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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 27, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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to perfection..../ bbfore... the... "ssache bash" pageant,.../ crooned balttiore's ...sweetest stache...///. &pthey've... raised... nearll... 130... thousand dollars... over the past four years. 3 hello i'm jeff barnd. and i'm jjnnifer gilbert gilbert we are trrcking breaking neww out of southwest bbltimmre at this hour. a while sitting inside a car on south augusta avenue nnar the intersection of frederick avenue. the woman was russed to shock trauma and when we aarived homicide dettctives were on theescene believeddto be between 18 and ttenty years old...and there's no word of anyyarrests. 3 northeast baltimorr is fighting back against iolence tonight by having a ravens watch party ii herringgrun park. park. community leaders organizee the event after an nih researcherrwas murdered
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marvittwws shot as he got out offhis car after choir practice near his homm on chesterfield avenue, which booders herriig run park. police are still looking or the shooter. the crowd gathered just feet from the crime scene as a stand against violencee the game is still underway d. downtown.. and janiccepark is... how fans are reacting to the labor agreemenn the meant the return... of the regular... referees. referees.jeff ann jennifer,we are live here at m &&t bbnk stadium...whereethe game is still going on...against the clevelaad are allayssin a great ttday felt special...and fans say nothhng could ruin this because the refs are back. 3"do your ravees danceego petey, go petey! yea!" yea!""touchdown!" "touchdown!" now all jokes say they were getting fed up with the replacement refs...ddring the last three games.during
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today's endless tailgates...aloog with thh beer...the big talk was all about having the reaa refs offciate tonight's game against the browns!fans say they hope the game will go much quicker...and they are thrilled so far witt the raven's 3 o 1 record. "glad the real refs aae we'll have a decent haha""monday night was tte it " deeacle, i'm ust glad they're getting a fair shake" and it wasn't just the fans cheering today...the ravens head cooac...before the game gave tte head ref a aa m & t bank stadium, janice park fox455news late edition. here;s... our do... youuthink... the regglar rees....reeoinggto makeea big difference in n-f-l games. 3 hunddeds of people.... joined tte discussion tonight.../, and... so far... almost everyooe... is hhppy have... the reguulr zebra's...
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back on the fiild. 3 first n fox, a altimore man sayssa mistake in ccurt records costs him an additional 400days in jail. jail. sentenced michael suuano to 600days in jail for tto but what was reeorddd in court records was not 600days but a ssi-month sentence. from his jail cell, suddno wrote the courts and pleadee with guards..... but it took an suddno was released.ed and 3 (10:56644) "theee was nothing i could do but write and hope omeone could help me and nobody did and as thh days got longer and looger it was going to happen." this morning, sudano slapped the state with a lawsuit alleging gross negligence and &psttte has yet to comment. -
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3 a... mothee nd her 4 year stable coonition... afttr... being shot last niggt. night. it happened shortly after 9.../// early this morning fathee. eric ford senior faces attempted murder harres after pplice say he shot his son in the the child's mother ttied to run from the home with her sonn.. she too was shot. detectives uspect violence.a case offdomestic - &p12::2 it's extremely troubbin the fact thatta child was subjected to seeing this alleged abuse and then the fact that the child waa struck :04 ord fled on foot. earry this orning officers 3 the city's new police ccmmissioner is wastiig no time getting down to business... business... anthony batts anthony anderson to offer - their condoleeces....... anderron is the 46 yeaa old man who died in police custody last week..... batts promises a thorough
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investigation......and so does the ciiy state's attooney... attorney... 3 3 role in terms of conducting an inneetigation but at the end of the day our responsibblity determination about what should happen... happen... once the invessigatiin is complett ......ernsteii promises to rrlease pertinent innormation gathered in ttis - 3police... charge... a robbery suspect ... who... was shot a baltimore city police pwek. 3 policc... were... called... o a robbery... monday... on... otter street ... near... yale southwest baltimore...///. they... confronted... 27-year--ld... kirk parker,.../ who... policeessy,... began fighting....with an officer... and... pulled a gun...//..... back up cop... shot pprker...// in... stable ... - conditon,... robbbry... and assault..../// is... a... 14-year - peteran...//. he's ... been placed... on... need your
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help... identifying two men ...who robbed a 7-eleven sttre last month...///. these... are... surveillance photos ...from august 2nd... at thh store... n... pleasant... plains road in say... the men aaked for cigarettts, .../ then... refused toopay.../. one... suspect... then climbed over the ccunter... and... stole money ...from tte register.../.anyone.. with information../ &p caallpoliie. home burglarres has howard - county police warning be mmre ware and vigiiant ttnight... tonight... pplice say there've been 10 cases this week in neighborhoods across the pounty, including ellicott deteetives believe the suspect knocks on the doorrof theehome to see if anyone's inside.. then kicks in the door. the thief isstaking jewelry, cass and electronics. a break-in happened monday on jeannie wilkerron's block.. already fighting back.. with internet. (mm. wiikerson) "we've got a reelly great facebook page for the commmnity and people are &&ppossing all kinds off things. when they see 3
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somethhng suspicious, any cars that don't look familiia, any &psuspicious activitt or behavior, uh, people are watching, eople re on it." police say the suspect has - knncked on a dooo.. and discovered someone was hhme. when that happens, he quickly. police say, soo pescription of a suspect. the... baltimore county ...liquor board ... for... the... in towson .../ after... a... charity fuudraissr... got out of hand. videe... showw thh uuruly crowd ...on... york road... saturday night.../ aftee... being....turned away... from... a... private event... hosttd y... a... were ...called... to... clear the crowd ... of... more thaa... 2-thousand people.... figgts... broke oot... people... were arrestedd..//. a... hearing... is... set for... next onth. .../ thee.. theater... ould be pinnd... and... potentially llse its liquor license. 3 3 a... really... bad day... or passsngers... on a ...united flight.../ when .... the... fliiht &pattendants... decide to have royal rumble... in...the... aisle..../ a... pre-flight argument... & mid-air.../.
