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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 28, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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police eventually had to stop a train for tte pair as they tracks. nd that's when ad powarts dad caught uppto them and pulled his son off the &phorse.cowart got away again and ran into swampy woodd but was chased outtby police k-9... hello, i'm karen paaks.... it's a story yyu saw first on fox...questionable phone purchases by the raalinns-blake administrattoo. general launched an investigation. his findings were released oday. crime and juutice reporter joy &plepola shows us the evidenne they uncovered uncovered inntonight's waste report a new repprt by the city's inspeccor general found serious probblms with the purchase of pricey phone equipment by the mayor's office of informaaion ttchnolog. technology.controversy rupted
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over the phone systemmwhen city comptroller joan pratt accused the mayor of skirting city procuremenn laws. thh ig's office uncoveree emails between top city officials 3 3 news late editionjoy lepola &pfox45 news lateeedition ttat brinns us o our questiin of the you think the here's look at our facebook page.nearly 100 of ou
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responded... and almost everyone said no.join the discussion by going to facebook dot com slash fox- baltimoree those ccmerass hat capture speeeers and red light runners in baltimore may be generrting millions in revenue....buu are thee accurate? &paccurate? this week, the mayor convened a task force the cameras have long been the targee of ccmpllints and ttey haven't been without mistakes. so now, the task force is charged with reviewing the findinns by the first of next year. ((:43:31) "we wanna make sure the business proceduress are right. we wanna make suue they'reebeing effetive in reduccng speed. but at the end of the day, as long as people are going 50-percent over the sseed limit in a 25-mile zone....we're not going to apologize forrusing this ttoo until people slow dow" ddwn." half of those servinn on the ciiys 8-member task force are employed y the city. 3 phree people hurt ttnight after a rrpid string oo baltimore.police were called
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to three crime scenes within about 6;30. two victims were hit along carroll street and anotter on nanticoke street. one of the viccims reportedly ran to west cross street nd washington boulevarr. none of the injuries is believed to be life threatening. two women are dead... killed within hourssof each thh city. it happened last night.. and tonight, the search is on for theessspects. 3 police found 19-year-old nnna mensah of randallstownn was shot in the head in &psouthwest baltimore. investtgatoos say she as sitting in the ppsssnger seat of a pprked car on south augusta avenue near frederick &paveeue.. whennsomeone pulled up tt her car.. opennd fire.. killinggher. know iffshe was targeted.. or the ictim of random violence. violencee (ms. howaad) "i'm not shocked by it, because i'mmhearing too many women being involved with &prandom shootings, whether ttey're victims or whether they're involved themmeeves. and it'ssa shame that i'm not s" shooked." police found the otherrvictim on rredbbrd 3
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avenue.. shot at least onne in detecttves saa the unidentiffed woman may have worked foo a seean company. before she died, sse told police someone she picked up.. ssot her. but investigators don't believe, this as a random attack. a baltimore maa wws convicted of social securityy isability frauu today... tooay...50 year old christopher perry collected bbnefits while he was working for the agency. agency.he began collecting beneeits in 1996... went back to work that same year... ...and got a job working on lonn-term benefits in 2007 2007prosecuttrs ay he was overpaid moreethan 150- ttousand dollarssin bbnefits. benefits.he faces 200years in prison.perry will be sentenced in january the maryland court of appeals overturns a murder conviction anddorders a new trial... ...because of aamistake by he e judgethomas harrrs was
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convicted of stabbing karim cross at this bar in randallstown in 2006.during a lunch of the jjrorr told the judge's secretary that his grandmotherr had died.the secretary askee the jjror if e could continue... ann the juror said . yes.but... the coort of appeals said the udge should have told the attooneys about that conversation.bbltimooe ccunty state's ttorney scott shellenberger is still try the case.f the county will - a mystery reeains ovvr a famous iece offart - stolen from the baltimooe museum of art more tan 60-years ago! ago!aa irggnia woman says she bought this renoir ppinting in 2010... at a west virginia flea maaket - for just seven bucks! she eventually took it to an auction house in alexandriaa. where it as ready to go up for uctton tomorrow!that was untilla washington post repprter researched the paiiting.he discovered it was on loan at the b-m-a... from 1937 to 1951... by aar coolector, saidde may.but just mmnths
