tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX October 5, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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so one day zander bboke out of his bay shore home and made his way to the good samaritan hospital....likeey crossing a four lane road to get there. a hospital employee found the dog outside of the was a visit his owner says he'll never forget. "he's my boy. i mean, we dont have children. we have 3 i alk with him a lot so we y. - bonn you know a lot." lot."" couple of days later pander triee to visit his owner a 2-nd time. 33 hello, 'm jeff barnd. barnd. non-profit group has closed - &pproperties aaross the city. today... / its... tenants... in a northeast baltimore apartment commlex.../ were... forced out.../ on... the street. crime and justice reporter ... joy lepola.../ investigates... whether its a case... of... taxpayer dollars... being
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wasted. ((pkg)) time as run 3 ttat didn'' happenwas supposed o do but 10:02:52 that's what it the organization.10:02:52 that's what it was supposed to do but that didn't happen 3 that didn't happenwas supposed to do but 10:02:52 that's what it the organization.dollars to help the city had property. he thousands of dollars to help the organization..0:02::2 ttat's what it was supposed to do but that didn't appen the executive the executive director for
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the prisonnrs aid association said that the asssciation no longer exists. hh says several if you're looking for a home to rent.. there's a scam list...toniggt. and itss - already cost one wwman thousands of ddllars... dollars... ttke a good look at this home on kolb pvenuu.. he fake ads say the house ii for rent.. but it's not. rusty miller.. a loogtime realtor por betsher and associates ut of hunt valley.. is the true realtor foo the property ....
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but iller says an imposter is using images of piller's property listingg. and his contact iiforration for bogus rental ads on he inteenet. (miller) they even went to the extent of going on tax pecords, finding the owner's name..creattd a yahoo account with is name.. aad thhn started ttading emails with peo" &ppeople.." the scam includee.. telling people they can't gee the keys to the property until they send money. according to miller, one poman sent the fake realtor $5- thousand dollars, the first 3 kkys. that's what tipped miller to the sccm. 3baltimore... police... need... your help.. fiiding a carjacking suspect suspectpolcii say... the victims... picked up west... north .. and - guilford avenues... late wednesday../// grabbbd the driier by the nnck,.../ saidd he had a gun../ . the car.old them to ggt out of car.this... is... a... sketcc offthe person... they're... looking 4... 300 poundd....// ...long o ... dreads...
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pullld into... a... pony tail.../glasses... nn... bad teeth...// anyone... with information.../ is... asked to call police fox45... teams... up... with... átheá... mmst populaa ...crime mapping website... on-line.../// "spotcrime"... racks ... criminal activity... in your neighborhooo..../also... get... e-mails... whhn crime happens.../.sign... upp../ by... goinggtt... fox- baltimmre dot com../ the "hot topics" rime" - section.../ at... the top of the screen it began as a pain and has turned into a niggtmare.ttree large sinkholes...all on the same stteet.jaaice park is &pstreaming live in east baltimore tonight... causing all thess sinkholes on east monument. 3 works is blammng a 120 year c - old storm drain.they'vv put a pence aaounn for safety reasons...but you can take a sinkhole -- 3
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the department of public works &psays the 120 year old storm drain.....s being replaced by a new steel onn...but that takes time.eest monummnt wonnt be reopened until november at the's een closed since july!tonight businesses say they are losing can't wait for repairs to wrap 3 "yea i'd like to get it done, trrffii, nd my house be vibrating with aal this noise" noise" 3&"thht's crazy, till dec? this should be a one month project" orginally had a deadlinn to fix all of this by november happening...but they hope this multimillion dollaa repair will be done sometime in east baltimore, janice park the number of cases of meningitis involved in that outbreak expands to 47 ....nd most of the cases are
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in tennessee.maryland has had 2 cases... but one of the diedthe sseroid -- apparently came from this massachusetts specialty pharmacy.......nd it was sent to morrethan 70 clinics in more than 20 states. makary says: "with the general shortage of medications out phere // these compounding centerrshave been developed. whht they do, they mix the medicatton. they hhvv stocks and they almost really proouce themm and they don't have tte same standards as say, a big pharmaaeuuical company does." does." a list of clinics n marrland that received the drug is on our website... fox-baltimore dot com slash newslinks tte... biggest tall... on hh campaign trailltoday../. unempl. unemployment.emppoyers... added... a... thousand jobs ast month....// ...but... the unnmployment rate... dropped... 3-tenthss.. of a percent../ 7.8... percent..../ ...its... lowest level ...since january... 2009...///.some... economisss... called it... &p g--e... cairma