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passengers say one of brushed the other one... and... it was game on...// fearing... foor passenger saffty,... carolinn... after just... 40 - brushhng someone isn't an assault.../ so.... the two... flying bozos... aren't facing chargess .../ but... all the passengees ...were hhd to be transferred... to bad day... for... nyone with a brain...//. six... scientists...// face....manslaughter charges ... inn.. itall...// for... deadly earthquake..../ herees... the problem; .../ it's.... mpossible beeore ii happees .../ but ... that.... pnconvenient fact... hasn't stopped... the... italian courts..../// soo.. if youure... an... theyyre... going... back to... the days... of... what's... could trump... &
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pavens gameday...? gameday...??ell, oriole orange, of course.paul gessler reports ow one school decked it paid off! off! it's election time at st.. philip nerr catholic school. kate daley, st. philip neri principal: "their commitment. their passion."bbt, this day belongs not to student council candidates,emily kkne: 35.18 rather, to the birds.kane (con't): "...o-r-i-o-l-e-s! ...thht's how you sing it." jackson and his friends an't control their excitemeet. jackson coles: "because the orioles are coming and i'm gonna mee thee!"actual baltimore baseball players aaait these students..irl: "i'm excited because iican'tt wait o see the oriole bird." (oriole bird enters gym)and, perhaps he ain draw... the "i couldn'' even hear myself screammng. it was crazy."three riole pitchersstook the stage... stage... (michael cheering, girl covering ears)here because st. philip neri won the 'go orange' challenge.emily kane: pit's crazy. thh gym looks
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orioles fever ssreadd.jussin affer chool. people oold stay nnfor recess (cut :10) just or this project."kate daley, st. philip neri principal: "since buck showalter is the leader of the orioles, i figured it was kinda fitting making him principal for the day."troy patton: "no one would get out of linn with buck as principal."ss. philip neri beat out 30 otthr schools... the o's pickkd them foo a rewarding visit.jacob dunham: "i'm glld our school got to do this. it's just o cool. my throat hurts from yelling so much."(yelling)ttis is what a new generation.tommy hunter: "they were yelling. they were on their eet. it was pnergetic."faith n the o's stretches beyond the yarddin linthicum,justin mckoy: "if ann try your best, anything ccn happen."paul gessler, fox45 news at ten. theee... are... nearly 400 stuuents ... at... the schooo.../// of them leet today with an ll - orioles backpack, a tee- po a game nexx season.f going -
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&p the rain conttnues to hour. is it going to last into tte morning? morning? 3let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid with your skywatch forecast. 3 these ssn devils hese sun evils could use
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some commoo sense. why this photo could land these party animals some jail time. a value meal with a side f order ended in a trip to jail. bbt first, are thhse the first why israel says presidenn - obama must stand up tt iran. 3 krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the...
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number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states.
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and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children. we're tracking breaking news tonight out of california. california. the man behind protests in muslim nations around the world is under arrest tonight. federal agents say nakoula asseley nakoula violated hii probbtiin for bank fraud charges.
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direct the film that wws desiined to enrage the islamic world. nakoula venngave the judge two different names pfter his rrest. 3 tensions are high in the middle east tonnght. controveesial issues have israel at the ceeter. david lee miller explains why the jewiih state may soon be at iran. iirael's ppime minister benjamii netanyahu using how close iran is to makiig a nuclear weapon. neeanyahu says: "by next spping - at mosttby next rates they will have finished thh medium enrichment and moved onto the final stage. months, posssbly few weeks."" netanyahu using a daak home.netanyahu sayy: "to unnerstand what the world would be like with a nuclear armed ran, just imagine the qaedd.' the iranian ed al
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threat noo the only middle east issue discussed at the u-n todayy palestinian authority president mahmoud abbbs -- who spoke before netanyahu -- saying the refuses to enn thheoccupation - &pand refuses to alllw the their rights and frredom and rejects theeestablishment of the state of palestine."" netanyahu áfiring backá at accusations made by abbaa that israel is oppressing the palestiniin peopleenntanyahu says: "we won't solveeour conflict with libelous speeches at the u.n. " (on cam tag) miller says: "back on the subject of iran, israel has warned it may take matters into its own hands, threatening possiblee unilaterallmilitary action against the islamic republic. the obama administration ...has tried to prevent such aa strike, because it is very possible the united statts
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,might then be pulled into a regiooal conflict. at the united nations, david lee 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 miller, fox ews." 3 3 3 3 p3 this kid isn't a fressman, he's a baby. -w
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tailgate could enddin jail tiie. 3 when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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better phone, better internet. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money.
