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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  October 2, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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pet...bottom of the 4th, the red hot chris davis strikes center, an estimated 440 feet, his 6yth straight game with a home runnand thatwas all the birds needed...the win it 1-0... this is wheee it stands as of tiid with the red sox inneetra mainnain a half game leaa over the oos... in the wildcard, the a's aad texas are just underway,,scoreslesssin the 2nd tempprary half-game lead in that racc..and that's where it stands, up to the minute we'll update the races yet again....coming up at 11:30 on spprts unlimited. p the medical examiner says the death of an eaat baltimore mmn who died in pooice custody is a homicide. the officcal ruling in pnnhony anderson's death released tonight. tonight. keith daniels, live at city police heaaquarters where the family calls it proof of another case of police brutality.. keith. keith. jeff and
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jennifer.... it'ssa stories between what police say happenedd. and what witnesses say happened. but thing is clear. it's a homicide. ///////////////////vo/////////// /33 aaderson died after a confrontation with baltimore city police september 21....... according to the autoppy blunt-force injury. he suffeeed from broken ribs a also a head injury.. a re wass hemorrage to his left temporal. inittally, poliie say they caught anderson in aadrug dealland that e choked on drugs. witnesses, includiig anderson's mother, say officers beat the 46-year-old man toodeath as he walked frrm a ccrner store avenue. mootford - - 3 "tony suffered on that ot. &phe was haadcuffed and want the officers fired. we
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3 the city ssate's attorney's th - office and police continues tonight. then ultimately, prosecutors will decide whether charges will be filed. meanwhile, he officers involved have been placee on administrative duties while the investigation conninuus. live at city police headquarters, keith edition. fox 45 news, late 3 we areetracking breaking news tonight out... of... northeast baltimore... company around eight this evening near the campus of morgan state universitt.a... prisoner... the.. nearby... nortteast district... pollce police on't say whaa charges the man had a warrant out for. information.../ tooay... marks... the... 10- yeer of... the... first ssooting .... inn.. the d-c ssiper case .../ that... gripped he nation...///55- ear- old...
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was... ssot and killed... outside... in... silver spring...///. prison interview.../ sniper... lee boyd malvo ... caals himself a monster... / and... apooogizes... for the lives he . took.malvo audio: i'm sorry (0:39): i am srry. i am sorry. and it soundsa there is now wayyto express, there is no way to express that. that. malvo... and muhammad... ambused 13 unsuspecting... strangers... killing ten.../// ten... years washington post../ . describing... how the malvo audio::the process &p(0:29): we'd ddive up. i'd park. he'd park. he'' go in the trunk. i'd put my window &pwhaaever's in front of me, to focus is on witnesses,
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whenever there was an oppning i told him to shoot. and it was just one, rapid, after aaother after another after anotherr if there wasn't an opening within ten minutes, we . poved.malvo was a teen at the time./. . he's now 27... and... will spend the rest of his llfe in prison...../muhammad... was executed at a virggnia tonight, baltimore county detectives are looking intoo whether a volunteer firefighter used his position to find potential victimm he could ssxually assault. assault. anthony cottle was firefighher's progrrm at the lansdowne fire department. e dealt wiih the children years old. up until the spring of this year, cottle lived just a few doors down from the firehouse. opportunitiee to get the boy alooe at home and he was sexually abuse on several wittessed a freinddof is 14 year olds being sexually
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abused by this suspect. firefighter. bothhty - ddpartment's have since suspended him. meanwhile, the juuior firefighter's program has been isbanded. police... and lawmakers ...wann to crack down... on what... they consider... illegal gambling... in mmryland. .../ but... a... judge... may deeide... this weekk.. whether... fall... under maryland's - casino laws...///.melindd roeder.... explains... what's at stakee.. for operators and taxppyers. taxpayers. aa this bingo hall in south baltimore... players can purrhase credits for so-called sweepstakes machines.gaming terminals ttat allow "access to ccstomers for a fee"..... thee go online... and play games - some even simulate slot machinee -- and playerss caa win real cashhprizes.some say it's no differenttthan a casino game.(file biteefromm 03/16/2012 eric luedtke) "they're nottgoing in there to chhck their email. thee're gging n there to get the ffee sweepstakes entries that they then use to reveal prices with slots style ggmes."state year to deffne slot
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machhnes.... including terminnls that oofer play &p"through the inttrnet."last month - baltimore's city solicitor ssued a legal opinnon - hat such games should be considered iilegal.... and fall nder the overssght of the "state lottery commission."without being regulated - oowers lottery retaalees who follow theerules.00:22:10 "so none of revenue goee to the taxpayers. gamblers annonymous. it p - doesn't bring revenue to the state. it actually steals mmney from tth state because many of them arr located next po a legal lottery agency at a reetaurant or a bar and thhy are losing mooey."delegate pat mcdonough doesn't understand why he state hasn't been cracking down on the sweepstakes games yet. especially - when voters are being asked to approve expanded gambling....06:23:56 "i'm here today to say ' povernoo and exforcement officials''get off your butts and go to workk"police in baltimore city sent arning letters to some businessess... but the operator of this
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pacility has filed suit - in pn effort tt keep his gaming enforcement is on hold - for now.melinda roeddr - fox 45 news at ten.. a circuit ccurt hearing on the issue is scheduled for thursdaa. a ttsk force is recommending ttat the baseeall and soccer programs at towssn university be eliminated. eliminnted. the task force as beee the schools athletic egthenn - program.... by cutting baseball and soccer, it estimates the school could the next four ears.... er - athletes wwre alerted about the proposallat a meeting this afternoon. 3 (11:53:02) "i mean, it was silent. nobody knew what tt say and nobody knew what to thiik. itssalmost like ou got hit from behind and you dddn't even see it cominn." (11:59:04) "we gave our life to come here and play for towson and succeed with this placeeand they throw it away as if we mean nothing. ii gave up my family, my friends, my girlfriend, just to ccme hhre and ccass my dreem nd play soccer." soccer."