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jack welch... tweeted../."...these chicago guys will do anything.../ can't debate.../ so change he backed away from that lattr in the day... welch says: "this whole number iismade up of a whole mess of participating,,who's not s working, who's trying to work but has dropped out 160329 all these thingg - 160331 it just raises the question - i think there ought to be a good discussion about how this number is calculated. hilda solis ...angrily - denied the unemployment rate figure... was fudged,.../ offensive. e allegation -3 there's question ...this monthly report -/ the second to last one... released... before the election / - has political president... painted a picture... of an economy ... that... may not be... growing... as fast... as we'd like.../, but ... is... at least... going in... the right direction...///.romney... ssys ...the unemployment... rrte is down - / not.... because... mooe people... are inding work - / but... priiarily because... so many have stopped looking... for a nee job altogetherr obama says: "today's neww certainly is not an excuse to
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try to tall down the economm to score a few pooiticaa points. it's a reminder that to turn back now. "ome tooofar "romney ssys: if the same ssare of people were today as on the day the kforce president got elected, why our unemployment rate would be around 11%. that's the real realityyoo what's happeniig out there." &p find ouu why the a-a-r-p... does not want the pressdent to mention themmagain... that baltimore dot com and click on our vote 2012 icon under hot topiis. 3 bad day for the komen mmrrland race for the cuue fund. fundraiser.organizers ay as the 20th annual event approaches in hunt valley....registrationssfor the run....walk ..... are off 42 percent and donations are down 55 percent.... the experts say its more likell a
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pallout from the controverrial decision by its parent organization earlier this year stop funding the social serviies organization ...... lanned parenthooo.. komen eeecutives worry that fewer women get mammograms and - orioles fans are hoping for some more of that o's magic ton! pars around baltimore to watch the big game this eveninngts a do-or-die game against tte texas rangers. if the 's win... they'll ace the new york yankees... here at home for game one of the american league division series. but ii they losee.. that'll be the pnd oo their rare, post-season ssretth. norman elkins 1420 ii's like watching the ravens n the superbowl. it's like you're excited but you doo't want it been uch a ggeat eason 0 kyle keesler/pickles pub 440 it's great for the city. it'ss great for the fans. it's great for buuiness 53 ccrtainlly weere just here to ttke opportunity of it 58 that brings us to our question offthe daa.will
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today--/ in... ast month's... deadly assault ...on the u-ss mission... in libya...///. james... rosen... tells to... track down the ... suspects.../...and ... the... seeurity request... prom ambassador ...chris sttvees... / that was rd pejected 3pone day fter f-b-i agents mmde their first inspection of the benghazi consulate and aanex wwere u-s ambassador americans were murdered...
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anchor jennifer livinnston became anchor jennifer livingston became the nees phis week... after she &pdefended erself againss an wwight........nd now... thee person who sent her thh emaii......says hees sorry. sorry.31 surely you don'' consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young ppople, girrs in particular 38 137 the truth is i am overweight. whyy you ould ttat was livingston.... by kenneth krausereporters t - caught up with krause last night.... he said that if livingston was offended... he truely apologizes......aad even mentioned that he was obese as a kid.livingston says a teen punches bus driver ... and the entire assault is caught on of people walking off theebus. then one uy sucker punches thh driver ... for no
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apparent reason! the driver was knocked unconscious .. nd was seriously hurr kansas city pooice are still looking for the man 3 3 it's a farming allernative for city residents. residents.and it's on display in north baltimore baltimore aateam frommjohn hopkins raising hundreds of tilapia fish aad roducing a wide large water tankssits caaled - aquaponics and it could be model foo local entrepreneurs and backyard lobbyists.the group is using ggeenhouses at the clyburn arboretum which wwre temporarily donated by the city of baltimore. if... you think you have whaa it takes.... tty out for "wweel of fortune" this saturday and sunday at hunt watch jeopardy weeknights on fox45 at seeen.wheel of fortune airs rrght after that at 7-thhrty. 3 3
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from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed.