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after she ddeddin 19-51.... someone stole it! 5437 certainly whht we're tryiig to do is ather any information we can about the painting about its history, about its time here. anything that would contribute to the knowledge of its ownership 48 tomorrow's auction was canceled... as the f-b-i investiggtes. 3 sunday will be a bad day for the postt ffice... office...on thaa day... the pefault on a five-point--ix billion doolar payment. it will be the second time in 2 mmnths thee gencyyhas failedd to fund health-care costs for future retirees. the postal service has been seekiig legislation to end saturdaaymmil delivery and reduue spending for future rettree obllgations. hhwever, congress has left town untii aftee the novembee yeeterday was aabad day for a supporter of mitt romney
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ggorgia admits he was parkedd illegaaly......buttits what he heard the enforcement officer sayy.....that has him upset. iq: i heard her say..oq: aasslutelyy.. i was shocked shockedthe driver says he'll ay the ticket... ...butt wants an apology its also a bad day for apple... ceo tim cook issued a rare public apology. pook says apple strives to "fell shhot on this peplace google maps with its own map application. buu customers have complained about landmarks eing misplaced, given he wrong name or not shhwing up at all. appll hassasked for customers' pptience while they sort out the app. ook even gave a purprising alternative -- reccmmendee using otherrapps
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including ggogle. these are áárratá days or orrolls are on theeverge of post eeson play for the first time in 15 years... a look at the walkway along the inner harbor...the lamps, lit orange..andmarks are ggtting intt it,'s the legg mason sign...ready tt root-on the oriooes.even the aquarium is getting into the ggmm. "'back in business tonight here in baltimore, where thh prowd is showing unpreceeented amounts f love before kickkff." night for n-f-l referees... rrgular refs tipping their hats to the crowd after &preturning to work thursday... for the first time in months. and from what you can see... they received a warm welccme from fans... and players.ray lewisseven embracee one of the refs.... ...the only thing thaa was better... the rrvens gushinggwith purple pride.y wass of her grandson emeey...sheets
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says he always wanted to atch a raven... and yesserday, he got one ...and holly sent us this picture of little landyn...his shirt has ittright...t-shirr...! show s your urple can upload photos and videoss to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com.and ou can see thoss ppooos on our "see it shoot it send itt page at foxbaltimore dot com.or you can go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slass foxbbltimore... click on "insiie fox45." peather>> 3 "" knew it was a reallgun i knew heewasn't kiiding."
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kidding." frightening video of an armedd robbery caught onncamera. whaa happeneddto the &pleave you shocked. r ttattll - but next...5 claims... about health care... from president obama.we'll find out if thhy're fact or fictton... in break 3&recent polls show president barack obama
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apparently building a lead over republican nominee mitt romney.this is an average of recent polls.the averrge shows the president up by about points.every poll in the average shows obama ahead.two polls show a lead of ust 1 point the polls appear to have some republicans worried......but a look at the pools uring previous ellctionn shows a lot one month...takk 19-80, for example... jimmy carter advantage in gallup polls over final presidential debate e - a reagan llndslide. trippi says: "the race isn't over. look, this thing can november 6th.. momentum goes one way and it starts to wash back to the other and if i'mm that omentummand he still hhs time to do it." ...and we haae a story showing swung...from before the first after the last the past 12 presidential it on vote 2012 in the -
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hot topics sectton at the top of the screen healthcare is a hot opic thhs eleccion season.tonight, we take a look at an ad from tte mike kallmeyer puts the ad through the truth test.. testt. (( pkg ))(( nat frrm ad ))"i'm baraak obama and i apppove this messagee." :02the obama ad on healthcare has 3 3 &pkallmeyerin columbuss- mike kallmeyer 3 3 3 3 p3 3
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3-3& 3 yoor lifee that you o bad in have o raumatize mine?
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mine? look at thii frightening
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robbery.... gun... held to her pead...the thinn that happened tooher a couple days later... that defiis common sense... commmn sense [ male announcer ] for the dreamers...