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the school will hold a public hharing on the recommendations the president will issue a n &p3 a really bad ay and some... terrifyinn moments.../ skateboarding... p event... in... colorado. colorado.a... mmn... on a longboard... gging... 40- miles-an-hour... &pruns... trright into a deer...///.the... two... roll off the road.. . and... into the skateboarder... walls away... with... some... serious scrapes.../ but... no... broken bones....// the... deee... wwas.. not hurt...//. a bad day for baby and everywwere. there could... soon be... a... shortageeof "huggies" and "pampers."this aaters a massive explossoo... at... a....japaaese chemical plan which... makes a large majority... of the orld's acrylic acii. ingreeient in. disposabbe piapers. 3a great day for orange as the &porioles on-field ssccess is translating into business succe. nightmare graphics in columbia, workers have made
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several thoosand orioles- themed shirtt in the past five weeks.ttat'' more orderr than they typpcallyyfill in an entire season.the further the o's play into october, the more shirts they'll printt kevin nape: "bben a long time cominn without a doubt for thh o's to be in thh playoffs, and people are really excited about it."chucc bahn: "people want them now. we're doing well. people are on the bandwagon. they wanna wear the " shirts."the owners says ii and when the orioles win a playoff series, that is when retailers orders.aat to make the biggee 3
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3 3 common sense says quality iigredients briig in customers. p whhre this chinese ounn a 3 obama and romney square off
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tomorrow night. how their bodd language will tell you as much as their words. a dog is it and dragged for 111miles. how it ended up wwth just a fewwsccatchee. aú aú
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&pthey've... been... practicing... for days...///. tomorrow... .president obama... and... mitt romney.../ square off... in their... debate.the presiddnt... holds... a... small lead... over... rooney... in many polls...///.that's... why local... political science rofessor... debate... is so critiial./.. ccndidates. (kromer) "at this point in time, it's obama's toolose, so romney's behhnd in the polls, he's behind in a lot of he majoo swing states that republicans have to win likk ohio to win the presidency. he nneds to come out, anddromney needs to demonstrate that e can clearly articulate his during the first presidential
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debate tomorrow night, some experts will be busy analyzing the body lannuage of the two during the presidential debate wednesday night, university of maryland rofeesor karen bradley will watch in silence. she's been studying the &pmovements of the politicians movement analyst... she sttdies he non verbal behaviors of olitical peaders. bradlee has this advise for the two presidential contenders. (on romney)"i would reaaly work with mitt rommey onn breathing.. and becoming more grounded in his body so he actually taaes aastaad and doesn't do that ssifting"(on bbrrack obama ((buttttoo)) he has a strange phrasing takes strange pauses.. " " the debate takes place tomorroo night in denver live it... was a dayy of fitness... downtown.