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aú take... all kiids of strange 9- 1-1 calls... from people ...needing elp.../// help.../// linck... of --year - pounttful... texass..// flagged... ddwn... a.. deputy ...// sking him... to please.... kill the spider... she had in ulled over... to this gas - station.../ to find... a brave man to... ill the spider... runninggacross her windshield./.. she... p found... deputy dave passmore.../// passmore.../// 00 38 she was waving her arms needed help.1 28 it was very small, tiny... lesssthan the size of your fingernail on &pyour pinky finger.. finger.. deputy daae... smushed... the spider 3 untii it's yelow guts... were dripping ... running own the windshiid...// it... made it's last web... trying to make a getawaa...// but... died a horribleescreaaing death... instead...// and crinkleddup it's legs... gonna die do...// ey're kiera's... happy...// but the family of the spider... has hirrd a llwyer...// they...
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get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin-film transistor display -- [ male announcer ] mnh, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash. give it park assist, that fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home. his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards. send in brady. that's how you do it. easy. win some awards. send in brady. one illinois teenager scores touch down at a football game. what made this play so special....the teen has cereabral palsy. jack mcgraw was on the pield wearing his school colors with the rest of his
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teammmtes...but little did he know that this game he'd have told the team efore the game jack would be going in to he made sure the ball was in jacks hann...and seconds later jack took offfinn his motorized wheelchair staring attthe goal post. an mbarrassment an embarrassment innatlanta... the terrible call that led to fans throwinn beer ontoothe unnimited... 3 3 3
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sports unlimited. this is, come home and host the yankees.lose... just one game in the post h season.orioles-rangers update. update. right now the o's leaddthe rangers3-1 in the th inning...joeesaunders pitched out of several jams...he only gave up one run in 5 and 2 ahead rbi with a sac flyyin go n-l wild card...carddnnls at game....bottom 8...attanta -g down 6-3...short fly ball to cardinals...dropp...tween everybody's safe...or are they??...left field ump says it's an infield fly rrle... freddi gonzalez gets throoing field...gonzalez files a later in the inning...bases
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lladed for michael bourn... jasoo motte bloos it by him for the final escape without any damage.... bottom 9...dan uggla thh tying run at the plate...grounds out to end louus advances to face the nats in the after a quarter of the nding. season...the ravens defense isn't up to the ravens ssandard.baltimore's 23rr in total up way too manyyyards... most of that air.but no timm to's the front deeensiie ccordinator deen pees.and they're trying to find some way to create a paas rush that's lacking with no terrell suggs..the "d" has doneeone thing right... containing the run... and eliminating big rushing plays.but they haven''t faced jammal charles..the chiefs bbak iss2nd in tte league in rushing... 411 yards... 2 ttuchdowns... and just over 5 yardssper carry. he's a shifty guu... who had a
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41 yard t-d against baltimore last time they met 2 years ago. high school gamm of the week time...brought to dot com.we'lllstart october on the football field.... in a county battle. battle.arundel at old mill. both teams 5-and-oh..1st quarrer...old mill down 7-6... brady ludwig hits his runningg back out of he back field... sprints ddon the siddline... down the sideline...devin d -3
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ddviig catch...but out photographer chrrs mullen gets'' his last day at fox...we'll miss him rrund here....latee in the 2nd...too much arundel...trick play... quick's the hook and ladder...dillon tighe takes it theerest of the way for the touchdown...wildcats pmprove to 6-and-oh with a 66-34 win on the rood at old mill. &pthat's aal for sports unlimmted...i'm morgan adsit... thanks for watching...have a great night... &pnight... 3 aú
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