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and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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pnc bank. says if one of your emplooees has just beee the victim of robbery....firing them will nnt help ease their pain. cathy terry in texas. take a look as his terrifying video. a man slips insidd a fast ood restaurann with a bandaaa around his face and armed with a guu. he shoves ooe employee into the coolerrand han orders terry toooppn every register and give him the money...with the gun pointingg towards her neck. he then shoves terry into the cooler. after hh incident terry's boss gave her two days off but then fired her for unrelated reasons. "he was more concerneddabout gettiig that store open than if me and her were ok."//butt to//"what has gone on so bad
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in your life, that you have to traumatize mine?" mine?"the manager did not respond for commenn.the robber has yet tt be caught. common sense says you shouldn't punish a studeet for trying to exercise her free spe. speech.well that's appareetly what happened áyadixy betannourtá in florida.she wrote a letter on facebook to school administrators about the policies and conditions of the school... hoping it would inspire change...but instead her plan backfired. "our bathrooms areedisgusting it is preposteroos that we in the mirror ause there not actually mirrors." betancourt was suspended after sommone made cooies of the around school. sse says she does belieee she ould have better way. 3 when we switched to fios, we got better tv,
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better phone, better internet. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online: just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] don't wait! switch to fios for a super-low $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities
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welcome to life on fios. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. finding a job in thii economy
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is tough enough as it is, but &pits even harder. harder.this is tisha shelton. as you can see... she has no graphii designer......and posted videos online... to show off her skills. 3((sot)) "if ere to go on an interview....... i can do anything you canndo." . ....well, she may havv found a different job by
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postiig those viieos.they've gone viral... with more ttan a million views.and she's gootenn a lot of calls... ...about working with children who were born just like her. 3 the o's bbttling for the playoffs...see if the orioles are 90 game winners...
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that's all for the pate edition... i'm karen parks
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morgan adsittis here withh sports unlimmted... morgan onn year after the curse oo the andino....tables have turned.robert anddno ended the ree sox season last year... boston needed one win to make it's the o's in playoff contention...trying not to slip up in the final 6 g. on for chris davis...laser shot to right center...outta here in a hurry...2-run blast...birds leed 2-1.... lattr in the inning...bases loaded for ryan laherty... uuloads them.gone for his firsttcareer grand slam... orioles take a 6-1 lead.... bottom 5...mooe flaherty... rips it to the gap in right center...manny machado come on down...birds score 3 in the 5tt with 2 outs...chris 9--...birdsspick up theirr90th win of the season...
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3 orioles ooe gaae , behind the yankees for the division...they're in of the 1st... bommers on the board...laces pt to the gap...2 runs score... yanks lead the 6tt... 3-11yankees...russsll martin giies it a ride to left...over the wall...3-run shot... they're up 6-1...yankeesstake game 2 in toronto 11-4... a-l east standings...o's now 3 wins away from clinchinggaa one-game back of the yankees... tampa bay lost to theewhitee sox, now hey're 5 games out...
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card... history on the mound in pittsburgh...reds pitcher homer baily ne out away from the th no-hitter of the season....alex pressleyypops it up to shallow ccnter... it....baily striies out 10 and walks one for the 7th o-no in baseball this year...tying the record for most in a season in the modern's the 155h no-hitter in reds history... first since 19--8. the ravens are sure happy thursday night is over... bbltimore heads into it's mini-bye week... by sneakingg last night, 23-16. wasn't pretty...butt affer 2 gaaes in 5 days... the ravens end ttis week 2-and-oh. 3-and-1 onnthe season... after pchedule... 4 games in 8 days. .they've been battle tested early.... but willtake what
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time...brought to you by eek varsity sports network ot coo. another week of high school oo. football.aww.... and you were wouldn't find work after the 1st quarter...7-0 crussders....- daleeharris gets the carrr.. a foot race...harris turns on the jets...1440 st. ppul's.... 2nd quarter...curlee going foo the deep pass...teddy martinez there to make the pick... doesn't go down after the i-n-t...makes the most of the return...deep into curley's territory....ensuing possession...anthony pino looking for martinez... touchdown...stt paul's in front 21-0....3rd quarter...
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28-0 st. paul's...pino uuloads stride for he touchdown...35-0 crusaders... st. paul's blows out curley 35-8. that's all for sports unlimittd...i'm morgan adsit... &pthanks ffr watching...have a grrat niiht... night...
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