magazine"".. it's apparently erotic... just like the bestseller "50 shades of gray." recipes inccude hings like "mustard spanked ccickenn... scheduled to hit shelves on november 13th. &p will the threat of showers cleer out as we head into the end of the week. week. llt's go to vytas forra look at the extended forecast.
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the orioles bats come alive. the latess from camden unlimmtedext in sports 33
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that's all for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd. nd i'm jennifer gilbert, sports unlimited.ingham with - unlimited. 3 3 the yankees won earlier thhmselves trailing bytwo full games in the american league east as they took the field tonightagainss toronto...this with just 7 more to must win a situation aa can be . imagined...
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.....roooie miguel gonzalez on the bump for the o's......and the jays wasteeno time getting to him, in the top of the first,edwin encarnacion deep to left, solo shot, jays ahead 1-00..... but the o's fffth, visits the flag court, his third of the year, o's knot it up at 2..... later in the inning, chris davis blows it open,.. deep to the ccnter field bleachers,his 27th of tte year, 6-2 o'ss.... and then the following inning, mark reynolds... the sherriff... layin down the law, his 23rd, o's ahead 8-2. they hit 7 homers in the game, and win by a score of 12-2. 1 and a half games back of the it appears tonight that the nnl's replacement eferees are finally, blessedly on their way ouu...there have been optimistic reports all day cominn out of negotiations between the leageand he referee's unioo.. union.. several sources are reporting &pthat the framework of a deall the regular referees dbring
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back...maybe as soon as this weekend...the two sides remain reportedly haggling over remaining detailsone source says the difference is quote an announcement tomorroo...and therees aapossibility the regular guys will; be in place this sunday..but rest assured. pomorrow night's ravens-bbowns game will be officiated by the replacements.. former raven and hall of famer deion sanders took batting practice withthe orioles today...he played for bucc showalter in the minors...he makes a liiing thess days covering pro football ffr the nfl networr..and he says it's about ime o get the res back... whichever refs are in uniform tomorrow night, the ravees will &ptake the ffell against he &pbrowns to get week four of th season underway...a veryyquick are coming off a rousing , who victory over the patriots has ore from owings mills..
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mills.. 3
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that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited... thanks for joining us.i'm bcgoo. goodnight. dad look, you can get eggs, bacon and pancakes for $4. umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4.
11:34 pm
the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's.


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