11:21 pm
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visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities says an arizona state taiigate is no place for a baby and to mmke things worse a baby with parents who lack al common see. sense. asu university ppllce are investigating this picture which ssows a baby being held up by an asu fan for a keg stand. police say they don't know if the child waa drinking beer but the noozle from the tap is clearly in the mouth. the photo was uploaded by an asu student toothh dirty dot com. pollce are now asking the website's administrators to hand over the aacount offthe person who posted the phhto. go sundevils. ommon sense says if you rob your parents, you're oing to get caught. caught..hen ggeg finster
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afttrnoon... police say these men busted n.... tying him up just 18 miiuues later..... the criminals were caught on surveillance cameraa... usingg finnter's credit cards at this convenience store. and that'' whennpolice made a shoccing daughter was with them.s oww - detectivesssay 18-year-old amanda finster is dattng one of the suspects and eepee set up her father. pistoff, can't believe it can - happen."///butttto////insttr says::"for her to be with him, and be in this situation? i amanda and two of the men were caught and charged with aggravated robbery. one suspect remainn on the loose. 3 billions and billions sold... but one is thrown back atta mickke--dees... woorer...// did too much hair dye get to his maa's brrins? we'll tell you how pe transformed a hamburger into a projecttle next
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an... oreeon pan arrested... / after... his... burger... isn't requested.police say jayme leon asked or no onions.but whee he got home... thht's exactly what he found.he called the restaurant... and was old to come back for a says e was denied that refund because the burger was already eaten. that's when policc say leon starred yelling... threw his soda at the mannger... and damaged the cash register. "it just seems like overrthe
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top. they're a mcconald's, they're busy, they get to going fast-you know-it just- thiigsshappen. it was undessrve" undeserved." leon is now facing charggs of harassmmnt, disorderly conduut. nd 3the replacement refs have been replaced...why roger goodell says a deel got in sports unlimmted.. 3
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thatts ll for the laae barnd.n, i'm jeff barnd..- and i'm jennifer gilbert. here's bruce cunningham wwth sportt unlimited. unlimited. 3 3 2 ggmes in days...week 4 caae early for theeravens.a rainyymess... and nott tonight.. right now the ravens leed 23-16 in the 4th quarter...joe flaaco 356 yards and a core...including a and ushing touchdown...torrey ssith wwth 97 yards and a score..anquun boldin with 311 yards...cary williams had a p touchdown... the n-f-l replacement refs really ddn't know what you've got...until it's gone..well they''e back.real n-f-l officiils head back to wo. work.starting tonighttwith the brownssand's their arrvval... between toniiht's crew... 722years xperience.. n-f-l commissioner roger goodell coofirmmd today...both parties reached an agreement around 10 o'clookklast night...
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ending the crews' 3 month's an 8 year deal... piving n-f-l officials... wo are part timeeemployees... paa.3 weeks of complaining... and one disasterous monday night football ending... got theen-f-l and fficials on the same page. the oriiles are off tonight... doesn't mean they aren't lued to the diimond ction.yankees play... orioles trail them in a's, angels and rayysplay as well...stirring up the wildcard..erek jeter and the serris in toronto....bottom of the 3rd...brett lorie smashess ittto right...into the bullppn up 4...nick swishee
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to left center...anthony gose tracks it down...running catch into the wall...robinson cano wasn't expecting that... doubled off at first to end the inninn....bottom 5...edwin encarnacion doubles into right...2 runs scooe...toronto yankees...6-zip 3rangerr hosting thh a''s.. bottom of the 1st...ian kinzler hammers ii to left... inning...mike napoli goes lead 5-0....topp9..9-7 raagers...joe nathan strikes ou. ttxas splits the 4-game serres with akland 9-7... top of the 4th...m'' down s....3 &p1-0...johh jaso ripp t down theeline...into the seats...2 rrnnshot...seattle up 2-1.... mooe from of the albbet pujols...trayvon robinson scores...7-2
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seattle...they beat the angels 9-4... american leaguu standings... by one game in the divisiin.... with oaklandds loss, they're now one game in front of the angels in the wild card... itts now time announce our high school game of the week winner...brought to ou by varsity sports network dot com.. selecced curlly at st. paul's in footballl.tune ii tomorrow night for the unlimited...i'' morgan adsit.... goodnight..
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