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downtoon. hundrrds of sttdents packed port discovery for a day of fun and health as an sward for great atteedance. children from three different schools joined our oow patrice sanders to check out the museum, get some exercise and learn the importance of eating hhalthy and staaing activee experts say it's immortant habits at a early age. 10:06:31-10:06:52"it's very imporrant beeause dealing with obeeity.... tackle it from different angles... when ttey're ids... importance of moving...importance of ating h" hhallhy." schools involved included matthew a. henson elementary... west side elementary and highland town elementary. p,3
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& 3
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a small dog is slammed on the ighway. how it wound up sttck inside the car, but alive. up sttck inside the car, but alive. [ male announcer ] f.. and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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pnc bank. common ssnse... says.../
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find... a... lover... in... your own... sp/ species...// tonight... police in tampa, florida... are... looking for this woman..../// her... rime, ... trying to mount... a manatee..../// this... picture... was taaen frrm a beach... in tampa... as... the wommn ...tried to the... gennle sea cow...///. is a second ddgree manatees... misdemmaaor... in florida.../ since... the... ea cow... is... a protected speciee...///. the suspect.. wore... a... revealing... bikkni...// no... word... what... she was... going to do... once... she mounted... the the... anaaee - ... according too witnnsses.../ askkd.... common sense... sayy... serving customerr roaakill... is... extremely bad for busi. business. the... red flower... chinese restaurant
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in kentucky... can... lot... of... common ssnse....// the ... health depaatment....shut the ppacee &pdown.... afterr.. the owner áadmiitedá... bringing in... a... deadd deer... found on the highway...///.customers... were... stunned...// aad... while... throat...// ttey... couldn't help... but say... oo....dear!. ((sot)) starts: 0 secs: i waa just like oh god....... ends pt, i just could notbelievv not many... peopll said... they'll... never... eat there the... resturant's ./ motto... was.../ "from... our grill o ours"...// so... they caant be sued... for 3 a dog hit by a speeding parr survives with nooting but a few scratches.
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♪ forz(power!) andiamo! andiamo! (let's go! let's go!) avanti! avanti! (keep going! keep going!) hahaha...hahahaha! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than christopher columbus with speedboats. that's happy! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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we have so much technology in our store to really show the customers what's going on with their bodies. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape. oh, wow. that feels really good. during our sleep number innovation event, save up to $600 on our most innovative bed sets. hurry! this event ends soon. you'll only find the innovative sleep number bed at one of our 400 stores, where queen mattresses start at just $699. one poodle... survived against aal the odds. odds. this rhode iiland dog survived an 11 mile trip at highwayyspeeds.... whilee buried in the grill of the car ttat hit her. the driver wws &pdoing 50 miles an hour when tte dog raa out. they didn't realize they had hit the dog unttl after they when they walked to tte front of the car, they found the dog grill. she was kinn of wedged in there with thh license plate and the licenne plate cover.
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she was holding on to the &pfrrnt bumper. holding on for &pdear life if it were.. this is definitely one of the luckiest dogs i've met. 3 despite the hit, the dog only had some minoo injuriis. the &pdog had a collar aad a haven't been able to find the the meanttme, they've nicknamed her "lucky." aarainy tuesday hat feels liie fall. fall. let's go to vytas for a look at the extended forecast.
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the orioles defeat tampa bay to stay alive in the ameriian leaaue east race..but what about the yankees?bruce answergham with the aú aú3
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that's all for tte late barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert, here's bruce 3 3 as unlikely as ii sounds, the orioles will go into the final day of the regular season still mathematicallyalive in the race for the american league east...tonight,a tuff, ggitty victory ovet a petermined opponent in the tampa bayyrays.. rays.. veteran james ssieldd was in the groove tonight...historical ly so...he struck out 15, a davis..remember ttat name..
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..meanwhile oriole starter miguel ggnzalee was throwing pretty weel, too...he strukc out 7 in 6 and a getting ben zobrist..amd more importantly,gave up exactlyy &pzero rrns....and kept the birds innthe f &pabbut the omnly mistake shiields made all night, and paa...a massive shot to dead penter, an estimated 440 feee...and the birds lead it 1-0......and thennset the stage for jim johnson, who gets evan lonnoria to ground out tt manny machado...the 51st save for johnson has the orioles win 1-0behind davvs' massive blast off the dominant mister shields 3 this is where it stands as of defeated the ed sox 4-3 in 12
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innings...o they mmintain their 1 game lead over the o's heading into tteeseeson's final the wildcard, the a's and texas are in the orioles have a temporarr half-game lead in thattrrce.. to the minnte &pback here in baltiiore....the raaens are enjoyinggtheir ttp oo an idle weekend, thanks to their thuirsday night victory over the cleveland browns...tomorrow, they begin against the chiefs in kansas ci, city,, &pthe ravvns find themmelves at 3-1, their only loss bya single point to philadephia.. &pand while the record is not a of the numbers may be..hhading theeselves ranked 29th in the up an average of 296 yards per gamethru the ir..those are not the numbers we've ggown used tt here in baltimore...
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but one raven says we might be looking at theewrong numbers.... 3 ii's now time to announce the candiddtes in our high school brought to you by varsity can vote or the game yoo'd like to see highlights of.... by going to fox-baltimore dot coo and licking on high school game of the week...'s this weekks slate of games for friday october 5th...all football... prundel at old mill...dunbar and edmondson... that game's at poly...spalding hosts gilman...and rrver hill welcomes ount hebron... that'll do it for this editioo of sportssunlimited... thanks for joining us.i'm bc... and e sure to tune in to fox45 morning newsstomorrow -- sttrting at 5-am.gooonight. goodnight. &p3
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whenever i see the news and they're hauling in some criminal terrorist psycho maniac mass murderer, you notice he's always covering up his face? what is he worried about? what is this man's reputation


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